Sidney Lambe, a brief history
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2011-01-04 03:01:15 UTC

19. Ren
View profile
(1 user) More options Jul 26 2009, 1:30 am
The answer is that Sidney Lambe is Bruce Burhans from Bellingham,
Washington who has been struggling with mental illness and
Here are a few of his many aliases. He started to use them after
threatened. He stole the name of someone he doesn't like and made an
Earthlink email address from that. Then he started to mask his email
address and use re-mailer Usenet news-server services.
Bruce Burhans(2001)Farley Benn(2002)Tom Littlefoot(2003)David I.
(2004)Alexander Mulligan(2005)Tom Newton(2007)Sidney Lambe(2008)
Alan Conner(2003-2008) Bruce loves this name because he stole it from
someone who lives near him so that this person is harassed instead of
Bruce. This was verified when Alan was called by a person concerned
for his safety. He explained the entire history of Bruce's harassment
of him. Apparently Bruce thinks he is some kind of survivalist leader
of a revolutionary malitia (there are no members).
Bruce Burhans is an outpatient of a psychiatric ward in Mount Vernon,
Washington. He lives on disability (taxes from the citizens and
country he criticizes) and uses this money to harass us all on
newsgroups, forums, and blogs.
This is his basic trolling routine but it is also part of his severe
chemical imbalance.
First, he will pretend to be an expert in something and speak with
great authority about it. For example, Linux or Slackware, magick,
Then, he will pick out the most vocal or authoritative person in a
newsgroup and insult that person.
When that target doesn't respond to his liking he will create one
email address and have a small conversation with himself trying to
draw the target into the argument.
Finally, when he gets angry with the target and everyone on the
newsgroup, he pretends to kill-file them or pronounce that he is not
reading their posts.
When the targets point out that he is not ignoring them or kill-
filling them, Sidney then begins to use a simple comment generator
http://comments.videoblogging.info/ where he plugs in his additional
comments. This is so that he can say that he isn't spending time on
the target's posts and the targets are being fooled by a bot that
supposedly genius Bruce programmed along with his completely fake
filter under various names that doesn't work.
This is the same routine he has been using since Earthlink in
Washington State in 2001.
Why is he doing this? Sidney's desire is to be the ultimate troll and
kook on USENET. Why? Because then he can say that he is only kidding.
He is only trolling. He really doesn't have a severe chemical
imbalance. No, no, no, he isn't crazy! This is Bruce's life. This is
his sense of worth. He wants people to be as miserable as he is.
I had believed that Bruce was working with Jon from AZ, Jake from NM,
and Adams from KS. But I did the work and found out that they were
acting separately and nobody likes Bruce. In fact, they were all
trolling each other.
2011-01-04 13:43:52 UTC
Post by HappyD
19. Ren
View profile
(1 user) More options Jul 26 2009, 1:30 am
The answer is that Sidney Lambe is Bruce Burhans from Bellingham,
Washington who has been struggling with mental illness and
Here are a few of his many aliases. He started to use them after
threatened. He stole the name of someone he doesn't like and made an
Earthlink email address from that. Then he started to mask his email
address and use re-mailer Usenet news-server services.
Bruce Burhans(2001)Farley Benn(2002)Tom Littlefoot(2003)David I.
(2004)Alexander Mulligan(2005)Tom Newton(2007)Sidney Lambe(2008)
Alan Conner(2003-2008) Bruce loves this name because he stole it from
someone who lives near him so that this person is harassed instead of
Bruce. This was verified when Alan was called by a person concerned
for his safety. He explained the entire history of Bruce's harassment
of him. Apparently Bruce thinks he is some kind of survivalist leader
of a revolutionary malitia (there are no members).
Bruce Burhans is an outpatient of a psychiatric ward in Mount Vernon,
Washington. He lives on disability (taxes from the citizens and
country he criticizes) and uses this money to harass us all on
newsgroups, forums, and blogs.
This is his basic trolling routine but it is also part of his severe
chemical imbalance.
First, he will pretend to be an expert in something and speak with
great authority about it. For example, Linux or Slackware, magick,
Then, he will pick out the most vocal or authoritative person in a
newsgroup and insult that person.
When that target doesn't respond to his liking he will create one
email address and have a small conversation with himself trying to
draw the target into the argument.
Finally, when he gets angry with the target and everyone on the
newsgroup, he pretends to kill-file them or pronounce that he is not
reading their posts.
When the targets point out that he is not ignoring them or kill-
filling them, Sidney then begins to use a simple comment generator
http://comments.videoblogging.info/ where he plugs in his additional
comments. This is so that he can say that he isn't spending time on
the target's posts and the targets are being fooled by a bot that
supposedly genius Bruce programmed along with his completely fake
filter under various names that doesn't work.
This is the same routine he has been using since Earthlink in
Washington State in 2001.
Why is he doing this? Sidney's desire is to be the ultimate troll and
kook on USENET. Why? Because then he can say that he is only kidding.
He is only trolling. He really doesn't have a severe chemical
imbalance. No, no, no, he isn't crazy! This is Bruce's life. This is
his sense of worth. He wants people to be as miserable as he is.
I had believed that Bruce was working with Jon from AZ, Jake from NM,
and Adams from KS. But I did the work and found out that they were
acting separately and nobody likes Bruce. In fact, they were all
trolling each other.
I think, aside from all this, it's obvious he doesn't want to really
communicate, and discuss anything. He's looking for something he can't get
on other (moderated) groups, and probably can't and never can get in
"offline" life. Except maybe from others who like to play games, call and
get called names, and insulted and put down, and are into back and forth
fighting (verbally, which is safer) He and John Rad seemed to get into this
and get some ejoyment from it.
Like male territorial stuff.
2011-01-04 15:30:30 UTC
19.  Ren
View profile
  (1 user)  More options Jul 26 2009, 1:30 am
The answer is that Sidney Lambe is Bruce Burhans from Bellingham,
Washington who has been struggling with mental illness and
Here are a few of his many aliases. He started to use them after
threatened. He stole the name of someone he doesn't like and made an
Earthlink email address from that. Then he started to mask his email
address and use re-mailer Usenet news-server services.
Bruce Burhans(2001)Farley Benn(2002)Tom Littlefoot(2003)David I.
(2004)Alexander Mulligan(2005)Tom Newton(2007)Sidney Lambe(2008)
Alan Conner(2003-2008) Bruce loves this name because he stole it from
someone who lives near him so that this person is harassed instead of
Bruce. This was verified when Alan was called by a person concerned
for his safety. He explained the entire history of Bruce's harassment
of him. Apparently Bruce thinks he is some kind of survivalist leader
of a revolutionary malitia (there are no members).
Bruce Burhans is an outpatient of a psychiatric ward in Mount Vernon,
Washington. He lives on disability (taxes from the citizens and
country he criticizes) and uses this money to harass us all on
newsgroups, forums, and blogs.
This is his basic trolling routine but it is also part of his severe
chemical imbalance.
First, he will pretend to be an expert in something and speak with
great authority about it. For example, Linux or Slackware, magick,
Then, he will pick out the most vocal or authoritative person in a
newsgroup and insult that person.
When that target doesn't respond to his liking he will create one
email address and have a small conversation with himself trying to
draw the target into the argument.
Finally, when he gets angry with the target and everyone on the
newsgroup, he pretends to kill-file them or pronounce that he is not
reading their posts.
When the targets point out that he is not ignoring them or kill-
filling them, Sidney then begins to use a simple comment generator
http://comments.videoblogging.info/where he plugs in his additional
comments. This is so that he can say that he isn't spending time on
the target's posts and the targets are being fooled by a bot that
supposedly genius Bruce programmed along with his completely fake
filter under various names that doesn't work.
This is the same routine he has been using since Earthlink in
Washington State in 2001.
Why is he doing this? Sidney's desire is to be the ultimate troll and
kook on USENET. Why? Because then he can say that he is only kidding.
He is only trolling. He really doesn't have a severe chemical
imbalance. No, no, no, he isn't crazy! This is Bruce's life. This is
his sense of worth. He wants people to be as miserable as he is.
I had believed that Bruce was working with Jon from AZ, Jake from NM,
and Adams from KS. But I did the work and found out that they were
acting separately and nobody likes Bruce. In fact, they were all
trolling each other.
      I think, aside from all this, it's obvious he doesn't want to really
communicate, and discuss anything. He's looking for something he can't get
on other (moderated) groups, and probably can't and never can get in
"offline" life. Except maybe from others who like to play games, call and
get called names, and insulted and put down, and are into back and forth
fighting (verbally, which is safer) He and John Rad seemed to get into this
and get some ejoyment from it.
 Like male territorial stuff.
I think you're right.

2011-01-04 13:54:31 UTC
Post by HappyD
19. Ren
View profile
(1 user) More options Jul 26 2009, 1:30 am
The answer is that Sidney Lambe is Bruce Burhans from Bellingham,
Washington who has been struggling with mental illness and
Here are a few of his many aliases. He started to use them after
threatened. He stole the name of someone he doesn't like and made an
Earthlink email address from that. Then he started to mask his email
address and use re-mailer Usenet news-server services.
Bruce Burhans(2001)Farley Benn(2002)Tom Littlefoot(2003)David I.
(2004)Alexander Mulligan(2005)Tom Newton(2007)Sidney Lambe(2008)
Alan Conner(2003-2008) Bruce loves this name because he stole it from
someone who lives near him so that this person is harassed instead of
Bruce. This was verified when Alan was called by a person concerned
for his safety. He explained the entire history of Bruce's harassment
of him. Apparently Bruce thinks he is some kind of survivalist leader
of a revolutionary malitia (there are no members).
Bruce Burhans is an outpatient of a psychiatric ward in Mount Vernon,
Washington. He lives on disability (taxes from the citizens and
country he criticizes) and uses this money to harass us all on
newsgroups, forums, and blogs.
This is his basic trolling routine but it is also part of his severe
chemical imbalance.
First, he will pretend to be an expert in something and speak with
great authority about it. For example, Linux or Slackware, magick,
Then, he will pick out the most vocal or authoritative person in a
newsgroup and insult that person.
When that target doesn't respond to his liking he will create one
email address and have a small conversation with himself trying to
draw the target into the argument.
Finally, when he gets angry with the target and everyone on the
newsgroup, he pretends to kill-file them or pronounce that he is not
reading their posts.
When the targets point out that he is not ignoring them or kill-
filling them, Sidney then begins to use a simple comment generator
http://comments.videoblogging.info/ where he plugs in his additional
comments. This is so that he can say that he isn't spending time on
the target's posts and the targets are being fooled by a bot that
supposedly genius Bruce programmed along with his completely fake
filter under various names that doesn't work.
This is the same routine he has been using since Earthlink in
Washington State in 2001.
Why is he doing this? Sidney's desire is to be the ultimate troll and
kook on USENET. Why? Because then he can say that he is only kidding.
He is only trolling. He really doesn't have a severe chemical
imbalance. No, no, no, he isn't crazy! This is Bruce's life. This is
his sense of worth. He wants people to be as miserable as he is.
I had believed that Bruce was working with Jon from AZ, Jake from NM,
and Adams from KS. But I did the work and found out that they were
acting separately and nobody likes Bruce. In fact, they were all
trolling each other.
Sounds like a person to leave alone.