Miracles Are Seen In Light
2021-02-23 07:34:55 UTC
"The location of this was an old farmhouse we owned in Dutchess County, New York,
during the late forties. The well had run dry. It was not the new type of drilled
well, but one that had been hand-dug a hundred years ago or more. It was about
three feet wide, seventy feet deep, and lined with rounded fieldstones wedged
together without mortar.
Listening, one could hear water running far below, but the pump couldn't bring
it up through the pipe. Usually one doesn't hear running water in a well. My
curiosity was caught, so I got a rope out of the barn, tied it to a nearby tree,
and skittered down inside the well like a mountain climber rappelling down a cliff.
When I reached the bottom, I immediately found the problem. The water table
had lowered and the end of the pipe was above the new water level. The interesting
part was that there at the bottom was not still water but a running underground
stream. If a few rocks were put in the right place the water level would rise again.
Then I looked up and panic set in. Far, far above me was a tiny circle of
light. Between me and that point of safety were seventy feet of loose rock, any
chunk of which I might have disturbed in climbing down. At any moment that chunk
could drop away and trigger the entire wall to collapse on top of me. There was
evidence of the possibility on the rocky bottom on which I stood. Several large,
basketball-size rocks lay there, having fallen from the wall sometime previous.
A feeling of intense claustrophobia came over me, with some justification. If
I could not get out quickly, I might well be buried in a seventy-foot grave—and no
one would know. With an effort, I sought to control my panic. I knew I would have
to be ultracareful in climbing up to avoid dislodging any of the rock wall. I sat
down on a large fallen rock to think about it. Reaching down with my cupped hand,
I took some mouthfuls of the running water. It was cool and fresh.
As I sat at the bottom of the well, listening to the gentle tumbling of the
water, my eyes adapting to the dim light, I began to relax. There was something
very calm and serene and comfortable about being where I was. I even looked up at
the circle of light far above me and the sense of peace was not disturbed. I felt
no more panic. I closed my eyes and leaned comfortably back against the rocky wall
of the well. There was no need to hurry now. I relaxed even more, and for a moment
I thought I was asleep, but I could hear the water and feel the stone against my
back. My physical awareness was still complete.
Then the pattern changed. Slowly, the feeling of a warm intelligence seemed to
surround me, flowing very gently into my body. It seemed to blend into every part
of me, body and mind. I became a part of that intelligence, or the intelligence
became a part of me. There didn't seem to be any difference.
And there was a message. I could translate it into words only crudely.
'My son of sons of sons, you have found joy in my winds and sky. We have
shared the excitement and peace both on my waters and deep within them. You have
reveled in the beauty and ingenuity of my other children spread across my surface.
Yet it is only now that you have taken a moment in my bosom to be still and
listen. In that stillness, hold this song forevermore. You were born of me, yet it
is your destiny to become more than I can ever be. In this growth, I revel with
you. My strength is your strength; thus you take with you the glory of me to
express in ways that I will not understand. Not understanding, I nonetheless
support and share happily that which you become. Go with this truth within you, my
son of sons of sons.'
That was it. The warmth continued for a while, then slowly faded.
I stood up, took the dangling rope, and climbed effortlessly to the top of the
well, scrambling out into the sunlight, was astounded when I discovered I had been
in the well for over two hours.
Now I remember that special Basic. Mother Earth, I love you! How could I have
- Robert Monroe, Ultimate Journey, pp 145-148
during the late forties. The well had run dry. It was not the new type of drilled
well, but one that had been hand-dug a hundred years ago or more. It was about
three feet wide, seventy feet deep, and lined with rounded fieldstones wedged
together without mortar.
Listening, one could hear water running far below, but the pump couldn't bring
it up through the pipe. Usually one doesn't hear running water in a well. My
curiosity was caught, so I got a rope out of the barn, tied it to a nearby tree,
and skittered down inside the well like a mountain climber rappelling down a cliff.
When I reached the bottom, I immediately found the problem. The water table
had lowered and the end of the pipe was above the new water level. The interesting
part was that there at the bottom was not still water but a running underground
stream. If a few rocks were put in the right place the water level would rise again.
Then I looked up and panic set in. Far, far above me was a tiny circle of
light. Between me and that point of safety were seventy feet of loose rock, any
chunk of which I might have disturbed in climbing down. At any moment that chunk
could drop away and trigger the entire wall to collapse on top of me. There was
evidence of the possibility on the rocky bottom on which I stood. Several large,
basketball-size rocks lay there, having fallen from the wall sometime previous.
A feeling of intense claustrophobia came over me, with some justification. If
I could not get out quickly, I might well be buried in a seventy-foot grave—and no
one would know. With an effort, I sought to control my panic. I knew I would have
to be ultracareful in climbing up to avoid dislodging any of the rock wall. I sat
down on a large fallen rock to think about it. Reaching down with my cupped hand,
I took some mouthfuls of the running water. It was cool and fresh.
As I sat at the bottom of the well, listening to the gentle tumbling of the
water, my eyes adapting to the dim light, I began to relax. There was something
very calm and serene and comfortable about being where I was. I even looked up at
the circle of light far above me and the sense of peace was not disturbed. I felt
no more panic. I closed my eyes and leaned comfortably back against the rocky wall
of the well. There was no need to hurry now. I relaxed even more, and for a moment
I thought I was asleep, but I could hear the water and feel the stone against my
back. My physical awareness was still complete.
Then the pattern changed. Slowly, the feeling of a warm intelligence seemed to
surround me, flowing very gently into my body. It seemed to blend into every part
of me, body and mind. I became a part of that intelligence, or the intelligence
became a part of me. There didn't seem to be any difference.
And there was a message. I could translate it into words only crudely.
'My son of sons of sons, you have found joy in my winds and sky. We have
shared the excitement and peace both on my waters and deep within them. You have
reveled in the beauty and ingenuity of my other children spread across my surface.
Yet it is only now that you have taken a moment in my bosom to be still and
listen. In that stillness, hold this song forevermore. You were born of me, yet it
is your destiny to become more than I can ever be. In this growth, I revel with
you. My strength is your strength; thus you take with you the glory of me to
express in ways that I will not understand. Not understanding, I nonetheless
support and share happily that which you become. Go with this truth within you, my
son of sons of sons.'
That was it. The warmth continued for a while, then slowly faded.
I stood up, took the dangling rope, and climbed effortlessly to the top of the
well, scrambling out into the sunlight, was astounded when I discovered I had been
in the well for over two hours.
Now I remember that special Basic. Mother Earth, I love you! How could I have
- Robert Monroe, Ultimate Journey, pp 145-148