Jesus Sees You As Himself And Loves You As Himself
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Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:25:11 UTC
There is one self which runs through all things. The simple same self you know,
and yet have neglected with all the responsibilities and interests in this life.
All things have consciousness, and there is no such thing as unconsciousness, for
the opposite of consciousness is a point, and while you have made objects and thus
points of apparently everything in this world, ultimately a point, is nothing, and
nothing does not exist. There is only consciousness. There is one self created
by love. Love is meaning and created you - the one self - like itself, and you
have "creations" likewise also - which constitute an extension of the one self.

Minds are not separated, and when you begin to see others as yourself, you will be
released. For you are everywhere, and thus must find yourself everywhere, and so
in another person you could only find yourself also. You are never outside of
your own mind. The truth is there is only light, and the world is an illusion.
The power to work miracles belongs to you. Miracles are expressions of love. The
power of love is the power to work miracles. Through conviction and love, you can
raise the dead.

God is Love, and the only creator, of all that is true. Everything else is an
illusion, as if a shadow to a sun which could never be assailed. You can not will
to not will. You have a will, which God lit with light. Choose to remove the
illusion, and see the light again. The kingdom of God is not merely within you,
it *is* you. The secret of life is to love yourself. The true sons of God see
you as themselves, and love you as themselves.

"By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
- Jesus Christ, John 13:35, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

Jesus spoke to me on Good Friday, and said: "In My World there is Forgiveness."

Guilt is the end result of insult. The clash of egos, where someone tries to
rationalize the conflict. Egos can clash, and bodies can be injured, but Spirit
can never clash.

The Golden Rule, is the rule for appropriate behavior. We are here on earth to be
happy, and to make others happy. To heal is to make happy. Work miracles and
heal the sick with love.

Health, wealth, and love, are all, that are needed to save the world. Freedom is
our eternal right, and truth, is our guide above all things.

Everyone should have self-esteem in spite of achievements, as we endeavor, even,
to have achievements.

"You are the work of God, and his work is wholly lovable and wholly loving. This
is how a man must think of himself in his heart, because this is what he is."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1, Section 3

"There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not "harder" or "bigger"
than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1, Section 1

"Healing only strengthens. Healing perceives nothing in the healer that everyone
else does not share with him. Magic always sees something "special" in the
healer, which he believes he can offer as a gift to someone who does not have it.
He may believe that the gift comes from God to him, but it is quite evident that
he does not understand God if he thinks he has something that others lack."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 7, Section 5

"There have been many healers who did not heal themselves. They have not moved
mountains by their faith because their faith was not whole. Some of them have
healed the sick at times, but they have not raised the dead. Unless the healer
heals himself, he cannot believe that there is no order of difficulty in miracles.
He has not learned that every mind God created is equally worthy of being healed
*because* God created it whole."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 5, Section 7 (8pdf)

"The sole responsibility of the miracle worker is to accept the Atonement for
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 2, Section 5

"Egos can clash in any situation, but spirit cannot clash at all. If you perceive
a teacher as merely "a larger ego" you will be afraid, because to enlarge an ego
would be to increase anxiety about separation. I will teach with you and live
with you if you will think with me, but my goal will always be to absolve you
finally from the need for a teacher. This is the opposite of the ego-oriented
teacher's goal. He is concerned with the effect of his ego on other egos, and
therefore interprets their interaction as a means of ego preservation. I would not
be able to devote myself to teaching if I believed this, and you will not be a
devoted teacher as long as you believe it. I am constantly being perceived as a
teacher either to be exalted or rejected, but I do not accept either perception
for myself.
Your worth is not established by teaching or learning. Your worth is established
by God. As long as you dispute this everything you do will be fearful,
particularly any situation that lends itself to the belief in superiority and
inferiority. Teachers must be patient and repeat their lessons until they are
learned. I am willing to do this, because I have no right to set your learning
limits for you. Again... nothing you do or think or wish or make is necessary to
establish your worth. This point is not debatable except in delusions. Your ego
is never at stake because God did not create it. Your spirit is never at stake
because he did. Any confusion on this point is delusional, and no form of
devotion is possible as long as this delusion lasts.
The ego tries to exploit all situations into forms of praise for itself in order
to overcome its doubts."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 4, Section 1 (2pdf)

"When you have been restored to the recognition of your original state, you
naturally become part of the Atonement yourself. As you share my unwillingness to
accept error in yourself and others, you must join the great crusade to correct
it; listen to my voice, learn to undo error and act to correct it. The power to
work miracles belongs to you. I will provide the opportunities to do them, but
you must be ready and willing. Doing them will bring conviction in the ability,
because conviction comes through accomplishment. The ability is the potential,
the achievement is its expression, and the Atonement, which is the natural
profession of the children of God, is the purpose."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1, Section 3

"I am the Atonement. Ask me which miracles you should perform. This spares you
needless effort, because you will be acting under direct communication."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1, Section 3

"There is nothing about me that you cannot attain. I have nothing that does not
come from God. The difference between us now is that I have nothing else. This
leaves me in a state which is only potential in you."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1, Section 2

"under my guidance miracles lead to the highly personal experience of revelation."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1, Section 3

"Revelation unites you directly with God."
"Revelation is literally unspeakable because it is an experience of unspeakable love."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1, Section 2

"Revelations are indirectly inspired by me because I am close to the Holy Spirit,
and alert to the revelation-readiness of my brothers."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1, Section 2

"I am the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and when you see me it will be because
you have invited him."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 12, Section 7

"When you want only love you will see nothing else."

"When you look within and see me, it will be because you have decided to manifest
truth. And as you manifest it you will see it both without and within. Everything
you behold without is a judgment of what you beheld within. If it is your
judgment it will be wrong, for judgment is not your function. If it is the
judgment of the Holy Spirit it will be right, for judgment *is* his function. You
share his function only by judging as he does, reserving no judgment at all for
yourself. You will judge against yourself, but he will judge *for* you. Remember,
then, that whenever you look without and react unfavorably to what you see, you
have judged yourself unworthy and have condemned yourself to death. The death
penalty is the ego's ultimate goal, for it fully believes that you are a criminal,
as deserving of death as God knows you are deserving of life. The death penalty
never leaves the ego's mind, for that is what it always reserves for you in the
end. Wanting to kill you as the final expression of its feeling for you, it lets
you live but to await death. It will torment you while you live, but its hatred
is not satisfied until you die. For your destruction is the one end toward which
it works, and the only end with which it will be satisfied.
The ego is not a traitor to God, to Whom treachery is impossible. But it is a
traitor to you who believe that you have been treacherous to your Father. That is
why the undoing of guilt is an essential part of the Holy Spirit's teaching. For
as long as you feel guilty you are listening to the voice of the ego, which tells
you that you have been treacherous to God and therefore deserve death. You will
think that death comes from God and not from the ego because, by confusing
yourself with the ego, you believe that you want death. And from what you want
God does not save you.
When you are tempted to yield to the desire for death, _remember that I did not
die_. You will realize that this is true when you look within and *see* me. Would
I have overcome death for myself alone? And would eternal life have been given me
of the Father unless he had also given it to you? When you learn to make me
manifest, you will never see death. For you will have looked upon the deathless
in yourself, and you will see only the eternal as you look out upon a world that
cannot die."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 12, Section 7

"The Holy Spirit is invisible, but you can see the results of his presence, and
through them you will learn that he is there. What he enables you to do is
clearly not of this world, for miracles violate every law of reality as this world
judges it. Every law of time and space, of magnitude and mass is transcended, for
what the Holy Spirit enables you to do is clearly beyond all of them. Perceiving
his results, you will understand where he must be, and finally know what he is.

You cannot see the Holy Spirit, but you can see his manifestations. And unless
you do, you will not realize he is there. Miracles are his witnesses, and speak
for his presence. What you cannot see becomes real to you only through the
witnesses that speak for it. For you can be aware of what you cannot see, and it
can become compellingly real to you as its Presence becomes manifest through you.
Do the Holy Spirit's work, for you share in his function. As your function in
Heaven is creation, so your function on earth is healing. God shares his function
with you in Heaven, and the Holy Spirit shares his with you on earth. As long as
you believe you have other functions, so long will you need correction. For this
belief is the destruction of peace, a goal in direct opposition to the Holy
Spirit's purpose."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 12, Section 7

"turn to one who laid all limits by, and went beyond the farthest reach of
learning. He will take you with him, for he did not go alone. And you were with
him then, as you are now.
This course has come from him because his words have reached you in a language you
can love and understand. Are other teachers possible, to lead the way to those
who speak in different tongues and appeal to different symbols? Certainly there
are... Jesus... is with you; he is always here."
- A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers, Section 23, "Does Jesus Have a
Special Role in Healing?"

"Is Jesus God’s only Helper? No, indeed. For Christ takes many forms with
different names until their oneness can be recognized. But Jesus is for you the
bearer of Christ’s single message of the Love of God. You need no other. It is
possible to read his words and benefit from them without accepting him into your
life. Yet he would help you yet a little more if you will share your pains and
joys with him, and leave them both to find the peace of God. Yet still it is his
lesson most of all that he would have you learn, and it is this:

There is no death because the Son of God is like his Father. Nothing you can do
can change Eternal Love. Forget your dreams of sin and guilt, and come with me
instead to share the resurrection of God’s Son. And bring with you all those whom
He has sent to you to care for as I care for you."
- A Course in Miracles, Clarification of Terms: Jesus - Christ

Read the Gospels.
The New Testament's message, is as imperative now, as it was 2000 years ago.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to
salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For
in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written,
“The just shall live by faith.”
- Paul the Apostle, Romans 1:16-17, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV
Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:26:56 UTC
"Therefore, whatever you want others to do to you, do also to them, for this is
the Law and the Prophets."
- Jesus Christ, Matt 7:12, Holy Bible, Sermon On The Mount

The Golden Rule across 60 versions:
Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:29:34 UTC
"Miracles demonstrate that learning has occurred under the right guidance, for
learning is invisible and what has been learned can be recognized only by its
results. Its generalization is demonstrated as you use it in more and more
situations. You will recognize that you have learned there is no order of
difficulty in miracles when you apply them to all situations. There is no
situation to which miracles do not apply, and by applying them to all situations
you will gain the real world. For in this holy perception you will be made whole,
and the Atonement will radiate from your acceptance of it for yourself to everyone
the Holy Spirit sends you for your blessing. In every child of God his blessing
lies, and in your blessing of the children of God is his blessing to you.

Everyone in the world must play his part in its redemption, in order to recognize
that the world has been redeemed. You cannot see the invisible. Yet if you see
its effects you know it must be there. By perceiving what it does, you recognize
its being. And by what it does, you learn what it is. You cannot see your
strengths, but you gain confidence in their existence as they enable you to act.
And the results of your actions you *can* see.

The Holy Spirit is invisible, but you can see the results of His Presence, and
through them you will learn that He is there. What He enables you to do is
clearly not of this world, for miracles violate every law of reality as this world
judges it. Every law of time and space, of magnitude and mass is transcended, for
what the Holy Spirit enables you to do is clearly beyond all of them. Perceiving
His results, you will understand where He must be, and finally know what He is.

You cannot see the Holy Spirit, but you can see His manifestations. And unless
you do, you will not realize He is there. Miracles are His witnesses, and speak
for His Presence. What you cannot see becomes real to you only through the
witnesses that speak for it. For you can be aware of what you cannot see, and it
can become compellingly real to you as its presence becomes manifest through you.
Do the Holy Spirit's work, for you share in His function. As your function in
Heaven is creation, so your function on earth is healing. God shares His function
with you in Heaven, and the Holy Spirit shares His with you on earth. As long as
you believe you have other functions, so long will you need correction. For this
belief is the destruction of peace, a goal in direct opposition to the Holy
Spirit's purpose.

You see what you expect, and you expect what you invite. Your perception is the
result of your invitation, coming to you as you sent for it. Whose manifestations
would you see? Of whose presence would you be convinced? For you will believe in
what you manifest, and as you look out so will you see in. Two ways of looking at
the world are in your mind, and your perception will reflect the guidance you have

I am the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and when you see me it will be because
you have invited Him. For He will send you His witnesses if you will but look
upon them. Remember always that you see what you seek, for what you seek you will
find. The ego finds what it seeks, and only that. It does not find love, for
that is not what it is seeking. Yet seeking and finding are the same, and if you
seek for two goals you will find them, but you will recognize neither. You will
think they are the same because you want both of them. The mind always strives
for integration, and if it is split and wants to keep the split, it will still
believe it has one goal by making it seem to be one.

I said before that what you project or extend is up to you, but you must do one or
the other, for that is a law of mind, and you must look in before you look out. As
you look in, you choose the guide for seeing. And then you look out and behold
his witnesses. This is why you find what you seek. What you want in yourself you
will make manifest, and you will accept it from the world because you put it there
by wanting it. When you think you are projecting what you do not want, it is
still because you *do* want it. This leads directly to dissociation, for it
represents the acceptance of two goals, each perceived in a different place;
separated from each other because you made them different. The mind then sees a
divided world outside itself, but not within. This gives it an illusion of
integrity, and enables it to believe that it is pursuing one goal. Yet as long as
you perceive the world as split, you are not healed. For to be healed is to
pursue one goal, because you have accepted only one and want but one.

When you want only love you will see nothing else. The contradictory nature of
the witnesses you perceive is merely the reflection of your conflicting
invitations. You have looked upon your mind and accepted opposition there, having
sought it there. But do not then believe that the witnesses for opposition are
true, for they attest only to your decision about reality, returning to you the
messages you gave them. Love, too, is recognized by its messengers. If you make
love manifest, its messengers will come to you because you invited them.

The power of decision is your one remaining freedom as a prisoner of this world.
You can decide to see it right. What you made of it is not its reality, for its
reality is only what you give it. You cannot really give anything but love to
anyone or anything, nor can you really receive anything but love from them. If
you think you have received anything else, it is because you have looked within
and thought you saw the power to give something else within yourself. It was only
this decision that determined what you found, for it was the decision for what you

You are afraid of me because you looked within and are afraid of what you saw. Yet
you could not have seen reality, for the reality of your mind is the loveliest of
God's creations. Coming only from God, its power and grandeur could only bring
you peace *if you really looked upon it*. If you are afraid, it is because you
saw something that is not there. Yet in that same place you could have looked
upon me and all your brothers, in the perfect safety of the Mind which created us.
For we are there in the peace of the Father, Who wills to extend His peace
through you.

When you have accepted your mission to extend peace you will find peace, for by
making it manifest you will see it. Its holy witnesses will surround you because
you called upon them, and they will come to you. I have heard your call and I
have answered it, but you will not look upon me nor hear the answer that you
sought. That is because you do not yet want *only* that. Yet as I become more
real to you, you will learn that you do want only that. And you will see me as
you look within, and we will look upon the real world together. Through the eyes
of Christ, only the real world exists and only the real world can be seen. As you
decide so will you see. And all that you see but witnesses to your decision.

When you look within and see me, it will be because you have decided to manifest
truth. And as you manifest it you will see it both without and within. Everything
you behold without is a judgment of what you beheld within. If it is your
judgment it will be wrong, for judgment is not your function. If it is the
judgment of the Holy Spirit it will be right, for judgment *is* His function. You
share His function only by judging as He does, reserving no judgment at all for
yourself. You will judge against yourself, but He will judge *for* you.

Remember, then, that whenever you look without and react unfavorably to what you
see, you have judged yourself unworthy and have condemned yourself to death. The
death penalty is the ego's ultimate goal, for it fully believes that you are a
criminal, as deserving of death as God knows you are deserving of life. The death
penalty never leaves the ego's mind, for that is what it always reserves for you
in the end. Wanting to kill you as the final expression of its feeling for you,
it lets you live but to await death. It will torment you while you live, but its
hatred is not satisfied until you die. For your destruction is the one end toward
which it works, and the only end with which it will be satisfied.

The ego is not a traitor to God, to Whom treachery is impossible. But it is a
traitor to you who believe that you have been treacherous to your Father. That is
why the undoing of guilt is an essential part of the Holy Spirit's teaching. For
as long as you feel guilty you are listening to the voice of the ego, which tells
you that you have been treacherous to God and therefore deserve death. You will
think that death comes from God and not from the ego because, by confusing
yourself with the ego, you believe that you want death. And from what you want
God does not save you.

When you are tempted to yield to the desire for death, _remember that I did not
die_. You will realize that this is true when you look within and *see* me. Would
I have overcome death for myself alone? And would eternal life have been given me
of the Father unless He had also given it to you? When you learn to make me
manifest, you will never see death. For you will have looked upon the deathless
in yourself, and you will see only the eternal as you look out upon a world that
cannot die."

A Course In Miracles
Chapter 12 The Holy Spirit's Curriculum
Section 7 Looking Within
Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:30:20 UTC
Corroborating testimony:

Miracles Are Seen In Light
2021-03-04 11:16:06 UTC
Post by Miracles Are Seen In Light


Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:31:19 UTC
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Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:34:18 UTC
"my words make perfect sense because they come from God. They are as sensible now
as they ever were, because they speak of ideas that are eternal."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 9, Section 4

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
- Jesus Christ, Luke 21:33, Mark 13:31, Matt 24:35 Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

"The name of Jesus, is the name of one who was a man but saw the face of Christ in
all his brothers and remembered God."
- A Course in Miracles, Clarification of Terms, Jesus-Christ

"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”
- Jesus Christ, John 8:56, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

"Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of
God Most High. And he blessed him [Abraham] and said:

“Blessed be Abram of God Most High,
Possessor of heaven and earth;
And blessed be God Most High,
Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.”

And he gave him a tithe of all."
- Genesis 14:18-20, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

- Paul the Apostle, Hebrews 7:7-28, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV:

"For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham
returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, to whom also Abraham
gave a tenth part of all, first being translated “king of righteousness,” and then
also king of Salem, meaning “king of peace,” without father, without mother,
without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like
the Son of God, remains a priest continually.

Now consider how great this man was, to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave a
tenth of the spoils. And indeed those who are of the sons of Levi, who receive
the priesthood, have a commandment to receive tithes from the people according to
the law, that is, from their brethren, though they have come from the loins of
Abraham; but he whose genealogy is not derived from them received tithes from
Abraham and blessed him who had the promises. Now beyond all contradiction the
lesser is blessed by the better. Here mortal men receive tithes, but there he
receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives. Even Levi, who receives
tithes, paid tithes through Abraham, so to speak, for he was still in the loins of
his father when Melchizedek met him.

Therefore, if perfection were through the Levitical priesthood (for under it the
people received the law), what further need was there that another priest should
rise according to the order of Melchizedek, and not be called according to the
order of Aaron? For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a
change of the law. For He of whom these things are spoken belongs to another
tribe, from which no man has officiated at the altar.

For it is evident that our Lord arose from Judah, of which tribe Moses spoke
nothing concerning priesthood. And it is yet far more evident if, in the likeness
of Melchizedek, there arises another priest who has come, not according to the law
of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power of an endless life. For He

“You are a priest forever
According to the order of Melchizedek.” {Psalm 110:4}

For on the one hand there is an annulling of the former commandment because of its
weakness and unprofitableness, for the law made nothing perfect; on the other
hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope, through which we draw near to God.

And inasmuch as He was not made priest without an oath (for they have become
priests without an oath, but He with an oath by Him who said to Him:

“The Lord has sworn
And will not relent,
‘You are a priest forever
According to the order of Melchizedek’ ”),

by so much more Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant.

Also there were many priests, because they were prevented by death from
continuing. But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood.
Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through
Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.

For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled,
separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens; who does not need
daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and
then for the people’s, for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself.
For the law appoints as high priests men who have weakness, but the word of the
oath, which came after the law, appoints the Son who has been perfected forever."

- Paul the Apostle, Hebrews 8:1-13, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV:

Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High
Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the
heavens, a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord
erected, and not man.

For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices. Therefore
it is necessary that this One also have something to offer. For if He were on
earth, He would not be a priest, since there are priests who offer the gifts
according to the law; who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, as
Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle. For He
said, “See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the
mountain.” But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is
also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.

For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been
sought for a second. Because finding fault with them, He says: “Behold, the days
are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of
Israel and with the house of Judah— not according to the covenant that I made
with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the
land of Egypt; because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded
them, says the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of
Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write
them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. None
of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’
for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. For I will
be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I
will remember no more.” {Jeremiah 31:31-34}:

In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is
becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away."
Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:35:42 UTC
"go into the [light] and forget the darkness. Here you understand the Word, the
Name which God has given you; the one Identity which all things share; the one
acknowledgment of what is true."

"God has no name. And yet His Name becomes the final lesson that all things are
one, and at this lesson does all learning end. All names are unified; all space
is filled with truth's reflection. Every gap is closed, and separation healed."
- A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 184

"No one can fail who seeks the meaning of the Name of God."
- A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 184

"Moses said to God, “Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to
them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is
His name?’ what shall I say to them?”

And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the
children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”- Exodus 3:13-14

"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”
Then the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen
Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”
- Jesus Christ, John 8:56-58, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

"The name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol. But it stands for love that is
not of this world. It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the
many names of all the gods to which you pray. It becomes the shining symbol for
the Word of God, so close to what it stands for that the little space between the
two is lost, the moment that the name is called to mind. Remembering the name of
Jesus Christ is to give thanks for all the gifts that God has given you. And
gratitude to God becomes the way in which He is remembered, for love cannot be far
behind a grateful heart and thankful mind. God enters easily, for these are the
true conditions for your homecoming.

No one on earth can grasp what Heaven is, or what its one Creator really means.
Yet we have witnesses. It is to them that wisdom should appeal. There have been
those whose learning far exceeds what we can learn. Nor would we teach the
limitations we have laid on us. No one who has become a true and dedicated
teacher of God forgets his brothers. Yet what he can offer them is limited by
what he learns himself. Then turn to one who laid all limits by, and went beyond
the farthest reach of learning. He will take you with him, for he did not go
alone. And you were with him then, as you are now.

This course has come from him because his words have reached you in a language you
can love and understand. Are other teachers possible, to lead the way to those
who speak in different tongues and appeal to different symbols? Certainly there
are. ... Yet do we need a many-faceted curriculum, not because of content
differences, but because symbols must shift and change to suit the need. Jesus
has come to answer yours. In him you find God's Answer. Do you, then, teach with
him, for he is with you; he is always here."
- A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers, Section 23, "Does Jesus Have a
Special Role in Healing?"

"No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is
doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I
have made known to you."
- Jesus Christ, John 15:15, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

Friendship is the only valid relationship in the Universe.

"You are My friends if you do whatever I command you."
- Jesus Christ, John 15:14, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

"This is My commandment, that you love one another"
- Jesus Christ, John 15:12, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:36:51 UTC
The Name of God is your inheritance.

"God has no name. And yet His Name becomes the final lesson that all things are
one, and at this lesson does all learning end. All names are unified; all space
is filled with truth's reflection. Every gap is closed, and separation healed."
- A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 184 "

"Repeat the Name of God, and call upon your Self, Whose Name is His... Those who
call upon the Name of God can not mistake the nameless for the Name, nor sin for
grace, nor bodies for the holy Son of God. And should you join a brother as you
sit with him in silence, and repeat God's Name along with him within your quiet
mind, you have established there an altar which reaches to God Himself and to His

"go into the [light] and forget the darkness. Here you understand the Word, the
Name which God has given you; the one Identity which all things share; the one
acknowledgment of what is true."

"Repeat God's Name, and all the world responds by laying down illusions. Every
dream the world holds dear has suddenly gone by, and where it seemed to stand you
find a star; a miracle of grace."

"Repeat God's Name, and you acknowledge Him as sole Creator of reality."

"His Son is part of Him, creating in His Name. Sit silently, and let His Name
become the all-encompassing idea that holds your mind completely. Let all thoughts
be still except this one. And to all other thoughts respond with this, and see
God's Name replace the thousand little names you gave your thoughts"

"there is one Name for all there is, and all that there will be."

"Repeat the Name of God, and little names have lost their meaning. No temptation
but becomes a nameless and unwanted thing before God's Name. Repeat His Name, and
see how easily you will forget the names of all the gods you valued. They have
lost the name of god you gave them. They become anonymous and valueless to you,
although before you let the Name of God replace their little names, you stood
before them worshipfully, naming them as gods."
- A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 183

"No one can fail who seeks the meaning of the Name of God."
- A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 184

God's Name unites us in the oneness which is our inheritance and peace. Amen
Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:37:55 UTC
"Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was
called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes
were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written
that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and
His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine
linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a
sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule
them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and
wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:

- St. John the Divine, Revelation 19:11-16, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV
Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:39:16 UTC
Where would Jesus be without Paul and Peter and every speaker of Truth?

"My resurrection comes again each time I lead a brother safely to the place at
which the journey ends and is forgot. I am renewed each time a brother learns
there is a way from misery and pain. I am reborn each time a brother's mind turns
to the light in him and looks for me. I have forgotten no one. Help me now to lead
you back to where the journey was begun, to make another choice with me.

You are my voice, my eyes, my feet, my hands through which I save the world."
- A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Fifth Review

When the Perfect Messiah comes he will heal all minds in a single instant. Thus
when the Perfect Messiah comes, *he will be you*.

"The Self from which I call to you is but your own. To Him we go together. Take
your brother's hand, for this is not a way we walk alone. In him I walk with you,
and you with me."

And we remind the world that it is free of all illusions every time we say:

'God is but Love, and therefore so am I.'"

Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:40:58 UTC
"I raised the dead by knowing that life is an eternal attribute of everything that
the living God created.
I understand that miracles are natural, because they are expressions of love."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 4, Section 4 (5pdf)

"A miracle contains the gift of grace, for it is given and received as one.
Forgiveness is the home of miracles... each is laid... upon the universal altar to
Creator and creation in the light of perfect purity and endless joy.
Miracles... show that what is born can never die, for what has life has immortality."
- A Course in Miracles, Workbook, "What Is a Miracle"

"God wills no one suffer. He does not will anyone to suffer for a wrong decision,
including you. That is why he has given you the means for undoing it."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 8, Section 3

"Miracles enable you to heal the sick and raise the dead because you made sickness
and death yourself, and can therefore abolish both. *You* are a miracle, capable
of creating in the likeness of your Creator. Everything else is your own
nightmare, and does not exist. Only the creations of light are real."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1, Section 1

"Then, when Mary came where Jesus was, and saw Him, she fell down at His feet,
saying to Him, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.”

Therefore, when Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, He
groaned in the spirit and was troubled. And He said, “Where have you laid him?”

They said to Him, “Lord, come and see.”

Jesus wept.

Then the Jews said, “See how He loved him!”

And some of them said, “Could not this Man, who opened the eyes of the blind, also
have kept this man from dying?”

Then Jesus, again groaning in Himself, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a
stone lay against it. Jesus said, “Take away the stone.”

Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, “Lord, by this time there is
a stench, for he has been dead four days.”

Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see
the glory of God?” Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead
man was lying. And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, “Father, I thank You that
You have heard Me. And I know that You always hear Me, but because of the people
who are standing by I said this, that they may believe that You sent Me.” Now
when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!”
And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and his face
was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose him, and let him go.”
- John 11:32-44, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

"The emptiness engendered by fear must be replaced by forgiveness. That is what
the Bible means by "There is no death," and why I could demonstrate that death
does not exist. I came to fulfill the law by reinterpreting it. The law itself,
if properly understood, offers only protection. It is those who have not yet
changed their minds who brought the "hell-fire" concept into it.
I assure you that I will witness for anyone who lets me, and to whatever extent he
permits it. Your witnessing demonstrates your belief, and thus strengthens it.
Those who witness for me are expressing, through their miracles, that they have
abandoned the belief in deprivation in favor of the abundance they have learned
belongs to them."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 1, Section 4

"In the way of righteousness is life,
And in its pathway there is no death."
- Proverbs of Solomon 12:28, Holy Bible, Old Testament, NKJV

Miracles Are Seen In Light
2021-03-04 11:22:08 UTC
Love is your power, which... gives you everything. - ACIM

"Love is your power, which the ego must deny. It must also deny everything this
power gives you because it gives you everything."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 7, Section 6
Miracles Are Seen In Light
2021-03-04 11:23:05 UTC
I Love You For The Truth In You, As God Does

"I love you for the truth in you, as God does. Your deceptions may deceive you,
but they cannot deceive me. Knowing what you are, I cannot doubt you. I hear
only the Holy Spirit in you, Who speaks to me through you. If you would hear me,
hear my brothers in whom God's Voice speaks. The answer to all prayers lies in
them. You will be answered as you hear the answer in everyone. Do not listen to
anything else or you will not hear truly.

Believe in your brothers because I believe in you, and you will learn that my
belief in you is justified. Believe in me by believing in them, for the sake of
what God gave them. They will answer you if you learn to ask only truth of them.
Do not ask for blessings without blessing them, for only in this way can you learn
how blessed you are. By following this way you are seeking the truth in you. This
is not going beyond yourself but toward yourself. Hear only God's Answer in his
sons, and you are answered.

To disbelieve is to side against, or to attack. To believe is to accept, and to
side with. To believe is not to be credulous, but to accept and appreciate. What
you do not believe you do not appreciate, and you cannot be grateful for what you
do not value. There is a price you will pay for judgment, because judgment is the
setting of a price. And as you set it you will pay it.

If paying is equated with getting, you will set the price low but demand a high
return. You will have forgotten, however, that your return is in proportion to
your judgment of worth. If paying is associated with giving it cannot be
perceived as loss, and the reciprocal relationship of giving and receiving will be
recognized. The price will then be set high, because of the value of the return.
The price for getting is to lose sight of value, making it inevitable that you
will not value what you receive. Valuing it little, you will not appreciate it
and you will not want it.

Never forget, then, that you set the value on what you receive, and price it by
what you give. To believe that it is possible to get much for little is to
believe that you can bargain with God. God's laws are always fair and perfectly
consistent. By giving you receive. But to receive is to accept, not to get. It
is impossible not to have, but it is possible not to know you have. The
recognition of having is the willingness for giving, and only by this willingness
can you recognize what you have. What you give is therefore the value you put on
what you have, being the exact measure of the value you put upon it. And this, in
turn, is the measure of how much you want it.

You can ask of the Holy Spirit, then, only by giving to him, and you can give to
him only where you recognize him. If you recognize him in everyone, consider how
much you will be asking of him, and how much you will receive. He will deny you
nothing because you have denied him nothing, and so you can share everything. This
is the way, and the only way to have his answer, because his answer is all you can
ask for and want. Say, then, to everyone:

Because I will to know myself, I see you as God's Son and my brother."
Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:42:35 UTC
"God is, and in Him all created things must be eternal."

- A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers, Section 27, "What Is Death?"
Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:43:41 UTC
Post by Miracles Are Seen In Light
"God is, and in Him all created things must be eternal."
- A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers, Section 27, "What Is Death?"
"Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have
fallen asleep.
The last enemy that will be destroyed is death."
- Paul the Apostle, 1 Corinthians 15:20,26, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be
changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the
trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be
changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put
on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal
has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written:
“Death is swallowed up in victory.”

“O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory?"

The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to
God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
- Paul the Apostle, 1 Corinthians 15:52-57, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

"The "reality" of death is firmly rooted in the belief that God's Son is a body.
And if God created bodies, death would indeed be real. But God would not
be loving. There is no point at which the contrast between the perception of
the real world and that of the world of illusions becomes more sharply
evident. Death is indeed the death of God, if He is Love. And now His Own
creation must stand in fear of Him. He is not Father, but destroyer. He is not
Creator, but avenger. Terrible His Thoughts and fearful His image. To look
on His creations is to die.
"And the last to be overcome will be death." Of course! Without the idea of
death there is no world. All dreams will end with this one. This is
salvation's final goal; the end of all illusions. And in death are all illusions
born. What can be born of death and still have life? But what is born of God
and still can die? The inconsistencies, the compromises and the rituals the
world fosters in its vain attempts to cling to death and yet to think love real
are mindless magic, ineffectual and meaningless. God is, and in Him all
created things must be eternal. Do you not see that otherwise He has an
opposite, and fear would be as real as love?
Teacher of God, your one assignment could be stated thus: Accept no
compromise in which death plays a part. Do not believe in cruelty, nor let
attack conceal the truth from you. What seems to die has but been
misperceived and carried to illusion. Now it becomes your task to let the
illusion be carried to the truth. Be steadfast but in this; be not deceived by
the "reality" of any changing form. Truth neither moves nor wavers nor
sinks down to death and dissolution. And what is the end of death? Nothing
but this; the realization that the Son of God is guiltless now and forever.
Nothing but this. But do not let yourself forget it is not less than this."
- A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers, Section 27, "What Is Death?"
Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:48:41 UTC
"For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a
command, what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that His command
is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me,
so I speak.”
- Jesus Christ, John 12:49-50, Holy Bible, New Testament, NKJV

Miracles Are Seen In Light
2020-02-20 23:51:20 UTC
Was There a Physical Resurrection?

"My body disappeared because I had no illusion about it. The last one had
gone. It was laid in the tomb, but there was nothing left to bury. It did not
disintegrate because the unreal cannot die. It merely became what it always was.
And that is what “rolling the stone away” means. The body disappears, and no
longer hides what lies beyond. It merely ceases to interfere with vision. To
roll the stone away is to see beyond the tomb, beyond death, and to understand the
body’s nothingness. What is understood as nothing must disappear.
I did assume a human form with human attributes afterwards, to speak to
those who were to prove the body’s worthlessness to the world. This has been much
misunderstood. I came to tell them that death is illusion, and the mind that made
the body can make another since form itself is an illusion. They did not
understand. But now I talk to you and give you the same message. The death of an
illusion means nothing. It disappears when you awaken and decide to dream no
more. And you still do have the power to make this decision as I did.
God holds out His hand to His Son to help him rise and return to Him. I can
help because the world is illusion, and I have overcome the world. Look past the
tomb, the body, the illusion. Have faith in nothing but the spirit and the
guidance God gives you. He could not have created the body because it is a limit.
He must have created the spirit because it is immortal. Can those who are
created like Him be limited? The body is the symbol of the world. Leave it
behind. It cannot enter Heaven. But I can take you there anytime you choose.
Together we can watch the world disappear and its symbol vanish as it does so. An
then, and then... I cannot speak of that.
A body cannot stay without illusions, and the last one to be overcome is
death. This is the message of the crucifixion; there is no order of difficulty in
miracles. This is the message of the resurrection: Illusions are illusions. Truth
is true. Illusions vanish. Only truth remains.
These lessons needed to be taught but once, for when the stone of death is
rolled away, what can be seen except an empty tomb? And that is what you see who
follow me into the sunlight and away from death, past all illusions, on to
Heaven’s gate, where God will come Himself to take you home."

- A Course in Miracles, Urtext, Unedited Edition, Special Messages, Scribed Oct.
2, 1976
