Woman accused of having sex with a dog as part of 'dark web' child sex ring
(too old to reply)
2020-10-10 20:10:33 UTC
Two people have appeared in court accused of playing a role in a
"dark web" child sex ring.
Alfonzo, who gave her nationality as Venezuelan, appeared via
video link.
She faces a separate charge of allowing sexual penetration by a
living animal, namely a dog.
So... these supposedly moral legal lawyers who write legislation and judge have
NOOOOOO legal intelligence at all.

While animal cruelty certainly cannot be allowed to stand, would you abuse a human
who abused an animal? And yet, under the herein quoted notion, someone who has
sex with a _willful_ animal is insulted, offended, assaulted, violently attacked,
assailed, criticized, what you call it.

This is criminal insanity, and those who practice are hired killers, lead by crazy
people. They are obviously to be condemned and damned as murderers, by all
intelligence and holy thought.

So while two wrongs, don't make a right. And two errors, don't make a right. This
woman, on this point, did no wrong.

The notion, that you can be murdered, for something that's right, is the real big
deal here.

Like stoning people for working on the Sabbath day, this is unholy doctrine, and
false religion. This sort of disease infects Christian Countries and Muslim
Countries, alike, as there is female genital mutilation in some stone-age African
Christian Countries. And it is perpetrated as religion.

As there was no place for the Jew, in the American Colonies. If you denied Christ
three times, they put you to death. Yet who denied Christ three times, Peter the
first Pope. They're so stupid, they don't read their own religion. These
politicians are 100% incompetent to kill us. Christ raised the dead. Believe!

"I raised the dead by knowing that life is an eternal attribute of everything that
the living God created.
I understand that miracles are natural, because they are expressions of love."
- Jesus Christ, A Course in Miracles, Chapter 4, Section 4 (5pdf)

"The emptiness engendered by fear must be replaced by forgiveness. That is what
the Bible means by "There is no death," and why I could demonstrate that death
does not exist. I came to fulfill the law by reinterpreting it. The law itself,
if properly understood, offers only protection. It is those who have not yet
changed their minds who brought the "hell-fire" concept into it.
I assure you that I will witness for anyone who lets me, and to whatever extent he
permits it. Your witnessing demonstrates your belief, and thus strengthens it.
Those who witness, for me, are expressing, through their miracles, that they have
abandoned the belief in deprivation in favor of the abundance they have learned
belongs to them."
- Jesus Christ, A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1, Section 4

Matt 12
At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. And His disciples
were hungry, and began to pluck heads of grain and to eat. 2 And when the
Pharisees saw it, they said to Him, “Look, Your disciples are doing what is not
lawful to do on the Sabbath!”

3 But He said to them, “Have you not read what David did when he was hungry, he
and those who were with him: 4 how he entered the house of God and ate the
showbread which was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those who were with him,
but only for the priests? 5 Or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath
the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath, and are blameless? 6 Yet I say to
you that in this place there is One greater than the temple. 7 But if you had
known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have
condemned the guiltless. 8 For the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”
Healing on the Sabbath

9 Now when He had departed from there, He went into their synagogue. 10 And
behold, there was a man who had a withered hand. And they asked Him, saying, “Is
it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”—that they might accuse Him.

11 Then He said to them, “What man is there among you who has one sheep, and if it
falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it out? 12 Of
how much more value then is a man than a sheep? Therefore it is lawful to do good
on the Sabbath.” 13 Then He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” And he
stretched it out, and it was restored as whole as the other. 14 Then the Pharisees
went out and plotted against Him, how they might destroy Him.

Mark 2
23 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as his disciples
walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain. 24 The Pharisees said to
him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?”

25 He answered, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions
were hungry and in need? 26 In the days of Abiathar the high priest, he entered
the house of God and ate the consecrated bread, which is lawful only for priests
to eat. And he also gave some to his companions.”

27 Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”

Mark 3
Another time Jesus went into the synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was
there. 2 Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched
him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath. 3 Jesus said to the man
with the shriveled hand, “Stand up in front of everyone.”

4 Then Jesus asked them, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do
evil, to save life or to kill?” But they remained silent.

5 He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn
hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his
hand was completely restored. 6 Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with
the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.

Luke 14
Now it happened, as He went into the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees
to eat bread on the Sabbath, that they watched Him closely. 2 And behold, there
was a certain man before Him who had dropsy. 3 And Jesus, answering, spoke to the
lawyers and Pharisees, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”

4 But they kept silent. And He took him and healed him, and let him go. 5 Then He
answered them, saying, “Which of you, having a donkey or an ox that has fallen
into a pit, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day?” 6 And they
could not answer Him regarding these things.

Ref, also, Luke 6:1-10, Luke 13:10-17

Deuteronomy 5:, Old Testament
12 ‘Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you.
13 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 14 but the seventh day is the
Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor
your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your ox, nor
your donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates,
that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you. 15 And
remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought
you out from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord
your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.

Numbers 15, Old Testament
32 Now while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man
gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 And those who found him gathering sticks
brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation. 34 They put him under
guard, because it had not been explained what should be done to him.

35 Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must surely be put to death; all the
congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” 36 So, as the Lord
commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him
with stones, and he died.

before Jesus, the 613 Commandments of Moses were already reduced but to one: "the
just shall live by faith."

"Now the just shall live by faith;
But if anyone draws back,
My soul has no pleasure in him.”
Hebrews 10:38

"But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for “the
just shall live by faith.” Galatians 3:11

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to
salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For
in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written,
“The just shall live by faith.”
- Paul the Apostle, Romans 1:16-17, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

“Behold the proud,
His soul is not upright in him;
But the just shall live by his faith.
Habakkuk 2:4, Old Testament

"For I desire mercy and not sacrifice,
And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.
Hosea 6:6, Old Testament
2022-08-07 15:38:18 UTC

Masturbating is fine for you, but ejaculating every day is deleterious. You
should wait at least 72 hours between ejaculations. That means ejaculate no more
than twice per week. The ideal time to wait between ejaculations may be 21 days.
There is a testosterone bump for at least 6 days after the first 3, but there are
still added benefits to waiting longer, up to 21. You need to learn to have
orgasms without ejaculation. Ejaculation is kind of "anticlimactic" and people
are in error to confuse it with orgasm.

You can masturbate every day, but in addition to ideally waiting at least 3 days
(72 hours) between ejaculations, for the first 2 - 4 days it's harder to
masturbate without ejaculating; then you sort of "seal," and won't ejaculate quite
as easily by the 5th day. If one has a masturbation habit, the urge to masturbate
and ejaculate is also much stronger the first 2-4 days and then dissipates. Then
the chi/prana/orgasmic energy is higher after several days, and one can have
multiple orgasms without ejaculating. This is energizing and not deleterious.
This is how the benefits may persist past the testosterone bump of the first 3-10
days. Energy created during orgasm may be directed into other parts of the body,
including strengthening the muscles. You may want to read "The Multi-orgasmic
Male" by Mantak Chia. On the other hand you need to ejaculate or at least
masturbate or have sex, or testosterone levels can drop drastically after maybe 2
months if one was to have no sexual activity, or if you always waited 30 days or
more, over a few months; ejaculating at this point can restore testosterone after
just a few ejaculations, if it hasn't been too long, and you won't feel tired anymore.

In addition to time; love = orgasms, and obviously lust = orgasms. If you have
more love and/or lust you will create more energy for more orgasms. Never force
yourself to ejaculate without enough horniness, but try to relax, fantasize, look
at porn or something. Forcing yourself is self abuse, and is more likely to result
in the same tiredness that comes from ejaculating every day, and some call "self
pollution," or the "little death,' but really I believe is just a tiredness which
is a result of ejaculating without enough energy from time, lust, or love, and
leaving the male beleaguered.

Also it is the physical stimulation without sufficient mental stimulation that
causes ejaculation. (Except for the premature ejaculation issue, I'm not sure what
causes that, when you're so mentally excited that a little physical stimulation
causes ejaculation; that seems to be the other way around).

If you do ejaculate you may want to eat 2 apples + a Zinc Vitamin. This will make
you feel way better. Optional is any protein. Substitutes to the above include
strawberries, coconut water, or any fruit or anything with sugar. Also Vitamin E
or a multivitamin may help a little. It is imperative to replenish yourself
immediately after ejaculating and eat an apple.

Another way to get orgasmic energy is by opening the chakras and bringing astral
energy into your etheric body. Bring the astral energy down into the crown chakra
and transmutate it into orgasmic and healing energy. Astral energy = Orgasmic
energy = Love. They are all one and the same.

Follow the 3x21 day rule. Ejaculate every 3 to 21 days. Sometimes you may want to
"clean the pipes" and ejaculate a couple days in a row, but you might wait another
3 instead, and 3 x 21 is just the current best guess information and general rule.
Listen to your body, your mileage may vary. Anyways, ejaculate at least every 21
days if you are absolutely celibate and have no masturbation. If you masturbate
or have sex frequently, then perhaps one could go longer, but you have to
consistently stimulate, and will have to figure this out better for yourself, and
that the fluid in you feels fine, and your testosterone is not lower.

Also, if you're masturbating or sexing, and get close to ejaculating, you may have
to stop, similar to a refractory period, or risk ejaculating. If you had enough
energy, this might not be the case. There is energy coming out of the center of
your hands, putting your hand over your perineum can put energy into that area,
and help you orgasm. Also possibly just above your dick, several inches below
your belly button. Also, orgasmic energy is supposed to be directed up your
spine, and down your front, touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, to
complete this circuit, also when you get close to ejaculating, do the same, and
roll your eyes lightly back in your head, and put your hands over your eyes
directing such energy into your eyes, and help yourself not ejaculate. This can
balance the energy, so can alternatively putting your hands over your throat, thus
directing energy out of the center of your hands into your throat chakra. There
are other tricks, before this, such as squeezing the blood out of the head of the
penis, and "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" has others. If you know of any more info, you
could post it here. Obviously we don't know everything, and want to learn more.
After you ejaculate, push all the excess ejaculation out of your cock, from the
perineum or prostate gland up, and take a piss.
2022-08-07 15:41:51 UTC

Masturbating is fine for you, but ejaculating every day is deleterious. You
should wait at least 72 hours between ejaculations. That means ejaculate no more
than twice per week. The ideal time to wait between ejaculations may be 21 days.
There is a testosterone bump for at least 6 days after the first 3, but there are
still added benefits to waiting longer, up to 21. You need to learn to have
orgasms without ejaculation. Ejaculation is kind of "anticlimactic" and people
are in error to confuse it with orgasm.

You can masturbate every day, but in addition to ideally waiting at least 3 days
(72 hours) between ejaculations, for the first 2 - 4 days it's harder to
masturbate without ejaculating; then you sort of "seal," and won't ejaculate quite
as easily by the 5th day. If one has a masturbation habit, the urge to masturbate
and ejaculate is also much stronger the first 2-4 days and then dissipates. Then
the chi/prana/orgasmic energy is higher after several days, and one can have
multiple orgasms without ejaculating. This is energizing and not deleterious.
This is how the benefits may persist past the testosterone bump of the first 3-10
days. Energy created during orgasm may be directed into other parts of the body,
including strengthening the muscles. You may want to read "The Multi-orgasmic
Male" by Mantak Chia. On the other hand you need to ejaculate or at least
masturbate or have sex, or testosterone levels can drop drastically after maybe 2
months if one was to have no sexual activity, or if you always waited 30 days or
more, over a few months; ejaculating at this point can restore testosterone after
just a few ejaculations, if it hasn't been too long, and you won't feel tired anymore.

In addition to time; love = orgasms, and obviously lust = orgasms. If you have
more love and/or lust you will create more energy for more orgasms. Never force
yourself to ejaculate without enough horniness, but try to relax, fantasize, look
at porn or something. Forcing yourself is self abuse, and is more likely to result
in the same tiredness that comes from ejaculating every day, and some call "self
pollution," or the "little death,' but really I believe is just a tiredness which
is a result of ejaculating without enough energy from time, lust, or love, and
leaving the male beleaguered.

Also it is the physical stimulation without sufficient mental stimulation that
causes ejaculation. (Except for the premature ejaculation issue, I'm not sure what
causes that, when you're so mentally excited that a little physical stimulation
causes ejaculation; that seems to be the other way around).

If you do ejaculate you may want to eat 2 apples + a Zinc Vitamin. This will make
you feel way better. Optional is any protein. Substitutes to the above include
strawberries, coconut water, or any fruit or anything with sugar. Also Vitamin E
or a multivitamin may help a little. It is imperative to replenish yourself
immediately after ejaculating and eat an apple.

Another way to get orgasmic energy is by opening the chakras and bringing astral
energy into your etheric body. Bring the astral energy down into the crown chakra
and transmutate it into orgasmic and healing energy. Astral energy = Orgasmic
energy = Love. They are all one and the same.

Follow the 3x21 day rule. Ejaculate every 3 to 21 days. Sometimes you may want to
"clean the pipes" and ejaculate a couple days in a row, but you might wait another
3 instead, and 3 x 21 is just the current best guess information and general rule.
Listen to your body, your mileage may vary. Anyways, ejaculate at least every 21
days if you are absolutely celibate and have no masturbation. If you masturbate
or have sex frequently, then perhaps one could go longer, but you have to
consistently stimulate, and will have to figure this out better for yourself, and
that the fluid in you feels fine, and your testosterone is not lower.

Also, if you're masturbating or sexing, and get close to ejaculating, you may have
to stop, similar to a refractory period, or risk ejaculating. If you had enough
energy, this might not be the case. There is energy coming out of the center of
your hands, putting your hand over your perineum can put energy into that area,
and help you orgasm. Also possibly just above your dick, several inches below
your belly button. Also, orgasmic energy is supposed to be directed up your
spine, and down your front, touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, to
complete this circuit, also when you get close to ejaculating, do the same, and
roll your eyes lightly back in your head, and put your hands over your eyes
directing such energy into your eyes, and help yourself not ejaculate. This can
balance the energy, so can alternatively putting your hands over your throat, thus
directing energy out of the center of your hands into your throat chakra. There
are other tricks, before this, such as squeezing the blood out of the head of the
penis, and "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" has others. If you know of any more info, you
could post it here. Obviously we don't know everything, and want to learn more.
After you ejaculate, push all the excess ejaculation out of your cock, from the
perineum or prostate gland up, and take a piss.
2023-04-19 20:33:14 UTC
You should wait at least 72 hours between ejaculations. That means ejaculate no
more than twice per week. The ideal time to wait between ejaculations may be 21
On the other hand you need to ejaculate or at least masturbate or have sex,
or testosterone levels can drop drastically after maybe 2 months if one was to
have no sexual activity, or if you always waited 30 days or more, over a few
months; ejaculating at this point can restore testosterone after just a few
ejaculations, if it hasn't been too long, and you won't feel tired anymore.
Ejaculate every 3 to 21 days.
Anyways, ejaculate at least every 21 days if you are
absolutely celibate and have no masturbation. If you masturbate or have sex
frequently, then perhaps one could go longer, but you have to consistently
stimulate, and will have to figure this out better for yourself, and that the
fluid in you feels fine, and your testosterone is not lower.
There was a guy who said he went six months without ejaculating, having sex with
his wife, doing tantra and having multiple orgasms, and then he ejaculated felt a
little tired, and was fine.

There was a player who supposedly was doing tantra, but he wasn't getting laid. He
went too long and his testosterone got to low, and he had to go to the Doctor. It
can have other implications.

There were monks who were 100% celibate, and prided themselves on having "semen
stones." I don't know what that is, but it sounds bad.

There was a guy who never ejaculated, or sexed or masturbated, and he went to the
Doctor, and the doctor forced an ejaculation by pressing on the glands above his
prostate. And it came out like spaghetti, and he was screaming. (Of course, he
probably wasn't very sexually aroused either at that moment.)

If you just go celibate and don't ejaculate or masturbate the fluid *might* start
to feel BAD after 9 or 10 days. But if you masturbate and fill up the vas
deferens with cum, and then relax it after your arousal subsides it perhaps moves
the fluid around, and seems alright.

I think when you're masturbating, you're more likely to end up going celibate if
you haven't ejaculated for some time. That's the thing to look out for. If you
don't masturbate, or do anything sexual or perhaps at least arousing, you have to
ejaculate at least every 21 days, on average.

Keep in mind, that ejaculation is male ovulation. You wouldn't want to be on the
rag all month.

Really sex is energy, you can give one another energy orgasms without touching one
another through your clothes. Research "energy orgasms," if you want to see.

If you had a sex partner, you could gain the /energy/ tonight to have orgasms
without ejaculation, (though if you wait 4-5 days, you kind of "seal" and its
easier to orgasm without ejaculation) rather than having to build up the energy
over 4-6 weeks (ejaculating no more than every two weeks), or perhaps resort to
fetish porn.

If you do tantra, and always have sex or masturbate, like the guy who did it with
his wife for six months, you can maybe go for much longer then 21 days. If you
stop having sex or masturbating much, and begin to feel tired after 30-60 days,
it's probably because your testosterone's low. If you ejaculate several times
over 9 days, you'll be back to normal, and everything will be fine, but if you let
it go for many months, you could run into more serious problems. No one really
knows the science precisely sufficiently that I've heard, though this subject has
been discussed since ancient China.
2023-04-19 20:33:43 UTC
You should wait at least 72 hours between ejaculations. That means ejaculate no
more than twice per week. The ideal time to wait between ejaculations may be 21
On the other hand you need to ejaculate or at least masturbate or have sex,
or testosterone levels can drop drastically after maybe 2 months if one was to
have no sexual activity, or if you always waited 30 days or more, over a few
months; ejaculating at this point can restore testosterone after just a few
ejaculations, if it hasn't been too long, and you won't feel tired anymore.
Ejaculate every 3 to 21 days.
Anyways, ejaculate at least every 21 days if you are
absolutely celibate and have no masturbation. If you masturbate or have sex
frequently, then perhaps one could go longer, but you have to consistently
stimulate, and will have to figure this out better for yourself, and that the
fluid in you feels fine, and your testosterone is not lower.
There was a guy who said he went six months without ejaculating, having sex with
his wife, doing tantra and having multiple orgasms, and then he ejaculated felt a
little tired, and was fine.

There was a player who supposedly was doing tantra, but he wasn't getting laid. He
went too long and his testosterone got to low, and he had to go to the Doctor. It
can have other implications.

There were monks who were 100% celibate, and prided themselves on having "semen
stones." I don't know what that is, but it sounds bad.

There was a guy who never ejaculated, or sexed or masturbated, and he went to the
Doctor, and the doctor forced an ejaculation by pressing on the glands above his
prostate. And it came out like spaghetti, and he was screaming. (Of course, he
probably wasn't very sexually aroused either at that moment.)

If you just go celibate and don't ejaculate or masturbate the fluid *might* start
to feel BAD after 9 or 10 days. But if you masturbate and fill up the vas
deferens with cum, and then relax it after your arousal subsides it perhaps moves
the fluid around, and seems alright.

I think when you're masturbating, you're more likely to end up going celibate if
you haven't ejaculated for some time. That's the thing to look out for. If you
don't masturbate, or do anything sexual or perhaps at least arousing, you have to
ejaculate at least every 21 days, on average.

Keep in mind, that ejaculation is male ovulation. You wouldn't want to be on the
rag all month.

Really sex is energy, you can give one another energy orgasms without touching one
another through your clothes. Research "energy orgasms," if you want to see.

If you had a sex partner, you could gain the /energy/ tonight to have orgasms
without ejaculation, (though if you wait 4-5 days, you kind of "seal" and its
easier to orgasm without ejaculation) rather than having to build up the energy
over 4-6 weeks (ejaculating no more than every two weeks), or perhaps resort to
fetish porn.

If you do tantra, and always have sex or masturbate, like the guy who did it with
his wife for six months, you can maybe go for much longer then 21 days. If you
stop having sex or masturbating much, and begin to feel tired after 30-60 days,
it's probably because your testosterone's low. If you ejaculate several times
over 9 days, you'll be back to normal, and everything will be fine, but if you let
it go for many months, you could run into more serious problems. No one really
knows the science precisely sufficiently that I've heard, though this subject has
been discussed since ancient China.
2023-04-19 20:35:06 UTC
You should wait at least 72 hours between ejaculations. That means ejaculate no
more than twice per week. The ideal time to wait between ejaculations may be 21
On the other hand you need to ejaculate or at least masturbate or have sex,
or testosterone levels can drop drastically after maybe 2 months if one was to
have no sexual activity, or if you always waited 30 days or more, over a few
months; ejaculating at this point can restore testosterone after just a few
ejaculations, if it hasn't been too long, and you won't feel tired anymore.
Ejaculate every 3 to 21 days.
Anyways, ejaculate at least every 21 days if you are
absolutely celibate and have no masturbation. If you masturbate or have sex
frequently, then perhaps one could go longer, but you have to consistently
stimulate, and will have to figure this out better for yourself, and that the
fluid in you feels fine, and your testosterone is not lower.
There was a guy who said he went six months without ejaculating, having sex with
his wife, doing tantra and having multiple orgasms, and then he ejaculated felt a
little tired, and was fine.

There was a player who supposedly was doing tantra, but he wasn't getting laid. He
went too long and his testosterone got to low, and he had to go to the Doctor. It
can have other implications.

There were monks who were 100% celibate, and prided themselves on having "semen
stones." I don't know what that is, but it sounds bad.

There was a guy who never ejaculated, or sexed or masturbated, and he went to the
Doctor, and the doctor forced an ejaculation by pressing on the glands above his
prostate. And it came out like spaghetti, and he was screaming. (Of course, he
probably wasn't very sexually aroused either at that moment.)

If you just go celibate and don't ejaculate or masturbate the fluid *might* start
to feel BAD after 9 or 10 days. But if you masturbate and fill up the vas
deferens with cum, and then relax it after your arousal subsides it perhaps moves
the fluid around, and seems alright.

I think when you're masturbating, you're more likely to end up going celibate if
you haven't ejaculated for some time. That's the thing to look out for. If you
don't masturbate, or do anything sexual or perhaps at least arousing, you have to
ejaculate at least every 21 days, on average.

Keep in mind, that ejaculation is male ovulation. You wouldn't want to be on the
rag all month.

Really sex is energy, you can give one another energy orgasms without touching one
another through your clothes. Research "energy orgasms," if you want to see.

If you had a sex partner, you could gain the /energy/ tonight to have orgasms
without ejaculation, (though if you wait 4-5 days, you kind of "seal" and its
easier to orgasm without ejaculation) rather than having to build up the energy
over 4-6 weeks (ejaculating no more than every two weeks), or perhaps resort to
fetish porn.

If you do tantra, and always have sex or masturbate, like the guy who did it with
his wife for six months, you can maybe go for much longer then 21 days. If you
stop having sex or masturbating much, and begin to feel tired after 30-60 days,
it's probably because your testosterone's low. If you ejaculate several times
over 9 days, you'll be back to normal, and everything will be fine, but if you let
it go for many months, you could run into more serious problems. No one really
knows the science precisely sufficiently that I've heard, though this subject has
been discussed since ancient China.
2023-04-19 20:35:26 UTC
You should wait at least 72 hours between ejaculations. That means ejaculate no
more than twice per week. The ideal time to wait between ejaculations may be 21
On the other hand you need to ejaculate or at least masturbate or have sex,
or testosterone levels can drop drastically after maybe 2 months if one was to
have no sexual activity, or if you always waited 30 days or more, over a few
months; ejaculating at this point can restore testosterone after just a few
ejaculations, if it hasn't been too long, and you won't feel tired anymore.
Ejaculate every 3 to 21 days.
Anyways, ejaculate at least every 21 days if you are
absolutely celibate and have no masturbation. If you masturbate or have sex
frequently, then perhaps one could go longer, but you have to consistently
stimulate, and will have to figure this out better for yourself, and that the
fluid in you feels fine, and your testosterone is not lower.
There was a guy who said he went six months without ejaculating, having sex with
his wife, doing tantra and having multiple orgasms, and then he ejaculated felt a
little tired, and was fine.

There was a player who supposedly was doing tantra, but he wasn't getting laid. He
went too long and his testosterone got to low, and he had to go to the Doctor. It
can have other implications.

There were monks who were 100% celibate, and prided themselves on having "semen
stones." I don't know what that is, but it sounds bad.

There was a guy who never ejaculated, or sexed or masturbated, and he went to the
Doctor, and the doctor forced an ejaculation by pressing on the glands above his
prostate. And it came out like spaghetti, and he was screaming. (Of course, he
probably wasn't very sexually aroused either at that moment.)

If you just go celibate and don't ejaculate or masturbate the fluid *might* start
to feel BAD after 9 or 10 days. But if you masturbate and fill up the vas
deferens with cum, and then relax it after your arousal subsides it perhaps moves
the fluid around, and seems alright.

I think when you're masturbating, you're more likely to end up going celibate if
you haven't ejaculated for some time. That's the thing to look out for. If you
don't masturbate, or do anything sexual or perhaps at least arousing, you have to
ejaculate at least every 21 days, on average.

Keep in mind, that ejaculation is male ovulation. You wouldn't want to be on the
rag all month.

Really sex is energy, you can give one another energy orgasms without touching one
another through your clothes. Research "energy orgasms," if you want to see.

If you had a sex partner, you could gain the /energy/ tonight to have orgasms
without ejaculation, (though if you wait 4-5 days, you kind of "seal" and its
easier to orgasm without ejaculation) rather than having to build up the energy
over 4-6 weeks (ejaculating no more than every two weeks), or perhaps resort to
fetish porn.

If you do tantra, and always have sex or masturbate, like the guy who did it with
his wife for six months, you can maybe go for much longer then 21 days. If you
stop having sex or masturbating much, and begin to feel tired after 30-60 days,
it's probably because your testosterone's low. If you ejaculate several times
over 9 days, you'll be back to normal, and everything will be fine, but if you let
it go for many months, you could run into more serious problems. No one really
knows the science precisely sufficiently that I've heard, though this subject has
been discussed since ancient China.
