Post by CarriePost by HappyDSidney
Carrie and I have decided to call upon to Holy Sprit to heal our
perceptions of you. ACIM NG will now become love trap, fight what
you may.
I had that done to me once. Or some tried it. Someone who found out gave
me the link to the private board where they were writing about me.
The board hadn't been started for this, but it had evolved into it.
A few of them (from one of the "ACIM" groups) had decided I was
really a good person, but had taken up with the wrong people
(online) Translated, I didn't see the enemies the way they did and
they felt I should. So, they had (maybe informally) joined in
trying to get me to see them as friends, so they could, at some
point, show me a better way. They'd write on another board I was
on, and be "friendly" and then compare notes and comment on the
behind the back one, as to how they were doing. If they felt I was
responding to their reaching out to me in friendship and love,
which (they felt) might get me to see others I WAS friendly with
(along with them, I'm pretty much friendly with everyone, given
half a chance) as NOT people I should be friendly to, and treat in
any kind of nice way.
I remember how betryaed I felt reading their posts. Their "getting
along and being a friend" (to me, elsewhere) was conditional. It
was using "love" in a manipulative way. For whatever reason. Maybe
they just wanted to get me in with them, their "side" like to score
points with those they felt were the enemy.
I didn't and don't see how this has anything to do with living what
ACIM teaches. The same as when I was put on moderation on
Course_Talk they said "for several months" till they could see
who's side I was on. When I asked how seeing sides (and enemies
and the need for defense) related to ACIM? I was banned from the
But, back to the topic, I have experienced the idea of using "love"
(or friendship, or joining or whatever) as a tool, or weapon, or
manipulation, and even though I assume you weren't being serious
here with Sidney, I would understand if he saw it otherwise and
didn't feel okay about it.
Oh, on tht other group, I read (without them knowing I was reading
on it). I always feel dishonest about such things, like not letting
them know I know about it (and it wasn't any private group, just
that they felt only a few knew the link to it. But, with boards
like that, they don't really stay private for long). I started
reposting posts from the group on the ohter group I was on. In
responses to their phoney "friendship" (with an ulterior motive)
Well first I asked them if they were writing about me (amongst
themselves) on any onther board or group? They all assured me they
Of course, me posting what they'd been writing elsewhere did not go
over big. They didn't like it, and turned it into me spying on
them, and such. Over the years there have been a lot of private
boards and groups. Some
are even password protected. There probably still are. At some
point I used to get the link to them (like it would be passed
around by some, losing track of the point it wasn't supposed to be
given out to all). In all such cases, their private board was
mainly gossip and talking about others who (they thought) didn't
know about their board.
That's how I first got involved in the first TGP (Raj) group- which
started out being open, unmoderated, and free for all. Till people
started asking questions and pointing out inconsistences about
their finances and "Foundation". But, there was a private board
":for the serious study of Raj". I read about this on another
board I used to read on (not private). Of course the link to the
"privat board to study Raj- and work had at Awakening from the
Dream") was SECRET and not everyone was givien it. At one point it
came to my attention and I saw their board. Which was (literally)
all about what was going on, on the open board. What people were
writing, and how best to handle it, and how to get rid of the
enemies (the so called trolls). Thinking back at it, it's kind of
funny in a way, and an education. And, really doesn't matter, in
an overall scheme of things. Just that I would never knowingly
join with anyone who planned (or even considered) to use "loving
someone" (or what ACIM teaches) in a manipulative (ego) way.
Sounds like this post triggered a belief in betrayal for you.
made a stand and refused to believe in the idea of separation. When
elements of specialness. The relationship is still strong to this
one argument since. We even worked together on a daily basis for 2
years without one bad word between us. I truly believe that the
Holy Sprit stepped in and Honored my request. It was in such a
profound way that I knew it was a miracle. I learned in the end
idea of separation and my projections will adjust accordingly.