On Oct 14, 1:44 pm, ellen <***@msn.com> wrote:
And I'd like you to please show me where anyone was
Post by ellenclaiming authority over the HS. Or, as I believe ... this is an
example of something that has been repeated over and over again so as
to be believed as being true.
Here's Wayne's Holy Spirit as creation of the Ego (EM) mind essay --
with my commentary.
"So lets see where Wayne Austin is coming from. This so-called
Eastern guru
tradition. What we see is the claim that the internal teacher or in
terms, The Holy Spirit, is the creation of ego mind. Instead a human
teacher is needed.
Wayne writes:
"Truth must be first: One can never find Truth in a book nor a
All a book or a practice can do is affirm the experience of Truth that
has glimpsed. One must have a direct and personal experience of Truth
once experienced ones search for Truth is over.
This experience of Truth is what I am calling the "essential
My comments:
`The Course talks about the direct experience of God, as Revelation.
However, Revelation does not mean the end of the search, if you read
Course closely, Revelation shows us the end result of following the
and healing the mind of fear.
So according to the Course, the search is not over until the mind is
It is not enough to experience Revelation. If Revelation, or what
calls the "essential experience," is enough, why do Wayne and his
exhibit so many ego traits? Because regardless of Wayne's experience
mind is still fill with and believes in fear.
Wayne writes:
"The essential experience cannot be gained by any effort what-so-ever
on the
seekers part. The essential experience is had by the grace of Truth.
will not submit to the dictates of EM (Ego/Mind). It is only EM that
and what it thinks above all else is that it is real. EM is the "I/
thought. EM attempts to bring Truth to it by practicing and by
following a
certain code of ethics. EM thinks that if it can please Truth then
will smile upon it but Truth does not see EM anymore than the sun sees
My comments:
According to The Course the essential experience (Revelation) is given
the Holy Spirit, who is always aware of Revelation readiness.
Revelation is
the experience of unspeakable love of Father and Son. So that which
experiencing Revelation is the true self or the Son of God. As I read
Course, the ego doesn't experience revelation. In fact, the Course
says if
you attempt to experience Revelation with out proper preparation of
mind, the experience of awe of your Creator would be more fearful than
beatific The Course would agree ego is the I/me thought. The Course
also say the ego "thinks," and certainly thinks that it is real. The
indicates both Holy Spirit and Spirit or God or the Kingdom of Heaven
its own thought system. This implies, of course Spirit thinks, though
a different thought system than the ego.
I would question too, the idea, that spirit means a loss of
To me individuality is the gift of life and individuality --self, is
gift given to us by The Father in our creation. In other words,
individuality is not synonymous with ego.
The Course teaches the Son of God to relinquish all belief, allegiance
love for its miscreation, the ego. This process is called the
Atonement and
is essentially the healing of the mind of its belief in fear. While
does not recognize the ego --we are not the ego, but the Son of God.
Spirit does recognize the Son of God. So while the ego cannot bring
to itself, or "save," itself. The Son of God can actively give up its
miscreation, by a little willingness to give its errors to the Holy
for healing and correction.
Wayne writes:
"There are people who have had the essential experience and they are
Teachers of Truth. These Teachers have one message and one message
(although it is voiced in many ways) and that message is 'you are not
you think you are'. This message is heard by EM as a challenge and it
challenges the Teacher because if it cannot challenge and defeat the
is will lose itself. In essence the way EM sees the relationship with
Teacher is as a fight to the death."
My comments:
As we have seen, just having the experience of Revelation is not
Having the essential experience is certainly not enough, for someone
claim the mind has somehow transcended the ego. This is nothing but
denial of healing as a necessary step in healing the mind and
the ego thought system. In other words, the essential claim is just
an essential experience, creates an ego-less teacher who can teach
others to
transcend the ego.
Any Course student actively involved with the Holy Spirit, the
process and the healing of his thoughts, knows that this claim of
healing the mind and transcending ego by having a simple experience is
suspect. The "Teacher," may indeed teach "you are not who you think
are," but this of course, begs the question of who you are according
to some
If the a so-called teacher is not teaching we are Sons of God, created
our Heavenly Father and united by The Holy Spirit, then we must ask if
teacher in the end is teaching anything but another version of the
problem -- or "you are God."
In other words, if the "teacher of truth," is teaching what you are is
then the teacher is essentially teaching you that you are self-
creating and
can determine what you are by your own volition. In short, all this
level metaphysics of enlightenment, is a ego dead end. Because
despite its
ego-less claims, the authority problem can only lead to the crowning
of the
ego as God. Together with the denial of the internal teacher or Holy
Spirit, and the usurping of the Holy Spirit's function by another ego,
metaphysics is a recipe for failure and disaster and it certainly not
path mapped by A Course in Miracles.
Wayne writes:
"The Teacher has compassion for EM, deep compassion beyond the
meaning of the word. The Teacher has "been there" and knows very
the suffering that EM experiences and invites EM to die, to lay down
arms and accept the Truth of it Self.
All Teachers invite the student/EM to die onto itself. This is an
invitation that few accept. Many want to "know more" but few are
willing to
put their heads in the tigers mouth, they would rather talk about it."
My comments:
The question here, any Course student should ask, is how another ego
usurp the functions of the Holy Spirit? At best, a teacher of God,
the student to the Holy Spirit, the internal teacher. He does not
point to
himself. So while the Teacher attempts to fulfill the function of the
Spirit, it likely the teacher is far from perfect, far from healed.
So you
have in Course terms the unhealed healer attempting to heal. And
teaching that healing of the mind is not necessary. Only laying down
and having an "essential experience."
Wayne writes:
"The relationship with the Teacher must be a "living" one, the Teacher
be a human being the same as the student. Many speak of their
teacher but all internal teachers are creations of EM. I say this
unequivocally and for those who are willing to listen and who have
to have an internal teacher, the proof is in the recoil to the above
statement. EM recoils in the face of the exposure of the lie that is
attempted to keep hidden. EM is the creator of all internal teachers
guides. The living Teacher exposes EM and that is why there is not a
demand for a living Teacher at this time."
My comments:
Now we come to the crux of the matter. The claim that there is no
teacher, no Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit as a creation of the ego
mind. An
interesting claim, especially because its proof is apparently
unwillingness to believe the statement.
As Course students we learn to distinguish the voice of ego from the
for God. The ego for example believes in a thought system predicated
on the
belief in sin, guilt, punishment, attack and ultimately death. While
Holy Spirit is recognized as the still, quiet voice within, the spirit
peace, the mind of peace. The Holy Spirit, we learn is very different
ego, it does attempt to control or overcome, but only reminds us who
we are
as Sons of God. It teaches us another thought system completely
from the ego's. So while the ego might well have a 'concept," of The
Spirit and this concept might at times be used in service of ego, this
very different from the actual experience of both ego and Holy Spirit.
Moreover, as Course students we can all access and experience the
miracle or
the shift in perception from fear to love. The miracle alone
the Holy Spirit exists and is not a creation of the ego mind. So the
that the internal teacher, The Holy Spirit is a creature of ego is
wrong. And again, can only lead to the crowning of the ego as God.
Wayne writes:
"Teachers are not looking for students although EM sees them this way
as a
way to discount the Teacher. EM will use all of the resources of the
which are formidable and great, in its attempts to discredit the
And EM can do this for a very simple reason, EM is the mind. EM is
the veil
that hides Truth from it self. Truth is never hidden from Truth.
Hear this
and Know it in the Heart."
My comments:
Wayne No doubt I have used my mind to bring these
so-called teachers into question. But is there any doubt, Teacher
Wayne is
using mind to make his claims? The Mind of Holy Spirit gives us
discernment, and miracles demonstrate the reality of Holy Spirit and
Spirit's ability to heal the mind. Why should we think twice about a
teacher who teaches enlightenment through magic and not miracles?