Lee Flynn
2011-04-13 13:39:29 UTC
ACIM Workbook Lesson 103 ~ April 13
" Lesson 103
"God, being Love, is also happiness."
Happiness is an attribute of love.
It cannot be apart from it, nor can
it be experienced where love is not.
Love has no limits, being everywhere.
And therefore joy is everywhere as well.
Yet can the mind deny that this is so,
believing there are gaps in love where sin
can enter, bringing pain instead of joy.
This strange belief would limit happiness
by redefining love as limited,
and introducing opposition in
what has no limit and no opposite.|
Fear is associated [now] with love,
and its results become the heritage
of minds [which] think what they have made is real.
These images, with no reality
in truth, bear witness to the fear of God,
forgetting being Love He must be joy.
This basic error we will try again
to [shift] to truth today, and teach ourselves:
"God, being Love, is also happiness.
To fear Him is to be afraid of joy."
Begin your [longer exercises for]
today with this association, which
corrects the false belief that God is fear.
It also emphasizes happiness
belongs to you because of what He is.|
Allow this one correction to be <placed>
within your minds each waking hour today.
Then welcome all the happiness it brings,
as truth replaces fear, and joy becomes
what you expect to take the place of pain.
God being Love, it will be given you.
Bolster <this> expectation frequently
throughout the day, and quiet all your fears
with this assurance, kind and wholly true:
"God, being Love, is also happiness.
And it is happiness I seek today.
I cannot fail, because I seek the truth." "
~ Original Handscript of ACIM
[ Hear Today's Lesson in I.P. ~ Voice & Music by Maz ]
or via http://www.acimradio.net/urwork/
" Lesson 103
"God, being Love, is also happiness."
Happiness is an attribute of love.
It cannot be apart from it, nor can
it be experienced where love is not.
Love has no limits, being everywhere.
And therefore joy is everywhere as well.
Yet can the mind deny that this is so,
believing there are gaps in love where sin
can enter, bringing pain instead of joy.
This strange belief would limit happiness
by redefining love as limited,
and introducing opposition in
what has no limit and no opposite.|
Fear is associated [now] with love,
and its results become the heritage
of minds [which] think what they have made is real.
These images, with no reality
in truth, bear witness to the fear of God,
forgetting being Love He must be joy.
This basic error we will try again
to [shift] to truth today, and teach ourselves:
"God, being Love, is also happiness.
To fear Him is to be afraid of joy."
Begin your [longer exercises for]
today with this association, which
corrects the false belief that God is fear.
It also emphasizes happiness
belongs to you because of what He is.|
Allow this one correction to be <placed>
within your minds each waking hour today.
Then welcome all the happiness it brings,
as truth replaces fear, and joy becomes
what you expect to take the place of pain.
God being Love, it will be given you.
Bolster <this> expectation frequently
throughout the day, and quiet all your fears
with this assurance, kind and wholly true:
"God, being Love, is also happiness.
And it is happiness I seek today.
I cannot fail, because I seek the truth." "
~ Original Handscript of ACIM
[ Hear Today's Lesson in I.P. ~ Voice & Music by Maz ]
or via http://www.acimradio.net/urwork/