The Script is Written Sat 8pm ET / Tom Glod Sun 8pm ET JOYnUS
(too old to reply)
One Mind Foundation
2011-01-29 22:23:23 UTC
7pm-8pm ET
Regis Reeves

8pm-8:30pm ET
Dov Fishman
on "The Script is Written"

January 29th
8:30 - 10:30pm ET

In Concert
Ken Mallory, Jane Darcy, Joan Williams, Teddy Poppe
Teachers, Counselors, Inspiration

“The Script is Written”

We will play the "Script is Written" from Jeshua to Brent Haskell
starting at 8:30pmET

Audio can heard at this link now

You can read the entire manuscript just posted today on The Peace of
God at

The In Concert Presenters will then share on the topic.

"The Script is Written" by Jeshua via Brent Haskell

This article is challenging and provocative for Miracles students
it suggests that the events in time are completely out of our hands.
The Script is written, the seeming "future" is fixed and nothing we
to do can change it! All of our debates, discussions, writings,
attempts to
"make things better" are needless and of no avail.

Sound interesting? Listen.
You are sure to hear a new perspective. ~ KELLIE LOVE
JOYn Us!

IS ALWAYS HERE FOR US ...in the midst of turmoil & conflict
....where cacophony appears, there is ALSO SYMPHONY
if we choose to Experience Seeing IT...To See it Everywhere & in
~ Ken Mallory

www.SowOnlyHappiness.org <-KEN's

http://mysite.verizon.net/resycd8n/janedarcyonacourseinmiracles/ <-

www.DiamondClearVision.com < Teddy's website

www.IntoOneness.com <-DOV's

www.OneMindFdn.org <- Shared Purpose

Ken Mallory is our Guest Teacher every Saturday 10-11am ET
Ken shares on NTI and The New Testament

Jane Darcy is our Guest Teacher Friday 10:30-11:30am ET
Saturdays 12noon - 1pm ET

Joan Williams shares the Daily Lesson Monday to Saturday 7-7:30am ET
8-8:30am ET Saturdays
and the Daily Text Reading Monday & Wednesday 7:30-8:30am ET

Dov Fishman is our Guest Teacher every Wednesday Evening 8-9pm ET

"I am as God Created"
~ACIM lesson 199

You can attend tonight in person at ACIM Gather and listen as we
at Access Instructions: http://www.acimgather.org/instructions.htm
TUNE IN on Internet Radio at www.ACIMGatherRadio.org

Let me remember, we ALL SHARE SAME Purpose!
#1 of 12 http://acimgather.org/stepping_stones.htm

Dov is co-founder of ACIM Gather and ONE MIND Foundation
ONEMIND Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) Tax Exempt Non-Profit Org.
www.ACIMGather.org / www.ONEMINDfdn.org
ONEMIND is a 501 (c)(3) Tax Exempt Non-Profit Org.

You can attend tonight in person at ACIM Gather and listen as we
at Access Instructions: http://www.acimgather.org/instructions.htm
Tune-IN on Internet Radio at www.ACIMGatherRadio.org

JOYnUS In Concert!

In Appreciation * Gratitude
LOV, dov :-)



3pm- 5pm ET Way of Mastery Europe Group

6pm ET Sheryl Valentine

Sunday 7pm ET
Laurent Elie Levy
Holy Spirit Guides


Jan 30th 8:00-9:00 pm ET

Tom Glod
Teacher, Singer, Counselor , Inspiration

"The meaning and my experience of "Listen, Learn and Do".

"As you share my unwillingness to accept error in yourself and others,
you must join the great crusade to correct it; listen to my voice,
learn to undo error and act to correct it. The power to work miracles
belongs to you. I will provide the opportunities to do them, but you
must be ready and willing. Doing them will bring conviction in the
ability, because conviction comes through accomplishment. The ability
is the potential, the achievement is its expression, and the
Atonement, which is the natural profession of the children of God, is
the purpose." (Tx.Or.Ed.1.31)

Tom's Website

Tom Glod is our Guest Teacher Thursdays 12 noon to 1pm ET
and shares with Lisa Trevino on Manual for teachers

“Atonement is for yourself, and extended to All"
~Tom Glod

Tom Glod can be heard both at ACIM Gather and on www.ACIMGatherRadio.org

FOLLOWING Tom Glod this Sunday IS OPEN MIC


You can attend tonight in person at ACIM Gather and listen as we
at Access Instructions: http://www.acimgather.org/instructions.htm

In Appreciation * Gratitude
LOV, dov :-)

ACIM Gather / One Mind Foundation
A 501 (c)(3) Tax Exempt Non-Profit Org.
******* ******* *******
Check ALL of our Events & Topics at a glance:
NEW! Schedules: http://www.acimgather.org/guide.htm

Please JOYn ACIM Gather's community sharing site

Creator & Web-Servant www.miraclescenter.us

To be added to our mailing list, email: ***@acimgather.org

Laughter Now saves lifetimes later!
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-30 01:22:33 UTC
On talk.religion.course-miracle, One Mind Foundation <***@aol.com> wrote:

This "one mind" nonsense is a bid for controlling others through

Individuality is Sacred. Sure, all beings participate in gestalts,
and God or All That Is could be said to be the 'one mind' we
are all a part of.

But we still have our own minds, too. Our freedom. The city of
Seattle is no less an individual city for being a part of King

You can learn the Truth by examining reality, without and within,
with an open mind.

Or you can live a delusion by accepting second-hand beliefs
from clueless religious fanatics.
7pm-8pm ET Regis Reeves
8pm-8:30pm ET Dov Fishman on "The Script is Written"
SATURDAY NIGHT at ACIM Gather January 29th 8:30 - 10:30pm ET
In Concert Ken Mallory, Jane Darcy, Joan Williams, Teddy Poppe
Teachers, Counselors, Inspiration
=93The Script is Written=94
We will play the "Script is Written" from Jeshua to Brent
Haskell starting at 8:30pmET
Audio can heard at this link now
You can read the entire manuscript just
posted today on The Peace of God at
The In Concert Presenters will then share on the topic.
"The Script is Written" by Jeshua via Brent Haskell
This article is challenging and provocative for Miracles
students because it suggests that the events in time are
completely out of our hands.
Like I keep saying, A Course In Miracles is liberally laced
with spiritual poison. And that idea is vile in the extreme.

Once again, we see these ACIM creeps trying to control other
people by telling them to believe things that are the opposite
of Truth.

Run from these people!


Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocence
2011-01-30 18:38:57 UTC
Sidneys chatbot:
This "one mind" nonsense is a bid for controlling others through

If you think that it is even possible for one person to control
another's mind then your ideology is flawed for the very start.

There are no victims.

You might want to look at your assertion in light of your own behavior

I am not the victim
Lesson 31

I am not the victim of the world I see.

Today's idea is the introduction to your declaration of release.
Again, the idea should be applied to both the world you see without
and the world you see within. In applying the idea, we will use a form
of practice which will be used more and more, with changes as
indicated. Generally speaking, the form includes two aspects, one in
which you apply the idea on a more sustained basis, and the other
consisting of frequent applications of the idea throughout the day.

Two longer periods of practice with the idea for today are needed, one
in the morning and one at night. Three to five minutes for each of
these are recommended. During that time, look about you slowly while
repeating the idea two or three times. Then close your eyes, and apply
the same idea to your inner world. You will escape from both together,
for the inner is the cause of the outer.

As you survey your inner world, merely let whatever thoughts cross
your mind come into your awareness, each to be considered for a
moment, and then replaced by the next. Try not to establish any kind
of hierarchy among them. Watch them come and go as dispassionately as
possible. Do not dwell on any one in particular, but try to let the
stream move on evenly and calmly, without any special investment on
your part. As you sit and quietly watch your thoughts, repeat today's
idea to yourself as often as you care to, but with no sense of hurry.

In addition, repeat the idea for today as often as possible during the
day. Remind yourself that you are making a declaration of independence
in the name of your own freedom. And in your freedom lies the freedom
of the world.

The idea for today is also a particularly useful one to use as a
response to any form of temptation that may arise. It is a declaration
that you will not yield to it, and put yourself in bondage.


The mind bent on separation sees otherwise.
2011-01-30 19:49:16 UTC
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 10:38:57 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Lesson 31
I am not the victim of the world I see.
Again, that is an issue of identity. The entire course boils down to
an issue of identity. I would hardly blame a child in Africa whose
parents have died of AIDS and who has been living in an orphanage for
feeling like a victim. If that is who she really IS.

But you do have to have some recognition of the fact that the child
probably believes with all her heart that that IS who she really is,
and respond accordingly.

I expect a little more than that of people who call themselves
students of ACIM.

How could anyone read some of the statements the author makes and fail
to realize that the "you" he is addressing is not the "you" who is
identified with the body and the story of the body's life?


"There is nothing outside of you." ???

2011-01-30 19:51:53 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 10:38:57 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Lesson 31
I am not the victim of the world I see.
Again, that is an issue of identity.  The entire course boils down to
an issue of identity.  I would hardly blame a child in Africa whose
parents have died of AIDS and who has been living in an orphanage for
feeling like a victim.  If that is who she really IS.
But you do have to have some recognition of the fact that the child
probably believes with all her heart that that IS who she really is,
and respond accordingly.
I expect a little more than that of people who call themselves
students of ACIM.
How could anyone read some of the statements the author makes and fail
to realize that the "you" he is addressing is not the "you" who is
identified with the body and the story of the body's life?
"There is nothing outside of you." ???

And who is the "you" you address?
2011-01-30 20:51:38 UTC
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 11:51:53 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 10:38:57 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Lesson 31
I am not the victim of the world I see.
Again, that is an issue of identity.  The entire course boils down to
an issue of identity.  I would hardly blame a child in Africa whose
parents have died of AIDS and who has been living in an orphanage for
feeling like a victim.  If that is who she really IS.
But you do have to have some recognition of the fact that the child
probably believes with all her heart that that IS who she really is,
and respond accordingly.
I expect a little more than that of people who call themselves
students of ACIM.
How could anyone read some of the statements the author makes and fail
to realize that the "you" he is addressing is not the "you" who is
identified with the body and the story of the body's life?
"There is nothing outside of you." ???
And who is the "you" you address?
CoT 5.1

2011-01-31 05:29:13 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 11:51:53 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 10:38:57 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Lesson 31
I am not the victim of the world I see.
Again, that is an issue of identity. The entire course boils down to
an issue of identity. I would hardly blame a child in Africa whose
parents have died of AIDS and who has been living in an orphanage for
feeling like a victim. If that is who she really IS.
But you do have to have some recognition of the fact that the child
probably believes with all her heart that that IS who she really is,
and respond accordingly.
I expect a little more than that of people who call themselves
students of ACIM.
How could anyone read some of the statements the author makes and fail
to realize that the "you" he is addressing is not the "you" who is
identified with the body and the story of the body's life?
"There is nothing outside of you." ???
And who is the "you" you address?
CoT 5.1
What is CoT 5.1?
2011-01-31 15:03:05 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 11:51:53 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 10:38:57 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Lesson 31
I am not the victim of the world I see.
Again, that is an issue of identity. The entire course boils down
to an issue of identity. I would hardly blame a child in Africa
whose parents have died of AIDS and who has been living in an
orphanage for feeling like a victim. If that is who she really IS.
But you do have to have some recognition of the fact that the child
probably believes with all her heart that that IS who she really
is, and respond accordingly.
I expect a little more than that of people who call themselves
students of ACIM.
How could anyone read some of the statements the author makes and
fail to realize that the "you" he is addressing is not the "you"
who is identified with the body and the story of the body's life?
"There is nothing outside of you." ???
And who is the "you" you address?
CoT 5.1
What is CoT 5.1?
Clarification of Terms?
2011-01-31 20:09:30 UTC
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 21:29:13 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 11:51:53 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 10:38:57 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Lesson 31
I am not the victim of the world I see.
Again, that is an issue of identity. The entire course boils down to
an issue of identity. I would hardly blame a child in Africa whose
parents have died of AIDS and who has been living in an orphanage for
feeling like a victim. If that is who she really IS.
But you do have to have some recognition of the fact that the child
probably believes with all her heart that that IS who she really is,
and respond accordingly.
I expect a little more than that of people who call themselves
students of ACIM.
How could anyone read some of the statements the author makes and fail
to realize that the "you" he is addressing is not the "you" who is
identified with the body and the story of the body's life?
"There is nothing outside of you." ???
And who is the "you" you address?
CoT 5.1
What is CoT 5.1?
Lazy bum.

1. There is no need for help to enter Heaven for you have never
left. 2 But there is need for help beyond yourself as you are
circumscribed by false beliefs of your Identity, which God alone
established in reality. 3 Helpers are given you in many forms,
although upon the altar they are one. 4 Beyond each one there is a
Thought of God, and this will never change. 5 But they have names
which differ for a time, for time needs symbols, being itself unreal.
6 Their names are legion, but we will not go beyond the names the
course itself employs. 7 God does not help because He knows no need. 8
But He creates all Helpers of His Son while he believes his fantasies
are true. 9 Thank God for them for they will lead you home.

2011-01-30 20:44:22 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 10:38:57 -0800 (PST), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Lesson 31
I am not the victim of the world I see.
Again, that is an issue of identity. The entire course boils down to
an issue of identity. I would hardly blame a child in Africa whose
parents have died of AIDS and who has been living in an orphanage for
feeling like a victim. If that is who she really IS.
But you do have to have some recognition of the fact that the child
probably believes with all her heart that that IS who she really is,
and respond accordingly.
I expect a little more than that of people who call themselves
students of ACIM.
Something we agree on. Even though it's probably NOT relevant to what
the course teaches. I, especially think people who make money from it (in
some way) set themselves up as experts on it and use "Jesus-author of the
course" to ask for money for them, to at have some real idea of what it
says, and aim at living it.
This is unrealistic (course wise) because it's only "me" who can "live
the course" (as I believe it). And judging "others" and how I see THEM
living it or not (or making a good living from making out they do) is kind
of a waste of time.
But, I don't think I'm perfect, and don't think I make out I am.
Post by Deborah
How could anyone read some of the statements the author makes and fail
to realize that the "you" he is addressing is not the "you" who is
identified with the body and the story of the body's life?
"There is nothing outside of you." ???