ACIM Review V Introduction ~ June 20 (iambic pentameter)
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Lee Flynn
2011-06-20 12:54:41 UTC
ACIM Workbook Review V ~ June 20


" Review V ~ Introduction May 11, 1970

- [Now we] review again. This time we are
ready to give more effort and more time
to what we undertake. We recognize
we are preparing for another phase
<of> understanding. We would take this step
completely that we may go on again
more certain, more sincere, with faith upheld
more surely. Our footsteps have not been
unwavering, and doubts have made us walk
uncertainly and slowly on the road
this course sets forth. But now we hasten on,
for we approach a greater certainty,
a firmer purpose and a surer goal.|

- "Steady our feet, our Father; let our doubts
be quiet and our holy minds be still,
and speak to us. We have no words to give
to You. We would but listen to Your Word
and make it ours. Lead our practicing
as does a father lead a little child
along a way he does not understand.
Yet does he follow, sure that he is safe
because his father leads the way for him.|
#So do we bring our practicing to You.
And if we stumble, You will raise us up.
If we forget the way, we count upon
Your sure remembering. We wander off,
but You will not forget to call us back.
Quicken our footsteps now, that we may walk
more certainly and quickly unto You.
And we accept the Word You offer us
to unify our practicing as we
review the thoughts that You have given us."|

- This is the thought which should precede the thoughts
that we review. Each one but clarifies
some aspect of this thought, or helps it be
more meaningful, more personal and true,
and more descriptive of the holy Self
we share and now prepare to know again:

"God is but love, and therefore so am I."

- This Self alone knows love. This Self alone
is perfectly consistent in Its thoughts;
knows Its Creator, understands Itself,
is perfect in Its knowledge and Its love,
and never changes from Its constant state
of union with Its Father and Itself.

- And it is This that waits to meet us at
the journey's ending. Every step we take
brings us a little nearer. This review
will shorten time immeasurably, if
we keep in mind that This remains our goal,
and as we practice it is This to which
we are approaching. Let us raise our hearts
from dust to life as we remember This
is promised us, and that this course was sent
to open up the path of light to us,
and teach us, step by step, how to return
to the Eternal Self we [think] we lost.

- I take the journey with you. For I share
your doubts and fears a little while, that you
may come to me who recognize the road
by which all [doubts and fears] are overcome.
We walk together. I must understand
uncertainty and pain, although I know
they have no meaning. Yet a Saviour must
remain with those he teaches, seeing what
they see, but still retaining in his mind
the way [which] led him out, and now will lead
you out with him. God's Son is crucified
until you walk along the road with me.

- My resurrection comes again each time
I lead a brother safely to the place
at which the journey ends and is forgot.
I am renewed each time a brother learns
there is a way from misery and pain.
I am reborn each time a brother's mind
turns to the light in him and looks for me.
I have forgotten no-one. Help me now
to lead you back to where [your] journey was
begun, [and] make another choice with me.

- Release me as you practice once again
the thoughts I brought to you from Him Who sees
your bitter need, and knows the answer God
has given Him. Together we review
these thoughts. Together we devote our time
and effort to them. And together we
will teach them to our brothers. God would not
have Heaven incomplete. It waits for you,
as I do. I am incomplete without
your part in me. And as I am made whole,
we go together to our ancient home,
prepared for us before time was and kept
unchanged by time, immaculate and safe,
as it will be at last, when time is done.

- Let this review be then your gift to me.
For this alone I need; that you will hear
the words I speak, and give them to the world.
You are my voice, my eyes, my feet, my hands,
through which I save the world. The Self from Which
I call to you is but your Own. To Him
we go together. Take your brother's hand,
for this is not a way we walk alone.
In him I walk with you and you with me.
Our Father wills His Son be One with Him.
What lives but must not then be one with you?

- Let this review become a time in which
we share a new experience for you,
yet one as old as time and older still.
Hallowed your name. Your glory undefiled
forever. And your wholeness now complete,
as God established it. You are His Son,
completing His extension in your own.
We practice but an ancient truth we knew
before illusion seemed to claim the world.
And we remind the world that it is free
of all illusion every time we say,

"God is but love, and therefore so am I."

- With this we start each day of our review.
With this we start and end each period
of practice time. And with this thought we sleep,
to waken once again with these same words
upon our [tongue] to greet another day.
No thought that we review but we surround
with it, and use the thoughts to hold it up
before our minds and keep it clear in our
rememberance throughout the day. And thus
when we have finished this review, we will
have recognized the words we speak are true.

- Yet are the words but aids, and to be used,
except at the beginning and the end
of practice periods, but to recall
the mind, as needed, to its purpose. We
place faith in the experience that comes
from practice, not the means we use. We wait
for the experience, and recognize
that it is only here conviction lies.
We use the words, and try and try again
to go beyond them to their meaning, which
is far beyond their sound. The sound grows dim
and disappears, as we approach the Source
of meaning. It is here that we find rest. "

~ Original Handscript of ACIM


[ Hear Review V in I.P. ~ Voice & Music by Maz ]

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Sidney Lambe
2011-06-20 14:59:40 UTC
Post by Lee Flynn
ACIM Workbook Review V ~ June 20
Nonsense remains nonsense even if it is in iambic petnameter.

And ACIM is mosstly nonsense. Just the same old Christian

Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.