Solipsism's So, And There's No One Out There -You Need To Learn How To Think Right
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Miracles Are Seen In Light
2021-11-25 23:07:22 UTC
"The power of decision is your one remaining freedom as a prisoner of this world.
You can decide to see it right. What you made of it is not its reality, for its
reality is only what you give it. You cannot really give anything but love to
anyone or anything, nor can you really receive anything but love from them. If
you think you have received anything else, it is because you have looked within
and thought you saw the power to give something else within yourself. It was only
this decision that determined what you found, for it was the decision for what you

"When you want only love you will see nothing else. The contradictory nature of
the witnesses you perceive is merely the reflection of your conflicting
invitations. You have looked upon your mind and accepted opposition there, having
sought it there. But do not then believe that the witnesses for opposition are
true, for they attest only to your decision about reality, returning to you the
messages you gave them. Love, too, is recognized by its messengers. If you make
love manifest, its messengers will come to you because you invited them."

Solipsism is so. But it's not because you're the only one living in the world,
and everyone else is dead. It's because:

A) When everyone loves one another, and keeps Christianity's commandment;
Solipsism wins, because love just says "what do you want," "no, what do *you*
want." Yet this begs a question of another person to have a relationship *with*, so,

B) "Truth lies ONLY in the present, and you will find it if you seek it there."
"Look lovingly upon the present, for it holds the ONLY things that are forever
true. All healing lies within it because ITS continuity is real. It extends to
all aspects of consciousness AT THE SAME TIME, and thus enables them to reach EACH
OTHER. The present is before time was, and will be when time is no more. In it
is everything that is eternal, and they are one. Their continuity is timeless and
their communication is unbroken, for they are not separated by the past. Only the
past CAN separate, and IT is nowhere."
- ACIM, Chapter 13, "The Guiltless World," Section 6 (7pdf) "Finding the Present"


C) If we are all one, then Solipsism's so.


"There are no men, there have never been any men, there shall never be any men
said [the Hindu master] Gaudapada. For only God attains God and nothing but God.
No Yogi, no Adept, no Saint, no Prophet ever attained Godrealization. For it is
only God who attains Godrealization, not man."

"For it is not man who is in search of God, but it is God who is in search of God
in imaginary men."

"It is not the seeker who finds God but it is God who remembers Itself in an
imaginary seeker. When this occurs, the imaginary seeker, in who God imagined
being separate from God and in whom God imagined being searching for God, is never
more. As there is no one left but God, God finds God in God. No man has ever
found God, but God finds Its is Self in God. For God finds God in some'men' who
are not 'men' in the excepted sense."

"The radiant God is the All and the One and there is nothing but It."
- "The Yoga Aphorisms of Narayana," edited by Greg Henry Water

Narayana: Brahman is the One and the All and there is nothing but Brahman.
Therefore, there is no seer to see or to identify with anything. For when a man
eats an apple, and enjoys the apple, it is the Brahman enjoying eating Brahman.
Brahman is both, the modifications and the Ocean of Wisdom."


D) If there's ONLY God, then Solipsism's so.

"Solipsism is the ontological position that only one self-conscious being exists
in the universe: oneself. This conclusion is the ultimate result of the Cartesian
search for absolute certainty in Western philosophy. The only certain knowledge
this lone consciousness has is that it is aware that it is conscious, which is the
present moment. This is the foundation of the metaphysics of solipsism of the
present moment: that the universe consists only of one self-consciousness being,
and that this solipsist exists only in the present moment."
- From back of book "On Solipsism" by Richard A. Watson, PhD (23 February 1931 –
18 September 2019)
Professor of philosophy, Washington University, St. Louis (retired)

I didn't read Richard's book, but,
"duality is not existing, other than in thinking."

"*You* are the dreamer of the world of dreams."
- ACIM, Chapter 27, "The Healing of the Dream," Section 7 "The Dreamer of the Dream"

So the present moment validates Solipsism, but a world which you can change, of
friends, is world of love, perhaps if one step away from the moment. Belief in
solipsism, disbelief in those antagonistic against you, is dangerous only, why?

Because it neglects the murderer in the dark? Yet that murderer is explained away
through the present moment.

"This is the message which we have heard from [Jesus] and declare to you, that God
is light and in him is no darkness at all."
- St. John the Divine, 1 John 1:5, Holy Bible, New Testament

God is light and within and one with you.

This world is an hallucination, and you are light.

"Only the creations of light are real."
Everything else is your own nightmare, and does not exist." - ACIM

Which confirms *you* are a creation of light.

The world the holy see is one with them.

"Who in a holy relationship can long remain unholy? The world the holy see is one
with them, just as the world the ego looks upon is like itself. The world the
holy see is beautiful because they see their innocence in it. They did not tell
it what it was; they did not make adjustments to fit their orders. They gently
questioned it and whispered, "What are you?" And he Who watches over all
perception answered. Take not the judgment of the world as answer to the
question, "What am I?" The world believes in sin, but the belief that made it as
you see it is not outside you."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 20, "The Vision of Holiness," Section 3, "Sin as
an Adjustment"

You need to learn subjective psychology.

There is no objective psychology. There are no objective mental disorders, just
subjective mental problems. Yet further than any problems, you need to learn,
Solipsism's so. _There's no one out there_. Friends are here to serve and give.
To give is to serve, and to serve is to give. Anything less is a judgement, and
any judgement upon anybody, is a contradiction. Then there's poverty and
stealing; it's just health, wealth, and people problems. "Those who attack are
poor," - ACIM. Sex and property are the mountain between us.

Yet, "A Holy Relationship is a means of saving time. One instant spent together
restores the universe to both of you."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 18, "The Passing of the Dream," Section 7, "I Need
Do Nothing"

"Communication must be unlimited in order to have meaning, and deprived of
meaning, it will not satisfy you completely. Yet it remains the only means by
which you can establish real relationships, which have no limits, having been
established by God."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 15, "The Holy Instant," Section 9, "The Holy
Instant and the Attraction of God"

Other books on Solipsism, I didn't investigate or read:

Why Solipsism Matters - Sami Pihlström

Solipsism, Physical Things and Personal Perceptual Space: Solipsist Ontology,
Epistemology and Communication - Safak Ural

Rationalized Epistemology: Taking Solipsism Seriously - Albert A. Johnstone
Miracles Are Seen In Light
2022-02-03 08:19:45 UTC
