(too old to reply)
Avon AZ
2011-01-24 00:58:17 UTC
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this doesn't seem
to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound like anything I have
been studying for the last two years. :-(
2011-01-24 01:08:17 UTC
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this doesn't
seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound like anything I
have been studying for the last two years. :-(
Then it probably isn't.
If you haven't been learning about projection, and what you see is a
reflection of what's already in your mind, and if you don't like what you
see, it's your mind that needs to change...
2011-01-24 14:03:58 UTC
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 20:08:17 -0500, "Carrie"
Post by Carrie
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this doesn't
seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound like anything I
have been studying for the last two years. :-(
Then it probably isn't.
If you haven't been learning about projection, and what you see is a
reflection of what's already in your mind, and if you don't like what you
see, it's your mind that needs to change...
Just because we have our forgiveness lessons to learn doesn't mean
there aren't assholes out there.

2011-01-24 18:13:26 UTC
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 20:08:17 -0500, "Carrie"
Post by Carrie
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this doesn't
seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound like anything I
have been studying for the last two years. :-(
Then it probably isn't.
If you haven't been learning about projection, and what you see is
a reflection of what's already in your mind, and if you don't like
what you see, it's your mind that needs to change...
Just because we have our forgiveness lessons to learn doesn't mean
there aren't assholes out there.
When you want assholes that's what you get. That's what ACIM says to me.
And I know, the lesson is MINE. I must want to see people who see
assholes LOL
We used to go round in circles on marianne.com with some from Endeavor
about this. Like one might say "it's your ego seeing it this way". Someone
else would say "it's not my ego seeing it that way it's YOUR ego seeing my
ego as seeing it that way!" And on and on. They'd usually end up saying
"there is no world!" and stop. I say those from Endeavor because that's who
I rember it h appening with. Could go on forever with "your ego seeing it as
my ego seeing it as..."
I occasionally read on the Raj goups and Raj (who says he's author of
ACIM) occasionally talks about this, like the need to forgive and see the
Face of Christ, etc. But, all I remember (I know, my choice) is the people
who were banned from their group at Raj's direction, because they were
enemies out to do harm to the NWFFACIM and had to be defended against. It's
not even that this take away anything that Raj might say since then about
forgiveness, and our Oneness, and all. It's more that no one seems to
question it. Like "that isn't what ACIM says?"
I know, still back to me and my choices and how I see it. Maybe those
who aren't seeing it are seeing it in a different way LOL
Trying to discuss ACIM in form, and see it (or not) in someone else, is
like try ing to hold onto water in one's bare hands.
2011-01-25 15:37:11 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Just because we have our forgiveness lessons to learn doesn't mean
there aren't assholes out there.
When you want assholes that's what you get.
And, Jesus wanted assholes, right? After all, he was surounded by them
at the end.

The Course does not splash pink paint on the assholes. It just gives
you a different (and better) way of viewing them.

2011-01-25 16:37:51 UTC
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Post by Carrie
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Just because we have our forgiveness lessons to learn doesn't mean
there aren't assholes out there.
When you want assholes that's what you get.
And, Jesus wanted assholes, right? After all, he was surounded by them
at the end.
You think Jesus saw them that way?
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
The Course does not splash pink paint on the assholes. It just gives
you a different (and better) way of viewing them.
So, you make the problem real, first and then try and change it.
Not what it says to me, but if that's how you understand it, just your

I remember once some on the Raj group were talking about this. Like
"seeing people in a not so great way". They said "even Raj (who says he is
Jesus) doesn't answer/respond to people who are attacking him. This was back
when Raj would take questions from people in "real time".
The question came up would Jesus see people as attacking him? Or would
he see it as a call for love.

Do you really think Jesus, at least from what we are told (and the
course also says nothing really happened in a time line,it's all happening
now in our minds) was "in a body" when what we are told happened to him was
going on? If he was "Enlightened" and could do all we are told he did, you
don't think he could h ave "left the body" at will? Let them do what they
wanted to his form?

Actually, it's all irrelevant anyway, if everything we think
"happened" really didn't. And we are all One and One with God.
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
2011-01-25 16:38:23 UTC
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Post by Carrie
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Just because we have our forgiveness lessons to learn doesn't mean
there aren't assholes out there.
When you want assholes that's what you get.
And, Jesus wanted assholes, right? After all, he was surounded by them
at the end.
The Course does not splash pink paint on the assholes. It just gives
you a different (and better) way of viewing them.
Of coruse, people who see enemies they have to warn, watch, delete, and
ban from their circle of "friends" have to justify it in some way.
2011-01-25 18:23:41 UTC
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 11:38:23 -0500, "Carrie"
Post by Carrie
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Post by Carrie
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Just because we have our forgiveness lessons to learn doesn't mean
there aren't assholes out there.
When you want assholes that's what you get.
And, Jesus wanted assholes, right? After all, he was surounded by them
at the end.
The Course does not splash pink paint on the assholes. It just gives
you a different (and better) way of viewing them.
Of coruse, people who see enemies they have to warn, watch, delete, and
ban from their circle of "friends" have to justify it in some way.
Carrie, this is how you see others as having treated you. Are you
mistaken about how others have treated you? I've never heard you say

And the course admonishes us "Beware of thinking yourself unfairly
treated". But you've been thinking yourself unfairly treated for as
long as I've known you. You just recently started a thread about how
you were treated by Christians when you started trolling one of their

How does one see oneself unfairly treated, without thinking others are

Maybe take the log out of your own eye before you try taking the
splinter out of Richard's?

2011-01-25 20:15:08 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 11:38:23 -0500, "Carrie"
Post by Carrie
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Post by Carrie
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Just because we have our forgiveness lessons to learn doesn't mean
there aren't assholes out there.
When you want assholes that's what you get.
And, Jesus wanted assholes, right? After all, he was surounded by
them at the end.
The Course does not splash pink paint on the assholes. It just gives
you a different (and better) way of viewing them.
Of coruse, people who see enemies they have to warn, watch, delete,
and ban from their circle of "friends" have to justify it in some
Carrie, this is how you see others as having treated you. Are you
mistaken about how others have treated you? I've never heard you say
And the course admonishes us "Beware of thinking yourself unfairly
treated". But you've been thinking yourself unfairly treated for as
long as I've known you. You just recently started a thread about how
you were treated by Christians when you started trolling one of their
How does one see oneself unfairly treated, without thinking others are
Maybe take the log out of your own eye before you try taking the
splinter out of Richard's?
Maybe you should substitude "I" for "you". Like you told me earlier to
change the "we" to "I".
Kind of hard to just see something and apply it to oneself. Even when
lecturing someone else about it.
2011-01-25 21:13:47 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 11:38:23 -0500, "Carrie"
Post by Carrie
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Post by Carrie
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Just because we have our forgiveness lessons to learn doesn't mean
there aren't assholes out there.
When you want assholes that's what you get.
And, Jesus wanted assholes, right? After all, he was surounded by
them at the end.
The Course does not splash pink paint on the assholes. It just gives
you a different (and better) way of viewing them.
Of coruse, people who see enemies they have to warn, watch, delete,
and ban from their circle of "friends" have to justify it in some
Carrie, this is how you see others as having treated you. Are you
mistaken about how others have treated you? I've never heard you say
And the course admonishes us "Beware of thinking yourself unfairly
treated". But you've been thinking yourself unfairly treated for as
long as I've known you. You just recently started a thread about how
you were treated by Christians when you started trolling one of their
How does one see oneself unfairly treated, without thinking others are
Maybe take the log out of your own eye before you try taking the
splinter out of Richard's?
Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible for how
others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
And, I don't know what Christian newsgroup I was trolling and treated
unfairly on. You must be seeing that in a different way.
All I try to do here is find topics to write about, to start possible
course discussions you know, like this is a course newsgroup. Like Richard
seems to feel Jesus saw people treating him badly, and as assholes, at the
end of his life (as this story has been passed down, none of us was actually
there to witness it) I wondered if Jesus would see people in a bad way, or,
I guess going by your course quote as "unfairly treated". Though people
observing it, or reading about it 2000 y ears later, might choose to see it
that way.
How you see anything (including me) and how I see anything (including
you) is just a choose. And, my version of the course says "seek not to
change the world (and those in it) but change my mind about it". Something
like that.
If you like how you see/believe, and it brings you Peace and Inner
Happiness or whatever (whatever you want) it's not a problem. How you see me
(and see me as seeing others) isn't really my problem either. Though, of
course if you think it is, that's your choice.
Back to the original question, though. Richard seems to feel Jesus
would see assholes around him, treating him unfairly. Is this what the
course teaches, and would someone who is Enlightened, Awakened from the
dream SEE it that way?
Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it turning into
something (usually negative) about me, as a person?
John Radgosky
2011-01-26 05:28:27 UTC
Post by Deborah
Maybe take the log out of your own eye before you try taking the
splinter out of Richard's?
  Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible for how
others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
      Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it turning into
something (usually negative) about me, as a person?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
the JCIM idea of cause and effect comes to mind.

2011-01-26 13:35:59 UTC
Post by John Radgosky
Post by Deborah
Maybe take the log out of your own eye before you try taking the
splinter out of Richard's?
  Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible for how
others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
      Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it turning into
something (usually negative) about me, as a person?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
the JCIM idea of cause and effect comes to mind.
That's a good point. The "if he speaks not of Christ to you, you
spoke not of Christ to him".
We are all in this together, and learning as we go along.
I woke up this morning, thinking about the topic "did Jesus see
assholes" (around him, at the end). Jesus also said(or is quoted as
saying) not to throw pearls before swine. Or they will turn and rend
you. I once read the best explaination of this, and could maybe still
find it somewhere if I look. About not pushing OUR beliefs on others
who don't clearly indicate they want this. LIke sharing one's
thoughts, feelings, beliefs on discussion groups. Even though one
might think, it being a discussion group, this would be wanted and
Jesus doesn't seem to say to cast your pearls (beliefs) before
swine (those who don't want to hear it) and then say "who cares" what
you get back.
though Jesus supposedly walked around talking and people who
wanted to know came and listened. In the end, the "swine" had the last
word, though.
I'm always thinking (then forgetting) the lesson is "don't say
anything to anyone about anything". Doesn't seem very interesting on
discussion groups, though LOL
Post by John Radgosky
2011-01-26 08:23:15 UTC
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:13:47 -0500, "Carrie"
Post by Carrie
Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible for how
others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
No I'm saying that you are responsible for seeing the ng as you
Post by Carrie
Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it turning into
something (usually negative) about me, as a person?
And if that isn't you feeling unfairly treated, what would you call

2011-01-26 13:31:23 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:13:47 -0500, "Carrie"
 Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible for how
others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
No I'm saying that you are responsible for seeing the ng as you
     Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it turning into
something (usually negative) about me, as a person?
And if that isn't you feeling unfairly treated, what would you call
Observation. Observing that topics are turned into being about me
and my "faults" instead of expanding on the topic of discussion, over
and over, is kind of boring. You have no way of knowing how I might
feel about it. Just your take on it, from words on your computer
Post by Deborah
2011-01-26 16:18:48 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:13:47 -0500, "Carrie"
 Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible for how
others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
No I'm saying that you are responsible for seeing the ng as you
     Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it turning into
something (usually negative) about me, as a person?
And if that isn't you feeling unfairly treated, what would you call
  Observation.  Observing that topics are turned into being about me
and my "faults" instead of expanding on the topic of discussion, over
and over, is kind of boring. You have no way of knowing how I might
feel about it. Just your take on it, from words on your computer
Post by Deborah

I know its not something we want to get all off into but at times it
can be helpful and loving to to get some feedback from others.
2011-01-26 17:25:34 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:13:47 -0500, "Carrie"
 Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible for how
others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
No I'm saying that you are responsible for seeing the ng as you
     Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it turning into
something (usually negative) about me, as a person?
And if that isn't you feeling unfairly treated, what would you call
  Observation.  Observing that topics are turned into being about me
and my "faults" instead of expanding on the topic of discussion, over
and over, is kind of boring. You have no way of knowing how I might
feel about it. Just your take on it, from words on your computer
Post by Deborah
I know its not something we want to get all off into but at times it
can be helpful and loving to to get some feedback from others.-
Not when it doesn't feel helpful or loving.
Though I suppose this, in itself is a lesson, in itself.
2011-01-26 17:45:05 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:13:47 -0500, "Carrie"
 Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible for how
others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
No I'm saying that you are responsible for seeing the ng as you
     Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it turning into
something (usually negative) about me, as a person?
And if that isn't you feeling unfairly treated, what would you call
  Observation.  Observing that topics are turned into being about me
and my "faults" instead of expanding on the topic of discussion, over
and over, is kind of boring. You have no way of knowing how I might
feel about it. Just your take on it, from words on your computer
Post by Deborah
I know its not something we want to get all off into but at times it
can be helpful and loving to to get some feedback from others.-
     Not when it doesn't feel helpful or loving.
     Though I suppose this, in itself is a lesson, in itself.

It is possible that something could be loving and helpful even though
it doesn't feel like it.
John Radgosky
2011-01-27 16:51:39 UTC
  Observation.  Observing that topics are turned into being about me
cause and effect comes to mind.

2011-01-27 16:57:33 UTC
Post by John Radgosky
Observation. Observing that topics are turned into being about me
cause and effect comes to mind.
You mean I get back what I give out? Even if I don't realize it?
And, this only applies to me (at least on this group)? Seems like if I get
back what I give out, this would also apply to everyone else who posts here.
And, participates in the world in any way.
Maybe that is what you are saying.
John Radgosky
2011-01-31 05:05:55 UTC
Post by John Radgosky
Observation. Observing that topics are turned into being about me
cause and effect comes to mind.
  You mean I get back what I give out?  Even if I don't realize it?
  And, this only applies to me (at least on this group)? Seems like if I get
back what I give out, this would also apply to everyone else who posts here.
And, participates in the world in any way.
   Maybe that is what you are saying.
you're personalizing something I did not intend to be personalized.

2011-01-31 14:57:00 UTC
Post by John Radgosky
Post by John Radgosky
Observation. Observing that topics are turned into being about me
cause and effect comes to mind.
You mean I get back what I give out? Even if I don't realize it?
And, this only applies to me (at least on this group)? Seems like if
I get back what I give out, this would also apply to everyone else
who posts here. And, participates in the world in any way.
Maybe that is what you are saying.
you're personalizing something I did not intend to be personalized.
I was asking (note question marks) in order to clarify what you meant.
Even though what it means to you and what it means to me don't have to be
exactly the same and maybe never could be.
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-26 15:53:16 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:13:47 -0500, "Carrie"
Post by Carrie
Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible
for how others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
No I'm saying that you are responsible for seeing the ng as you
And she has a perfect right to see it that way, if that is
her honest assessment.

And even though you are a facist creep, like all the rest of the
ACIM, wannabee guru losers, you will still have to live with her
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it
turning into something (usually negative) about me, as a
And if that isn't you feeling unfairly treated, what would you
call it?
She may indeed be being unfairly treated there. Just as YOU
are NOW treating her unfairly.

Carrie? Tell this bitch to run her own life.

And to shove her delusory "one-mind" up the orifice she posts

Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocence
2011-01-26 16:23:54 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Deborah
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:13:47 -0500, "Carrie"
 Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible
for how others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
No I'm saying that you are responsible for seeing the ng as you
And she has a perfect right to see it that way, if that is
her honest assessment.
And even though you are a facist creep, like all the rest of the
ACIM, wannabee guru losers, you will still have to live with her
Post by Deborah
     Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it        
turning into something (usually negative) about me, as a      
And if that isn't you feeling unfairly treated, what would you
call it?
She may indeed be being unfairly treated there. Just as YOU
are NOW treating her unfairly.
Carrie? Tell this bitch to run her own life.
And to shove her delusory "one-mind" up the orifice she posts
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocencehttp://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
I remember someone saying something about others who are not being
able to handle criticism or something like that?

Here let me get the quote:

"Only liars fear criticism"

"If they really had the Truth, nothing anyone could say
would bother them."

Sidney lambe
2011-01-26 20:49:02 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Deborah
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:13:47 -0500, "Carrie"
Post by Carrie
Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible
for how others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
No I'm saying that you are responsible for seeing the ng as you
And she has a perfect right to see it that way, if that is
her honest assessment.
And even though you are a facist creep, like all the rest of the
ACIM, wannabee guru losers, you will still have to live with her
Post by Deborah
Post by Carrie
Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it
turning into something (usually negative) about me, as a
And if that isn't you feeling unfairly treated, what would you
call it?
She may indeed be being unfairly treated there. Just as YOU
are NOW treating her unfairly.
Carrie? Tell this bitch to run her own life.
And to shove her delusory "one-mind" up the orifice she posts
You think it would do any good? LOL
2011-01-26 22:30:01 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Deborah
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:13:47 -0500, "Carrie"
 Was thinking about this more. You are saying I am responsible
for how others (yourself and Richard, for example) see me?
No I'm saying that you are responsible for seeing the ng as you
And she has a perfect right to see it that way, if that is
her honest assessment.
And even though you are a facist creep, like all the rest of the
ACIM, wannabee guru losers, you will still have to live with her
Post by Deborah
     Is it possible to discuss a topic here without it
turning into something (usually negative) about me, as a
And if that isn't you feeling unfairly treated, what would you
call it?
She may indeed be being unfairly treated there. Just as YOU
are NOW treating her unfairly.
Carrie? Tell this bitch to run her own life.
And to shove her delusory "one-mind" up the orifice she posts
  You think it would do any good? LOl
So much projected anger Sidney. Is this what Seth teaches?
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-25 22:52:38 UTC
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Deborah <***@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Sweet Thing. When are you going to have sex with me?

I have been married three times, to very sensual and demanding
women, and once had a best friend who was a lesbian and taught me
how to make love their way.

I am very adept at pleasing women. I'll bet I could turn you
into my sex slave in a couple of hours.

Have you ever fainted from sexual pleasure? I'll bet not.
But I could arrange that. Joyfully.

I'd make your current ACIM lover look like the silly little boy
he really is.

People who try to tangle sexuality in phony morality make lousy

And anyone who buys ACIM is really nothing but a Christian
fundamentalist in denial.


Blessed Be
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocence
2011-01-24 11:27:04 UTC
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this doesn't seem
to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound like anything I have
been studying for the last two years. :-)
Try this link.

Sidney Lambe
2011-01-24 18:24:54 UTC
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this
doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound
like anything I have been studying for the last two years. :-(
Of course not. There is no objective criticism of ACIM found
in the books nor among the mostly brain-dead religious fanatics
who want desperately to believe that it contains the whole Truth
and nothing but the Truth.

Of course, the adherents of every religion believe that of their
chosen doctrines.

And the fact is that ACIM is just fundamentalist Christianity
wrapped in a new package, and contains real spiritual poison.

That's why it's followers are generally such mean, deceitful,
and arrogant elitists.

Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocence
2011-01-25 03:29:07 UTC
Of course not. There is no objective criticism of ACIM found
in the books nor among the mostly brain-dead religious fanatics
who want desperately to believe that it contains the whole Truth
and nothing but the Truth.

Why would they put criticism of the book inside of itself ?
The Course has been criticized up and down and will continue to be
criticized until the end of time. Where have you been?

Sorry to burst your bubble but the Course is the highest teaching at
this time on the planet.
2011-01-25 15:47:24 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Of course not. There is no objective criticism of ACIM found
in the books nor among the mostly brain-dead religious fanatics
who want desperately to believe that it contains the whole Truth
and nothing but the Truth.
Why would they put criticism of the book inside of itself ?
The Course has been criticized up and down and will continue to be
criticized until the end of time. Where have you been?
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Course is the highest teaching at
this time on the planet.\
Apparently not everone is ready for it.
2011-01-25 22:14:18 UTC
 Of course not. There is no objective criticism of ACIM found
 in the books nor among the mostly brain-dead religious fanatics
 who want desperately to believe that it contains the whole Truth
 and nothing but the Truth.
Why would they put criticism of the book inside of itself ?
The Course has been criticized up and down and will continue to be
criticized until the end of time. Where have you been?
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Course is the highest teaching at
this time on the planet.\
   Apparently not everone is ready for it.

Apparently not! But who cares. I get it and I am so glad for it. Seth
is a book I would have read and then moved on. I've read many books
like it. The Course stopped me in my tracks 20 years ago and has saved
me a lot of money on other books. Although I do read others from time
to time.
2011-01-25 23:32:44 UTC
Post by HappyD
 Of course not. There is no objective criticism of ACIM found
 in the books nor among the mostly brain-dead religious fanatics
 who want desperately to believe that it contains the whole Truth
 and nothing but the Truth.
Why would they put criticism of the book inside of itself ?
The Course has been criticized up and down and will continue to be
criticized until the end of time. Where have you been?
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Course is the highest teaching at
this time on the planet.\
   Apparently not everone is ready for it.
Apparently not! But who cares. I get it and I am so glad for it. Seth
is a book I would have read and then moved on. I've read many books
like it. The Course stopped me in my tracks 20 years ago and has saved
me a lot of money on other books. Although I do read others from time
to time.
I have the book he keeps recomending (though it's by "Seth" through
Jane Roberts). I never really read it in depth, and now wouldn't
because I might start thinking like Sidney seems to.
2011-01-26 00:34:12 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
 Of course not. There is no objective criticism of ACIM found
 in the books nor among the mostly brain-dead religious fanatics
 who want desperately to believe that it contains the whole Truth
 and nothing but the Truth.
Why would they put criticism of the book inside of itself ?
The Course has been criticized up and down and will continue to be
criticized until the end of time. Where have you been?
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Course is the highest teaching at
this time on the planet.\
   Apparently not everone is ready for it.
Apparently not! But who cares. I get it and I am so glad for it. Seth
is a book I would have read and then moved on. I've read many books
like it. The Course stopped me in my tracks 20 years ago and has saved
me a lot of money on other books. Although I do read others from time
to time.
I have the book he keeps recomending (though it's by "Seth" through
Jane Roberts). I never really read it in depth, and now wouldn't
because I might start thinking like Sidney seems to.
Oh no please read it and enlighten us on its contets
2011-01-26 01:28:35 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
 Of course not. There is no objective criticism of ACIM found
 in the books nor among the mostly brain-dead religious fanatics
 who want desperately to believe that it contains the whole Truth
 and nothing but the Truth.
Why would they put criticism of the book inside of itself ?
The Course has been criticized up and down and will continue to be
criticized until the end of time. Where have you been?
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Course is the highest teaching at
this time on the planet.\
   Apparently not everone is ready for it.
Apparently not! But who cares. I get it and I am so glad for it. Seth
is a book I would have read and then moved on. I've read many books
like it. The Course stopped me in my tracks 20 years ago and has saved
me a lot of money on other books. Although I do read others from time
to time.
I have the book he keeps recomending (though it's by "Seth" through
Jane Roberts). I never really read it in depth, and now wouldn't
because I might start thinking like Sidney seems to.
Oh no please read it and enlighten us on its contets- Hide quoted text -
Okay, maybe I will. I have 4 Seth books. They are channeled by Jane
Roberts, and I remember trying to read them years ago. There are lots
of notes in them, by Jane and her husband (who taped or wrote down
what Seth said through Jane). I remember reading in one of them
something about how "life" is like a big kind of GRID we can be on it
in any place or time, or something.
Every now and then I'd pick up one of the Seth books, open it and
write a paragraph or so. I don't get into things that seem too
complicated to follow. Like "what';s the point"?
There is a better and simplier way.
I think, in a way, it does say we create our own reality (or, as
Deborah suggested I don't use the word "we", but I. I thought it was
clear I use the word "we" in an "in general" way, meaning humanity as
a whole. Since "we" are all One, seems fitting.)
I believe I create my own reality with my thoughts, beliefs and
feelings. And, overall, this contributes to the whole (mass
It makes more sense than any other explaination. And, when you
think about it, no one can ever really prove or disprove it, so no
point in trying to figure it out, OR arguing with anyone else over it.
The course says "only the Love (we give/receive.... feel) is Real.
And, removing the blocks to the awareness of this. Always comes back
to that.
I need things simple.
2011-01-26 06:42:10 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
 Of course not. There is no objective criticism of ACIM found
 in the books nor among the mostly brain-dead religious fanatics
 who want desperately to believe that it contains the whole Truth
 and nothing but the Truth.
Why would they put criticism of the book inside of itself ?
The Course has been criticized up and down and will continue to be
criticized until the end of time. Where have you been?
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Course is the highest teaching at
this time on the planet.\
   Apparently not everone is ready for it.
Apparently not! But who cares. I get it and I am so glad for it. Seth
is a book I would have read and then moved on. I've read many books
like it. The Course stopped me in my tracks 20 years ago and has saved
me a lot of money on other books. Although I do read others from time
to time.
I have the book he keeps recomending (though it's by "Seth" through
Jane Roberts). I never really read it in depth, and now wouldn't
because I might start thinking like Sidney seems to.
Oh no please read it and enlighten us on its contets- Hide quoted text -
   Okay, maybe I will. I have 4 Seth books. They are channeled by Jane
Roberts, and I remember trying to read them years ago. There are lots
of notes in them, by Jane and her husband (who taped or wrote down
what Seth said through Jane). I remember reading in one of them
something about how "life" is like a big kind of GRID we can be on it
in any place or time, or something.
   Every now and then I'd pick up one of the Seth books, open it and
write a paragraph or so. I don't get into things that seem too
complicated to follow. Like "what';s the point"?
   There is a better and simplier way.
    I think, in a way, it does say we create our own reality (or, as
Deborah suggested I don't use the word "we", but I.  I thought it was
clear I use the word "we" in an "in general" way, meaning humanity as
a whole. Since "we" are all One, seems fitting.)
   I believe I create my own reality with my thoughts, beliefs and
feelings. And, overall, this contributes to the whole (mass
    It makes more sense than any other explaination. And, when you
think about it, no one can ever really prove or disprove it, so no
point in trying to figure it out, OR arguing with anyone else over it.
    The course says "only the Love (we give/receive.... feel) is Real.
And, removing the blocks to the awareness of this.  Always comes back
to that.
    I need things simple.

Maybe you can post some of the main points so we can comment and
compare with the Course.
2011-01-26 13:37:51 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
 Of course not. There is no objective criticism of ACIM found
 in the books nor among the mostly brain-dead religious fanatics
 who want desperately to believe that it contains the whole Truth
 and nothing but the Truth.
Why would they put criticism of the book inside of itself ?
The Course has been criticized up and down and will continue to be
criticized until the end of time. Where have you been?
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Course is the highest teaching at
this time on the planet.\
   Apparently not everone is ready for it.
Apparently not! But who cares. I get it and I am so glad for it. Seth
is a book I would have read and then moved on. I've read many books
like it. The Course stopped me in my tracks 20 years ago and has saved
me a lot of money on other books. Although I do read others from time
to time.
I have the book he keeps recomending (though it's by "Seth" through
Jane Roberts). I never really read it in depth, and now wouldn't
because I might start thinking like Sidney seems to.
Oh no please read it and enlighten us on its contets- Hide quoted text -
   Okay, maybe I will. I have 4 Seth books. They are channeled by Jane
Roberts, and I remember trying to read them years ago. There are lots
of notes in them, by Jane and her husband (who taped or wrote down
what Seth said through Jane). I remember reading in one of them
something about how "life" is like a big kind of GRID we can be on it
in any place or time, or something.
   Every now and then I'd pick up one of the Seth books, open it and
write a paragraph or so. I don't get into things that seem too
complicated to follow. Like "what';s the point"?
   There is a better and simplier way.
    I think, in a way, it does say we create our own reality (or, as
Deborah suggested I don't use the word "we", but I.  I thought it was
clear I use the word "we" in an "in general" way, meaning humanity as
a whole. Since "we" are all One, seems fitting.)
   I believe I create my own reality with my thoughts, beliefs and
feelings. And, overall, this contributes to the whole (mass
    It makes more sense than any other explaination. And, when you
think about it, no one can ever really prove or disprove it, so no
point in trying to figure it out, OR arguing with anyone else over it.
    The course says "only the Love (we give/receive.... feel) is Real.
And, removing the blocks to the awareness of this.  Always comes back
to that.
    I need things simple.
Maybe you can post some of the main points so we can comment and
compare with the Course.-
I'm not sure what the points of it are. Since Sidney keeps
recommending it maybe he/'she could do this. The Seth books weren't
anything I felt I could understand or get something from the times I
tried to read them. I was on a Seth group once, but seems like
everyone just used "what Seth said" to argue with.
2011-01-26 17:46:11 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
 Of course not. There is no objective criticism of ACIM found
 in the books nor among the mostly brain-dead religious fanatics
 who want desperately to believe that it contains the whole Truth
 and nothing but the Truth.
Why would they put criticism of the book inside of itself ?
The Course has been criticized up and down and will continue to be
criticized until the end of time. Where have you been?
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Course is the highest teaching at
this time on the planet.\
   Apparently not everone is ready for it.
Apparently not! But who cares. I get it and I am so glad for it. Seth
is a book I would have read and then moved on. I've read many books
like it. The Course stopped me in my tracks 20 years ago and has saved
me a lot of money on other books. Although I do read others from time
to time.
I have the book he keeps recomending (though it's by "Seth" through
Jane Roberts). I never really read it in depth, and now wouldn't
because I might start thinking like Sidney seems to.
Oh no please read it and enlighten us on its contets- Hide quoted text -
   Okay, maybe I will. I have 4 Seth books. They are channeled by Jane
Roberts, and I remember trying to read them years ago. There are lots
of notes in them, by Jane and her husband (who taped or wrote down
what Seth said through Jane). I remember reading in one of them
something about how "life" is like a big kind of GRID we can be on it
in any place or time, or something.
   Every now and then I'd pick up one of the Seth books, open it and
write a paragraph or so. I don't get into things that seem too
complicated to follow. Like "what';s the point"?
   There is a better and simplier way.
    I think, in a way, it does say we create our own reality (or, as
Deborah suggested I don't use the word "we", but I.  I thought it was
clear I use the word "we" in an "in general" way, meaning humanity as
a whole. Since "we" are all One, seems fitting.)
   I believe I create my own reality with my thoughts, beliefs and
feelings. And, overall, this contributes to the whole (mass
    It makes more sense than any other explaination. And, when you
think about it, no one can ever really prove or disprove it, so no
point in trying to figure it out, OR arguing with anyone else over it.
    The course says "only the Love (we give/receive.... feel) is Real.
And, removing the blocks to the awareness of this.  Always comes back
to that.
    I need things simple.
Maybe you can post some of the main points so we can comment and
compare with the Course.-
      I'm not sure what the points of it are. Since Sidney keeps
recommending it maybe he/'she could do this.  The Seth books weren't
anything I felt I could understand or get something from  the times I
tried to read them. I was on a Seth group once, but seems like
everyone just used "what Seth said" to argue with.
Hum.. sounds vaguely familiar.
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-25 17:22:51 UTC
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this
doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound
like anything I have been studying for the last two years. :-(
That's the problem with garbage documents like ACIM. They can
be interpreted in many different ways.

The Truth can be stated clearly and simply in plain English.
And no references to Biblical myths or symbols are necessary.

I recommend "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts.

ACIM is just fundamnentalist Christianity in disguise, and
contains a significant amount of real spiritual poison.

Note that I do not read the articles of any of the regulars
here. Most of them are sockpuppets, anyway.

Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocence
2011-01-25 22:16:42 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this
doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound
like anything I have been studying for the last two years. :-(
That's the problem with garbage documents like ACIM. They can
be interpreted in many different ways.
The Truth can be stated clearly and simply in plain English.
And no references to Biblical myths or symbols are necessary.
I recommend "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts.
ACIM is just fundamnentalist Christianity in disguise, and
contains a significant amount of real spiritual poison.
Note that I do not read the articles of any of the regulars
here. Most of them are sockpuppets, anyway.
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocencehttp://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
The Course does not disguise itself as fundamental Christianity. And
as far as I know there are no sock puppets here.
2011-01-27 21:50:12 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this
doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound
like anything I have been studying for the last two years. :-(
That's the problem with garbage documents like ACIM. They can
be interpreted in many different ways.
The Truth can be stated clearly and simply in plain English.
And no references to Biblical myths or symbols are necessary.
I recommend "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts.
ACIM is just fundamnentalist Christianity in disguise, and
contains a significant amount of real spiritual poison.
Note that I do not read the articles of any of the regulars
here. Most of them are sockpuppets, anyway.
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocencehttp://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
The Course does not disguise itself as fundamental Christianity. And
as far as I know there are no sock puppets here.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't think he/she knows what a sock puppet is.
He/she is fond of championing the Seth material, but his/her
replies to others here reveal that he/she doesn't know much
about that, either
And by 'Solitaire' Wiccan Priest I wonder if he/she means a
solitary one? Or priestess?
2011-01-27 22:18:21 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by HappyD
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this
doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound
like anything I have been studying for the last two years. :-(
That's the problem with garbage documents like ACIM. They can
be interpreted in many different ways.
The Truth can be stated clearly and simply in plain English.
And no references to Biblical myths or symbols are necessary.
I recommend "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts.
ACIM is just fundamnentalist Christianity in disguise, and
contains a significant amount of real spiritual poison.
Note that I do not read the articles of any of the regulars
here. Most of them are sockpuppets, anyway.
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is
The Course does not disguise itself as fundamental Christianity. And
as far as I know there are no sock puppets here.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't think he/she knows what a sock puppet is.
He/she is fond of championing the Seth material, but his/her
replies to others here reveal that he/she doesn't know much
about that, either
And by 'Solitaire' Wiccan Priest I wonder if he/she means a
solitary one? Or priestess?
I think the Seth book is just being used, too. Not that it matters what it
says, it's something to use to make ACIM wrong.
From what I know about Seth (and Abraham) it isn't that much different.
All is "mind" and we create with this (energy) and together create what
seems to be overall reality.
Leaders, such as the president (whoever the current one may be at the
time) are manifestations of mass consciousness, ego projections. Like the
course says don't try and change the world, change your thinking about it.
It's all basically the same thing, told in different form.
2011-01-27 22:27:31 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this
doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound
like anything I have been studying for the last two years. :-(
That's the problem with garbage documents like ACIM. They can
be interpreted in many different ways.
The Truth can be stated clearly and simply in plain English.
And no references to Biblical myths or symbols are necessary.
I recommend "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts.
ACIM is just fundamnentalist Christianity in disguise, and
contains a significant amount of real spiritual poison.
Note that I do not read the articles of any of the regulars
here. Most of them are sockpuppets, anyway.
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is
The Course does not disguise itself as fundamental Christianity. And
as far as I know there are no sock puppets here.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I don't think he/she knows what a sock puppet is.
  He/she is fond of championing the Seth material, but his/her
  replies to others here reveal that he/she doesn't know much
  about that, either
  And by 'Solitaire' Wiccan Priest I wonder if he/she means a
  solitary one?  Or priestess?
  I think the Seth book is just being used, too. Not that it matters what it
says, it's something to use to make ACIM wrong.
   From what I know about Seth (and Abraham) it isn't that much different.
All is "mind" and we create with this (energy) and together create what
seems to be overall reality.
    Leaders, such as the president (whoever the current one may be at the
time) are manifestations of mass consciousness, ego projections. Like the
course says don't try and change the world, change your thinking about it.
     It's all basically the same thing, told in different form.
So what your are saying is that Sidney is not really following the
Seth material. Didn't seem like "Punk or bitch mouth in my presents"
was a Seth teaching but since I haven't read the book I'm only
2011-01-27 22:45:24 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this
doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound
like anything I have been studying for the last two years. :-(
That's the problem with garbage documents like ACIM. They can
be interpreted in many different ways.
The Truth can be stated clearly and simply in plain English.
And no references to Biblical myths or symbols are necessary.
I recommend "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts.
ACIM is just fundamnentalist Christianity in disguise, and
contains a significant amount of real spiritual poison.
Note that I do not read the articles of any of the regulars
here. Most of them are sockpuppets, anyway.
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is
The Course does not disguise itself as fundamental Christianity. And
as far as I know there are no sock puppets here.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I don't think he/she knows what a sock puppet is.
  He/she is fond of championing the Seth material, but his/her
  replies to others here reveal that he/she doesn't know much
  about that, either
  And by 'Solitaire' Wiccan Priest I wonder if he/she means a
  solitary one?  Or priestess?
  I think the Seth book is just being used, too. Not that it matters what it
says, it's something to use to make ACIM wrong.
   From what I know about Seth (and Abraham) it isn't that much different.
All is "mind" and we create with this (energy) and together create what
seems to be overall reality.
    Leaders, such as the president (whoever the current one may be at the
time) are manifestations of mass consciousness, ego projections. Like the
course says don't try and change the world, change your thinking about it.
     It's all basically the same thing, told in different form.
So what your are saying is that Sidney is not really following the
Seth material. Didn't seem like "Punk or bitch mouth in my presents"
was a Seth teaching but since I haven't read the book I'm only
guessing.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
The essence of the Seth material is that 'you create your own
reality'. A kind of spiritual existentialism. Jane Roberts
Seth who dictated through her about 10 volumes of material
including three pretty decent novels, the Oversoul Seven series.

Wonder if el Sid realizes that a couple of big names in ACIM,
Marianne Williamson and Deepak Chopra, are Seth fans. Heck,
Seth influenced practically everyone who was investigating the
New Age Movement in the 70's.

But the Seth material doesn't approach ACIM. Seth is not a path.
More like a gate.
2011-01-27 23:55:02 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Mike
Post by HappyD
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this
doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound
like anything I have been studying for the last two years. :-(
That's the problem with garbage documents like ACIM. They can
be interpreted in many different ways.
The Truth can be stated clearly and simply in plain English.
And no references to Biblical myths or symbols are necessary.
I recommend "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts.
ACIM is just fundamnentalist Christianity in disguise, and
contains a significant amount of real spiritual poison.
Note that I do not read the articles of any of the regulars
here. Most of them are sockpuppets, anyway.
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is
The Course does not disguise itself as fundamental Christianity.
And as far as I know there are no sock puppets here.- Hide quoted
text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't think he/she knows what a sock puppet is.
He/she is fond of championing the Seth material, but his/her
replies to others here reveal that he/she doesn't know much
about that, either
And by 'Solitaire' Wiccan Priest I wonder if he/she means a
solitary one? Or priestess?
I think the Seth book is just being used, too. Not that it matters
what it says, it's something to use to make ACIM wrong.
From what I know about Seth (and Abraham) it isn't that much
different. All is "mind" and we create with this (energy) and
together create what seems to be overall reality.
Leaders, such as the president (whoever the current one may be at
the time) are manifestations of mass consciousness, ego
projections. Like the course says don't try and change the world,
change your thinking about it. It's all basically the same thing,
told in different form.
So what your are saying is that Sidney is not really following the
Seth material. Didn't seem like "Punk or bitch mouth in my presents"
was a Seth teaching but since I haven't read the book I'm only
guessing.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
The essence of the Seth material is that 'you create your own
reality'. A kind of spiritual existentialism. Jane Roberts
Seth who dictated through her about 10 volumes of material
including three pretty decent novels, the Oversoul Seven series.
Wonder if el Sid realizes that a couple of big names in ACIM,
Marianne Williamson and Deepak Chopra, are Seth fans. Heck,
Seth influenced practically everyone who was investigating the
New Age Movement in the 70's.
But the Seth material doesn't approach ACIM. Seth is not a path.
More like a gate.
Abraham (Esther Hicks) is about creating your own reality, too. Staying in
joyfulness. Creating your own reality, and not trying to create in
Esther and Jerry Hicks started out with the Seth books, got interested in
it, and meditation and at one point started to channel "Abraham" (a group on
non physical beings). Most of what the DVD and book "The Secret" is about
is based on Abraham.
I don't think it really matters who the teacher is, and what the
book(s) it's more the idea of realizing there must be more, and being open
to the possibility of it.
I just watched the movie "Inception" which I had heard about and
thought I knew the theme/plot of it. From the start, I was lost, I couldn't
follow what was going on, what was real and what wasn't, I know it had to do
with spying (in minds, via dreams) and violence, that might have or might
not have been real.
The premise of the movie (creating our own reality, in this case I guess
it was "in dreams") was good, but it didn't seem clear and easy to follow.
I looked it up online after and found websites and forums of people
trying to figure it out and trying to decide what the ending meant.
Another one that was complicated (but I followed better) was "Shutter
Movies are sort of mirroring life and getting into the "alternate
realities" and "you create your own"., etc.
2011-01-27 23:47:29 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Mike
Post by HappyD
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Avon AZ
I lost my study partner last month. I'm searching but this
doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. This does not sound
like anything I have been studying for the last two years. :-(
That's the problem with garbage documents like ACIM. They can
be interpreted in many different ways.
The Truth can be stated clearly and simply in plain English.
And no references to Biblical myths or symbols are necessary.
I recommend "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts.
ACIM is just fundamnentalist Christianity in disguise, and
contains a significant amount of real spiritual poison.
Note that I do not read the articles of any of the regulars
here. Most of them are sockpuppets, anyway.
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is
The Course does not disguise itself as fundamental Christianity.
And as far as I know there are no sock puppets here.- Hide quoted
text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't think he/she knows what a sock puppet is.
He/she is fond of championing the Seth material, but his/her
replies to others here reveal that he/she doesn't know much
about that, either
And by 'Solitaire' Wiccan Priest I wonder if he/she means a
solitary one? Or priestess?
I think the Seth book is just being used, too. Not that it matters
what it says, it's something to use to make ACIM wrong.
From what I know about Seth (and Abraham) it isn't that much
different. All is "mind" and we create with this (energy) and
together create what seems to be overall reality.
Leaders, such as the president (whoever the current one may be at the
time) are manifestations of mass consciousness, ego projections.
Like the course says don't try and change the world, change your
thinking about it. It's all basically the same thing, told in
different form.
So what your are saying is that Sidney is not really following the
Seth material. Didn't seem like "Punk or bitch mouth in my presents"
was a Seth teaching but since I haven't read the book I'm only
I only have an idea about Seth (from what I HAVE read at times, heard and
a short time on a Seth group) but I think you have a point about Sid being
an example of what he pushes on people here. Or not being an example. I
think it's just a book that came to his attention he can use to make ACIM
wrong. He could have just as easily used any book. I don't know what the
connection is between Wicca, Magik, and Seth and/or ACIM, either.
Maytbe just groups that are sensitive and defensive (at times) he/she can
make waves in. Or project his beliefs about "fundiamental Christianity" or
whatever here.
It probably doesn't really matter, but I have a gut feeling that "Sid"
is someone who's been on this ng in the past and now trying to stir things
up, pretending to be someone else. Whether he/she is the same Sidney
Lambe/Evergreen, whatever the list of names have been who was on other
groups, or not, we don't really know. Anyone who hides their real ID can
pick any name they want.

Whatever, he/she must get something out of it, and anyone else here can come
to their own conclusions and make their own choices.
What a book teaches (the interpretation of it, i.e. the Seth book) is
still a personal perception. And, doesn't mean the person who claims to
belief it has to live it.
ACIM has proven that.
2011-01-27 23:59:45 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
I think the Seth book is just being used, too. Not that it matters
what it says, it's something to use to make ACIM wrong.
From what I know about Seth (and Abraham) it isn't that much
different. All is "mind" and we create with this (energy) and
together create what seems to be overall reality.
Leaders, such as the president (whoever the current one may be at the
time) are manifestations of mass consciousness, ego projections.
Like the course says don't try and change the world, change your
thinking about it. It's all basically the same thing, told in
different form.
So what your are saying is that Sidney is not really following the
Seth material. Didn't seem like "Punk or bitch mouth in my presents"
was a Seth teaching but since I haven't read the book I'm only
But... on the other hand, we can be grateful to Sidney, whoever he/she is
for kick-starting the newsgroup back to life again.
2011-01-28 00:44:59 UTC
Just as she did before.
2011-01-28 02:13:41 UTC
Post by Mike
Just as she did before.
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
I can see having a screen name (like HappyD) but this is the same basic
one. Think it used to be Happydream? There was also a "Happyslave" who
seemed kind of angry, but I think he started using a name (not screen name)
at one point.
It's kind of hard to keep up with who is who, but in the long run it
probably doesn't really matter. How someone is, or more like how I choose to
see them, is whatever state of "Mind" I am coming from at the time. Good
practice, in a way.
2011-01-28 04:22:32 UTC
Post by Mike
Just as she did before.
 Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
 I can see having a screen name (like HappyD) but this is the same basic
one. Think it used to be Happydream? There was also a "Happyslave" who
seemed kind of angry, but I think he started  using a name (not screen name)
at one point.
  It's kind of hard to keep up with who is who, but in the long run it
probably doesn't really matter. How someone is, or more like how I choose to
see them, is whatever state of "Mind" I am coming from at the time. Good
practice, in a way.
I, for one, have had enough practice dealing with the hateful.
2011-01-28 15:43:34 UTC
 Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?

Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)

Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names at
birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
2011-01-28 16:52:30 UTC
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names at
birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the person
thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that people will
remember them a certain way. And maybe they are right. We (humans in form)
tend to form a picture of someone, based on a name (online anyway)and then
seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better.
Same thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself (that I
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a different
name (online) is a way for the person to change themselves, and get a new
start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
2011-01-28 19:55:47 UTC
  Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names at
birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
  Yes, of course.
   And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the person
thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that people will
remember them a certain way. And maybe they are right. We (humans in form)
tend to form a picture of someone, based on a name (online anyway)and then
seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better.
Same thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
   You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself (that I
    On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a different
name (online) is a way for the person to change themselves, and get a new
start, come across in a better way.
    I guess it really doesn't matter.

Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how long
it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe (lol)
What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the similarities
are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still ya know? they are
almost like Siamese twins.
2011-01-28 22:33:41 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names at
birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the person
thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that people will
remember them a certain way. And maybe they are right. We (humans in
form) tend to form a picture of someone, based on a name (online
anyway)and then seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and
sometimes for the better. Same thing, some might use a different
name, but still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself (that I
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how long
it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe (lol)
What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the similarities
are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still ya know? they are
almost like Siamese twins.
Probably if someone wasn't too sure or strong in "themself" they could
pull off posting under another name.
Someone always recognized John, even with a different name. One time I
didn't and responded to something the person wrote, and got jumped on by
others. They seemed to think I KNEW it was John and by writing to him *I*
would set him off on one of his rants again. But I had no idea it was John.
Didn't even think of it.
John isn't who "Sidney" reminds me of.
Maybe people really want to be liked and get along and feel they
messed things up using one name or ID. Maybe they really have changed. Or, I
do see them in a different way, with a different name. Just little things
show through at times.
2011-01-29 08:00:21 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names at
birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the person
thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that people will
remember them a certain way. And maybe they are right. We (humans in
form) tend to form a picture of someone, based on a name (online
anyway)and then seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and
sometimes for the better. Same thing, some might use a different
name, but still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself (that I
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how long
it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe (lol)
What about Sidney  sounding so much like John? Oh god the similarities
are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still ya know? they are
almost like Siamese twins.
     Probably if someone wasn't too sure or strong in "themself" they could
pull off posting under another name.
     Someone always recognized John, even with a different name. One time I
didn't and responded to something the person wrote, and got jumped on by
others. They seemed to think I KNEW it was John and by writing to  him *I*
would set him off on one of his rants again.  But I had no idea it was John.
Didn't even think of it.
     John isn't who "Sidney" reminds me of.
      Maybe people really want to be liked and get along and feel they
messed things up using one name or ID. Maybe they really have changed. Or, I
do see them in a different way, with a different name. Just little things
show through at times.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I think Sidney reminds me of the same person he brings to mind
for you. Let's hope we're wrong.
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-29 08:48:19 UTC
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Mike <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

Isn't this interesting. This must be about the 400th "Mike" I've
encountered on the Usenet. It's a favorite alias of trolls, as
are all common first names. These dickless losers just don't
want to be held responsible for what they post, so they
hide behind anonymity.

And the all seem to think that eveyrone believes every word
they post.

I note also that he's using googlegroups, a great place for
throwaway accounts/aliases. When he uses a different alias, he
uses a different newsserver.

You can bet he thinks I am going to read his reply here <snicker>.

Hell, I didn't even read this article. No point. You can't
trust anything a person like this posts.

Like DUH.

Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocence
2011-01-29 13:41:15 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names at
birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the person
thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that people will
remember them a certain way. And maybe they are right. We (humans in
form) tend to form a picture of someone, based on a name (online
anyway)and then seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and
sometimes for the better. Same thing, some might use a different
name, but still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself (that I
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how long
it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe (lol)
What about Sidney  sounding so much like John? Oh god the similarities
are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still ya know? they are
almost like Siamese twins.
     Probably if someone wasn't too sure or strong in "themself" they could
pull off posting under another name.
     Someone always recognized John, even with a different name. One time I
didn't and responded to something the person wrote, and got jumped on by
others. They seemed to think I KNEW it was John and by writing to  him *I*
would set him off on one of his rants again.  But I had no idea it was John.
Didn't even think of it.
     John isn't who "Sidney" reminds me of.
      Maybe people really want to be liked and get along and feel they
messed things up using one name or ID. Maybe they really have changed. Or, I
do see them in a different way, with a different name. Just little things
show through at times.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I think Sidney reminds me of  the same person he brings to mind
  for you.  Let's hope we're wrong.-
Or, we can detach from it and observe it. It's kind of
interesting in a way.
The course would probably say we are projecting this on someone
else. And, who knows there could be more than one person in the world
with the same "vibes".
2011-01-30 03:28:07 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names
at birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that
people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they are right.
We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of someone, based on a
name (online anyway)and then seem them that way. Sometimes it will
change, and sometimes for the better. Same thing, some might use a
different name, but still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how long
it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe (lol)
What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the
similarities are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still
ya know? they are almost like Siamese twins.
Probably if someone wasn't too sure or strong in "themself" they could
pull off posting under another name.
Someone always recognized John, even with a different name. One time
I didn't and responded to something the person wrote, and got jumped
on by others. They seemed to think I KNEW it was John and by writing
to him *I* would set him off on one of his rants again. But I had no
idea it was John. Didn't even think of it.
John isn't who "Sidney" reminds me of.
Maybe people really want to be liked and get along and feel they
messed things up using one name or ID. Maybe they really have
changed. Or, I do see them in a different way, with a different
name. Just little things show through at times.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I think Sidney reminds me of the same person he brings to mind
for you. Let's hope we're wrong.
All things are lessons God would have me learn. I'm surprised God
hasn't long ago run out of patience with me LOL
2011-01-29 05:57:34 UTC
Post by HappyD
  Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names at
birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
  Yes, of course.
   And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the person
thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that people will
remember them a certain way. And maybe they are right. We (humans in form)
tend to form a picture of someone, based on a name (online anyway)and then
seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better.
Same thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
   You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself (that I
    On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a different
name (online) is a way for the person to change themselves, and get a new
start, come across in a better way.
    I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how long
it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe (lol)
What about Sidney  sounding so much like John? Oh god the similarities
are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still ya know? they are
almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.
2011-01-29 13:39:35 UTC
Post by HappyD
  Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names at
birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
  Yes, of course.
   And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the person
thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that people will
remember them a certain way. And maybe they are right. We (humans in form)
tend to form a picture of someone, based on a name (online anyway)and then
seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better.
Same thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
   You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself (that I
    On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a different
name (online) is a way for the person to change themselves, and get a new
start, come across in a better way.
    I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how long
it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe (lol)
What about Sidney  sounding so much like John? Oh god the similarities
are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still ya know? they are
almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I have to disagree with you, HappyD.  John Lopez is not Sidney
  Lambe.  John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian.  He is
  the most Christian poster ever at this ng.  He is a Christian
  Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
  The two points of view are mutually exclusive.  IMHO as Pieter
  would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and start
trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever way he/she
thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.

Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an annoymous ID
is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is also
pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an overall in
general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in this, and assuming
she feels the same way, or anyone else here. And using "we" in the
context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
2011-01-29 15:42:38 UTC
Post by HappyD
  Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names at
birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
  Yes, of course.
   And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the person
thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that people will
remember them a certain way. And maybe they are right. We (humans in form)
tend to form a picture of someone, based on a name (online anyway)and then
seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better.
Same thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
   You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself (that I
    On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a different
name (online) is a way for the person to change themselves, and get a new
start, come across in a better way.
    I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how long
it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe (lol)
What about Sidney  sounding so much like John? Oh god the similarities
are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still ya know? they are
almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I have to disagree with you, HappyD.  John Lopez is not Sidney
  Lambe.  John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian.  He is
  the most Christian poster ever at this ng.  He is a Christian
  Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
  The two points of view are mutually exclusive.  IMHO as Pieter
  would say.-
      I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and start
trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever way he/she
thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
        Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an annoymous ID
is probably one of them.
     And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is also
pushing it away.
         Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
         Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
        I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an overall in
general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in this, and assuming
she feels the same way, or anyone else here. And using "we" in the
context of this being a GROUP.
        I know, I can only speak for myself.

I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot. It
saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many posts saying
pretty much the same thing.
2011-01-30 01:41:50 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names
at birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that
people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they are
right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of someone,
based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them that way.
Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better. Same
thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how
long it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe
(lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the
similarities are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still
ya know? they are almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and start
trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever way he/she
thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an annoymous ID
is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is
also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an overall in
general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in this, and
assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here. And using "we"
in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot. It
saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many posts saying
pretty much the same thing.
Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on usenet we
can't trust them.
2011-01-30 04:36:36 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names
at birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that
people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they are
right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of someone,
based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them that way.
Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better. Same
thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how
long it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe
(lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the
similarities are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still
ya know? they are almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and start
trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever way he/she
thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an annoymous ID
is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is
also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an overall in
general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in this, and
assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here. And using "we"
in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot. It
saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many posts saying
pretty much the same thing.
   Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on usenet we
can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't even trust me, and I am me.
2011-01-30 09:46:43 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names
at birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that
people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they are
right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of someone,
based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them that way.
Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better. Same
thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how
long it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe
(lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the
similarities are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still
ya know? they are almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and start
trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever way he/she
thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an annoymous ID
is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is
also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an overall in
general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in this, and
assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here. And using "we"
in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot. It
saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many posts saying
pretty much the same thing.
   Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on usenet we
can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I don't even trust me, and I am me.

Yes, but which me are you?
2011-01-30 17:45:38 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names
at birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that
people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they are
right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of someone,
based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them that way.
Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better. Same
thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how
long it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe
(lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the
similarities are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still
ya know? they are almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and start
trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever way he/she
thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an annoymous ID
is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is
also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an overall in
general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in this, and
assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here. And using "we"
in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot. It
saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many posts saying
pretty much the same thing.
   Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on usenet we
can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is. The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me. I am not that me at all. I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
2011-01-30 18:04:12 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by HappyD
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given
names at birth it doesn't really mean much. The content
speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name,
that people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they
are right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of
someone, based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them
that way. Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the
better. Same thing, some might use a different name, but
still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new
identity here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I
wonder how long it would take for us to figure it out? him...
2 seconds maybe (lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like
John? Oh god the similarities are so weird. I don't think
Sidney is John but still ya know? they are almost like Siamese
twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and
start trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever
way he/she thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an
annoymous ID is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is
also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an
overall in general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in
this, and assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here.
And using "we" in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot. It
saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many posts
saying pretty much the same thing.
Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on
usenet we can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is. The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me. I am not that me at all. I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
I am the "me" that "you" perceive and believe me to be, at any given
2011-01-31 19:40:55 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names
at birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that
people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they are
right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of someone,
based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them that way.
Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better. Same
thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how
long it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe
(lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the
similarities are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still
ya know? they are almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and start
trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever way he/she
thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an annoymous ID
is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is
also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an overall in
general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in this, and
assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here. And using "we"
in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot. It
saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many posts saying
pretty much the same thing.
   Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on usenet we
can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is.  The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me.  I am not that me at all.  I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past. All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-31 20:08:22 UTC
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

Post by ellie
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past. All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.
You'll get someplace, Ellie, when you learn to trust your own
experience over words in a book.

Everything exists in the Spacious Present. Past and future exist
NOW. Nothing is ever lost and nothing ever remains the same. You
perceive the world and your body and your mind and your spirit, NOW.
It's the only time you ever experience anything.

ACIM is not about miracles, it's about being a Christian while
pretending that you are not.

The Truth, which is to say, the actual 'mechanics' of reality...The
true science, can be accurately expressed (as much as we need and
can understand right now) in plain, clear, English, with no Biblical
references or symbols at all.

Jesus was just one incarnation of the Christ entity, which is a
multi-dimensional teacher. There have been many, often resulting
in the formations of different religions.

There are many teaching entities. Any one of them, like Seth,
will do just fine.

"The Nature of Personal Reality" by Seth (nominal author,
Jane Roberts, who was a real transchannel, unlike the deluded
fundamentalist Christian-in-denial who wrote A Course In
Miracles) makes ACIM look like the poisonous garbage it is.

Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocence
John Radgosky
2011-01-31 20:29:04 UTC
On Jan 31, 3:08 pm, Sidney Lambe <***@somewhere.invalid>

yah, sure sid ....

2011-01-31 22:49:00 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past.  All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.
You'll get someplace, Ellie, when you learn to trust your own
experience over words in a book.
There is no someplace to get to.
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-31 23:01:55 UTC
On Jan 31, 12:08=A0pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie
Post by ellie
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past.
experience is past It's the very definition of the dream
You'll get someplace, Ellie, when you learn to trust your own
experience over words in a book.
There is no someplace to get to.
Deceptive and dishonest people always take figures of speech
literally when it suits their selfish purposes.

A Course In Miracles isn't. It is simply disguised Christianity
for intellecutally dishonest people who are addicted to that
destructive and poisonous religion but want to pretend that
they are into something else.

"The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts is the REAL
course in miracles.
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocence
2011-01-31 23:19:00 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
On Jan 31, 12:08=A0pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie
Post by ellie
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past.
experience is past It's the very definition of the dream  
You'll get someplace, Ellie, when you learn to trust your own
experience over words in a book.
There is no someplace to get to.
Deceptive and dishonest people always take figures of speech
literally when it suits their selfish purposes.
A Course In Miracles isn't. It is simply disguised Christianity
for intellecutally dishonest people who are addicted to that
destructive and poisonous religion but want to pretend that
they are into something else.
"The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts is the REAL
course in miracles.
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocencehttp://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
Whatever floats yer boat, Chickie. :)
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-31 23:42:13 UTC
On Jan 31, 3:01=A0pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie
On Jan 31, 12:08=3DA0pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past. experience
is past It's the very definition of the dream =A0
You'll get someplace, Ellie, when you learn to trust your
own experience over words in a book.
There is no someplace to get to.
Deceptive and dishonest people always take figures of speech
literally when it suits their selfish purposes.
A Course In Miracles isn't. It is simply disguised
Christianity for intellecutally dishonest people who are
addicted to that destructive and poisonous religion but want
to pretend that they are into something else.
"The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts is the REAL
course in miracles.
Whatever floats yer boat, Chickie. :)

Truth 'floats my hat' Henny Penny. Accurate information about
the nature of reality.

It's the only thing that will cure what ails the world.

P.S. This 'chickie' is almost 60, and has studied all of the
world's major spiritual paths.

Look To This Day!

For it is life, the very life of life.
And Today well-lived, makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a
vision of hope.

A gem from the Sufis.

Abrahcadabrah - phonetic rendering of ancient Hebrew for:

"With the word I create." From the Kaballah.

"Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."

Zen Proverb
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocence
2011-02-01 01:54:43 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
On Jan 31, 3:01=A0pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie
On Jan 31, 12:08=3DA0pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past. experience
is past It's the very definition of the dream =A0
You'll get someplace, Ellie, when you learn to trust your
own experience over words in a book.
There is no someplace to get to.
Deceptive and dishonest people always take figures of speech
literally when it suits their selfish purposes.
A Course In Miracles isn't. It is simply disguised
Christianity for intellecutally dishonest people who are
addicted to that destructive and poisonous religion but want
to pretend that they are into something else.
"The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts is the REAL
course in miracles.
Whatever floats yer boat, Chickie. :)
Truth 'floats my hat' Henny Penny. Accurate information about
the nature of reality.
It's the only thing that will cure what ails the world.
P.S. This 'chickie' is almost 60, and has studied all of the
world's major spiritual paths.
        Look To This Day!
For it is life, the very life of life.
And Today well-lived, makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a
vision of hope.
A gem from the Sufis.
"With the word I create."  From the Kaballah.
"Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."
                                      Zen Proverb
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocencehttp://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Almost 60? You're just a kid, wet behind the ears. Go get some
experience, and come back when you've grown up. Aspect Psychology is
Balderdash!! An infinite number of dopplegangers creating an infinite
number of universes over and over and over ad infinitum. You wish.
Sidney Lambe
2011-02-01 02:43:01 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
On Jan 31, 3:01=3DA0pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie
On Jan 31, 12:08=3D3DA0pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past. experience
is past It's the very definition of the dream =3DA0
You'll get someplace, Ellie, when you learn to trust your
own experience over words in a book.
There is no someplace to get to.
Deceptive and dishonest people always take figures of speech
literally when it suits their selfish purposes.
A Course In Miracles isn't. It is simply disguised
Christianity for intellecutally dishonest people who are
addicted to that destructive and poisonous religion but want
to pretend that they are into something else.
"The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts is the REAL
course in miracles.
Whatever floats yer boat, Chickie. :)
Truth 'floats my hat' Henny Penny. Accurate information about
the nature of reality.
It's the only thing that will cure what ails the world.
P.S. This 'chickie' is almost 60, and has studied all of the
world's major spiritual paths.
=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 Look To This Day!
For it is life, the very life of life.
And Today well-lived, makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a
vision of hope.
A gem from the Sufis.
"With the word I create." =A0From the Kaballah.
"Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."
=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =
=A0 Zen Proverb
Post by Sidney Lambe
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocencehttp://tinyurl.com/7v=
s9zb- Hide quoted text -
Post by Sidney Lambe
- Show quoted text -
Almost 60? You're just a kid, wet behind the ears. Go get some
experience, and come back when you've grown up. Aspect Psychology is
Balderdash!! An infinite number of dopplegangers creating an infinite
number of universes over and over and over ad infinitum. You wish.
Well. It must be true because some dickless loser who hides behind
fake names and the Internet says so.

Actually, though I have no interest in Aspect Psychology (where you
got the idea that I did, I can't imagine) but what you have posted
above, is true.

And no, I don't wish it was true. It's kind of frightening, actually.

How typical of an ACIM loser to mock what he doesn't understand. You
apparently think that garbage document contains the whole truth.

Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocence
2011-02-01 01:59:14 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
On Jan 31, 3:01=A0pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie
On Jan 31, 12:08=3DA0pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past. experience
is past It's the very definition of the dream =A0
You'll get someplace, Ellie, when you learn to trust your
own experience over words in a book.
There is no someplace to get to.
Deceptive and dishonest people always take figures of speech
literally when it suits their selfish purposes.
A Course In Miracles isn't. It is simply disguised
Christianity for intellecutally dishonest people who are
addicted to that destructive and poisonous religion but want
to pretend that they are into something else.
"The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts is the REAL
course in miracles.
Whatever floats yer boat, Chickie. :)
Truth 'floats my hat' Henny Penny. Accurate information about
the nature of reality.
It's the only thing that will cure what ails the world.
P.S. This 'chickie' is almost 60, and has studied all of the
world's major spiritual paths.
        Look To This Day!
For it is life, the very life of life.
And Today well-lived, makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a
vision of hope.
A gem from the Sufis.
"With the word I create."  From the Kaballah.
"Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."
                                      Zen Proverb
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocencehttp://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb

First he bashes knowledge from books and then quotes adnauseum.

2011-02-01 01:55:20 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
On Jan 31, 12:08=A0pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, ellie
Post by ellie
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past.
experience is past It's the very definition of the dream  
You'll get someplace, Ellie, when you learn to trust your own
experience over words in a book.
There is no someplace to get to.
Deceptive and dishonest people always take figures of speech
literally when it suits their selfish purposes.
A Course In Miracles isn't. It is simply disguised Christianity
for intellecutally dishonest people who are addicted to that
destructive and poisonous religion but want to pretend that
they are into something else.
"The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts is the REAL
course in miracles.
Sidney Lambe (Evergreen)
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am a Magickal Being - My Second Spell is Innocencehttp://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
Whatever floats yer boat, Chickie. :)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Grins and chuckles.
2011-01-31 21:35:34 UTC
Post by ellie
Post by HappyD
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world?
Ego identification and all. Even though we all have been
given names at birth it doesn't really mean much. The
content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name,
that people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they
are right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of
someone, based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them
that way. Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the
better. Same thing, some might use a different name, but
still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new
identity here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I
wonder how long it would take for us to figure it out? him...
2 seconds maybe (lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like
John? Oh god the similarities are so weird. I don't think
Sidney is John but still ya know? they are almost like
Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and
start trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever
way he/she thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an
annoymous ID is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she
is also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an
overall in general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in
this, and assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here.
And using "we" in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot.
It saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many
posts saying pretty much the same thing.
Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on
usenet we can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is. The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me. I am not that me at all. I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past. All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.
I've wondered, since time is illusion how does one even define "the past"?
is it a minute ago? A year ago? a half second ago? The time it takes to ask
the question?
It can't be defined in a specific way.
2011-02-01 02:10:29 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world?
Ego identification and all. Even though we all have been
given names at birth it doesn't really mean much. The
content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name,
that people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they
are right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of
someone, based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them
that way. Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the
better. Same thing, some might use a different name, but
still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new
identity here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I
wonder how long it would take for us to figure it out? him...
2 seconds maybe (lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like
John? Oh god the similarities are so weird. I don't think
Sidney is John but still ya know? they are almost like
Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and
start trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever
way he/she thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an
annoymous ID is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she
is also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an
overall in general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in
this, and assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here.
And using "we" in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot.
It saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many
posts saying pretty much the same thing.
Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on
usenet we can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is. The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me. I am not that me at all. I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past.  All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.
  I've wondered, since time is illusion how does one even define "the past"?
is it a minute ago? A year ago? a half second ago?  The time it takes to ask
the question?
  It can't be defined in a specific way.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
The illusion, eventhough it is an illusion, has a history. And it
is traceable. To answer your question specifically in chronological

A little bit ago
Some time ago
Just happened
Depends on the length of the question.

Seth did give an interesting albiet ridiculous interpretation of

He created a nine square thingy (the scientific name for it). It
like this.

Past future Present future Future

Past present Present Future

Past past Present past Future

I think he got the idea from the Moody Blues's album 'Days of
Future Past.
The idea is that we normally exist in the Present. The Present
being yesterday and the Present future being tomorrow. But we
can get to a Past past if we know how and there experience a past
that did not occur in the Present past. Yadda yadda yadda.
2011-02-01 02:26:22 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world?
Ego identification and all. Even though we all have been
given names at birth it doesn't really mean much. The
content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name,
that people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they
are right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of
someone, based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them
that way. Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the
better. Same thing, some might use a different name, but
still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new
identity here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I
wonder how long it would take for us to figure it out? him...
2 seconds maybe (lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like
John? Oh god the similarities are so weird. I don't think
Sidney is John but still ya know? they are almost like
Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and
start trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever
way he/she thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an
annoymous ID is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she
is also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an
overall in general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in
this, and assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here.
And using "we" in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot.
It saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many
posts saying pretty much the same thing.
Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on
usenet we can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is. The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me. I am not that me at all. I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past.  All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.
  I've wondered, since time is illusion how does one even define "the past"?
is it a minute ago? A year ago? a half second ago?  The time it takes to ask
the question?
  It can't be defined in a specific way.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
The illusion, eventhough it is an illusion, has a history. And that
history is tracable. To answer your question specifically and in
chronological order:

a little bit
some time ago
less than a little bit
depends on the length of the question

Seth did give an interesting, if ridiculous, interpretation of
time. He
created a nine square thingy (the scientific name for it). It looked
like this.

Past Future Present Future Future Future

Past Present Present Present Future Present

Past Past Present Past Future Past

We exist in the Present Present. Yesterday was the Present Past,
and tomorrow is the Present Future. Aspect psychology says that
everytime we make a decision one way or the other another aspect of
ourselves makes a different choice and so opens the way to alternate
realities for our non-selves to create in. Considering the number of
choices each of us make every day there must be gazillions upon
gazillions of each of us tripping through different aspects of time
wondering what the hell happened and why we feel so spread out.
I think Seth got the idea from the Moody Blues 'Days of Future
Past album. Although he doesn't credit them. Yadda yadda
2011-02-01 04:19:14 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world?
Ego identification and all. Even though we all have been
given names at birth it doesn't really mean much. The
content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe
the person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous
name, that people will remember them a certain way. And
maybe they are right. We (humans in form) tend to form a
picture of someone, based on a name (online anyway)and
then seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and
sometimes for the better. Same thing, some might use a
different name, but still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid
yourself (that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using
a different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better
way. I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new
identity here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure.
I wonder how long it would take for us to figure it out?
him... 2 seconds maybe (lol) What about Sidney sounding so
much like John? Oh god the similarities are so weird. I
don't think Sidney is John but still ya know? they are
almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He
is the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a
Christian zealot.
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted
here. The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as
Pieter would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks
up on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try
and start trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in
whatever way he/she thinks they believe here feel bad, or
wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an
annoymous ID is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she
is also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance,
and trying to make them into something "we" think they should
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an
overall in general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in
this, and assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else
here. And using "we" in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot.
It saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many
posts saying pretty much the same thing.
Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on
usenet we can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is. The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me. I am not that me at all. I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past. All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.
I've wondered, since time is illusion how does one even define "the
past"? is it a minute ago? A year ago? a half second ago? The time
it takes to ask the question?
It can't be defined in a specific way.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
The illusion, eventhough it is an illusion, has a history. And that
history is tracable. To answer your question specifically and in
a little bit
some time ago
less than a little bit
depends on the length of the question
Seth did give an interesting, if ridiculous, interpretation of
time. He
created a nine square thingy (the scientific name for it). It looked
like this.
Past Future Present Future Future Future
Past Present Present Present Future Present
Past Past Present Past Future Past
We exist in the Present Present. Yesterday was the Present Past,
and tomorrow is the Present Future. Aspect psychology says that
everytime we make a decision one way or the other another aspect of
ourselves makes a different choice and so opens the way to alternate
realities for our non-selves to create in. Considering the number of
choices each of us make every day there must be gazillions upon
gazillions of each of us tripping through different aspects of time
wondering what the hell happened and why we feel so spread out.
I think Seth got the idea from the Moody Blues 'Days of Future
Past album. Although he doesn't credit them. Yadda yadda
I remember reading something by Seth trying to explain time (I think it
was) using the idea of a grid. I think that's when I gave up trying to
figure it out and thought "why does it MATTER?" We don't have to understand
(in an intellectual, logical way) in order to believe and Trust Guidance,
and follow what the course says, which is clear and simple. And, it's not
just the course that says it and has said it. Why complicate something that
doesn't need this.
2011-02-01 02:28:58 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names
at birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that
people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they are
right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of someone,
based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them that way.
Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better. Same
thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how
long it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe
(lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the
similarities are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still
ya know? they are almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and start
trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever way he/she
thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an annoymous ID
is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is
also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an overall in
general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in this, and
assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here. And using "we"
in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot. It
saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many posts saying
pretty much the same thing.
   Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on usenet we
can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is.  The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me.  I am not that me at all.  I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past.  All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You of all people should know that I speak firmly with tongue in
The 'middle of the now'. That is a funny idea. I can't even type
it with a straight face.
2011-02-01 02:52:17 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names
at birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that
people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they are
right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of someone,
based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them that way.
Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better. Same
thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how
long it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe
(lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the
similarities are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still
ya know? they are almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and start
trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever way he/she
thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an annoymous ID
is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is
also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an overall in
general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in this, and
assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here. And using "we"
in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot. It
saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many posts saying
pretty much the same thing.
   Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on usenet we
can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is.  The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me.  I am not that me at all.  I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past.  All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  You of all people should know that I speak firmly with tongue in
  The 'middle of the now'.  That is a funny idea.  I can't even type
it with a straight face.
Sorry. I must have confused it with the middle of then. :)
2011-02-01 03:49:43 UTC
Post by HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names
at birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that
people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they are
right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of someone,
based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them that way.
Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better. Same
thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how
long it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe
(lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the
similarities are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still
ya know? they are almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and start
trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever way he/she
thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an annoymous ID
is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is
also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an overall in
general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in this, and
assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here. And using "we"
in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot. It
saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many posts saying
pretty much the same thing.
   Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on usenet we
can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is.  The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me.  I am not that me at all.  I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past.  All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  You of all people should know that I speak firmly with tongue in
  The 'middle of the now'.  That is a funny idea.  I can't even type
it with a straight face.
Sorry.  I must have confused it with the middle of then. :)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hey, I sended you a message.
2011-02-01 04:51:45 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world? Ego
identification and all. Even though we all have been given names
at birth it doesn't really mean much. The content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe the
person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous name, that
people will remember them a certain way. And maybe they are
right. We (humans in form) tend to form a picture of someone,
based on a name (online anyway)and then seem them that way.
Sometimes it will change, and sometimes for the better. Same
thing, some might use a different name, but still be the same in
You have used different names but didn't try and hid yourself
(that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new identity
here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure. I wonder how
long it would take for us to figure it out? him... 2 seconds maybe
(lol) What about Sidney sounding so much like John? Oh god the
similarities are so weird. I don't think Sidney is John but still
ya know? they are almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He is
the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a Christian
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted here.
The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as Pieter
would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and start
trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever way he/she
thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an annoymous ID
is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she is
also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance, and
trying to make them into something "we" think they should be.
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an overall in
general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in this, and
assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else here. And using "we"
in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot. It
saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many posts saying
pretty much the same thing.
   Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on usenet we
can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is.  The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me.  I am not that me at all.  I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past.  All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
  You of all people should know that I speak firmly with tongue in
  The 'middle of the now'.  That is a funny idea.  I can't even type
it with a straight face.
Sorry.  I must have confused it with the middle of then. :)- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hey, I sended you a message.
and i gotted it and sended u 2 back.
2011-02-01 04:20:47 UTC
Post by ellie
Post by Mike
Post by HappyD
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world?
Ego identification and all. Even though we all have been
given names at birth it doesn't really mean much. The
content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe
the person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous
name, that people will remember them a certain way. And
maybe they are right. We (humans in form) tend to form a
picture of someone, based on a name (online anyway)and
then seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and
sometimes for the better. Same thing, some might use a
different name, but still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid
yourself (that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using
a different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new
identity here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure.
I wonder how long it would take for us to figure it out?
him... 2 seconds maybe (lol) What about Sidney sounding so
much like John? Oh god the similarities are so weird. I
don't think Sidney is John but still ya know? they are
almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He
is the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a
Christian zealot.
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted
here. The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as
Pieter would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try
and start trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in
whatever way he/she thinks they believe here feel bad, or
wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an
annoymous ID is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time,
he/she is also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance,
and trying to make them into something "we" think they should
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an
overall in general way". Not including Deborah (personally)
in this, and assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else
here. And using "we" in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a
chatbot. It saves time for someone who is on so many NG with
so many posts saying pretty much the same thing.
Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on
usenet we can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is. The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me. I am not that me at all. I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past. All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You of all people should know that I speak firmly with tongue in
The 'middle of the now'. That is a funny idea. I can't even type
it with a straight face.
Sorry. I must have confused it with the middle of then. :)
Second star to the right and straight on till morning...
2011-02-01 04:52:28 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by HappyD
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world?
Ego identification and all. Even though we all have been
given names at birth it doesn't really mean much. The
content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe
the person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous
name, that people will remember them a certain way. And
maybe they are right. We (humans in form) tend to form a
picture of someone, based on a name (online anyway)and
then seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and
sometimes for the better. Same thing, some might use a
different name, but still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid
yourself (that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using
a different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new
identity here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure.
I wonder how long it would take for us to figure it out?
him... 2 seconds maybe (lol) What about Sidney sounding so
much like John? Oh god the similarities are so weird. I
don't think Sidney is John but still ya know? they are
almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He
is the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a
Christian zealot.
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted
here. The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as
Pieter would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try
and start trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in
whatever way he/she thinks they believe here feel bad, or
wrong about it.
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an
annoymous ID is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time,
he/she is also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance,
and trying to make them into something "we" think they should
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an
overall in general way". Not including Deborah (personally)
in this, and assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else
here. And using "we" in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a
chatbot. It saves time for someone who is on so many NG with
so many posts saying pretty much the same thing.
Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on
usenet we can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is. The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me. I am not that me at all. I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past. All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You of all people should know that I speak firmly with tongue in
The 'middle of the now'. That is a funny idea. I can't even type
it with a straight face.
Sorry.  I must have confused it with the middle of then. :)
   Second star to the right and straight on till morning...
I believe I can fly!
2011-02-01 15:17:30 UTC
Post by ellie
Post by Carrie
Post by Mike
You of all people should know that I speak firmly with tongue in
The 'middle of the now'. That is a funny idea. I can't even type
it with a straight face.
Sorry. I must have confused it with the middle of then. :)
Second star to the right and straight on till morning...
I believe I can fly!

2011-02-01 04:19:59 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by HappyD
Post by Mike
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by HappyD
Post by Carrie
Post by Carrie
Why would a person have to hide behind fake IDs?
Happy:D aka happydreamin aka carrieisalwaysright (lol)
Aren't we all just hiding behind fake ID's in this world?
Ego identification and all. Even though we all have been
given names at birth it doesn't really mean much. The
content speaks louder.
Yes, of course.
And, it also comes under "what isn't love is fear". Maybe
the person thinks they won't be accepted under a previous
name, that people will remember them a certain way. And
maybe they are right. We (humans in form) tend to form a
picture of someone, based on a name (online anyway)and then
seem them that way. Sometimes it will change, and sometimes
for the better. Same thing, some might use a different
name, but still be the same in content.
You have used different names but didn't try and hid
yourself (that I noticed).
On the other hand (is this OTOH?) maybe changing and using a
different name (online) is a way for the person to change
themselves, and get a new start, come across in a better way.
I guess it really doesn't matter.
Do you think you could change your name and pull off a new
identity here? (lol) the strain would be too hard I'm sure.
I wonder how long it would take for us to figure it out?
him... 2 seconds maybe (lol) What about Sidney sounding so
much like John? Oh god the similarities are so weird. I
don't think Sidney is John but still ya know? they are
almost like Siamese twins.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I have to disagree with you, HappyD. John Lopez is not Sidney
Lambe. John Lopez is at heart a fundamentalist Christian. He
is the most Christian poster ever at this ng. He is a
Christian zealot.
Sidney is as anti-Christian as anyone who has ever posted
here. The two points of view are mutually exclusive. IMHO as
Pieter would say.-
I don't think it's JL, either. I think it's someone who picks up
on anything, doesn't matter what, and throws it out to try and
start trouble. Or TRY and make people who believe in whatever
way he/she thinks they believe here feel bad, or wrong about
Personal venting. Not too many places in the world where it's
safe to do this, and an unmoderated newsgroup, using an
annoymous ID is probably one of them.
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group. Even if, at the same time, he/she
is also pushing it away.
Still gives anyone else here a chance to remember and
practice what they feel they believe.
Gratitude is the only response to our teachers. Not seeing
them as somehow wrong, flawed, not worthy of our acceptance,
and trying to make them into something "we" think they should
I know, Deborah, I am using "we" as in "human beings in the
illusion who are acting/reacting like form is real. In an
overall in general way". Not including Deborah (personally) in
this, and assuming she feels the same way, or anyone else
here. And using "we" in the context of this being a GROUP.
I know, I can only speak for myself.
I think he might just take old posts and put them In a chatbot.
It saves time for someone who is on so many NG with so many
posts saying pretty much the same thing.
Well, long as your name isn't Mike. There are so many Mikes on
usenet we can't trust them.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I don't even trust me, and I am me.
Yes, but which me are you?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am the me that is. The one speaking to you from the now, from the
middle of the now and not from some far edge of the now such as
yesterday or tomorrow or even sometime in June.
Ok, you got me. I am not that me at all. I must be some other me
because I don't even recall posting this.
Even the "middle of the now" is in the past. All experience is past.
It's the very definition of the dream.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You of all people should know that I speak firmly with tongue in
The 'middle of the now'. That is a funny idea. I can't even type
it with a straight face.
Watch the movie "Inception" if you want to try and figure out the
unfigurable LOL
2011-01-30 14:57:29 UTC
Post by Carrie
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group.
It may be more that she/he/it doesn't care whether she/he/it is loved
and/or accepted, as long a she/he/it isn't ignored. After all, there
doesn't seem to be any real attempt at conversation; just a general
jumping up and down and waving of arms.

Over the years, there have been some pitched battles here between
strong personalities holding diametrically opposed views. Sid doesn't
even seem like he's trying. Sid seems a caricature.

Sid's "arguments" against ACIM are sophomoric and sound like the
Republican Representative on Bill Maher Friday night, pooh-poohing
evolution by saying, "I didn't come from no monkey". And, grinning
from ear to ear the whole time.

2011-01-30 15:05:32 UTC
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Post by Carrie
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group.
It may be more that she/he/it doesn't care whether she/he/it is loved
and/or accepted, as long a she/he/it isn't ignored. After all, there
doesn't seem to be any real attempt at conversation; just a general
jumping up and down and waving of arms.
Over the years, there have been some pitched battles here between
strong personalities holding diametrically opposed views. Sid doesn't
even seem like he's trying. Sid seems a caricature.
Sid's "arguments" against ACIM are sophomoric and sound like the
Republican Representative on Bill Maher Friday night, pooh-poohing
evolution by saying, "I didn't come from no monkey". And, grinning
from ear to ear the whole time.
funny republican monkey.
Yeah, perhaps HappyD is right and it is nothing more than as chatbot.
2011-01-30 17:22:32 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Post by Carrie
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group.
It may be more that she/he/it doesn't care whether she/he/it is loved
and/or accepted, as long a she/he/it isn't ignored. After all, there
doesn't seem to be any real attempt at conversation; just a general
jumping up and down and waving of arms.
Over the years, there have been some pitched battles here between
strong personalities holding diametrically opposed views. Sid doesn't
even seem like he's trying. Sid seems a caricature.
Sid's "arguments" against ACIM are sophomoric and sound like the
Republican Representative on Bill Maher Friday night, pooh-poohing
evolution by saying, "I didn't come from no monkey". And, grinning
from ear to ear the whole time.
funny republican monkey.
Yeah, perhaps HappyD is right and it is nothing more than as chatbot.
There must be something behind it, otherwise why bother. Even using a
chatbox- whatever that is, and what reason for it, someone would have to
"care" (in some way) to do this.
2011-01-30 18:17:04 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Post by Carrie
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group.
It may be more that she/he/it doesn't care whether she/he/it is loved
and/or accepted, as long a she/he/it isn't ignored. After all, there
doesn't seem to be any real attempt at conversation; just a general
jumping up and down and waving of arms.
Over the years, there have been some pitched battles here between
strong personalities holding diametrically opposed views. Sid doesn't
even seem like he's trying. Sid seems a caricature.
Sid's "arguments" against ACIM are sophomoric and sound like the
Republican Representative on Bill Maher Friday night, pooh-poohing
evolution by saying, "I didn't come from no monkey". And, grinning
from ear to ear the whole time.
funny republican monkey.
Yeah, perhaps HappyD is right and it is nothing more than as chatbot..

Aren't they all just repeating the party line Irregardless of any kind
of rational?

Republican chatbots (lol) Thats how you get elected. Just chat the
party line and don't deviate.

I love Bill Maher (special relationship)

2011-01-30 17:21:17 UTC
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
Post by Carrie
And, deep down, maybe he/she thinks they will find love and
acceptance on an ACIM group.
It may be more that she/he/it doesn't care whether she/he/it is loved
and/or accepted, as long a she/he/it isn't ignored. After all, there
doesn't seem to be any real attempt at conversation; just a general
jumping up and down and waving of arms.
Over the years, there have been some pitched battles here between
strong personalities holding diametrically opposed views. Sid doesn't
even seem like he's trying. Sid seems a caricature.
Sid's "arguments" against ACIM are sophomoric and sound like the
Republican Representative on Bill Maher Friday night, pooh-poohing
evolution by saying, "I didn't come from no monkey". And, grinning
from ear to ear the whole time.
I've been told I don't know what ACIM says (teaches) and this must be true.
My idea about it is, it doesn't matter what (if anything) "someone else" is
doing, saying or seems to be. My perception/projection of it is what gives
it all and meaning it has.
All that about "seek not to change the world, but change your mind
(thinking) about it." "it's not up to you to try and change your brother,
but to accept him as he is" and of course, Lesson 351, which was the first
lines I heard from ACIM, before I had the books.


My sinless brother is my guide to peace.

My sinful brother is my guide to pain.

And which I choose to see I will behold.

W-351.1. <Who is my brother but Your holy Son? 2 And if I see him
sinful I proclaim myself a sinner, not a Son of God; alone and friendless in
a fearful world. 3 Yet this perception is a choice I make, and can
relinquish. 4 I can also see my brother sinless, as Your holy Son. 5 And
with this choice I see my sinlessness, my everlasting Comforter and Friend
beside me, and my way secure and clear. 6 Choose, then, for me, my Father,
through Your Voice. 7 For He alone gives judgment in Your Name.>

Of course, going by this, it doesn't matter to me what you seem to
believe about it. If you need to jusfity what might be not responding
with/from Love, because of how someone else "seems to be" (less than
Perfect, our Brother in Christ) that is how I could be seeing you.

And, it's not up to me to judge, even judging someone else as judging.

Offered in the spirit of possible course discussion. Even though it
seems some have their own version of what the course "says". The spin off
groups that have come from it, and people attracted to them, seem to be
showing this.
Post by r***@tahoe.blue
John Radgosky
2011-01-31 05:14:04 UTC
  I don't even trust me, and I am me.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
That applies to everyone.

Which answers, why ACIM ?
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