Post by r***@tahoe.bluePost by CarrieAnd, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group.
It may be more that she/he/it doesn't care whether she/he/it is loved
and/or accepted, as long a she/he/it isn't ignored. After all, there
doesn't seem to be any real attempt at conversation; just a general
jumping up and down and waving of arms.
Over the years, there have been some pitched battles here between
strong personalities holding diametrically opposed views. Sid doesn't
even seem like he's trying. Sid seems a caricature.
Sid's "arguments" against ACIM are sophomoric and sound like the
Republican Representative on Bill Maher Friday night, pooh-poohing
evolution by saying, "I didn't come from no monkey". And, grinning
from ear to ear the whole time.
I've been told I don't know what ACIM says (teaches) and this must be true.
My idea about it is, it doesn't matter what (if anything) "someone else" is
doing, saying or seems to be. My perception/projection of it is what gives
it all and meaning it has.
All that about "seek not to change the world, but change your mind
(thinking) about it." "it's not up to you to try and change your brother,
but to accept him as he is" and of course, Lesson 351, which was the first
lines I heard from ACIM, before I had the books.
My sinless brother is my guide to peace.
My sinful brother is my guide to pain.
And which I choose to see I will behold.
W-351.1. <Who is my brother but Your holy Son? 2 And if I see him
sinful I proclaim myself a sinner, not a Son of God; alone and friendless in
a fearful world. 3 Yet this perception is a choice I make, and can
relinquish. 4 I can also see my brother sinless, as Your holy Son. 5 And
with this choice I see my sinlessness, my everlasting Comforter and Friend
beside me, and my way secure and clear. 6 Choose, then, for me, my Father,
through Your Voice. 7 For He alone gives judgment in Your Name.>
Of course, going by this, it doesn't matter to me what you seem to
believe about it. If you need to jusfity what might be not responding
with/from Love, because of how someone else "seems to be" (less than
Perfect, our Brother in Christ) that is how I could be seeing you.
And, it's not up to me to judge, even judging someone else as judging.
Offered in the spirit of possible course discussion. Even though it
seems some have their own version of what the course "says". The spin off
groups that have come from it, and people attracted to them, seem to be
showing this.