Katie teaches ACIM!
(too old to reply)
2008-04-14 17:25:44 UTC
Katie we love you for all the wonderful lesson's you've given us about
ourslves. I'm not the only one that has been stregthened in my beliefs
about how ACIM works. Zeh has seen it and posted and a friend Karen on
the other website has posted also. I've been feeling MUCH stronger in
my faith because of the back and forth you and I have had. It's as if
God is showning me, yes ACIM does work!
I wanted to share her rather long post because you helped to heal
Karen also and strengthened her faith. You have been one of the
strongest examples about how ACIM works in my life and I want to thank
you again for helping me and others. Here is a copy of Karen's post.

George and All,

When I started reading the Katie post on this other web site, it
triggered fear and anger in me. At first, I was angry that you would
even share this posting. At the end of the post, your response,
however, helped heal some of this. I was glad I read to the end.

Let me explain some of my background and why this probably triggered
fear in me.

** A long posting **

Before I came to A Course in Miracles, my sister had been in a
Religious Cult. She had been in it for 7 years and my family spent
about 1 year studying the group and then, with help from a minister,
exit counseler and ex-member, we had an intervention. I won't go
into all the details of the cult or the intervention. In the end, we
were able to reach her and she decided to leave. This was about 16
years ago (I'm happy to say, my sister worked through this over the
years and now has a healthy spiritual life/experience with a church
and is married with 2 kids and a good marrage).

Anyway, after the cult experience, this is how it impacted me.
Before we realized that the church was a cult, I was interested in
checking it out. I attended bible studies. During the bible
studies, I would feel like I was having spiritual encounters because
the words seemed to be talking to me, very specifically. Then, later
I found out that my sister had given details about my life and that
was why the group brought up these details so that I the coincidences
would help make me feel like I was getting messages from God. The
group was all about "the end justifies the means" and some of the
members felt justified in doing anything to "bring" people to God
even if it meant rigging a study group so that people would feel
connection to God (and want to join this group). They had a disciple
partner system and this disciple partner would teach the person they
would disciple to see all their "sinful" ways. They would encourage
members to move away from their families if the family (who was
really instructed by the devil) was trying to get them out of the
group. They warned members never to listen to an intervention
because it was talk of the devil and they manipulated the words of
the bible to brainwash members. My sister would tell us constantly
that we were going to hell if we didn't become reborn. It was a very
fear based experience.

How did this impact me? Before my sister was out of the group, when
I found out about the "rigged" study groups, I felt betrayed by God,
not trusting of spiritual groups, and a bit lost and depressed. I
had a hard time going into any church. I had trouble talking about
anything spiritual with any group of people. When I would hear
people talk about God, it would trigger negative feelings. When I
would hear about Catholic priests violating young boys, I felt
terrible. Fortunately, I still could pray to God but I could not get
involved with any community related to spirituality. Helping with
the intervention helped alot but for years I still could not enter a
church. I found A Course in Miracles after the cult experience (and
as you know from a prior posting that it was a during a time that I
was going through marrage problems).

Anyway, the Course was the first spiritual words that I could even
read without it triggering extreme fear. It even said in the
beginning something like "this is not a cult". This form of
spiritual guidance helped me because it helped me reconnect with God
in a safe healthy environment and the fact that it did not have a
guru at the top was just what I needed. It never felt like a fraud.
However, although I had this book by my side for the past 14 years,
it wasn't until last year I was able to connect with a group on
this. For 13 years I kept the Course to myself in a sense and it
still helped me tremendously apply to my life and make my life
better. Every once in awhile I felt an urge to connect with others
about the Course but would stop for fear of "such a connection"
ruining the one good spiritual connection I had going on for myself.

Here's the story that led me to this study group here.
Basically, one year ago, I had a happy life (good family life, good
friends, etc.) but I started to feel a restless. I was discontent
but could not put my finger on it. I would read ACIM and it didn't
have the impact that it used to. I still honored and respected it
but I didn't feel like reading it. I felt that my life was blah,
lacking purpose. So, I said a simple prayer (which I hadn't done in
awhile). This was the prayer, "Dear God, I feel restless but don't
know why. I have been looking into churches for my kids but also
want it to be a place I feel comfortable and every church I think
about triggers the cult feeling and I can't do it. I also feel bored
and lacking purpose. I don't have any interest in reading ACIM and
that is what usually inspires me. This prayer thing has helped me in
the past so I am once again giving it a try. Please help, Amen".

Well, 2 days later, I asked a friend what church she went to and she
told me (it is a Unitarian Universalist church). It seemed more open
and of interest but I did not have any passionate feeling about
looking into it. I very half heartedly asked her "Have you ever
heard of A Course in Miracles?" She said, "Thats funny that you
ask. I've never read it but I've always wanted to. My 80 year old
mother, who lives about an hour away, has been leading a discussion
group on A Course in Miracles and had studied Buddism for 20 years.

All of sudden, I felt very interested in talking to my friend about
about her mom and about the Unitarian church. I felt an old
spiritual flame of passion flicker and ignite and bingo I was
interested and later that night I picked up the Course and I "wanted"
to read it again (especially the part about Teachers of God).
Anyway, I went to try out this church. In front of the church I saw
stepping stones that had various sayings written on them (one
was, "Teach only Love for that is what you are - A Course in
Miracles). I knew that for now this is where I needed to be to help
me heal my spiritual disconnectedness when it came to community. I
recognized this as part of an answer to my prayer.

Sooo, this past fall my family and I started going to this church. I
don't know if this is the place for me in the long run. But, it is
where I need to be right now. First it is a place where studying A
Course in Miracles is not weird. It is a lively community of people
that embrace the concept of a universal experience being needed and
people in the community honor one of their basic principles which is
to respect each person's spiritual path to God. Atheists are welcome
as well. This scared me at first(because of old fears that God would
not like atheists) and at the same time this was healing (the God I
think of from the Course would love everyone and not get hung up on
terminology and would honor everyone's path and would help people get
in touch with their own inner guide). When I first went to this
church it triggered old stuff that needed healing within me. First
of all, I felt very uncomfortable just being in a group with people
in a spiritual setting. When I would hear terminology like (UU,
standing for Unitarian Universalist) , I would get a negative feeling
because the cult my sister had been in used lots of symbols and
terminology to unite the group. I had a hard time hearing the word
God (in a public place) or hearing people mention "Jesus" even though
in my own quiet space I loved God and loved Jesus. I would get
fearful hearing other's paths to God for fear that this made me wrong.

Then I looked on the Internet and did a search between ACIM and
Unitarian Universalist and came across a very negative article
(anything goes on the internet which is why it can be a dangerous
place for children and vulnerable adults). Anyway, it was written in
the same way that Katie wrote. This article bashed ACIM and bashed
people like Marianne Williamson. It triggered a lot of fear, anger
and confusion and again a negative feeling about reaching out to
others about spirituality. I had to read the Course quietly on my
own and it took about one week to get over a feeling of assault and
attack. As time went on, when I would listen to others paths,
instead of feeling separated, I felt more united (and I started to
see that many of the same lessons from other traditions were the same
as the Course lessons except presented in a different form).

Last October, I decided to try one of Beverly's study group
recordings. And, you may know the story about me hearing the Witch
imitation from the Wizard of Oz at the beginning of the recording -
it was around Halloween). Well, it made me laugh and for the first
time in awhile, I thought it was possible again to try to connect to
a spiritual community and find enjoyment in doing so. I started
listening to the study group recordings weekly and started to feel a
healing process going on and started to get my own sense of humor
back again (esp. regarding spiritual matters). Jon Mundy's teachings
also helped in this matter.

Then I decided (very tentatively) to try to connect with you all on
this web site (a very brave step for me). I have to say that when I
first signed on it triggered a bunch of stuff in me. When I would
hear people say, Jesus and God instructed me, etc or anything like
that, I would tense up. I was very tentative about being vulnerable
in spiritual matters with you all. I was scared to connect with
others regarding ACIM for fear this connection would somehow ruin the
sacred feeling I have about the Course and it would somehow interfere
with my connection to God. But, I also felt that I needed to go
forward and try this group meeting.

Beverly's way of teaching never triggered this old fear. It was a
good thing because I needed to hear from a teacher in a certain way
that would help me stick with trying to connect to a spiritual
community. Also, as I read all of your postings, over several weeks,
it started to feel healthy to me (not cultish). And, although I am
not comfortable expressing myself using lots of "God" and "Jesus"
talk, I am starting to be less sensitive to others doing so.

My first posting to you all was helpful for me. I needed to express
my need to gravitate toward teachings that were healing to me (humor,
straightforward talk, talk that related to everyday experiences,
etc.). I felt validated by some of your responses. At the time of
my first posting, I had a negative feeling when I would read anything
from Ken Wapnick. This bothered me a little and I decided to stay
away from his books for now. I am starting to recognize when I
am "bothered" that there is probably some need for a change in
perspective. I didn't even realize that I was relaying this in my
first posting. Grenthe's last response regarding my posting helped
me alot. He said something like, "that recording was from 20 years
ago and maybe we have a gentler way to communicate ... he also
mentioned about Ken relating to Mother Teresa and his comment about
how this shows that there are difference ways to find God". Well
this was healing to me because always I had a positive image of
Mother Theresa in my mind and it has helped heal some of my fearful
perceptions about Ken's teachings and about "Christian" teachings.
After Grenthe's posting I didn't feel such fear about Ken's
writings. Right now, I still don't want to read Ken's books but I
can feel more love toward him than I did before (and less fear).
Sometimes, I can clearly see that these are my blocks and that this
stuff is being brought up so that I can gently heal. I appreciated
all of your kind encouragement (and you all seem to do this in the
way I could hear - noone used too much God and Jesus talk to me as if
you sensed my sensitivity) .

When I read another posting about using the Course for "Vision Golf",
it had a funny reaction for me. First, I felt a pang of "oh know,
this is taking things too far" and we can't use the Course to try to
rig the game (so to speak). But, very soon after this I started
laughing and imagining this vision golf in progress and laughing at
myself for taking things way too seriously and this response
about "vision golf" became another healing moment. And, I was able
to look back and really enjoy this posting.

Anyway, when I read Katie's words from that "other" web site, it did
trigger some old stuff. I almost didn't read the whole thing. I
wanted to stop reading because it didn't feel healthy to continue to
read it. Well, I'm glad I continued to read it because, your
response, George, was very helpful to me, another healing moment for
me in this matter.

I do realize that I need to honor my healing process. I don't think
it would be helpful to me at all to search the web and read postings
that trash ACIMs. Also, it would not be good for me to go to that
other web site. And, its not healthy to me to listen to radio talk
shows that talk about others in a trashing way or ways that really
promote "separation" . Basically, its not helpful for me to "seek
out" this negative stuff. Right now, I need to follow Rumi's advice
and "Be with those who help your Being".

I do recognize, however, that I need a healthy way to view things
when I do encounter so called "negative talk" and that the Course is
trying to say that if we look at all of our "brothers" through the
same type of vision as "Christ" then we will view all people and
experiences as "Holy Encounters". That would make life more
enjoyable for sure. I know that it is helpful for me to find ways
to "not let people who trash on spirituality bother me". And, I
would love to see with Christ eyes. But, this is a path and a
process and I can only be where I am at. And, thats o.k. I do have
moments of seeing with this type of vision and when this happens, it
is a feeling of "relief" and happiness and reinforcement that I am on
the right path for me.

I do want to express that, right now, it is important to me that this
web site is secure (shared by people that listen to the weekly
recordings) because that is an environment where I feel like I can
share my vulnerable self. It is an absolute miracle that I feel
comfortable with you all and am able to express some very personal

I feel that my prayer one year ago continues to be answered. Good
thing that I gave some willingness to hear the answers to my pray as
they present themselves. After 13 years of studying the Course it
was time that I heal my issue about connecting to others regarding my
spiritual life outside of myself. I now feel I need and desire to be
connected to spiritual communities. Being at the Unitarian Church
and joining this discussion group has helped me heal some old
wounds. Beverly's teachings and listening to you all is helping
integrate the principles of the Course as a part of everyday life (a
way of life to use in all situations). The Course has always served
me and I am feeling like I am being called upon to deepen my
understanding of the Course through relationships and that I am being
called to teach. And, apparently God thinks that for me to teach and
heal involves a need to connect with others in this matter.
Expressing my views on the Course, hearing other's view, and being
more and more comfortable in spiritual communities kind of feels like
a good thing for me. I'm actually starting to see spiritual
community everywhere (not just in the study group or church but at my
daughter's school playground, with my own family, everyone I meet).
You may not hear me say in postings that God told me to do something
or I need to listen to Jesus. But, I mean it all the same using the
language that I am most comfortable. Maybe I am a teacher that will
be able to help others who have a similar resistance to "God talk".
Who knows. I try not to project into the future too much.

Thanks George for showing me that there is another way to look at
things (regarding Katie's post).

Your friend,
Hi everyone,
I've been having a lot of fun on another Course in
Miracles website and I wanted to share it.
It's a lot different than this one. Check out this
conversation I had with Katie. It's a crack up!
2008-04-14 17:53:27 UTC
Hi george,

pardon me, but i needed to change the subject line.
One can only teach what one knows, and katie doesn't
know ACIM at all.

By the way, yours and Jasmine's presence is much
appreciated, and imho, a God sent.

oneLove, maz
2008-04-14 18:02:16 UTC
Post by maz
Hi george,
pardon me, but i needed to change the subject line.
One can only teach what one knows, and katie doesn't
know ACIM at all.
By the way, yours and Jasmine's presence is much
appreciated, and imho, a God sent.
oneLove, maz
Did my title just get to you! :) Thanks for the kind words.
2008-04-14 21:04:42 UTC
Post by george
Did my title just get to you! :)
Your title is rubbish, the opposite of a true fact.
Post by george
Thanks for the kind words.
You're welcome.

2008-04-14 18:46:04 UTC
Post by maz
Hi george,
pardon me, but i needed to change the subject line.
One can only teach what one knows, and katie doesn't
know ACIM at all.
And you are saying YOU do, Maz?
If you really did, would you be seeing someone else as "not knowing" it
and even if you decided this, about someone else, would it matter to you?
I you really knew what ACIM teaches?
All you teach is separation, judgment and hurting people you have decide
you don't like.
But, that's no your problem to deal with... Those who DO know what ACIM
teaches understand this.
Post by maz
By the way, yours and Jasmine's presence is much
appreciated, and imho, a God sent.
Of course, because they area agreeing and backing up you
Post by maz
oneLove, maz
Gene Ward Smith
2008-04-14 19:27:23 UTC
Post by Carrie
And you are saying YOU do, Maz?
If you really did, would you be seeing someone else as "not knowing" it
And would you be seeing someone else as not knowing ""Modular elliptic curves
and Fermat's Last Theorem"?
2008-04-14 19:41:21 UTC
Post by maz
Hi george,
pardon me, but i needed to change the subject line.
One can only teach what one knows, and katie doesn't
know ACIM at all.
  And you are saying YOU do, Maz?
  If you really did, would you be seeing someone else as "not knowing" it
and even if you decided this, about someone else, would it matter to you?
 I you really knew what ACIM teaches?
 All you teach is separation, judgment and hurting people you have decide
you don't like.
 But, that's no your problem to deal with... Those who DO know what ACIM
teaches understand this.
Post by maz
By the way, yours and Jasmine's presence is much
appreciated, and imho, a God sent.
 Of course, because they area agreeing and backing up you
Post by maz
oneLove, maz- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Nice sentence construction. I really like the last one:

"Of course, because they area agreeing and backing up you"

Could you diagrahm that sentence for me?
2008-04-14 19:44:20 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by maz
By the way, yours and Jasmine's presence is much
appreciated, and imho, a God sent.
Of course, because they area agreeing and backing up you
And you wonder why you are not too well received here, Carrie? It
couldn't be that maz appreciates the presence of George and Jasmine
because they are both quite focused on the actual topic of this ng?

Deborah (BC)
2008-04-14 20:59:48 UTC
Post by Deborah
And you wonder why you are not too well received here, Carrie?
To educate yourself about Carrie Starchild's internet history of
fronting for Katie Dean, for structured abuse in the name of ACIM, and
see her scheming and plotting to slander Course students, and feel
your skin crawl, especially if you want to avoid to be in co-
dependency and refuse to enable her displayed, ongoing insantity, go
2008-04-14 21:15:07 UTC
Post by george
Post by Deborah
And you wonder why you are not too well received here, Carrie?
To educate yourself about Carrie Starchild's internet history of
fronting for Katie Dean, for structured abuse in the name of ACIM, and
see her scheming and plotting to slander Course students, and feel
your skin crawl, especially if you want to avoid to be in co-
dependency and refuse to enable her displayed, ongoing insantity, go
   http://tinyurl.com/ouhzx- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Maz disclaimer:

See example of Maz's creepy halo slip:

Newsgroups: talk.religion.course-miracle
From: "maz]" <***@rocketmail.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 23:01:22 +0200
Local: Tues, Oct 2 2007 1:01 pm
Subject: Re: disclaimer
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Yeah, what a surprise, another internet sl*t lying her a** off.

get lost!
2008-04-14 21:41:57 UTC
hey grandma, we're not suprised you can't tell
a slip from organized and structured abuse.
that would afford switching the brains on.
2008-04-14 22:07:44 UTC
Post by mazzel
hey grandma, we're not suprised you can't tell
a slip from organized and structured abuse.
that would afford switching the brains on.
Too bad you can't see you aren't any different from anyone else no
matter how much you try to profess otherwise.
2008-04-14 22:53:26 UTC
Post by Lotus_Bloom
Post by mazzel
hey grandma, we're not suprised you can't tell
a slip from organized and structured abuse.
that would afford switching the brains on.
Too bad you can't see you aren't any different from anyone else no
matter how much you try to profess otherwise.
Is maz channeling John now???? :)
2008-04-14 23:07:45 UTC
Post by mazzel
hey grandma, we're not suprised you can't tell
a slip from organized and structured abuse.
that would afford switching the brains on.
Too bad you can't see you aren't any different from anyone else no
matter how much you try to profess otherwise.

It doesn't take much, does it?
2008-04-14 21:40:37 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Post by maz
By the way, yours and Jasmine's presence is much
appreciated, and imho, a God sent.
Of course, because they area agreeing and backing up you
And you wonder why you are not too well received here, Carrie? It
couldn't be that maz appreciates the presence of George and Jasmine
because they are both quite focused on the actual topic of this ng?
Deborah (BC)
Accusing someone of having a borderline personality disorder is being
on topic?
2008-04-14 21:48:16 UTC
MikeRyder does not have BPD.

if he did, then he would not make such sense...

living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
2008-04-14 22:08:18 UTC
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.

I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.

I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.

The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
2008-04-14 22:21:11 UTC
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet? because
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever, along with my responses to
it. God Bless us All cuz the "tiny mad idea" is trying to hide from
each of us.
2008-04-14 22:29:32 UTC
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet? because
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever, along with my responses to
it. God Bless us All cuz the "tiny mad idea" is trying to hide from
each of us.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
It doesn't mean a blooming thing. Just another playground. When you
step back and look, you can have quite a laugh or you make it all real
and suffer. LOL
2008-04-14 22:56:08 UTC
Post by Lotus_Bloom
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet? because
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever, along with my responses to
it. God Bless us All cuz the "tiny mad idea" is trying to hide from
each of us.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
It doesn't mean a blooming thing. Just another playground. When you
step back and look, you can have quite a laugh or you make it all real
and suffer. LOL
amen to that. :)
2008-04-14 23:16:59 UTC
On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 15:56:08 -0700 (PDT), ellen
Post by ellen
Post by Lotus_Bloom
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet? because
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever, along with my responses to
it. God Bless us All cuz the "tiny mad idea" is trying to hide from
each of us.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
It doesn't mean a blooming thing. Just another playground. When you
step back and look, you can have quite a laugh or you make it all real
and suffer. LOL
amen to that. :)
Are you just "playing" when you post nasty retorts to Sue?
2008-04-14 22:32:28 UTC
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet?
I do
Post by z***@gmail.com
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever,
Knowledge is remembering.
Do you remember this?
There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good
She was very, very good
And when she was bad
She was...

along with my responses to
Post by z***@gmail.com
it. God Bless us All cuz the "tiny mad idea" is trying to hide from
each of us.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2008-04-14 22:58:26 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet?
I do
Post by z***@gmail.com
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever,
Knowledge is remembering.
Do you remember this?
There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good
She was very, very good
And when she was bad
She was...
... better

Mae West
2008-04-14 23:20:58 UTC
Post by ellen
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet?
                                      I do
Post by z***@gmail.com
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever,
     Knowledge is remembering.
     Do you remember this?
     There was a little girl
     Who had a little curl
     Right in the middle of her forehead.
     And when she was good
     She was very, very good
     And when she was bad
     She was...
... better
Mae West- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Funny. Mae West said it my little chickadee.
2008-04-14 23:27:07 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by ellen
Post by Mike
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet?
I do
Post by z***@gmail.com
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever,
Knowledge is remembering.
Do you remember this?
There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good
She was very, very good
And when she was bad
She was...
... better
Mae West- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Funny. Mae West said it my little chickadee.
Yep. LOL
2008-04-14 23:34:55 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by ellen
Post by Mike
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet?
I do
Post by z***@gmail.com
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever,
Knowledge is remembering.
Do you remember this?
There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good
She was very, very good
And when she was bad
She was...
... better
Mae West- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Funny. Mae West said it my little chickadee.
1. When I'm good I'm very good, but when I'm bad I'm better.

2. A hard man... is good to find

3. It's not the men in my life that counts -- it's the life in my

4. He who hesitates is last.

5. I go for two kinds of men. The kind with muscles, and the kind

6. So many men... so little time

7. Too much of a good thing... can be wonderful

8. Why don't you come on up and see me sometime.. when I've got
nothin' on but the radio.

9. I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.

10. A man in love is like a clipped coupon -- it's time to cash in.

11. A man in the house... is worth two in the street

12. Marriage is a fine institution, but I'm not ready for an

13. It's better to be looked over, than overlooked

14. Give a man a free hand... and he'll run it all over you

15. Good sex is like good Bridge... If you don't have a good
partner, you'd better have a good hand

16. To err is human -- but it feels divine

17. His mother should have thrown him away...and kept the stork

18. I don't like myself, I'm crazy about myself.

19. "Goodness, what beautiful diamonds !" Goodness had nothing to do
with it, dearie

20. I like two kinds of men: domestic and imported

21. When a girl goes wrong, men go right... after her

22. I'm the lady who works at Paramount all day... and Fox all

23. Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

24. I used to be Snow White... but I drifted

25. Save a boyfriend for a rainy day, and another, in case it
doesn't rain

26. I've been rich and I've been poor... Believe me, rich is better

27. It's hard to be funny...when you have to be "clean"

28. I like my clothes to be tight enough to show I'm a woman... but
loose enough to show I'm a lady.

29. She's the kind of girl who climbed the ladder of success...
wrong by wrong

30. You may admire a girl's curves on the first introduction... but
the second meeting shows up new angles

31. You can say what you like about long dresses, but they cover a
multitude of shins.

32. Those who are easily shocked... should be shocked more often

33. When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one
I've never tried before.

34. You ought to get out of those wet clothes... and into a dry

And the winner is ..... #24!
2008-04-14 23:47:49 UTC
Post by ellen
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet?
                                      I do
Post by z***@gmail.com
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever,
     Knowledge is remembering.
     Do you remember this?
     There was a little girl
     Who had a little curl
     Right in the middle of her forehead.
     And when she was good
     She was very, very good
     And when she was bad
     She was...
... better
Mae West- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  Funny.  Mae West said it my little chickadee.
   1. When I'm good I'm very good, but when I'm bad I'm better.
   2. A hard man... is good to find
   3. It's not the men in my life that counts -- it's the life in my
   4. He who hesitates is last.
   5. I go for two kinds of men. The kind with muscles, and the kind
   6. So many men... so little time
   7. Too much of a good thing... can be wonderful
   8. Why don't you come on up and see me sometime.. when I've got
nothin' on but the radio.
   9. I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.
  10. A man in love is like a clipped coupon -- it's time to cash in.
  11. A man in the house... is worth two in the street
  12. Marriage is a fine institution, but I'm not ready for an
  13. It's better to be looked over, than overlooked
  14. Give a man a free hand... and he'll run it all over you
  15. Good sex is like good Bridge... If you don't have a good
partner, you'd better have a good hand
  16. To err is human -- but it feels divine
  17. His mother should have thrown him away...and kept the stork
  18. I don't like myself, I'm crazy about myself.
  19. "Goodness, what beautiful diamonds !" Goodness had nothing to do
with it, dearie
  20. I like two kinds of men: domestic and imported
  21. When a girl goes wrong, men go right... after her
  22. I'm the lady who works at Paramount all day... and Fox all
  23. Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
  24. I used to be Snow White... but I drifted
  25. Save a boyfriend for a rainy day, and another, in case it
doesn't rain
  26. I've been rich and I've been poor... Believe me, rich is better
  27. It's hard to be funny...when you have to be "clean"
  28. I like my clothes to be tight enough to show I'm a woman... but
loose enough to show I'm a lady.
  29. She's the kind of girl who climbed the ladder of success...
wrong by wrong
  30. You may admire a girl's curves on the first introduction... but
the second meeting shows up new angles
  31. You can say what you like about long dresses, but they cover a
multitude of shins.
  32. Those who are easily shocked... should be shocked more often
  33. When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one
I've never tried before.
  34. You ought to get out of those wet clothes... and into a dry
And the winner is ..... #24!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
They're all funny. 24 is the best. Agree.
Gene Ward Smith
2008-04-15 00:17:51 UTC
Post by ellen
33. When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one
I've never tried before.
Sometimes she sounds a lot like Oscar Wilde.
2008-04-14 22:39:25 UTC
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet? because
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever, along with my responses to
it. God Bless us All cuz the "tiny mad idea" is trying to hide from
each of us.
Yes, I did forget to include carrie. I'll make up for that now. Carrie
too. :) And yes I am here...after a several year absence. I myself
joined the ranks of those who saw this place as the newsgroup from
hell. And, frankly, what I see happening here, my posts included, is
just bullshit in action. But it's particular bullshit that seems to be
unique to this newsgroup and always has been. I think the real irony
is when people come here to endlessly snipe and fight...all in the
name of God, Jesus, and spiritual healing. :)
2008-04-15 00:18:48 UTC
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet? because
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever, along with my responses to
it. God Bless us All cuz the "tiny mad idea" is trying to hide from
each of us.
Yes, I did forget to include carrie. I'll make up for that now. Carrie
too. :) And yes I am here...after a several year absence. I myself
joined the ranks of those who saw this place as the newsgroup from
hell. And, frankly, what I see happening here, my posts included, is
just bullshit in action. But it's particular bullshit that seems to be
unique to this newsgroup and always has been. I think the real irony
is when people come here to endlessly snipe and fight...all in the
name of God, Jesus, and spiritual healing. :)
What name did you post under before?
2008-04-15 00:46:12 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that), so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet? because
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever, along with my responses to
it. God Bless us All cuz the "tiny mad idea" is trying to hide from
each of us.
Yes, I did forget to include carrie. I'll make up for that now. Carrie
too. :) And yes I am here...after a several year absence. I myself
joined the ranks of those who saw this place as the newsgroup from
hell. And, frankly, what I see happening here, my posts included, is
just bullshit in action. But it's particular bullshit that seems to be
unique to this newsgroup and always has been. I think the real irony
is when people come here to endlessly snipe and fight...all in the
name of God, Jesus, and spiritual healing. :)
What name did you post under before?

2008-04-15 00:14:48 UTC
Post by MikeRyder
Post by z***@gmail.com
MikeRyder does not have BPD.
if he did, then he would not make such sense...
living with BPD should not be taken lightly, as both of you have
pointed out when defining the illness
Thanks, I appreciate this.
I wonder though if if could be said that this newsgroup has long
history of collective borderline personality disorder. Apparently you
have just joined the group. But what you see here -- and much more --
has been typical of this place for many years. This is what causes
people, former posters and lurkers, to just dismiss this place as "the
newsgroup from hell." The same kind of belligerence you see now was
going on three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. And with just
the exception of two or three long-time posters who are still here,
only the "players" change.
I highly doubt that any of those here who accuse people of being
liars, frauds, and of having borderline personality disorders do this
kind of thing in their lives off their computers. I have a hunch that
these peoples' familes and others in their social lives would be
downright shocked if they knew what they do here. This, I suspect,
includes katie, deborah, maz, and even gene. But they all commit this
kind of behavior here.
The question is why? The only thing I can think of is that, first, an
online newsgroup affords people the safety of their computer screens.
And, second, I suspect some here actually think that they are engaging
in the healing process when they let their egos simply go off the deep
end. And this is too bad.
your suspicions seem ironic since you are here too (and you forgot to
mention Carrie, she'll be sure to note that)

No, I didn't notice it, but I notice you seem to know more about me (or
think you do) than most newbies would.

so maybe this is one
MASS hallucinatory forum for anyone to air their grievances??? does
any one amongst us think there is "love" here on the internet? because
its becoming clear to me that what each of you write is already
somewhere in my head/imagination/whatever, along with my responses to
it. God Bless us All cuz the "tiny mad idea" is trying to hide from
each of us.
2008-04-14 19:41:57 UTC
Post by maz
Hi george,
pardon me, but i needed to change the subject line.
One can only teach what one knows, and katie doesn't
know ACIM at all.
By the way, yours and Jasmine's presence is much
appreciated, and imho, a God sent.
oneLove, maz
You're right, maz.
Gene Ward Smith
2008-04-14 18:03:07 UTC
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
2008-04-14 18:36:37 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I promised Karen I wouldn't tell :)
2008-04-14 18:44:01 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I promised Karen I wouldn't tell :)

Oh, okay....

So maybe you shouldn't write about his newgroup and people on it there, and
then write about "Karen" and what she said, there, here.
Some might think you are making it all up to back up what you're writing.
Maybe you shouldn't talk about people on websites they aren't allowed
access to.
Though, of course, you are free to do whatever you want here, and people
can believe it (and you) and take it (and you) however they want.
2008-04-14 18:54:49 UTC
Post by george
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I promised Karen I wouldn't tell :)
 Oh, okay....
 So maybe you shouldn't write about his newgroup and people on it there, and
then write about "Karen" and what she said, there, here.
 Some might think you are making it all up to back up what you're writing.
 Maybe you shouldn't talk about people on websites they aren't allowed
access to.
I think you are right, since you took it this way. I won't do it
again. Thanks for the heads up!
Post by george
 Though, of course, you are free to do whatever you want here, and people
can believe it (and you) and take it (and you) however they want.
2008-04-14 19:26:09 UTC
Post by george
Post by george
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I promised Karen I wouldn't tell :)
 Oh, okay....
 So maybe you shouldn't write about his newgroup and people on it there, and
then write about "Karen" and what she said, there, here.
 Some might think you are making it all up to back up what you're writing.
 Maybe you shouldn't talk about people on websites they aren't allowed
access to.
I think you are right, since you took it this way. I won't do it
again. Thanks for the heads up!
Post by george
 Though, of course, you are free to do whatever you want here, and people
can believe it (and you) and take it (and you) however they want.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
George if you base your actions upon Carrie's
perceptions you will go blind.
2008-04-14 19:02:09 UTC
Post by george
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I promised Karen I wouldn't tell :)
Oh, okay....
So maybe you shouldn't write about his newgroup and people on it there, and
then write about "Karen" and what she said, there, here.
Some might think you are making it all up to back up what you're writing.
Maybe you shouldn't talk about people on websites they aren't allowed
access to.
Oh, I think he'd have some darned good reasons for not telling. And
despite my own curiosity, I will support him in not telling.

Deborah (BC)
Post by george
Though, of course, you are free to do whatever you want here, and people
can believe it (and you) and take it (and you) however they want.
2008-04-14 21:34:06 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by george
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I promised Karen I wouldn't tell :)
Oh, okay....
So maybe you shouldn't write about his newgroup and people on it there, and
then write about "Karen" and what she said, there, here.
Some might think you are making it all up to back up what you're writing.
Maybe you shouldn't talk about people on websites they aren't allowed
access to.
Oh, I think he'd have some darned good reasons for not telling. And
despite my own curiosity, I will support him in not telling.
How "generous" of you.
2008-04-15 00:28:57 UTC
Post by MikeRyder
Post by Deborah
Post by george
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I promised Karen I wouldn't tell :)
Oh, okay....
So maybe you shouldn't write about his newgroup and people on it there, and
then write about "Karen" and what she said, there, here.
Some might think you are making it all up to back up what you're writing.
Maybe you shouldn't talk about people on websites they aren't allowed
access to.
Oh, I think he'd have some darned good reasons for not telling. And
despite my own curiosity, I will support him in not telling.
How "generous" of you.
I don't care if he tells the link or not, or doesn't want me (or Katie,
or Deborah or anyone here knowing it) Whether it's justified or not. He
reposted from here on it, and then back here when someone on it commented.
If he doesn't give the link I assume there isn't one or a "Karen".
If you're going to cross post and say what people there said about
someone here, it's only fair to show it in context, where it supposedly
Otherwise don't post ABOUT it here.
Just take away and credibility and honesty from anything else he posts,
and waste of time to bother with him.
Is he just on this ng to gather posts that might be interesting to
discuss and comment on, on HIS group?
Gene Ward Smith
2008-04-15 00:42:56 UTC
Post by Carrie
If he doesn't give the link I assume there isn't one or a "Karen".
If you do that I'll assume you don't exist, other than as a sock puppet for
Katie. One good assumption deserves another.
2008-04-15 00:45:02 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by MikeRyder
Post by Deborah
Post by george
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I promised Karen I wouldn't tell :)
Oh, okay....
So maybe you shouldn't write about his newgroup and people on it there, and
then write about "Karen" and what she said, there, here.
Some might think you are making it all up to back up what you're writing.
Maybe you shouldn't talk about people on websites they aren't allowed
access to.
Oh, I think he'd have some darned good reasons for not telling. And
despite my own curiosity, I will support him in not telling.
How "generous" of you.
I don't care if he tells the link or not, or doesn't want me (or Katie,
or Deborah or anyone here knowing it) Whether it's justified or not. He
reposted from here on it, and then back here when someone on it commented.
If he doesn't give the link I assume there isn't one or a "Karen".
If you're going to cross post and say what people there said about
someone here, it's only fair to show it in context, where it supposedly
Otherwise don't post ABOUT it here.
Just take away and credibility and honesty from anything else he posts,
and waste of time to bother with him.
Is he just on this ng to gather posts that might be interesting to
discuss and comment on, on HIS group?
Using ellen's *smirk*...yawn.
2008-04-14 18:41:50 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.

The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
2008-04-14 18:48:37 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
  I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
 The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it.  He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
I promise I'm not writing about anyone herer except Katie and only her
because she has helped me personally. You don't think I would write
anything attackng or bad about anyone do you? I believe in love for
everyone! I'd tell you the webite but I promised Karen when I asked
her if I could post this here that I wouldn't let Katie near her as
she is scared of her.
2008-04-14 20:38:44 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
I promise I'm not writing about anyone herer except Katie and only her
because she has helped me personally. You don't think I would write
anything attackng or bad about anyone do you? I believe in love for
everyone! I'd tell you the webite but I promised Karen when I asked
her if I could post this here that I wouldn't let Katie near her as
she is scared of her.

Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
? And even if she is, why would you post what she writes there on a group
like that, where people are scared of the words someone writes on their
computer screen?
Just kind of interesting reading down it, and since you won't post the link
to this other group (you post ANYTHING form here on it and their comments on
it on here) I, for one, kind of think you are making the whole thing up. The
"other website" and "Karen".
But, it's your dream and your games.
2008-04-14 20:43:07 UTC
Post by george
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
I promise I'm not writing about anyone herer except Katie and only her
because she has helped me personally. You don't think I would write
anything attackng or bad about anyone do you? I believe in love for
everyone! I'd tell you the webite but I promised Karen when I asked
her if I could post this here that I wouldn't let Katie near her as
she is scared of her.
 Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
 What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
? And even if she is, why would you post what she writes there on a group
like that, where people are scared of the words someone writes on their
computer screen?
 Just kind of interesting reading down it, and since you won't post the link
to this other group (you post ANYTHING form here on it and their comments on
it on here) I, for one, kind of think you are making the whole thing up. The
"other website" and "Karen".
 But, it's your dream and your games.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
It does seem wierd to announce it and then not post the link. Maybe
it's safer for him that way.
2008-04-14 21:01:51 UTC
Post by george
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
I promise I'm not writing about anyone herer except Katie and only her
because she has helped me personally. You don't think I would write
anything attackng or bad about anyone do you? I believe in love for
everyone! I'd tell you the webite but I promised Karen when I asked
her if I could post this here that I wouldn't let Katie near her as
she is scared of her.
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
? And even if she is, why would you post what she writes there on a group
like that, where people are scared of the words someone writes on their
computer screen?
Just kind of interesting reading down it, and since you won't post the link
to this other group (you post ANYTHING form here on it and their comments on
it on here) I, for one, kind of think you are making the whole thing up. The
"other website" and "Karen".
But, it's your dream and your games.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
It does seem wierd to announce it and then not post the link. Maybe
it's safer for him that way.

And maybe there is no link.
And no "Karen".
Gene Ward Smith
2008-04-14 21:25:25 UTC
Post by Carrie
And maybe there is no link.
And no "Karen".
Maybe it would be best not to suggest people are lying, absent evidence.
2008-04-14 21:59:47 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by Carrie
And maybe there is no link.
And no "Karen".
Maybe it would be best not to suggest people are lying, absent evidence.
That's what liars do, and carrie engages in
structured, pathological lying.
2008-04-14 21:36:07 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by Carrie
And maybe there is no link.
And no "Karen".
Maybe it would be best not to suggest people are lying, absent evidence.
Maybe it would be best not to suggest there is a "Karen" and other group
where this newsgroup is discussed and quotes reposted here about it, absent

What's the difference?

I would like to see what was posted and the responses and the context they
were in (did only "Karen" respond and then give permission for it to be
posted back here for Katie and those interested in her- and her possible
reaction) to read?

If he's not going to show this, why do it in the first place?
Gene Ward Smith
2008-04-14 23:11:01 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Maybe it would be best not to suggest people are lying, absent evidence.
Maybe it would be best not to suggest there is a "Karen" and other group
where this newsgroup is discussed and quotes reposted here about it, absent
What's the difference?
What you did is not in accord with the Golden Rule; what George did does not
have that problem. That's the difference.
2008-04-14 23:18:39 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by Carrie
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Maybe it would be best not to suggest people are lying, absent evidence.
Maybe it would be best not to suggest there is a "Karen" and other group
where this newsgroup is discussed and quotes reposted here about it, absent
What's the difference?
What you did is not in accord with the Golden Rule; what George did does not
have that problem. That's the difference.
Is calling Gary Renard and others frauds and liars being in accordance
with the Golden Rule?
2008-04-15 00:46:18 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by Carrie
And maybe there is no link.
And no "Karen".
Maybe it would be best not to suggest people are lying, absent evidence.
I was giving my opinion.
In my opinion, based on what he's written and not giving the link to
where he posted about this ng and others responded to it (which HE made sure
and let people here know about) there isn't any other group or someone named
Karen. Making out like there is was backup for what he wanted to get across
about Katie. And, "Karen" is afraid of Katie (LOL)

If there really is another board and george posted something and Karen
responded and is afraid to be know who and where she's writing, why would
george post it here in the first place? What was it FOR?

If I had done/wrote what he did, about another board and anoymous
sources, you'd have been all over me asking for proof and "citation" to back
it up.
2008-04-14 21:05:22 UTC
Post by george
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
I promise I'm not writing about anyone herer except Katie and only her
because she has helped me personally. You don't think I would write
anything attackng or bad about anyone do you? I believe in love for
everyone! I'd tell you the webite but I promised Karen when I asked
her if I could post this here that I wouldn't let Katie near her as
she is scared of her.
 Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
 What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
? And even if she is, why would you post what she writes there on a group
like that, where people are scared of the words someone writes on their
computer screen?
 Just kind of interesting reading down it, and since you won't post the link
to this other group (you post ANYTHING form here on it and their comments on
it on here) I, for one, kind of think you are making the whole thing up. The
"other website" and "Karen".
 But, it's your dream and your games.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
It does seem wierd to announce it and then not post the link.  Maybe
it's safer for him that way.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
the writing style is completely different and filled with a woman's
point of view. moreover, why would have to make anything up for a
bunch of anonymous people who are using virtual 2d communication?
anyways, logic is easily lost in this nutty format
2008-04-14 21:10:57 UTC
Post by z***@gmail.com
the writing style is completely different and filled with a woman's
point of view. moreover, why would have to make anything up for a
bunch of anonymous people who are using virtual 2d communication?
anyways, logic is easily lost in this nutty format<<

LOL, especially when you're famous for behaving
extremely dumb and mean.

2008-04-14 21:23:25 UTC
Post by george
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
I promise I'm not writing about anyone herer except Katie and only her
because she has helped me personally. You don't think I would write
anything attackng or bad about anyone do you? I believe in love for
everyone! I'd tell you the webite but I promised Karen when I asked
her if I could post this here that I wouldn't let Katie near her as
she is scared of her.
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
? And even if she is, why would you post what she writes there on a group
like that, where people are scared of the words someone writes on their
computer screen?
Just kind of interesting reading down it, and since you won't post the link
to this other group (you post ANYTHING form here on it and their comments on
it on here) I, for one, kind of think you are making the whole thing up. The
"other website" and "Karen".
But, it's your dream and your games.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
It does seem wierd to announce it and then not post the link. Maybe
it's safer for him that way.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
the writing style is completely different and filled with a woman's
point of view. moreover, why would have to make anything up for a
bunch of anonymous people who are using virtual 2d communication?
anyways, logic is easily lost in this nutty format

Why bring it here, if you're not going to show where it came from, in
context? What was the point, what was it for?
Asking someone to show where they reposted from here, and the context of
the response(s) there, is nutty?
Why get "Karen" involved in it (why would she give permission) if she is
scared of Katie?
What is Katie going to do to her on the "other" course group?
Speak up from her side of it, in response?
2008-04-14 20:43:44 UTC
Post by Carrie
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
Carrie, have you even read Katie's responses to George and Jasmine?
Do you have no clue how she sounds to people who have not gotten used
to her? (Not that it's possible to ever get used to her, really...)

Deborah (BC)
2008-04-14 20:47:10 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
Carrie, have you even read Katie's responses to George and Jasmine?
Do you have no clue how she sounds to people who have not gotten used
to her?  (Not that it's possible to ever get used to her, really...)
Deborah (BC)
George has posted that Katie's posts are "funny." What is to be
afraid of funny?
2008-04-14 21:05:47 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
Carrie, have you even read Katie's responses to George and Jasmine?
Do you have no clue how she sounds to people who have not gotten used
to her? (Not that it's possible to ever get used to her, really...)
Deborah (BC)
George has posted that Katie's posts are "funny." What is to be
afraid of funny?

Some here are afraid newcomers won't see the desgnated enemies,
troublemaker, evil trolls (like Katie and me, for example) the way they are
supposed to. They have to be guided in the right direction in case they miss

I think george and jasmine are doing just fine on their own.

What I don't understand, I had been busy and not giving much attention
here, I opened it and all I saw down it was "Jasmine" and "nigger" all down
my screen. Was this topic started by KATIE? I know it wasn't started by me.
And what's the point of it and repoeating it in the subject line over and
To somehow show jasmine what Katie and I are really like (and maybe you and
ellen, too) in case she didn't figure it out on her own?

This ng has got to be funny and entertaining. Not to be taken seriously
2008-04-14 21:16:16 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
Carrie, have you even read Katie's responses to George and Jasmine?
Do you have no clue how she sounds to people who have not gotten used
to her? (Not that it's possible to ever get used to her, really...)
Deborah (BC)
George has posted that Katie's posts are "funny."  What is to be
afraid of funny?
 Some here are afraid newcomers won't see the desgnated enemies,
troublemaker, evil trolls (like Katie and me, for example) the way they are
supposed to. They have to be guided in the right direction in case they miss
  I think george and jasmine are doing just fine on their own.
 What I don't understand, I had been busy and not giving much attention
here, I opened it and all I saw down it was "Jasmine" and "nigger" all down
my screen. Was this topic started by KATIE? I know it wasn't started by me.
And what's the point of it and repoeating it in the subject line over and
To somehow show jasmine what Katie and I are really like (and maybe you  and
ellen, too) in case she didn't figure it out on her own?
 This ng has got to be funny and entertaining. Not to be taken seriously
No Jasmine introduced the word.
2008-04-14 21:26:09 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
Carrie, have you even read Katie's responses to George and Jasmine?
Do you have no clue how she sounds to people who have not gotten used
to her? (Not that it's possible to ever get used to her, really...)
Deborah (BC)
George has posted that Katie's posts are "funny."  What is to be
afraid of funny?
 Some here are afraid newcomers won't see the desgnated enemies,
troublemaker, evil trolls (like Katie and me, for example) the way they are
supposed to. They have to be guided in the right direction in case they miss
  I think george and jasmine are doing just fine on their own.
 What I don't understand, I had been busy and not giving much attention
here, I opened it and all I saw down it was "Jasmine" and "nigger" all down
my screen. Was this topic started by KATIE? I know it wasn't started by me.
And what's the point of it and repoeating it in the subject line over and
To somehow show jasmine what Katie and I are really like (and maybe you  and
ellen, too) in case she didn't figure it out on her own?
 This ng has got to be funny and entertaining. Not to be taken seriously
No Jasmine introduced the word.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
YES I DID because that word does not bother me, FASCIST DOES which is
the word Katie uses to abuse others in written format. How is her
response to the n-word not similar to mine of fascist?- how many times
do you want to bring it up? THE GROUP ALREADY KNOWS I WAS THE FIRST TO
USE THAT WORD, we all read. who cares that you, nor Katie, nor Carrie
see the correlation between the two words and how they may be used?
2008-04-15 00:24:01 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared
Carrie, have you even read Katie's responses to George and Jasmine?
Do you have no clue how she sounds to people who have not gotten used
to her? (Not that it's possible to ever get used to her, really...)
Deborah (BC)
George has posted that Katie's posts are "funny." What is to be
afraid of funny?
Some here are afraid newcomers won't see the desgnated enemies,
troublemaker, evil trolls (like Katie and me, for example) the way they are
supposed to. They have to be guided in the right direction in case they miss
I think george and jasmine are doing just fine on their own.
What I don't understand, I had been busy and not giving much attention
here, I opened it and all I saw down it was "Jasmine" and "nigger" all down
my screen. Was this topic started by KATIE? I know it wasn't started by me.
And what's the point of it and repoeating it in the subject line over and
To somehow show jasmine what Katie and I are really like (and maybe you
ellen, too) in case she didn't figure it out on her own?
This ng has got to be funny and entertaining. Not to be taken seriously
No Jasmine introduced the word.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
YES I DID because that word does not bother me, FASCIST DOES which is
the word Katie uses to abuse others in written format. How is her
response to the n-word not similar to mine of fascist?- how many times
do you want to bring it up? THE GROUP ALREADY KNOWS I WAS THE FIRST TO
USE THAT WORD, we all read. who cares that you, nor Katie, nor Carrie
see the correlation between the two words and how they may be used?

Maybe we saw it, but we didn't care.
Words are just words.

Look was was made used FROM your (first) using the n word?
Do you care about that?

I wasn't even "here" when it started, I came on and saw the lonog thread
using it in the subject line.
Now I am involved in it, from the start?
2008-04-14 21:45:04 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
Carrie, have you even read Katie's responses to George and Jasmine?
Do you have no clue how she sounds to people who have not gotten used
to her? (Not that it's possible to ever get used to her, really...)
Deborah (BC)
George has posted that Katie's posts are "funny." What is to be
afraid of funny?
Some here are afraid newcomers won't see the desgnated enemies,
troublemaker, evil trolls (like Katie and me, for example) the way they are
supposed to. They have to be guided in the right direction in case they miss
I think george and jasmine are doing just fine on their own.
What I don't understand, I had been busy and not giving much attention
here, I opened it and all I saw down it was "Jasmine" and "nigger" all down
my screen. Was this topic started by KATIE? I know it wasn't started by me.
And what's the point of it and repoeating it in the subject line over and
To somehow show jasmine what Katie and I are really like (and maybe you
ellen, too) in case she didn't figure it out on her own?
This ng has got to be funny and entertaining. Not to be taken seriously
No Jasmine introduced the word.

A lot of people reposted it in the subject line, maybe without realizing

I checked on google and it's still in the subject near the top (by Maz)

There are 97 posts in the thread, and at 24 John changed it to Jasmine...
course student ..."nigger" and it's been that way for 73 posts from then on.
I know, easy to miss the subject. But, people complained because of this
when Katie wrote things about Nancy in subject lines.
Jasmine, and course student associated with "nigger"? And nobody
objected/objects to this going down the screen?
I know, I've been told I have no self esteem to come here and get talked
to the way I am, and if I don't like it I can shove it... or leave.
Just popping in for a bit to see what's going on NOW.
That's the only way to do it I guess. Come and go and don't take it too
2008-04-14 21:29:45 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
Carrie, have you even read Katie's responses to George and Jasmine?
Do you have no clue how she sounds to people who have not gotten used
to her? (Not that it's possible to ever get used to her, really...)
Deborah (BC)
George has posted that Katie's posts are "funny."  What is to be
afraid of funny?
 Some here are afraid newcomers won't see the desgnated enemies,
troublemaker, evil trolls (like Katie and me, for example) the way they are
supposed to. They have to be guided in the right direction in case they miss
  I think george and jasmine are doing just fine on their own.
 What I don't understand, I had been busy and not giving much attention
here, I opened it and all I saw down it was "Jasmine" and "nigger" all down
my screen. Was this topic started by KATIE? I know it wasn't started by me.
And what's the point of it and repoeating it in the subject line over and
To somehow show jasmine what Katie and I are really like (and maybe you  and
ellen, too) in case she didn't figure it out on her own?
 This ng has got to be funny and entertaining. Not to be taken seriously
duh this and everything is taken too seriously -thanks for stating the
freakishly obvious directly and indirectly
now let's go light that candle on the altar of your shrine to yourself
2008-04-14 21:11:58 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
Carrie, have you even read Katie's responses to George and Jasmine?
Do you have no clue how she sounds to people who have not gotten used
to her?  (Not that it's possible to ever get used to her, really...)
Deborah (BC)
George has posted that Katie's posts are "funny."  What is to be
afraid of funny?
George is not your average student.
2008-04-14 21:13:02 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
Carrie, have you even read Katie's responses to George and Jasmine?
Do you have no clue how she sounds to people who have not gotten used
to her?  (Not that it's possible to ever get used to her, really...)
Deborah (BC)
George has posted that Katie's posts are "funny."  What is to be
afraid of funny?
I think they are funny. Did you read Karen's reaction? She's trying to
heal and is doing the best she can. Obviously I made a mistake by
posting her comments as they have caused a controversy and that was
not my intent. My intent was, and has been, that anything or anyone
can be seen as a learning experience and a good thing if that's what I
CHOOSE it to be by my perception. I believe that's what ACIM teaches
and I know it works for me. Oh well, I did say I wouldn't do it
again. :)
2008-04-14 21:22:24 UTC
Obviously I made a mistake by
posting her comments as they have caused a controversy

No, they didn't cause controversy. Controversy
is what carrie thrives on. You have been advised
to ignore this but you don't. That makes you coresponsible
for the controversy.
2008-04-14 21:23:56 UTC
Post by george
Obviously I made a mistake by
posting her comments as they have caused a controversy
No, they didn't cause controversy. Controversy
is what carrie thrives on. You have been advised
to ignore this but you don't. That makes you coresponsible
for the controversy.
Dang it busted AGAIN!!!
2008-04-15 00:21:51 UTC
Post by george
Obviously I made a mistake by
posting her comments as they have caused a controversy
No, they didn't cause controversy. Controversy
is what carrie thrives on. You have been advised
to ignore this but you don't. That makes you coresponsible
for the controversy.
Why don't you show people what you mean?
Be an example.
2008-04-14 21:02:20 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
Carrie, have you even read Katie's responses to George and Jasmine?
Do you have no clue how she sounds to people who have not gotten used
to her? (Not that it's possible to ever get used to her, really...)
Deborah (BC)
Do you ever read what you write to and about me?
2008-04-14 20:49:46 UTC
Post by george
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
I promise I'm not writing about anyone herer except Katie and only her
because she has helped me personally. You don't think I would write
anything attackng or bad about anyone do you? I believe in love for
everyone! I'd tell you the webite but I promised Karen when I asked
her if I could post this here that I wouldn't let Katie near her as
she is scared of her.
 Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
No, you saw what I posted it's at the bottom of my first post. I said
something like check this out it's a crack up. This web site is public
and anyone can come here.
Post by george
 What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
she told me she was afraid and I don't question I accept.
Post by george
? And even if she is, why would you post what she writes there on a group
like that, where people are scared of the words someone writes on their
computer screen?
I thought and still think what Katie and I have been writing to each
other has been a wonderful example of what ACIM teaches and that's why
I wanted the other group to see it.
Post by george
 Just kind of interesting reading down it, and since you won't post the link
to this other group (you post ANYTHING form here on it and their comments on
it on here) I, for one, kind of think you are making the whole thing up.
It doesn't matter to me if you believe me.

Post by george
"other website" and "Karen".
 But, it's your dream and your games.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2008-04-14 21:08:28 UTC
Post by george
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
I promise I'm not writing about anyone herer except Katie and only her
because she has helped me personally. You don't think I would write
anything attackng or bad about anyone do you? I believe in love for
everyone! I'd tell you the webite but I promised Karen when I asked
her if I could post this here that I wouldn't let Katie near her as
she is scared of her.
Did you ask Katie if you could post what she wrote here, there?
No, you saw what I posted it's at the bottom of my first post. I said
something like check this out it's a crack up. This web site is public
and anyone can come here.

Oh you posted the link to it on your first post?
I haven't been keeping up.
Post by george
What kind of a course website is it, where someone would be "scared of her"
she told me she was afraid and I don't question I accept.

You didn't use it as a topic for discussion on a course group? What is
there to be afraid of? Instead you quoted Katie to "Karen" and what "Karen"
said in response back here.
Post by george
? And even if she is, why would you post what she writes there on a group
like that, where people are scared of the words someone writes on their
computer screen?
I thought and still think what Katie and I have been writing to each
other has been a wonderful example of what ACIM teaches and that's why
I wanted the other group to see it.
Post by george
Just kind of interesting reading down it, and since you won't post the link
to this other group (you post ANYTHING form here on it and their comments on
it on here) I, for one, kind of think you are making the whole thing up.
It doesn't matter to me if you believe me.

It doesn't matter to me, either. It just takes all credibility out of
your quotes and comments about what "Karen" said about Katie, behind her
back on some secret website.

Post by george
"other website" and "Karen".
But, it's your dream and your games.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Gene Ward Smith
2008-04-14 21:29:38 UTC
Post by Carrie
It doesn't matter to me, either. It just takes all credibility out of
your quotes and comments about what "Karen" said about Katie, behind her
back on some secret website.
No, it does not. George has a great deal of credibility here already. Why do
you think that is?
2008-04-14 21:34:38 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
  It doesn't matter to me, either. It just takes all credibility out of
your quotes and comments about what "Karen" said about Katie, behind her
back on some secret website.
No, it does not. George has a great deal of credibility here already. Why do
you think that is?
Thanks Gene! I like you too!
2008-04-15 00:41:16 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by Carrie
It doesn't matter to me, either. It just takes all credibility out of
your quotes and comments about what "Karen" said about Katie, behind her
back on some secret website.
No, it does not. George has a great deal of credibility here already. Why do
you think that is?
Because he's agreeing with the right people about the right people.
2008-04-14 21:09:12 UTC
Post by Carrie
I, for one, kind of think you are making the whole thing up.
" I don't think God cares if people use him in their lies." ~ Carrie

To educate yourself about Carrie Starchild's internet history of fronting
for Katie Dean, for structured abuse in the name of ACIM, and see her
scheming and plotting to slander Course students, and feel your skin crawl,
especially if you want to avoid to be in co- dependency and refuse to enable
her displayed, ongoing insantity, go here :

2008-04-14 21:25:00 UTC
Post by mazzel
Post by Carrie
I, for one, kind of think you are making the whole thing up.
" I don't think God cares if people use him in their lies." ~ Carrie
You think God has an ego like you do?
God judges and condemns and separates into the good people and the bad?
The course says God isn't even aware of "us" in form in separate bodies in

You see God like you are, well that's not very much of a "God".
Post by mazzel
To educate yourself about Carrie Starchild's internet history of fronting
for Katie Dean, for structured abuse in the name of ACIM, and see her
scheming and plotting to slander Course students, and feel your skin
crawl, especially if you want to avoid to be in co- dependency and refuse
2008-04-14 19:03:06 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
Not if he knows what's good for his other group, he shouldn't.

Deborah (BC)
2008-04-14 19:27:20 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
  I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
 The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it.  He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
Who are you to tell George what he should do?
He should...he should...he should.
Stop shoulding on everyone.
2008-04-14 20:40:15 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
Who are you to tell George what he should do?
He should...he should...he should.
Stop shoulding on everyone.

Speak for yourself. Who are you to tell me what I should/shouldn't do?
And btw, pointing out to me why I'm not liked and welcome here (in another
post) I don't see YOU as being all that liked and welcome here, either.
Maybe you see yourself in me.
2008-04-14 20:46:02 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
Who are you to tell George what he should do?
He should...he should...he should.
Stop shoulding on everyone.
Speak for yourself. Who are you to tell me what I should/shouldn't do?
And btw, pointing out to me why I'm not liked and welcome here (in another
That was me, Carrie, not Mike.
Post by Mike
I don't see YOU as being all that liked and welcome here, either.
Maybe you see yourself in me.
Actually, just about everybody here likes Mike H. Maybe you are
confusing him with Mike R. again.

Deborah (BC)
2008-04-14 21:11:35 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
Who are you to tell George what he should do?
He should...he should...he should.
Stop shoulding on everyone.
Speak for yourself. Who are you to tell me what I should/shouldn't do?
And btw, pointing out to me why I'm not liked and welcome here (in another
That was me, Carrie, not Mike.
Post by Mike
I don't see YOU as being all that liked and welcome here, either.
Maybe you see yourself in me.
Actually, just about everybody here likes Mike H. Maybe you are
confusing him with Mike R. again.
Deborah (BC)
That's who I was repsonding to.
When you block people it leaves gaps and creates confusion.

You pointed out why I'm not liked here and I pointed out the same about
you. The only reason anyone might like you is if they dislike me MORE and
like to see you telling me off and trying to put me in my place (as you have
decided it)

I actually like Mike Ryder, I have known him (off and on) for several years
and knew him on a group bill once started.

Maybe you just have to get to know him and where he's coming from, or
2008-04-14 21:38:29 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
Who are you to tell George what he should do?
He should...he should...he should.
Stop shoulding on everyone.
Speak for yourself. Who are you to tell me what I should/shouldn't do?
And btw, pointing out to me why I'm not liked and welcome here (in another
That was me, Carrie, not Mike.
Post by Mike
I don't see YOU as being all that liked and welcome here, either.
Maybe you see yourself in me.
Actually, just about everybody here likes Mike H. Maybe you are
confusing him with Mike R. again.
Deborah (BC)
Are you now saying that "Mike R" is not welcome here?

Remember how all this started, zombie. I did nothing but introduce a
new idea -- that what wayne talks about is consistent with A Course in
Miracles. You and the poster gene took it from there. And so far you
have progressed to the suggestion that I have a borderline personality
disorder. What's next in your quivver of poison arrows?
2008-04-14 20:51:22 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
  Who are you to tell George what he should do?
  He should...he should...he should.
  Stop shoulding on everyone.
  Speak for yourself. Who are you to tell me what I should/shouldn't do?
 And btw,  pointing out to me why I'm not liked and welcome here (in another
post) I don't see YOU as being all that liked and welcome here, either.
 Maybe you see yourself in me.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I like and welcome Mike. I think he's the greatest! I like and welcome
you too :) love for everyone, it's free!!!
2008-04-14 21:14:37 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
  Who are you to tell George what he should do?
  He should...he should...he should.
  Stop shoulding on everyone.
  Speak for yourself. Who are you to tell me what I should/shouldn't do?
 And btw,  pointing out to me why I'm not liked and welcome here (in another
post) I don't see YOU as being all that liked and welcome here, either.
 Maybe you see yourself in me.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Thank you, Mike, for pointing that out to me. I realize that
you are only trying to help me be a better Course student.
I realize that I am not well liked here. That is as much my
own fault as anyone else's. And I intend to change that,
not by changing my basic beliefs about ACIM but by trying
harder to demonstrate those beliefs.

Gene Ward Smith
2008-04-14 21:31:26 UTC
Post by Carrie
I don't see YOU as being all that liked and welcome here, either.
Eh? Who doesn't like Mike aside from Katie, who doesn't like anyone, and
possibly you?
2008-04-14 19:50:16 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
  I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
 The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it.  He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
Lord, you're nosy.
2008-04-14 21:15:51 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
Lord, you're nosy.

He brought up the other board. And posted from this one on it and posted
quotes FROM it on this.
He's writing about people here on it, he should be letting them read in (in
context) and see exactly what it is.
Otherwise, what was his point in even mentioning it here?

If it was me saying Iwrote about people here and posted quotes from it
here, without a link, I'd get called a behind the back gossip, or told I was
making it up.

But, that's me and not "george"

What to people say here about double standards, and honesty and hypocrisy?
2008-04-14 21:19:00 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
Lord, you're nosy.

What about when Katie posted here using the name nico moon and some went
all over the internet finding every link with that name on it and posting it
and commenting on it here?

To prove she is really all the nico moons?

I'd like to see proof there really is "another" course discussion group
that george and "Karen" post on.

Since he brought it up here.
2008-04-14 21:26:25 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
  Lord, you're nosy.
 What about when Katie posted here using the name nico moon and some went
all over the internet finding every link with that name on it and posting it
and commenting on it here?
  To prove she is really all the nico moons?
 I'd like to see proof there really is "another"  course discussion group
that george and "Karen" post on.
 Since he brought it up here.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I gave my word I wouldn't and the chances of me telling what the other
webisite is are zero :) You don't believe me that's okay with me.
2008-04-14 21:26:42 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
  Lord, you're nosy.
 What about when Katie posted here using the name nico moon and some went
all over the internet finding every link with that name on it and posting it
and commenting on it here?
  To prove she is really all the nico moons?
 I'd like to see proof there really is "another"  course discussion group
that george and "Karen" post on.
 Since he brought it up here.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Who cares what proof you want! Who are you?
Little tyrant. Control freak.
2008-04-14 20:05:24 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
  I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
 The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it.  He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
I have decided that your posts are so inappropriate that
I am going to take over your posts for you.
2008-04-14 20:09:43 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
  I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
 The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it.  He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
  I have decided that your posts are so inappropriate that
  I am going to take over your posts for you.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Stop... I'm laughing so hard tears are coming.

I'm not laughing at you Carrie, I like your posts! I'm laughing at
Mike's wit. He's funny!
2008-04-14 21:20:11 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
I have decided that your posts are so inappropriate that
I am going to take over your posts for you.

Gene asked him where the other website was first.
But, taking on Gene isn't the same as me, is it?
Take on me and when JL gets here later you'll have instant and hundreds of
posts backup.
2008-04-14 21:28:18 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by george
friend Karen on
the other website has posted also.
What other website, may I ask?
I was reading down the posts and wondered the same thing. I was looking at
george's posts (more than I realized) to see if he gave the link to it.
The one where he's talking about this one (and people here) on it. He
should be giving the link so people can see what he's writing about them
(and this newsgroup) directly.
  I have decided that your posts are so inappropriate that
  I am going to take over your posts for you.
 Gene asked him where the other website was first.
 But, taking on Gene isn't the same as me, is it?
 Take on me and when JL gets here later you'll have instant  and hundreds of
posts backup.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Gene let it go. George made a promise that you expect
him to forego because you demand 'proof'. You are sad.
Gene Ward Smith
2008-04-14 21:40:06 UTC
Post by Carrie
Gene asked him where the other website was first.
I asked; I didn't demand.
2008-04-14 21:52:20 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by Carrie
Gene asked him where the other website was first.
I asked; I didn't demand.
Other people here have asked things. And your typical tactic is to
tell them that they "demanded."
2008-04-15 00:30:11 UTC
Post by Gene Ward Smith
Post by Carrie
Gene asked him where the other website was first.
I asked; I didn't demand.
I said how I felt about it.
Nothing stops you from doing that, on occasion.
Gene Ward Smith
2008-04-15 00:43:48 UTC
Post by Carrie
I said how I felt about it.
Which was a mistake. Nothing prevents you from correcting it.