Lee Flynn
2011-06-07 19:23:17 UTC
" **50. (Remind B. to get another notebk. I don't give up as
easily as HE does. If I cld. get YOU to listen, which was a
miracle in itself, I can get him to register. He should
appreciate this more than anyone else, having had some
trouble with this problem himself.) " ~ Urtext
Hi all,
This series of excerpts from the Urtext of ACIM
will feature those portions that specifically reference
the thoughts, reactions and relationships between and
among the three who produced ACIM: the Course's scribe,
her dedicated assistant, and the Author who dictated the
"HS" refers to Helen Schucman, whose shorthand notes
document the rapid inner dictation that produced the
unedited manuscript (Urtext) of ACIM. The early portion of
her notes also capture her own thoughts and questions, as
well as the Voice's answers, in bracketed asides that reveal
a secondary layer of ongoing personal instruction
and encouragement for the scribes, even as the Voice
pressed on with dictation of the Course material.
"B." refers to Bill Thetford, who regularly typed out Helen's
shorthand notes as she read them aloud, and whose later
role included editing the resultant Urtext manuscript into
the edition of the Course originally prepared for publication.
The Urtext of ACIM was unavailable publicly for the first
25 years of the Course's publication, and though never
intended for public scrutiny, its recent discovery provides
this rich, embedded, 'second layer' of material that essentially
documents, in intimate detail, the entire scribal process.
~ Lee
** Paragraphs that include '2nd layer' material will usually
include an asterisk before the paragraph number.
[ "HS" is Helen Schucman. "B." is Bill Thetford ]
" 36. Miracles are cobwebs of iron. They unite human frailty to
the strength of God. (see page 7)
*37. (add for 21. HS considered changing "iron" to "steel".
Correction: No. Steel would not be a better word. Steel is
very useful but it would have to be tempered by fire. Iron is
the raw material. The point of miracles is that they replace
fire, thus making it unnecessary.)
38. 22. Miracles are natural expressions of total forgiveness.
Through miracles, man accepts God's forgiveness by extending
it to others. The second step is inherent in the first,
because light cannot tolerate darkness. Light dispels darkness
automatically, by definition.
39. EXPLANATION INSTRUCTIONS: Miracles are associated with
fear only because of the fallacy that darkness can hide. Man
believes that what he cannot see does not exist, and his
physical eyes cannot see in the dark. This is a very primitive
solution, and has led to a denial of the spiritual eye, which
always depends on light. Remember the Biblical injunction:
"May I never forget that THINE eye is ever upon me, beholding
the evil and the good."
40. There are two stages, one lower and one higher, which are
involved in the escape from darkness: 1) the recognition that
darkness CANNOT hide. This usually does entail fear.
41. 2) The recognition that there is nothing you WANT to hide,
even if you could. This brings escape from fear.
*42. Corrections re pt. 21 cobwebs of iron. "This is upside
down as stated. The part about 'uniting human frailty with the
strength of God' is all right, but the explanation stops too
soon. If iron is the 'raw material', cobwebs can't become the
iron. That is only the way it seems, because cobwebs are
associated with the frailty & iron with strength. If you look
carefully at the phrasing, you will see it is reversed (one
point already tells you that miracles reverse the physical or
lower order laws.)
43. The raw material, f or iron, is heavy but crude, & stands
for the body, which is a crude creation. The cobweb concept is
closer to how the body should be regarded, i.e., as an airy &
temporary home, which can just be blown away with a slight
*44. 21. The point should read "A miracle reawakens the
awareness that the spirit, and not the body, is the altar of
Truth. This is the recognition that leads to the healing power
of the miracle."
45. 22a. A miracle rearranges the order of perception, and
places the levels in their true perspective. This heals at all
levels, because all sickness comes from confusing the levels.
*46. (Tell B. about the idea (which is still to dim to HS) that
the reason is not that you (plural) distantiate, doubt, or
cannot believe. It is more of a reaction formation against a
pull which you both recognize is so intense that you are
afraid that you will be uprooted. But remember that a cobweb
is really stronger than the iron, if you see it properly. This
fear is also why you couldn't get the point straight.)
**47. By the way, it is not true that you are both just scribes.
You might remember that the Scribes were very wise and holy
man and are even sometimes spelled with a capital S. If you
want to go further, you might change the meaning of 'just'
from 'merely' to 'honest', a term used in the Bible in
association with 'might' or 'strength.' Tell B. you couldn't
make that pun if the original phrasing had been singular.
(HS aside about liking assumption failure more.)
Answer: It was cuter, but this one MEANS more. The REAL
reason you don't like it is because it refers to you in a very
lofty position. This makes you nervous.)
*48. Correction: And don't lose sight of the emphasis on
cooperation, or the NOT SINGULAR. That point about "industrial
necessity" should read "corporate", referring to the body of
Christ which is a way of referring to the Church. But the
Church of God is only the sum of the souls he created, which
IS the corporate body of Christ. Correct to read: "A Miracle
makes souls one in God, and leave in the next part about
*49. Further Correction: "God" should read " Christ". The
Father and the Son are not identical, but you CAN say
"Like Father, LIKE Son."
**50. (Remind B. to get another notebk. I don't give up as
easily as HE does. If I cld. get YOU to listen, which was a
miracle in itself, I can get him to register. He should
appreciate this more than anyone else, having had some
trouble with this problem himself.) "
~ Urtext of ACIM
~ Lee
easily as HE does. If I cld. get YOU to listen, which was a
miracle in itself, I can get him to register. He should
appreciate this more than anyone else, having had some
trouble with this problem himself.) " ~ Urtext
Hi all,
This series of excerpts from the Urtext of ACIM
will feature those portions that specifically reference
the thoughts, reactions and relationships between and
among the three who produced ACIM: the Course's scribe,
her dedicated assistant, and the Author who dictated the
"HS" refers to Helen Schucman, whose shorthand notes
document the rapid inner dictation that produced the
unedited manuscript (Urtext) of ACIM. The early portion of
her notes also capture her own thoughts and questions, as
well as the Voice's answers, in bracketed asides that reveal
a secondary layer of ongoing personal instruction
and encouragement for the scribes, even as the Voice
pressed on with dictation of the Course material.
"B." refers to Bill Thetford, who regularly typed out Helen's
shorthand notes as she read them aloud, and whose later
role included editing the resultant Urtext manuscript into
the edition of the Course originally prepared for publication.
The Urtext of ACIM was unavailable publicly for the first
25 years of the Course's publication, and though never
intended for public scrutiny, its recent discovery provides
this rich, embedded, 'second layer' of material that essentially
documents, in intimate detail, the entire scribal process.
~ Lee
** Paragraphs that include '2nd layer' material will usually
include an asterisk before the paragraph number.
[ "HS" is Helen Schucman. "B." is Bill Thetford ]
" 36. Miracles are cobwebs of iron. They unite human frailty to
the strength of God. (see page 7)
*37. (add for 21. HS considered changing "iron" to "steel".
Correction: No. Steel would not be a better word. Steel is
very useful but it would have to be tempered by fire. Iron is
the raw material. The point of miracles is that they replace
fire, thus making it unnecessary.)
38. 22. Miracles are natural expressions of total forgiveness.
Through miracles, man accepts God's forgiveness by extending
it to others. The second step is inherent in the first,
because light cannot tolerate darkness. Light dispels darkness
automatically, by definition.
39. EXPLANATION INSTRUCTIONS: Miracles are associated with
fear only because of the fallacy that darkness can hide. Man
believes that what he cannot see does not exist, and his
physical eyes cannot see in the dark. This is a very primitive
solution, and has led to a denial of the spiritual eye, which
always depends on light. Remember the Biblical injunction:
"May I never forget that THINE eye is ever upon me, beholding
the evil and the good."
40. There are two stages, one lower and one higher, which are
involved in the escape from darkness: 1) the recognition that
darkness CANNOT hide. This usually does entail fear.
41. 2) The recognition that there is nothing you WANT to hide,
even if you could. This brings escape from fear.
*42. Corrections re pt. 21 cobwebs of iron. "This is upside
down as stated. The part about 'uniting human frailty with the
strength of God' is all right, but the explanation stops too
soon. If iron is the 'raw material', cobwebs can't become the
iron. That is only the way it seems, because cobwebs are
associated with the frailty & iron with strength. If you look
carefully at the phrasing, you will see it is reversed (one
point already tells you that miracles reverse the physical or
lower order laws.)
43. The raw material, f or iron, is heavy but crude, & stands
for the body, which is a crude creation. The cobweb concept is
closer to how the body should be regarded, i.e., as an airy &
temporary home, which can just be blown away with a slight
*44. 21. The point should read "A miracle reawakens the
awareness that the spirit, and not the body, is the altar of
Truth. This is the recognition that leads to the healing power
of the miracle."
45. 22a. A miracle rearranges the order of perception, and
places the levels in their true perspective. This heals at all
levels, because all sickness comes from confusing the levels.
*46. (Tell B. about the idea (which is still to dim to HS) that
the reason is not that you (plural) distantiate, doubt, or
cannot believe. It is more of a reaction formation against a
pull which you both recognize is so intense that you are
afraid that you will be uprooted. But remember that a cobweb
is really stronger than the iron, if you see it properly. This
fear is also why you couldn't get the point straight.)
**47. By the way, it is not true that you are both just scribes.
You might remember that the Scribes were very wise and holy
man and are even sometimes spelled with a capital S. If you
want to go further, you might change the meaning of 'just'
from 'merely' to 'honest', a term used in the Bible in
association with 'might' or 'strength.' Tell B. you couldn't
make that pun if the original phrasing had been singular.
(HS aside about liking assumption failure more.)
Answer: It was cuter, but this one MEANS more. The REAL
reason you don't like it is because it refers to you in a very
lofty position. This makes you nervous.)
*48. Correction: And don't lose sight of the emphasis on
cooperation, or the NOT SINGULAR. That point about "industrial
necessity" should read "corporate", referring to the body of
Christ which is a way of referring to the Church. But the
Church of God is only the sum of the souls he created, which
IS the corporate body of Christ. Correct to read: "A Miracle
makes souls one in God, and leave in the next part about
*49. Further Correction: "God" should read " Christ". The
Father and the Son are not identical, but you CAN say
"Like Father, LIKE Son."
**50. (Remind B. to get another notebk. I don't give up as
easily as HE does. If I cld. get YOU to listen, which was a
miracle in itself, I can get him to register. He should
appreciate this more than anyone else, having had some
trouble with this problem himself.) "
~ Urtext of ACIM
~ Lee