Lee Flynn
2011-06-28 14:50:43 UTC
**272. ASIDE: Tell B. he is right in providing you with the
consistent strength you need to get, and he needs to offer.
Your instability and his weakness have resulted from bad
karmic choices, and your relationship NOW is crucial for the
future. You must both exert every effort to restore it to what
it once was. Both of you are correcting where you have failed
before. This has already enabled you to fulfill a very
unexpected role in your own joint salvation, and the salvation
of many other children I will intrust increasingly to you.
These are by no means chosen at random. B. should know that
his preparation is not only in terms of sharing in the results
of your better application of some rather unusual talents. His
own role, which he will understand after his preparation is
complete, will be equally surprising. He will need your help
then, as you need his strength now.
***273. Note that you DO NOT need his help as a scribe, because
you developed this ability by your own efforts, and finally
placed them at MY disposal. By lending you his strength, he
strengthens himself. When he gains this through his own
efforts, he will need your help in a very unexpected way. But
this is just another example of the reciprocal nature of
miracles. ~ Urtext
Hi all,
This series of excerpts from the Urtext of ACIM
will feature those portions that specifically reference
the thoughts, reactions and relationships between and
among the three who produced ACIM: the Course's scribe,
her dedicated assistant, and the Author who dictated the
The Urtext of ACIM was unavailable publicly for the first
25 years of the Course's publication, and though never
intended for public scrutiny, its recent discovery provides
this rich, embedded, 'second layer' of material that essentially
documents, in intimate detail, the entire scribal process.
~ Lee
** Paragraphs that include '2nd layer' material will usually
include an asterisk before the paragraph number.
Please Note: [ "HS" is Helen Schucman. "B." is Bill Thetford ]
228. I want to finish the instructions about sex, because this
is an area the miracle worker MUST understand.
___________ ....
233. The only VALID use of sex is procreation. It is NOT truly
pleasureable in itself. "Lead us not into Temptation" means
"Do not let us deceive ourselves into believing that we can
relate in peace to God or our brothers with ANYTHING
234. The "sin of onan" was called a "sin" because it involved
a related type of self-delusion; namely, that pleasure WITHOUT
relating can exist.
**235. To repeat an earlier instruction, the concept of either
the self or another as a "sex-OBJECT" epitomizes this strange
reversal. As B. put it, and very correctly, too, it IS
objectionable, but only because it is invalid. Upside-down
logic produces this kind of thinking.
236. Child of God, you were created to create the good, the
beautiful, and the holy. Do not lose sight of this. You were
right in telling B. to invite Me to enter anywhere temptation
arises. I will change the situation from one of inappropriate
sexual attraction to one of impersonal miracle-working. The
concept of changing the channel for libidinal expression is
Freud's greatest contribution, except that he did not
understand what "channel" really means.
237. The love of God, for a little while, must still be
expressed through one body to another. That is because the
real vision is still so dim. Everyone can use his body best by
enlarging man's perception, so he can see the real VISION.
THIS VISION is invisible to the physical eye. The utlimate
purpose of the body is to render itself unnecessary. Learning
to do this is the only real reason for its creation.
**238. NOTE: Scribes have a particular role in the Plan of
Atonement, because they have the ability to EXPERIENCE
revelations themselves, and also to put into words enough of
the experience to serve as a basis for miracles.
**239. (This refers to experiences at the visionary level, after
which HS wrote "If you will tell me what to do, I will to do
it." She had not known that the word "to" was inserted, and
had merely intended to write "I will do it." This recognition
had a terrific impact on HS.)
**240. This is why you EPXERIENCED that revelation about
"I will to do" VERY personally, but also WROTE IT: What you
wrote CAN be useful to miracle workers other than yourself.
We said before that prayer is the medium of miracles.
The miracle prayer IS what you wrote, i.e. "If you will tell
me what to do, I will to do it." *
241. This prayer is the door that leads out of the desert
*242. * (Correction next day. This is not a complete statement,
because it does not exclude the negative. We have already told
you to add "and NOT to do what you would not have me do."
in connection with miracles. The distinction has also been made
here between "miracle-mindedness" as a STATE, and "miracle-
doing" as its expression.
243. The former needs YOUR careful protection, because it is
a state of miracle-READINESS. This is what the Bible means in
the many references to "Hold yourself ready" and other similar
244. Readiness here means keep your perception right side up,
(or valid), so you will ALWAYS be ready, willing, and able.
These are the essentials for "listen, learn, and do." You must
245. READY to listen
246. WILLING to learn
247. and ABLE to do
248. Only the last is involuntary, because it is the
APPLICATION of miracles which must be Christ-controlled.
But the other two, which are the voluntary aspects of miracle-
mindedness, ARE up to you.
249. To channelize DOES have a "narrowing down" connotation,
though NOT in the sense of lack. The underlying state of mind,
or Grace is a total commitment. Only the DOING aspect involves
the channel at all. This is because doing is always specific.
**250. As Jack said, "A reliable instrument must measure
something," but a channel is also valid. It must learn to do
ONLY what it is supposed to do. Change the prayer to read:
251. If you will tell me what to do,
252. ONLY THAT I will to do.
**253. Note: HS objects to doggerel sound of this, and regards
it as very inferior poetry. Answer: Its hard to forget, though.
____________ ....
271. The real meaning "are of one kind" is "of one mind or
will." When the will of the Sonship and the Father are one,
their perfect accord IS Heaven.
**272. ASIDE: Tell B. he is right in providing you with the
consistent strength you need to get, and he needs to offer.
Your instability and his weakness have resulted from bad
karmic choices, and your relationship NOW is crucial for the
future. You must both exert every effort to restore it to what
it once was. Both of you are correcting where you have failed
before. This has already enabled you to fulfill a very
unexpected role in your own joint salvation, and the salvation
of many other children I will intrust increasingly to you.
These are by no means chosen at random. B. should know that
his preparation is not only in terms of sharing in the results
of your better application of some rather unusual talents. His
own role, which he will understand after his preparation is
complete, will be equally surprising. He will need your help
then, as you need his strength now.
***273. Note that you DO NOT need his help as a scribe, because
you developed this ability by your own efforts, and finally
placed them at MY disposal. By lending you his strength, he
strengthens himself. When he gains this through his own
efforts, he will need your help in a very unexpected way. But
this is just another example of the reciprocal nature of
274. Equality does not imply homogeneity NOW. When EVERYONE
has EVERYTHING, individual contributions to the Sonship will
no longer be necessary. When the Atonement has been completed,
ALL talents will be shared by ALL of the Sons of God. God is
NOT partial. All of his children have His total love, and all
of his gifts are given freely to everyone alike.
275. "Except you become as little children" means unless you
fully recognize your complete dependence on God, you cannot
know the real power of the Son in his true relationship with
the Father.
**276. You and B. DO have special talents which are needed for
the Celestial speedup at this time. But note that the term
speed-up is not one which relates to the TRANSCENDING of time.
**277. When time is abolished, and all of the Sons of God have
come home, no special agents will be necessary. But do not
underestimate the power of special agents now, or the great
need there is for them. I do not claim to be more than that
myself. No one in his Right Mind, (a term which should be
specially noted) ever wants either more or less than that.
[witnessing] Those who are called on to witness for me NOW
are for all men, as I am.
278. The role of the Priestess was once to experience
Revelations and to work miracles. The purpose was to bring
those not yet available for direct Revelations into proper
focus for them. Heightened perception was always the
essential Priestess attribute.
**279. (This is the first time that HS ever said that she would
be honored if there were any notes.)
***280. (Neither B. nor I is really clear about how sexual-
impulses can be directly translated into miracle-impulses.)
The fantasies that I mentioned yesterday (refers to discussion
HS & B. had) provide an excellent example of how you switch.
(Now switch the pronoun references, or it will be too
**281. Fantasies are distorted forms of thinking, because they
always involve twisting perception into unreality. Fantasy is
a debased form of vision. Visions and Revelations are closely
related. Fantasies & projection are more closely associated,
because both attempt to control external reality according to
false internal needs. "Live and let live" happens to be a very
meaningful injunction. Twist reality in any way, and you are
perceiving destructively. Reality was lost thru usurpation,
which in turn produced tyranny. I told you you were now
restored to your former role in the Plan of Atonement. But
you must still choose freely to devote your heritage to the
greater Restoration. As long as a single slave remains to walk
the earth, your release is not complete. Complete restoration
of the Sonship is the only true goal of the miracle-minded.
~ Urtext of ACIM
~ Lee
consistent strength you need to get, and he needs to offer.
Your instability and his weakness have resulted from bad
karmic choices, and your relationship NOW is crucial for the
future. You must both exert every effort to restore it to what
it once was. Both of you are correcting where you have failed
before. This has already enabled you to fulfill a very
unexpected role in your own joint salvation, and the salvation
of many other children I will intrust increasingly to you.
These are by no means chosen at random. B. should know that
his preparation is not only in terms of sharing in the results
of your better application of some rather unusual talents. His
own role, which he will understand after his preparation is
complete, will be equally surprising. He will need your help
then, as you need his strength now.
***273. Note that you DO NOT need his help as a scribe, because
you developed this ability by your own efforts, and finally
placed them at MY disposal. By lending you his strength, he
strengthens himself. When he gains this through his own
efforts, he will need your help in a very unexpected way. But
this is just another example of the reciprocal nature of
miracles. ~ Urtext
Hi all,
This series of excerpts from the Urtext of ACIM
will feature those portions that specifically reference
the thoughts, reactions and relationships between and
among the three who produced ACIM: the Course's scribe,
her dedicated assistant, and the Author who dictated the
The Urtext of ACIM was unavailable publicly for the first
25 years of the Course's publication, and though never
intended for public scrutiny, its recent discovery provides
this rich, embedded, 'second layer' of material that essentially
documents, in intimate detail, the entire scribal process.
~ Lee
** Paragraphs that include '2nd layer' material will usually
include an asterisk before the paragraph number.
Please Note: [ "HS" is Helen Schucman. "B." is Bill Thetford ]
228. I want to finish the instructions about sex, because this
is an area the miracle worker MUST understand.
___________ ....
233. The only VALID use of sex is procreation. It is NOT truly
pleasureable in itself. "Lead us not into Temptation" means
"Do not let us deceive ourselves into believing that we can
relate in peace to God or our brothers with ANYTHING
234. The "sin of onan" was called a "sin" because it involved
a related type of self-delusion; namely, that pleasure WITHOUT
relating can exist.
**235. To repeat an earlier instruction, the concept of either
the self or another as a "sex-OBJECT" epitomizes this strange
reversal. As B. put it, and very correctly, too, it IS
objectionable, but only because it is invalid. Upside-down
logic produces this kind of thinking.
236. Child of God, you were created to create the good, the
beautiful, and the holy. Do not lose sight of this. You were
right in telling B. to invite Me to enter anywhere temptation
arises. I will change the situation from one of inappropriate
sexual attraction to one of impersonal miracle-working. The
concept of changing the channel for libidinal expression is
Freud's greatest contribution, except that he did not
understand what "channel" really means.
237. The love of God, for a little while, must still be
expressed through one body to another. That is because the
real vision is still so dim. Everyone can use his body best by
enlarging man's perception, so he can see the real VISION.
THIS VISION is invisible to the physical eye. The utlimate
purpose of the body is to render itself unnecessary. Learning
to do this is the only real reason for its creation.
**238. NOTE: Scribes have a particular role in the Plan of
Atonement, because they have the ability to EXPERIENCE
revelations themselves, and also to put into words enough of
the experience to serve as a basis for miracles.
**239. (This refers to experiences at the visionary level, after
which HS wrote "If you will tell me what to do, I will to do
it." She had not known that the word "to" was inserted, and
had merely intended to write "I will do it." This recognition
had a terrific impact on HS.)
**240. This is why you EPXERIENCED that revelation about
"I will to do" VERY personally, but also WROTE IT: What you
wrote CAN be useful to miracle workers other than yourself.
We said before that prayer is the medium of miracles.
The miracle prayer IS what you wrote, i.e. "If you will tell
me what to do, I will to do it." *
241. This prayer is the door that leads out of the desert
*242. * (Correction next day. This is not a complete statement,
because it does not exclude the negative. We have already told
you to add "and NOT to do what you would not have me do."
in connection with miracles. The distinction has also been made
here between "miracle-mindedness" as a STATE, and "miracle-
doing" as its expression.
243. The former needs YOUR careful protection, because it is
a state of miracle-READINESS. This is what the Bible means in
the many references to "Hold yourself ready" and other similar
244. Readiness here means keep your perception right side up,
(or valid), so you will ALWAYS be ready, willing, and able.
These are the essentials for "listen, learn, and do." You must
245. READY to listen
246. WILLING to learn
247. and ABLE to do
248. Only the last is involuntary, because it is the
APPLICATION of miracles which must be Christ-controlled.
But the other two, which are the voluntary aspects of miracle-
mindedness, ARE up to you.
249. To channelize DOES have a "narrowing down" connotation,
though NOT in the sense of lack. The underlying state of mind,
or Grace is a total commitment. Only the DOING aspect involves
the channel at all. This is because doing is always specific.
**250. As Jack said, "A reliable instrument must measure
something," but a channel is also valid. It must learn to do
ONLY what it is supposed to do. Change the prayer to read:
251. If you will tell me what to do,
252. ONLY THAT I will to do.
**253. Note: HS objects to doggerel sound of this, and regards
it as very inferior poetry. Answer: Its hard to forget, though.
____________ ....
271. The real meaning "are of one kind" is "of one mind or
will." When the will of the Sonship and the Father are one,
their perfect accord IS Heaven.
**272. ASIDE: Tell B. he is right in providing you with the
consistent strength you need to get, and he needs to offer.
Your instability and his weakness have resulted from bad
karmic choices, and your relationship NOW is crucial for the
future. You must both exert every effort to restore it to what
it once was. Both of you are correcting where you have failed
before. This has already enabled you to fulfill a very
unexpected role in your own joint salvation, and the salvation
of many other children I will intrust increasingly to you.
These are by no means chosen at random. B. should know that
his preparation is not only in terms of sharing in the results
of your better application of some rather unusual talents. His
own role, which he will understand after his preparation is
complete, will be equally surprising. He will need your help
then, as you need his strength now.
***273. Note that you DO NOT need his help as a scribe, because
you developed this ability by your own efforts, and finally
placed them at MY disposal. By lending you his strength, he
strengthens himself. When he gains this through his own
efforts, he will need your help in a very unexpected way. But
this is just another example of the reciprocal nature of
274. Equality does not imply homogeneity NOW. When EVERYONE
has EVERYTHING, individual contributions to the Sonship will
no longer be necessary. When the Atonement has been completed,
ALL talents will be shared by ALL of the Sons of God. God is
NOT partial. All of his children have His total love, and all
of his gifts are given freely to everyone alike.
275. "Except you become as little children" means unless you
fully recognize your complete dependence on God, you cannot
know the real power of the Son in his true relationship with
the Father.
**276. You and B. DO have special talents which are needed for
the Celestial speedup at this time. But note that the term
speed-up is not one which relates to the TRANSCENDING of time.
**277. When time is abolished, and all of the Sons of God have
come home, no special agents will be necessary. But do not
underestimate the power of special agents now, or the great
need there is for them. I do not claim to be more than that
myself. No one in his Right Mind, (a term which should be
specially noted) ever wants either more or less than that.
[witnessing] Those who are called on to witness for me NOW
are for all men, as I am.
278. The role of the Priestess was once to experience
Revelations and to work miracles. The purpose was to bring
those not yet available for direct Revelations into proper
focus for them. Heightened perception was always the
essential Priestess attribute.
**279. (This is the first time that HS ever said that she would
be honored if there were any notes.)
***280. (Neither B. nor I is really clear about how sexual-
impulses can be directly translated into miracle-impulses.)
The fantasies that I mentioned yesterday (refers to discussion
HS & B. had) provide an excellent example of how you switch.
(Now switch the pronoun references, or it will be too
**281. Fantasies are distorted forms of thinking, because they
always involve twisting perception into unreality. Fantasy is
a debased form of vision. Visions and Revelations are closely
related. Fantasies & projection are more closely associated,
because both attempt to control external reality according to
false internal needs. "Live and let live" happens to be a very
meaningful injunction. Twist reality in any way, and you are
perceiving destructively. Reality was lost thru usurpation,
which in turn produced tyranny. I told you you were now
restored to your former role in the Plan of Atonement. But
you must still choose freely to devote your heritage to the
greater Restoration. As long as a single slave remains to walk
the earth, your release is not complete. Complete restoration
of the Sonship is the only true goal of the miracle-minded.
~ Urtext of ACIM
~ Lee