Post by David ThomsonPost by DeborahYou (and we) wanted all course students to have access to online
course discussion.
But did you want a ng that could be (and at one point was) taken over
by a crowd of anti-course voices? Because that's what you've got.
And that's why this ng is so sparsely populated now.
Deborah, (and one of the voters).
Many of us who set up this newsgroup were previously members on
CompuServe. That is when Paul (R**) first tried to commandeer the
group. I was the moderator there and had "enemies" coming from both
Paul's camp and also from the holy inquisitors in Roscoe. We were
forced to change the name of the group from ACIM Forum to Miracles
Forum. And then Paul started talking like he was the author of ACIM
and got the Compuserve management on edge thinking he was the owner of
the copyright. Between the two of them, they forced us out into
freedom from moderation on this newsgroup. By giving them both the
complete opportunity to try to control the group, neither of them were
able to do so.
The drama, then, was no different in content than the drama today or
even tomorrow. As long as people keep discovering the Course, and as
long as there are people who try to make a living off of it, there
will be a continuous string of nasty ego battles. Many of the early
players have left this world and many more will come.
For the true student of the Course, the lesson always comes back to
the Holy Instant. Right now.
Who is to say who else is ready to experience the Holy Instant?
Nobody. The Holy Instant is an intensely personal experience. It
cannot truly be taught except by example, although words can help set
the stage for its implementation.
Many people wait until their suffering is unbearable before they are
self-honest enough to practice the Holy Instant. In the meantime,
their ego rebels and they create chaos for others. This, too, is part
of the Course. If you play with fire, you will eventually get
burned. If you play with the Course, you will eventually get saved.
For what it's worth, I think the discussion on this group is a perfect
manifestation of Course dynamics. I see wisdom coming through from
everyone, and it truly reflects the teaching of the Course. My
perception must be correct, because the group is still active after
nearly two decades. This is the oldest continually running ACIM
discussion group on the Internet.
From the perspective Jesus teaches through the Course, the Holy
Instant is like a golden thread weaving in an out of darkness. It is
continuous in Heaven, but appears discontinuous in this world.
Whether we see the continuous thread or the broken thread is our
Good points. And, the only way to not let someone "take over" is to just
let them. Not push against them in an ego way. When one person (or more than
one) is set up as "moderator" this sets it up so others (for whatever
reason) tend to push against it. Of course, there are big, active heavily
moderaed groups. But, maybe most of the people, if they haven't experienced
the moderation, don't know what is going on? I once joined "Course_Talk"
and never got one post on, and was banned, because I answered someone's
quiestion and mentioned another group (they didn't want mentioned, but I
didn't know this, and it wasn't listed in their rules). My post wasn't put
on, and I got emails from the moderators warning me about this and saying my
posts would be held and approved for 2-3 months till they "see what side you
are on". I wrote back and asked them how does seeing sides relate to ACIM
and what it teaches? Next time I went to the group it says "OOPS! You have
been banned by the moderator of this group". Would the other members of this
group have agreed with this? Who knows, they probably didn't even know about
Though, of course, some don't seem to mind and even prefer being
moderated/controlled. They feel safe? They are only safe as long as they're
the way the moderator wants them (the group) to be.
For example, the "Raj" group, where Paul Tuttle "speaks for Jesus" The
NWFFACIM) we have beren told that "Raj" (who, when asked about ACIM years
ago, said "I wrote it") runs it. Runs every aspect of it. Where people who
ask questions they don't want asked, or points out the obivous (they don't
want pointed out) are turned into enemeis and banned. What's been
continuallyl amazing to me (observing this for many years) is how few people
say "THIS isn't what ACIM teaches!" Of course, if they did, and kept it up,
they would no longer be part of the group. Maybe this is learning, in it's
own way, but to me, learning to be what might be phoney and fake, and not
say what one might honestly think, feel and believe, doesn't seem like
On another note, in 1998 when I first got a computer and online, and at
first literally didn't know how to turn it on, I discovered AOL Search. One
night I wrote "miracle" in the search, and what came up was Marianne
Williamson's website and discussion boards.
I had no idea what discussion boards were, I remember asking on it if
anyone could respond to what was written on it? I was told (by someone
there) "whatever is written publically on the board anyone can respond to
and answer".
I was involved in this group for the next 8 months, when the boards
were closed. Various rumors went around about why, we never got a real
reason, and it was like a family, where someone died... Some speculated it
was due to Marianne being appointed minister of the Church of Today in MI
and it not looking good, what seemed like arguing on her discussion boards.
Years later, someone stated it was because of some from Endeavor Academy
taking over one of the topics (I mainly stayed on the "GenDisc" one) and
they had gone to one of her talks and heckled her. I'd have liked to think
Marianne would have been above this (closing the boards because of this).
Others, who went to her talks after, asked her about it, and said she didn't
seem to know anything about it (the boards on her website being closed) and
was surprised anyone really cared they were gone.
The point of this I learned and remember. We were like a family. We were
different, we clashed at times, we didn't always get along (at any given
time someone was mad at someone) BUT, this was like a real family, in a way.
Who always gets along and agrees with and is peaceful with everyone? All
heck would break loose on the boards. Sometimes some would post using a fake
name, or pretending to be someone else. A lot must have also gone on, in
private emails, behind backs. But, it would be like a wave. It would get
rough, and angry, with what seemed to be attack (didn't look good or course
like!) but then, at some point, someone would write something- maybe come
from peace or another subject, and it would all calm down and be over.
BECAUSE WE WERE LEFT ALONE. This was allowed to happen. Work out on it's
own. No moderator stepped in and warned, yelled at, banned (or thereatened
to ban) anyone. It would all work out on it's own.
Before the boards were closeed, a few people found it and started
writing about how bad it looked. How it didn't give a good picture of ACIM
to anyone coming there new. And they claimed they had complained to
Marianne about it and she didn't like it, and if people didn't shape up
they'd be sorry, etc. (I don't think Marianne even remembered she had
discussion boards. Though years before, I heard she had participated there,
before she got more known and busy). There was a lot of fighting with the
newcomers who thought it should be moderated, and people have to register
and sign in, so they could be controlled (and/or banned) They were horrified
at some of those posting there. Like the ones who had been there since it
started who would say "if you don't like it go somewhere else!" Which made
sense. But, no, they had to fight over it. They did NOT like it being open
and unmoderated and people could write whatever they wanted. They didn't
seem to see it like, in spite of how it looked, we all loved each other like
a family. Even if we weren't just posting pretty quotes from ACIIM and
saying "yes, you are right" all the time. The newcomers, who did not like
how it was (but felt compelled to stay there) also didn't see a lot of the
fighting and trouble, and meanness was directed at them and because of them.
They were coming from "I don't care if the boards get shut down so NO ONE
will have them, we can't just leave it like this!"
They didn't try and fit in and go with it.
Of course, maybe the time had come, and a lot of aspects probably were
involved. It might have looked rough at times, but there were also a lot
good that happened. They had a small (real time) chat room that we'd go in.
A lot of the time not many were there at once. I was writing to someone in
it one night when someone (stranger) found it, who had decided to commit
suicide that night. I forget who else was there, too, but we started writing
to the person, who had a lot of problems (we never even knew if it was a man
or woman) and they ended up saying maybe they would give it another chance.
Never knew what happened after. But, it might have been called a spontaneous
"Holy Instant" at the time.
Yet, there were some who only saw the "freedom" of the board (and
chatroom) People were actually free to write whatever they wanted!
And, as I said, what I remember from my 8 months there, was the "ebb
and flow". The rough and what didn't look good, but then it would change to
peaceful and getting along again. Because this was allowed.
The idea of believing in the good winning out, if allowed. Seeing it
as "leave people alone and give them freedom and they will fight and destroy
themselves, each other and the world!" Instead of having faith and trusting
Holy Spirit to use everything and anything, for learning, and finding ways
to rememeber our Oneness and be Glad. Maybe there has to be freedom to "not
get along" in order to bounce off each other and learn about ourselves (and
what doesn't work) and every now and then something wonderful happens.
People actually join, forget their perceived differences, and let everything
else go.
Maybe this happens on moderated groups, but I've never experienced
it. But then, anytime I have tried to get along on moderated groups I
haven't lasted very long... (LOL)