Lee Flynn the hypocrite
(too old to reply)
2004-08-07 22:42:50 UTC
Hi Alan,
Like I told Nancy, I believe nothing is so easy to
assign mistaken motive to, than another's silence.
It appears especially easy, in the absence of spoken/
written cues, to indulge simple fantasy and project
all manner of mental states and motives, with
imagined precision. ;))
I'm on record as to how I view John's tactics, and
his disregard for Course principles in his engagements,
here. And I've gone my 12 rounds with him, as you
know, with no sense of having achieved a thing.
(And btw, if I enjoyed his attacks on you and eots,
why do you suppose I would claim otherwise ??)
I will answer to my own statements about eots. All
the rest that you mention, if you'll pardon my saying
so, is your own fantasy as to the reason for silence,
wrt to John. I understand how you (and others)
might imagine that I delight in his attacks, but you
cannot be more mistaken.
John has demonstrated that he thrives on defending
against any perceived criticism, becoming <more>
entrenched and armored, rather than less so. And I
will not stoke that beast, because I do not believe he
escapes the penalty of what he invariably dishes, in
p.s. And <that> is why I would rather that you and
others quit baiting him, and let him troll himself into
unanswered silence, until he manages to fashion a
cogent and civil article -- be it about eots (which he's
entitled to do) or about ACIM, or whatever else.
Interesting Lee. What's not clear is exactly what you are promoting
around here? "Calm and "clarity" ?? I imagine somehow you want to
re-habilitate this group to "relative calm and clarity," but this
certainly means accepting and accomodating Eots on this newsgroup as
an equal partner and valid alternative to Course study. For this you
need a scapegoat, and a consensus that no one criticizes Eots.

Unfortunately, I not accepting the role of scapegoat for a newsgroup
filled with mean-spirted idiots who delight in trashing A Course in
Miracles and who think membership in a cult or clique somehow gives
them the moral authority to dish out the insults and discipline and
then have unabashed sycophants like yourself, come in with the

The truth is Lee I don't dish out the dirt. What I do is pick up the
slime and dirt dished out by others on this group, and ask why it was
ever throw out on a spiritual forum. This question is certainly
uncomfortable for people such as yourself who are uncertain about core
beliefs and think spirituality involves accepting and accommodating
any bizarre belief one can attach to A Course in Miracles. Which is
why this newsgroup is nothing but an attempt to reconcile the

So get real, Flynn! The dirt which has been dished out is 7 years of
calling course students "pig f**kers," and threatening students with
anal rape. The dirt is offering to "f**k my savior up the ass."
Strange isn't it, and certainly bizarre, that Lee Flynn who knows more
about Eots, its predatory nature, its hostility toward Course student
and Course study, now wants to accommodate Eots on this newsgroup
while denouncing an Eots critic as "dishing out the dirt."

In other words, Flynn the "dirt," you are complaining about is nothing
more than the "dirt," you are so desperately trying to hide. And if
you weren't trying to hide your own ambiguous and confused position on
this newsgroup it stands to reason you would state exactly where you
stand rather than constantly playing both sides against the middle and
trying to be all things to all people. So where do you stand Flynn?
Can't say, can you without the risk of offending someone. I mean
besides me. Which is why you reduced to discussing newsgroup civility
with Eots troll, Alan Sindler. You are too much, Flynn. I hope your
convenient alliance with Eots against Lopez, serves the Course
community well. After all, the Course always needs a needs an new
advocate for a cult which posts on a miracles newsgroup an offer to
"f**k our savior up the ass."

ROTFLMAO (Too, too funny!)
Stephen Calder
2004-08-08 01:19:33 UTC
Post by J
The truth is Lee I don't dish out the dirt. What I do is pick up the
slime and dirt dished out by others on this group, and ask why it was
ever throw out on a spiritual forum. This question is certainly
uncomfortable for people such as yourself who are uncertain about core
beliefs and think spirituality involves accepting and accommodating
any bizarre belief one can attach to A Course in Miracles. Which is
why this newsgroup is nothing but an attempt to reconcile the
If you actually stopped to ask why it was ever thrown, you would see
that it was for you...you would know that nothing can change the eternal
reality you are, that suffering is not real, that the Course cannot be
attacked, and nor can you, that your brother is perfect and innocent as
you are, that there is no need to respond to illusions that tempt you
into fear and guilt. All the fear and guilt is of your own making.

You're working against yourself. It's an endless loop.

Happiness is as close as a heartbeat. All you have to do is put the
rubbish in the bin instead of throwing it back.
Byron Bay, Australia
2004-08-08 12:03:47 UTC
Post by Stephen Calder
Post by J
The truth is Lee I don't dish out the dirt. What I do is pick up the
slime and dirt dished out by others on this group, and ask why it was
ever throw out on a spiritual forum. This question is certainly
uncomfortable for people such as yourself who are uncertain about core
beliefs and think spirituality involves accepting and accommodating
any bizarre belief one can attach to A Course in Miracles. Which is
why this newsgroup is nothing but an attempt to reconcile the
If you actually stopped to ask why it was ever thrown, you would see
that it was for you...you would know that nothing can change the eternal
reality you are, that suffering is not real, that the Course cannot be
attacked, and nor can you, that your brother is perfect and innocent as
you are, that there is no need to respond to illusions that tempt you
into fear and guilt. All the fear and guilt is of your own making.
You're working against yourself. It's an endless loop.
Happiness is as close as a heartbeat. All you have to do is put the
rubbish in the bin instead of throwing it back.
Exactly, Stephen. Phony spirituality and phony spiritual posturing is
the lesson offered by this newsgroup. Also the lesson that the ego can
take anything including ACIM and make a useful tool. The lesson is the
entire ego and the thought system which mis-created must be undone and
Stephen Calder
2004-08-08 12:42:20 UTC
Post by J
Post by Stephen Calder
Post by J
The truth is Lee I don't dish out the dirt. What I do is pick up the
slime and dirt dished out by others on this group, and ask why it was
ever throw out on a spiritual forum. This question is certainly
uncomfortable for people such as yourself who are uncertain about core
beliefs and think spirituality involves accepting and accommodating
any bizarre belief one can attach to A Course in Miracles. Which is
why this newsgroup is nothing but an attempt to reconcile the
If you actually stopped to ask why it was ever thrown, you would see
that it was for you...you would know that nothing can change the eternal
reality you are, that suffering is not real, that the Course cannot be
attacked, and nor can you, that your brother is perfect and innocent as
you are, that there is no need to respond to illusions that tempt you
into fear and guilt. All the fear and guilt is of your own making.
You're working against yourself. It's an endless loop.
Happiness is as close as a heartbeat. All you have to do is put the
rubbish in the bin instead of throwing it back.
Exactly, Stephen. Phony spirituality and phony spiritual posturing is
the lesson offered by this newsgroup. Also the lesson that the ego can
take anything including ACIM and make a useful tool. The lesson is the
entire ego and the thought system which mis-created must be undone and
How to undo it?

Are you happy with everything the way it is?

Do you like the way things work for you here? On the one hand you
deplore it but on the other your attention encourages it...so you're
stuck, like the monkey who won't let go of the peanuts in order to get
his hand out of the jar.
Byron Bay, Australia
2004-08-08 12:39:01 UTC
Aug 8, 2004, 5:03am (EDT-3) From: ***@netzero.com (J)
Stephen Calder <***@in.com.au> wrote in message news:<FcfRc.222$***@news.optus.net.au>...
J wrote:
The truth is Lee I don't dish out the dirt. What I do is pick up the
slime and dirt dished out by others on this group, and ask why it was
ever throw out on a spiritual forum. This question is certainly
uncomfortable for people such as yourself who are uncertain about core
beliefs and think spirituality involves accepting and accommodating any
bizarre belief one can attach to A Course in Miracles. Which is why this
newsgroup is nothing but an attempt to reconcile the irreconcilable.
If you actually stopped to ask why it was ever thrown, you would see
that it was for you...you would know that nothing can change the eternal
reality you are, that suffering is not real, that the Course cannot be
attacked, and nor can you, that your brother is perfect and innocent as
you are, that there is no need to respond to illusions that tempt you
into fear and guilt. All the fear and guilt is of your own making.
You're working against yourself. It's an endless loop.
Happiness is as close as a heartbeat. All you have to do is put the
rubbish in the bin instead of throwing it back.

Exactly, Stephen. Phony spirituality and phony spiritual posturing is
the lesson offered by this newsgroup. Also the lesson that the ego can
take anything including ACIM and make a useful tool. The lesson is the
entire ego and the thought system which mis-created must be undone and

~~~~And what lesson are you teaching John?
Each day as I come into this group I see
dozens of new posts from you calling your
brother a liar, a hypocrite, an idiot, on and on
and on. What are you undoing and rejecting?
2004-08-08 21:35:19 UTC
Post by J
The truth is Lee I don't dish out the dirt. What I do is pick up the
slime and dirt dished out by others on this group, and ask why it was
ever throw out on a spiritual forum. This question is certainly
uncomfortable for people such as yourself who are uncertain about core
beliefs and think spirituality involves accepting and accommodating any
bizarre belief one can attach to A Course in Miracles. Which is why this
newsgroup is nothing but an attempt to reconcile the irreconcilable.
If you actually stopped to ask why it was ever thrown, you would see
that it was for you...you would know that nothing can change the eternal
reality you are, that suffering is not real, that the Course cannot be
attacked, and nor can you, that your brother is perfect and innocent as
you are, that there is no need to respond to illusions that tempt you
into fear and guilt. All the fear and guilt is of your own making.
You're working against yourself. It's an endless loop.
Happiness is as close as a heartbeat. All you have to do is put the
rubbish in the bin instead of throwing it back.
Exactly, Stephen. Phony spirituality and phony spiritual posturing is
the lesson offered by this newsgroup. Also the lesson that the ego can
take anything including ACIM and make a useful tool. The lesson is the
entire ego and the thought system which mis-created must be undone and
~~~~And what lesson are you teaching John?
Each day as I come into this group I see
dozens of new posts from you calling your
brother a liar, a hypocrite, an idiot, on and on
and on. What are you undoing and rejecting?
ROTFLMAO. Of course, my brother is calling me much worse, and offering
to f**k my savior up the ass, but somehow that escapes the Church
lady's attention. You are too much, Kay. Newsgroup politics as usual
with the Church lady hypocrite who calls Ammi nearly every name in the
book, taking her shot. Like I told Ammi, watch out for Kay's love and
light. She keeps it in her attack purse!

Too, too funny!
2004-08-08 22:54:31 UTC
Post by J
Post by k***@webtv.net
~~~~And what lesson are you teaching John?
Each day as I come into this group I see
dozens of new posts from you calling your
brother a liar, a hypocrite, an idiot, on and on
and on. What are you undoing and rejecting?
ROTFLMAO. Of course, my brother is calling me much
worse, and offering to f**k my savior up the ass, but
somehow that escapes the Churchlady's attention. You
are too much, Kay. ...
The difference, knucklehead, is that your
brother isn't repeating it over and over,
while you've perpetuated this all by your
lonesome. You going the the world record?

Isn't it odd to you that for all the time
you've spent repeating what was said once
to you, no one else is joining your petty
little crusade? Learn to take a hint, the
only one choosing to be offended, is you.

Your pissed because you think everybody's
ignoring your pleas to circle the wagons,
while sane people aren't concerned with a
threat that can't possibly be carried out
in cyberspace, to somebody who isn't in a
body. Read the book you get off thumping.

Uh oh, that rhymed with "humping". Sorry!

:The fact is you are sexist. You can't stand the idea that
:a real man -- a lusty, intelligent man with a strong ego
:can lead a Course class. You think this is a preserve for
:those oh, so senstive, girly-guys. Well, sweetheart, the
:girly-guys never made it past Philosophy 101, because they
:couldn't take the strenuous demands. Often they went into
:social services or nursing programs. In most philosophy
:programs a student is taught to take on reality. Its like
:Special Forces training and Black Opps for the mind. You
:learn to jump from planes without a parachute and hit the
:ground running, with a bayonet clinched between your teeth.
: - John ("Macho Man") Lopez
2004-08-09 04:46:02 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by k***@webtv.net
~~~~And what lesson are you teaching John?
Each day as I come into this group I see
dozens of new posts from you calling your
brother a liar, a hypocrite, an idiot, on and on
and on. What are you undoing and rejecting?
ROTFLMAO. Of course, my brother is calling me much
worse, and offering to f**k my savior up the ass, but
somehow that escapes the Churchlady's attention. You
are too much, Kay. ...
The difference, knucklehead, is that your
brother isn't repeating it over and over,
while you've perpetuated this all by your
lonesome. You going the the world record?
ROTFLAMO. You Eot culties are too much. Alan Sindler endless reposts
his enemies unflattering posts, yet complains when the favor is
returned. Go figure. Alan and his krew must think that membership in
Eots gives them the right to say anything and insult anyone then
re-write history on threat of obscence trolls. Sorry cult boy. This
is a public relations disaster for Eots. No one in their right mind
would want to belong to a cult who has a member who want to "f**k
Jesus in the ass, and a guru who calls the Holy Spirit a "little fart.
As long as you Eots guys choose to post on a miracles board it seems
incumbent on course students to remind people of Eots rather bizarre
metaphysics. Wouldn't want anyone confusing it with A Course in

2004-08-09 06:21:59 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Post by k***@webtv.net
~~~~And what lesson are you teaching John?
Each day as I come into this group I see
dozens of new posts from you calling your
brother a liar, a hypocrite, an idiot, on and on
and on. What are you undoing and rejecting?
ROTFLMAO. Of course, my brother is calling me much
worse, and offering to f**k my savior up the ass, but
somehow that escapes the Churchlady's attention. You
are too much, Kay. ...
The difference, knucklehead, is that your
brother isn't repeating it over and over,
while you've perpetuated this all by your
lonesome. You going the the world record?
ROTFLAMO. You Eot culties are too much. Alan Sindler endless reposts
his enemies unflattering posts, yet complains when the favor is
returned. Go figure. ...
The difference, knucklehead, is that you're
the one who supposedly finds what he posted
so offensive for the newsgroup, yet he only
wrote it once & you've repeated it hundreds
of times now. As for my reposting of things
you wrote, you keep trying to deny you were
lying. I simply make you face your lies. If
you lie again, I'll be glad to reveal them.
2004-08-08 22:42:54 UTC
Aug 8, 2004, 2:35pm (EDT-3) From: ***@netzero.com (J)
***@webtv.net wrote in message news:<14702-41161EE5-***@storefull-3112.bay.webtv.net>...
Aug 8, 2004, 5:03am (EDT-3) From: ***@netzero.com (J) Stephen Calder
<***@in.com.au> wrote in message news:<FcfRc.222$***@news.optus.net.au>... J wrote:
The truth is Lee I don't dish out the dirt. What I do is pick up the
slime and dirt dished out by others on this group, and ask why it was
ever throw out on a spiritual forum. This question is certainly
uncomfortable for people such as yourself who are uncertain about core
beliefs and think spirituality involves accepting and accommodating any
bizarre belief one can attach to A Course in Miracles. Which is why this
newsgroup is nothing but an attempt to reconcile the irreconcilable. If
you actually stopped to ask why it was ever thrown, you would see that
it was for you...you would know that nothing can change the eternal
reality you are, that suffering is not real, that the Course cannot be
attacked, and nor can you, that your brother is perfect and innocent as
you are, that there is no need to respond to illusions that tempt you
into fear and guilt. All the fear and guilt is of your own making.
You're working against yourself. It's an endless loop. Happiness is as
close as a heartbeat. All you have to do is put the rubbish in the bin
instead of throwing it back.
Exactly, Stephen. Phony spirituality and phony spiritual posturing is
the lesson offered by this newsgroup. Also the lesson that the ego can
take anything including ACIM and make a useful tool. The lesson is the
entire ego and the thought system which mis-created must be undone and
~~~~And what lesson are you teaching John? Each day as I come into this
group I see dozens of new posts from you calling your brother a liar, a
hypocrite, an idiot, on and on and on. What are you undoing and
rejecting? Kay

ROTFLMAO. Of course, my brother is calling me much worse, and offering
to f**k my savior up the ass, but somehow that escapes the Church lady's

~~~Like everyone, including yourself, I choose
where to focus and what to address.

You are too much, Kay.

~~~No I am not too much. I am enough
John and so are you. Innocent and loved
by God - so blessed, don't you agree?

Newsgroup politics as usual with the Church lady hypocrite who calls
Ammi nearly every name in the book, taking her shot. Like I told Ammi,
watch out for Kay's love and light. She keeps it in her attack purse!

~~~~You are entitled to your opinions of me
and can base them on facts or on nothing
as you choose. Where do you keep your
love and light? I would not fear your
attacking me with it. ;-))

Too, too funny!

~~~Whatever you say, John.
2004-08-09 07:46:07 UTC
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Of course, my brother is calling me much worse, and offering
to f**k my savior up the ass, but somehow that escapes the Church lady's
~~~Like everyone, including yourself, I choose
where to focus and what to address.
Well that's the point, Kay. Why focus on me and choose not to focus on
others? It stands to reason if you have a complaint it should be
universally applied not particularly applied.
2004-08-10 10:59:20 UTC
Aug 9, 2004, 12:46am (EDT-3) From: ***@netzero.com (J)
***@webtv.net wrote in message news:<17055-4116AC6E-***@storefull-

~~~Like everyone, including yourself, I choose where to focus and what
to address.

Well that's the point, Kay. Why focus on me and choose not to focus on
others? It stands to reason if you have a complaint it should be
universally applied not particularly applied.

~~~Do you see every question as a
complaint? Do you view my every
post as an attack? If so, know this
need not be. My message to you has
always been a call to higher ground.
And that is what it is today and what
it will be tomorrow. I will not join you
on your battleground, but I await your
arrival above it.
2004-08-10 11:08:46 UTC
Post by k***@webtv.net
~~~Like everyone, including yourself, I choose where to focus and what
to address.
Well that's the point, Kay. Why focus on me and choose not to focus on
others? It stands to reason if you have a complaint it should be
universally applied not particularly applied.
~~~Do you see every question as a
complaint? Do you view my every
post as an attack? If so, know this
need not be. My message to you has
always been a call to higher ground.
And that is what it is today and what
it will be tomorrow. I will not join you
on your battleground, but I await your
arrival above it.
Right Kay. Anything you say. Why not review your last months post to Ammi
and tell me again how you are above the battle ground. Holy than thou, is an
apt description, of Kay.
2004-08-10 22:32:39 UTC
Aug 10, 2004, 6:08am (EDT-1) From: ***@netzero.com (J)
<***@webtv.net> wrote in message news:6282-4118AA88-***@storefull-3115.bay.webtv.net...
Aug 9, 2004, 12:46am (EDT-3) From: ***@netzero.com (J)
***@webtv.net wrote in message news:<17055-4116AC6E-***@storefull-
~~~Like everyone, including yourself, I choose where to focus and what
to address.
Well that's the point, Kay. Why focus on me and choose not to focus on
others? It stands to reason if you have a complaint it should be
universally applied not particularly applied.
~~~Do you see every question as a
complaint? Do you view my every
post as an attack? If so, know this
need not be. My message to you has
always been a call to higher ground.
And that is what it is today and what
it will be tomorrow. I will not join you on your battleground, but I
await your
arrival above it.

Right Kay. Anything you say. Why not review your last months post to
Ammi and tell me again how you are above the battle ground. Holy than
thou, is an apt description, of Kay.

~~~Well thank you John. I am holy but no
holier than thou. We are both very holy along
with innocent and loved by God beyond our
wildest dreams. Imagine that!
2004-08-10 23:58:52 UTC
Post by J
Post by k***@webtv.net
~~~Like everyone, including yourself, I choose where to focus and what
to address.
Well that's the point, Kay. Why focus on me and choose not to focus on
others? It stands to reason if you have a complaint it should be
universally applied not particularly applied.
~~~Do you see every question as a
complaint? Do you view my every
post as an attack? If so, know this
need not be. My message to you has
always been a call to higher ground.
And that is what it is today and what
it will be tomorrow. I will not join you
on your battleground, but I await your
arrival above it.
Right Kay. Anything you say. Why not review your last months post to Ammi
and tell me again how you are above the battle ground. Holy than thou, is an
apt description, of Kay.
Having made this observation, is there something else necessary in the
immediate timing?

My perception matches yours in this case. That is <merely> an
interesting aside, IMO. I don't like to marginalize, but in this case
I see much distraction without the opportunity to clarify. You have an
eloquent voice, you have demonstrated (to me) your ability to use it,
so I ask you to step into what you are capable of.

Without distractions.
2004-08-08 13:15:31 UTC
Every day I notice you begin a new subject
and without fail you point out various
character defects which you behold
in your brother. You remind me that
whatever we sow we also reap. How
is that working for you John? Have
you gotten your fill of liars and hypocrites
in your daily life yet? No? Well, how
about all the filth and garbage that
you are covered with? Surely, you
have noticed the stink? Funny how
that works, no matter how much
you manage to sling back, you can't
get rid of the rotten smell.
mr bill
2004-08-08 13:44:41 UTC
howya dooin kay?
life still yummers in virginia?

<***@webtv.net> wrote in message news:14703-41162773-***@storefull-3112.bay.webtv.net...
Every day I notice you begin a new subject
and without fail you point out various
character defects which you behold
in your brother. You remind me that
whatever we sow we also reap. How
is that working for you John? Have
you gotten your fill of liars and hypocrites
in your daily life yet? No? Well, how
about all the filth and garbage that
you are covered with? Surely, you
have noticed the stink? Funny how
that works, no matter how much
you manage to sling back, you can't
get rid of the rotten smell.
2004-08-08 22:10:02 UTC
Aug 8, 2004, 8:44am (EDT-1) From: ***@mrbill069.com
howya dooin kay?
life still yummers in virginia?
Life is good. I'm knee deep in clover
and miracles. How's the pizza biz?

<***@webtv.net> wrote in message news:14703-41162773-***@storefull-3112.bay.webtv.net... Every day I
notice you begin a new subject and without fail you point out various
character defects which you behold
in your brother. You remind me that
whatever we sow we also reap. How
is that working for you John? Have
you gotten your fill of liars and hypocrites in your daily life yet? No?
Well, how
about all the filth and garbage that
you are covered with? Surely, you
have noticed the stink? Funny how
that works, no matter how much
you manage to sling back, you can't
get rid of the rotten smell.
2004-08-08 18:40:06 UTC
Post by k***@webtv.net
Every day I notice you begin a new subject
and without fail you point out various
character defects which you behold
in your brother. You remind me that
whatever we sow we also reap. How
is that working for you John? Have
you gotten your fill of liars and hypocrites
in your daily life yet? No? Well, how
about all the filth and garbage that
you are covered with? Surely, you
have noticed the stink? Funny how
that works, no matter how much
you manage to sling back, you can't
get rid of the rotten smell.
ROTFLMAO. Amazing Kay. You don't say a word to people from a
pernacious cult who regularly call Course students "pig f**kers," and
worse. Don't make a comment when someone like Eots Bill Waggoner makes
offers to f**k course students and even Jesus up the ass, but want to
characterize my criticisms of this behavior as filth and garbage. What
is filth and garbage is a miracles board where such behavior is
dishonestly associated with A Course in Miracles. So what gives. If
you support this pernacious cult and the 7 years of filth and garbage
they have posted to this board, just say so. If you know nothing about
Eots, then why are you validating a pernacious cult which has a long
history of preying on Course students?

What I think is you just the type of clueless Course student Eots
needs to make this an Eots board, while turning this newsgroup into a
forum for promoting Wayne Austin as the Course messiah. If you want to
criticize the filth and garbage dumped around here, you might in all
fairness do so across the board. And in all fairness look at the filth
and garbage you have dumped around here.
2004-08-08 19:45:00 UTC
J wrote:

Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Amazing Kay. You don't say a word to people from a
pernacious cult who regularly call Course students "pig f**kers, ...
LOL! Amazing, Lopez. The only person who regularly
types that term is _you_! That you you put an "**"
between the f and the k, doesn't negate that fact.
2004-08-09 07:51:10 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Amazing Kay. You don't say a word to people from a
pernacious cult who regularly call Course students "pig f**kers, ...
LOL! Amazing, Lopez. The only person who regularly
types that term is _you_! That you you put an "**"
between the f and the k, doesn't negate that fact.
Amazing Sindler. It was Eots guys who introduced the term to a
miracles discussion group, and now Eots guys who don't want to be
reminded of their trashy behavior. Go figure. But I think most of us
get that criticism of Eots is now considered sacrilegious on the new
Eots ruled, anti-Course trcm.

2004-08-09 16:20:47 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Amazing Kay. You don't say a word to people from a
pernacious cult who regularly call Course students "pig f**kers, ...
LOL! Amazing, Lopez. The only person who regularly
types that term is _you_! That you you put an "**"
between the f and the k, doesn't negate that fact.
Amazing Sindler. It was Eots guys who introduced the term to a
miracles discussion group ...
No, shit for brains, it was Bill. An individual
not "guys" or a groups of guys. You're really
going for the world's record for invincible
ignorance, aren't you, Loopey?
2004-08-10 06:28:01 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Amazing Kay. You don't say a word to people from a
pernacious cult who regularly call Course students "pig f**kers, ...
LOL! Amazing, Lopez. The only person who regularly
types that term is _you_! That you you put an "**"
between the f and the k, doesn't negate that fact.
Amazing Sindler. It was Eots guys who introduced the term to a
miracles discussion group ...
No, shit for brains, it was Bill. An individual
not "guys" or a groups of guys. You're really
going for the world's record for invincible
ignorance, aren't you, Loopey?
Really? Invincible ignorance would contend that there is no connection
between Wayne Austin posting Holy Spirit "fart jokes," and one of his
devotees posting an offer to "f**k Jesus up the ass.

BTW, it was guys. Not just Bill. Stop lying for Eots.

2004-08-10 07:34:51 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Amazing Sindler. It was Eots guys who introduced the term to a
miracles discussion group ...
No, shit for brains, it was Bill. An individual
not "guys" or a groups of guys. You're really
going for the world's record for invincible
ignorance, aren't you, Loopey?
Really? Invincible ignorance would contend that there is no connection
between Wayne Austin posting Holy Spirit "fart jokes," and one of his
devotees posting an offer to "f**k Jesus up the ass.
I didn't say whether there was any connection, or
not, although only an idiot would equate the two.

I corrected your lie that it was "guys", it was a
person, an individual. Learn the English language
for goodness sake. You sound like a stupid moron.
Post by J
BTW, it was guys. Not just Bill. Stop lying for Eots.
Really. Who else said anything like the above? If
you can come up with posts from "guys" saying it,
I'd concede the point. You must lie for a living.

<crickets chirping>
2004-08-10 08:15:00 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Amazing Sindler. It was Eots guys who introduced the term to a
miracles discussion group ...
No, shit for brains, it was Bill. An individual
not "guys" or a groups of guys. You're really
going for the world's record for invincible
ignorance, aren't you, Loopey?
Really? Invincible ignorance would contend that there is no connection
between Wayne Austin posting Holy Spirit "fart jokes," and one of his
devotees posting an offer to "f**k Jesus up the ass.
I didn't say whether there was any connection, or
not, although only an idiot would equate the two.
Too funny, Sindler. You're cult mind must be fried! It doesn't even occur to
you any more that such behavior is the least bit bizarre. That's why you
think it is normal for your teacher to post Holy Spirit fart jokes while
alluding to drug use and bizarre sexual practices. And why you think it is
normal for one of your Eots brothers to offer to f**k Jesus up the ass. And
certainly why you don't equate such "normal behavior" as anything but
appropriate metaphysics.

Too, tooo funny!
Post by A
I corrected your lie that it was "guys", it was a
person, an individual. Learn the English language
for goodness sake. You sound like a stupid moron.
Post by J
BTW, it was guys. Not just Bill. Stop lying for Eots.
Really. Who else said anything like the above? If
you can come up with posts from "guys" saying it,
I'd concede the point. You must lie for a living.
ROTFLMAO. Mike Ryder used the term. So it was guys. Stop lying for Eots.
2004-08-10 09:22:50 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Amazing Sindler. It was Eots guys who introduced the term to a
miracles discussion group ...
No, shit for brains, it was Bill. An individual
not "guys" or a groups of guys. You're really
going for the world's record for invincible
ignorance, aren't you, Loopey?
Really? Invincible ignorance would contend that there is no connection
between Wayne Austin posting Holy Spirit "fart jokes," and one of his
devotees posting an offer to "f**k Jesus up the ass.
I didn't say whether there was any connection, or
not, although only an idiot would equate the two.
Too funny, Sindler. You're cult mind must be fried!
You mean "your", Elmer?
Post by J
Post by A
I corrected your lie that it was "guys", it was a
person, an individual. Learn the English language
for goodness sake. You sound like a stupid moron
Post by J
BTW, it was guys. Not just Bill. Stop lying for Eots.
Really. Who else said anything like the above? If
you can come up with posts from "guys" saying it,
I'd concede the point. You must lie for a living.
ROTFLMAO. Mike Ryder used the term. So it was guys.
I wasn't referring the "pigf**ker", that word isn't
even mentioned in your post above. You wrote "guys"
had "offered to "f**k Jesus...". Where is the post?
Post by J
Stop lying for Eots.
Stop lying about EOTS.
2004-08-10 10:44:27 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Amazing Sindler. It was Eots guys who introduced the term to a
miracles discussion group ...
No, shit for brains, it was Bill. An individual
not "guys" or a groups of guys. You're really
going for the world's record for invincible
ignorance, aren't you, Loopey?
Really? Invincible ignorance would contend that there is no connection
between Wayne Austin posting Holy Spirit "fart jokes," and one of his
devotees posting an offer to "f**k Jesus up the ass.
I didn't say whether there was any connection, or
not, although only an idiot would equate the two.
Too funny, Sindler. You're cult mind must be fried!
You mean "your", Elmer?
Post by J
Post by A
I corrected your lie that it was "guys", it was a
person, an individual. Learn the English language
for goodness sake. You sound like a stupid moron
Post by J
BTW, it was guys. Not just Bill. Stop lying for Eots.
Really. Who else said anything like the above? If
you can come up with posts from "guys" saying it,
I'd concede the point. You must lie for a living.
ROTFLMAO. Mike Ryder used the term. So it was guys.
I wasn't referring the "pigf**ker", that word isn't
even mentioned in your post above. You wrote "guys"
had "offered to "f**k Jesus...". Where is the post?
Read the thread you dumb culty the discussion was about the term "pig
f**ker." Your dharma bum mind is so fried, Sindler you can't even keep your
lies straight any more.
2004-08-08 22:19:33 UTC
Aug 8, 2004, 11:40am (EDT-3) From: ***@netzero.com (J)
***@webtv.net wrote in message news:<14703-41162773-***@storefull-3112.bay.webtv.net>...
Every day I notice you begin a new subject and without fail you point
out various
character defects which you behold
in your brother. You remind me that
whatever we sow we also reap. How
is that working for you John? Have
you gotten your fill of liars and hypocrites in your daily life yet? No?
Well, how
about all the filth and garbage that
you are covered with? Surely, you
have noticed the stink? Funny how
that works, no matter how much
you manage to sling back, you can't
get rid of the rotten smell.

ROTFLMAO. Amazing Kay. You don't say a word to people from a pernacious
cult who regularly call Course students "pig f**kers," and worse. Don't
make a comment when someone like Eots Bill Waggoner makes offers to f**k
course students and even Jesus up the ass, but want to characterize my
criticisms of this behavior as filth and garbage. What is filth and
garbage is a miracles board where such behavior is dishonestly
associated with A Course in Miracles. So what gives. If you support this
pernacious cult and the 7 years of filth and garbage they have posted to
this board, just say so. If you know nothing about Eots, then why are
you validating a pernacious cult which has a long history of preying on
Course students?
What I think is you just the type of clueless Course student Eots needs
to make this an Eots board, while turning this newsgroup into a forum
for promoting Wayne Austin as the Course messiah. If you want to
criticize the filth and garbage dumped around here, you might in all
fairness do so across the board. And in all fairness look at the filth
and garbage you have dumped around here.

~~~I am a student of ACIM. You are a student
of ACIM. This is a ng where like-minded
people can meet, share and compare. Hey
even extend some lovingkingness! How
about that miracle?

For the above reasons, I address my words
to you. Makes perfect sense to me. All you
need do is change your mind about what
is important to discuss and with whom
you desire to discuss it.
2004-08-09 07:55:43 UTC
Post by k***@webtv.net
Every day I notice you begin a new subject and without fail you point
out various
character defects which you behold
in your brother. You remind me that
whatever we sow we also reap. How
is that working for you John? Have
you gotten your fill of liars and hypocrites in your daily life yet? No?
Well, how
about all the filth and garbage that
you are covered with? Surely, you
have noticed the stink? Funny how
that works, no matter how much
you manage to sling back, you can't
get rid of the rotten smell.
ROTFLMAO. Amazing Kay. You don't say a word to people from a pernacious
cult who regularly call Course students "pig f**kers," and worse. Don't
make a comment when someone like Eots Bill Waggoner makes offers to f**k
course students and even Jesus up the ass, but want to characterize my
criticisms of this behavior as filth and garbage. What is filth and
garbage is a miracles board where such behavior is dishonestly
associated with A Course in Miracles. So what gives. If you support this
pernacious cult and the 7 years of filth and garbage they have posted to
this board, just say so. If you know nothing about Eots, then why are
you validating a pernacious cult which has a long history of preying on
Course students?
What I think is you just the type of clueless Course student Eots needs
to make this an Eots board, while turning this newsgroup into a forum
for promoting Wayne Austin as the Course messiah. If you want to
criticize the filth and garbage dumped around here, you might in all
fairness do so across the board. And in all fairness look at the filth
and garbage you have dumped around here.
~~~I am a student of ACIM. You are a student
of ACIM. This is a ng where like-minded
people can meet, share and compare. Hey
even extend some lovingkingness! How
about that miracle?
ROTFLMAO. Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I
think you are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from
the same the same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash,
then a minute later change gears and gush out the love of God.

Too, too, much.
2004-08-09 12:39:51 UTC
Aug 9, 2004, 12:55am (EDT-3) From: ***@netzero.com (J)
***@webtv.net wrote in message news:<17055-4116A6F5-***@storefull-3116.bay.webtv.net>...
Aug 8, 2004, 11:40am (EDT-3) From: ***@netzero.com (J)
***@webtv.net wrote in message news:<14703-41162773-***@storefull-3112.bay.webtv.net>... Every day I
notice you begin a new subject and without fail you point out various
character defects which you behold
in your brother. You remind me that
whatever we sow we also reap. How
is that working for you John? Have
you gotten your fill of liars and hypocrites in your daily life yet? No?
Well, how
about all the filth and garbage that
you are covered with? Surely, you
have noticed the stink? Funny how
that works, no matter how much
you manage to sling back, you can't
get rid of the rotten smell.
ROTFLMAO. Amazing Kay. You don't say a word to people from a pernacious
cult who regularly call Course students "pig f**kers," and worse. Don't
make a comment when someone like Eots Bill Waggoner makes offers to f**k
course students and even Jesus up the ass, but want to characterize my
criticisms of this behavior as filth and garbage. What is filth and
garbage is a miracles board where such behavior is dishonestly
associated with A Course in Miracles. So what gives. If you support this
pernacious cult and the 7 years of filth and garbage they have posted to
this board, just say so. If you know nothing about Eots, then why are
you validating a pernacious cult which has a long history of preying on
Course students?
What I think is you just the type of clueless Course student Eots needs
to make this an Eots board, while turning this newsgroup into a forum
for promoting Wayne Austin as the Course messiah. If you want to
criticize the filth and garbage dumped around here, you might in all
fairness do so across the board. And in all fairness look at the filth
and garbage you have dumped around here.

~~~I am a student of ACIM. You are a student of ACIM. This is a ng where
people can meet, share and compare. Hey
even extend some lovingkingness! How
about that miracle?

ROTFLMAO. Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I
think you are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from
the same the same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then
a minute later change gears and gush out the love of God.
Too, too, much.

~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note
that it smells. Steven suggests that instead
of slinging the garbage back you simply
put it in the trash bin. Guess you think he
too has trashed you by suggesting that?

Then you arrive at the conclusion
that I am psycho and from same school
as Wayne. Where are your facts?

Please do not put words in my mouth.
I have not called you all kinds of trash
There is no attack in my words.
I have not changed gears. You seem
determined to see something that is
not there.
2004-08-10 08:22:06 UTC
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I
think you are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from
the same the same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then
a minute later change gears and gush out the love of God.
Too, too, much.
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note
that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review the
trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here and tell
me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you have a
perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to comment on
other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer which makes sense
is Kay is a hypocrite.
2004-08-10 11:18:45 UTC
Aug 10, 2004, 3:22am (EDT-1) From: ***@netzero.com (J)
ROTFLMAO. Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I
think you are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from
the same the same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then
a minute later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too,

~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.

ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.

~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't
it, John? Yesterday is gone and until you
release it the miracle of today will pass you
by unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking
of an eye, when we choose to see our
brother as he really is.
2004-08-10 15:11:55 UTC
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I
think you are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from
the same the same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then
a minute later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too,
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't
it, John? Yesterday is gone and until you
release it the miracle of today will pass you
by unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking
of an eye, when we choose to see our
brother as he really is.
all what you said about John slinging shit is also IN THE PAST cuz in
the PRESENT is ONLY our true being so our whole innocence...!!!!!


2004-08-10 22:39:02 UTC
Aug 10, 2004, 10:11am (EDT-1) From: ***@theHeavens.COM (Yashah)
On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 07:18:45 -0400, ***@webtv.net wrote:
Aug 10, 2004, 3:22am (EDT-1) From: ***@netzero.com (J) ROTFLMAO.
Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I think you
are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from the same the
same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then a minute
later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too, much.
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't it, John? Yesterday is gone
and until you release it the miracle of today will pass you by
unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking of an eye, when we choose
to see our
brother as he really is.

all what you said about John slinging shit is also IN THE PAST cuz in
the PRESENT is ONLY our true being so our whole innocence...!!!!!

~~~~~LOL! Yes Ped -- I was waiting for
someone to point that out to me --- glad
it was you --- hahahahahahahahahaha

Annie Liley
2004-08-13 03:04:13 UTC
Post by Yashah
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I
think you are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from
the same the same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then
a minute later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too,
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't
it, John? Yesterday is gone and until you
release it the miracle of today will pass you
by unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking
of an eye, when we choose to see our
brother as he really is.
all what you said about John slinging shit is also IN THE PAST cuz in
the PRESENT is ONLY our true being so our whole innocence...!!!!!
You nail it man. We can't argue with that one. Woo Hoo! Thanks be to
Jeesuz and Praise the Lord. Amen to that.
2004-08-13 11:53:28 UTC
Aug 13, 2004, 3:04am (EDT+4) From: ***@in.com.au (Annie=A0Liley)
Yashah wrote:
On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 07:18:45 -0400, ***@webtv.net wrote:
Aug 10, 2004, 3:22am (EDT-1) From: ***@netzero.com (J) ROTFLMAO.
Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I think you
are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from the same the
same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then a minute
later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too, much.
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't it, John? Yesterday is gone
and until you release it the miracle of today will pass you by
unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking of an eye, when we choose
to see our
brother as he really is.

all what you said about John slinging shit is also IN THE PAST cuz in
the PRESENT is ONLY our true being so our whole innocence...!!!!!

You nail it man. We can't argue with that one. Woo Hoo! Thanks be to
Jeesuz and Praise the Lord. Amen to that.

~~~Truth is truth ;-)) Even as I agree by
typing this post - - - it's history! Makes it
kinda hard to share an opinion one way
or the utter - - - soon as you do - - it's
THE PAST - - -
2004-08-11 05:38:38 UTC
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I
think you are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from
the same the same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then
a minute later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too,
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't
it, John? Yesterday is gone and until you
release it the miracle of today will pass you
by unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking
of an eye, when we choose to see our
brother as he really is.
Excellent start, Kay. Why not release yourself of your "past" perceptions of
of me. That way you won't be cofused when you release your past perceptions
of yourself.
2004-08-14 02:19:22 UTC
Post by J
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I
think you are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from
the same the same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then
a minute later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too,
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't
it, John? Yesterday is gone and until you
release it the miracle of today will pass you
by unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking
of an eye, when we choose to see our
brother as he really is.
Excellent start, Kay. Why not release yourself of your "past" perceptions of
of me. That way you won't be cofused when you release your past perceptions
of yourself.
LOL ~ Why dont you release your past projected perception of kay and
see who's past projected perception is left , Herr Whirligoogler.

Do it now!

LOL ~ Happydreamin
2004-08-14 11:59:55 UTC
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I
think you are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from
the same the same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then
a minute later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too,
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't
it, John? Yesterday is gone and until you
release it the miracle of today will pass you
by unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking
of an eye, when we choose to see our
brother as he really is.
Excellent start, Kay. Why not release yourself of your "past" perceptions of
of me. That way you won't be cofused when you release your past perceptions
of yourself.
LOL ~ Why dont you release your past projected perception of kay and
see who's past projected perception is left , Herr Whirligoogler.
Do it now!
ROTFLMAO. All this release talk from you spiritual vampires who do little
but but live on the blood of past projections while defending themselves
with Course quotes. But tell me, why anyone should take advice from a
hate-filled spiritual vampire like happydreamin?
Post by happydreamin
LOL ~ Happydreamin
2004-08-14 19:34:39 UTC
Aug 14, 2004, 6:59am (EDT-1) From: ***@netzero.com (J)
"happydreamin" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...
"J" <***@netzero.com> wrote in message news:<***@uni-berlin.de>...
<***@webtv.net> wrote in message news:6283-4118AF15-***@storefull-3115.bay.webtv.net...
Aug 10, 2004, 3:22am (EDT-1) From: ***@netzero.com (J) ROTFLMAO.
Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I think you
are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from the same the
same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then a minute
later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too, much.
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't it, John? Yesterday is gone
and until you release it the miracle of today will pass you by
unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking of an eye, when we choose
to see our
brother as he really is.

Excellent start, Kay. Why not release yourself of your "past"
perceptions of
of me. That way you won't be cofused when you release your past
perceptions of yourself.

~~~~~Excellent idea John. I just did.

Happy to John:
LOL ~ Why dont you release your past projected perception of kay and see
who's past projected perception is left , Herr Whirligoogler.
Do it now!

ROTFLMAO. All this release talk from you spiritual vampires who do
little but but live on the blood of past projections while defending
themselves with Course quotes. But tell me, why anyone should take
advice from a hate-filled spiritual vampire like happydreamin?

~~~~But John, it is such good advice who
cares where it came from? It was your
idea in the first place ---- why not take
your own advice - I did!
2004-08-15 07:05:20 UTC
Post by k***@webtv.net
Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I think you
are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from the same the
same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then a minute
later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too, much.
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't it, John? Yesterday is gone
and until you release it the miracle of today will pass you by
unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking of an eye, when we choose
to see our
brother as he really is.
Excellent start, Kay. Why not release yourself of your "past"
perceptions of
of me. That way you won't be cofused when you release your past
perceptions of yourself.
~~~~~Excellent idea John. I just did.
LOL ~ Why dont you release your past projected perception of kay and see
who's past projected perception is left , Herr Whirligoogler.
Do it now!
ROTFLMAO. All this release talk from you spiritual vampires who do
little but but live on the blood of past projections while defending
themselves with Course quotes. But tell me, why anyone should take
advice from a hate-filled spiritual vampire like happydreamin?
~~~~But John, it is such good advice who
cares where it came from? It was your
idea in the first place ---- why not take
your own advice - I did!
Kay, you love to torment. Which is exactly what you are doing now. Taking
your cheap shots in the tradition of group shame. Its rather obvious you are
settling scores.
2004-08-15 13:36:44 UTC
Aug 15, 2004, 2:05am (EDT-1) From: ***@netzero.com (J)
<***@webtv.net> wrote in message news:696-411E694F-***@storefull-3114.bay.webtv.net...
Aug 14, 2004, 6:59am (EDT-1) From: ***@netzero.com (J) "happydreamin"
<***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com... "J"
<***@netzero.com> wrote in message news:<***@uni-berlin.de>...
<***@webtv.net> wrote in message news:6283-4118AF15-***@storefull-3115.bay.webtv.net... Aug 10, 2004,
3:22am (EDT-1) From: ***@netzero.com (J) ROTFLMAO. Extend love and
kindness, after you have just trashed me? I think you are a psycho,
church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from the same the same school
as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then a minute later change
gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too, much. ~~~~How have I
trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells. ROTFLMAO. You
are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review the trash you
threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here and tell me your
trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you have a
perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite. ~~~The past calls you
continuously doesn't it, John? Yesterday is gone and until you release
it the miracle of today will pass you by unnoticed. Love holds no
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking of an eye, when we choose
to see our
brother as he really is.
Excellent start, Kay. Why not release yourself of your "past"
perceptions of
of me. That way you won't be cofused when you release your past
perceptions of yourself.
~~~~~Excellent idea John. I just did.
Happy to John:
LOL ~ Why dont you release your past projected perception of kay and see
who's past projected perception is left , Herr Whirligoogler. Do it now!
ROTFLMAO. All this release talk from you spiritual vampires who do
little but but live on the blood of past projections while defending
themselves with Course quotes. But tell me, why anyone should take
advice from a hate-filled spiritual vampire like happydreamin?

~~~~But John, it is such good advice who cares where it came from? It
was your
idea in the first place ---- why not take
your own advice - I did!

Kay, you love to torment. Which is exactly what you are doing now.
Taking your cheap shots in the tradition of group shame. Its rather
obvious you are settling scores.

~~~~What shame is there John, in changing
our mind? I believe you know I am for you.
I believe you know I wish you peace and
happiness in all areas of your life. I believe
you know I love you.
2004-08-15 18:02:02 UTC
Post by J
Post by k***@webtv.net
Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I think you
are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from the same the
same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash, then a minute
later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too, much.
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and review
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly, you
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative to
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't it, John? Yesterday is gone
and until you release it the miracle of today will pass you by
unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking of an eye, when we choose
to see our
brother as he really is.
Excellent start, Kay. Why not release yourself of your "past" perceptions of
of me. That way you won't be cofused when you release your past
perceptions of yourself.
~~~~~Excellent idea John. I just did.
LOL ~ Why dont you release your past projected perception of kay and see
who's past projected perception is left , Herr Whirligoogler.
Do it now!
ROTFLMAO. All this release talk from you spiritual vampires who do
little but but live on the blood of past projections while defending
themselves with Course quotes. But tell me, why anyone should take
advice from a hate-filled spiritual vampire like happydreamin?
~~~~But John, it is such good advice who
cares where it came from? It was your
idea in the first place ---- why not take
your own advice - I did!
Kay, you love to torment. Which is exactly what you are doing now. Taking
your cheap shots in the tradition of group shame. Its rather obvious you are
settling scores.
No body can torment you but your own rotten mind. Give up your
protection of it Whilrigoogler.

LOL ~ Happydreamin
2004-08-15 18:09:31 UTC
Post by J
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I
think you are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from
the same the same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash,
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by J
a minute later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too,
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by J
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly,
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by J
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by J
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't
it, John? Yesterday is gone and until you
release it the miracle of today will pass you
by unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking
of an eye, when we choose to see our
brother as he really is.
Excellent start, Kay. Why not release yourself of your "past"
perceptions of
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
of me. That way you won't be cofused when you release your past
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
of yourself.
LOL ~ Why dont you release your past projected perception of kay and
see who's past projected perception is left , Herr Whirligoogler.
Do it now!
ROTFLMAO. All this release talk from you spiritual vampires who do little
but but live on the blood of past projections while defending themselves
with Course quotes. But tell me, why anyone should take advice from a
hate-filled spiritual vampire like happydreamin?
Nice try Herr Whiligoogler, but calling me a spiritual vampire does
not make it so. Only in the twisted mind of an ego inflated
Whirligoogler could this ever be imagined.


LOL ~ Happydreamin
2004-08-15 19:38:09 UTC
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. Extend love and kindness, after you have just trashed me? I
think you are a psycho, church lady. Makes me wonder if you came from
the same the same school as Wayne. Call people all kinds of trash,
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by J
a minute later change gears and gush out the love of God. Too, too,
~~~~How have I trashed you? You are the
one throwing it back and forth and I note that it smells.
ROTFLMAO. You are one nut case, Kay. I tell you what. Go back and
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by J
the trash you threw back and forth with Ammi. And then come back here
and tell me your trash doesn't smell. If I understand you correctly,
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by J
have a perogative to dish out the trash, and also have the perogative
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Post by J
comment on other people's trash because why? Somehow the only answer
which makes sense is Kay is a hypocrite.
~~~The past calls you continuously doesn't
it, John? Yesterday is gone and until you
release it the miracle of today will pass you
by unnoticed. Love holds no grievances,
nor do I. Everything changes in the blinking
of an eye, when we choose to see our
brother as he really is.
Excellent start, Kay. Why not release yourself of your "past"
perceptions of
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
of me. That way you won't be cofused when you release your past
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
of yourself.
LOL ~ Why dont you release your past projected perception of kay and
see who's past projected perception is left , Herr Whirligoogler.
Do it now!
ROTFLMAO. All this release talk from you spiritual vampires who do little
but but live on the blood of past projections while defending themselves
with Course quotes. But tell me, why anyone should take advice from a
hate-filled spiritual vampire like happydreamin?
Nice try Herr Whiligoogler, but calling me a spiritual vampire does
not make it so. Only in the twisted mind of an ego inflated
Whirligoogler could this ever be imagined.
Really? Even as addressed me with an unflattering nickname meant to
influence others that I am less than human and worthy of group shame.
2004-08-08 03:41:59 UTC
There you go again, Lopez, with derogatory subject
headings that Lee has asked you not to create, and
who has refrained from doing so about you. And you
have the utter fucking nerve to complain about the
lack of civility in this newsgroup? What a wanker.

We can see how well you've studied the book you've
been thumping by how well you take criticism. Your
rant about Lee is merely a knee jerk reaction that
occurs any time someone disagrees with either your
behavior, or your dim theological interpretations.
Post by J
Interesting Lee. What's not clear is exactly what you are promoting
around here? "Calm and "clarity" ?? I imagine somehow you want to
re-habilitate this group to "relative calm and clarity," but this
certainly means accepting and accomodating Eots on this newsgroup as
an equal partner and valid alternative to Course study. For this you
need a scapegoat, and a consensus that no one criticizes Eots.
Unfortunately, I not accepting the role of scapegoat for a newsgroup
filled with mean-spirted idiots who delight in trashing A Course in
Miracles and who think membership in a cult or clique somehow gives
them the moral authority to dish out the insults and discipline and
then have unabashed sycophants like yourself, come in with the
The truth is Lee I don't dish out the dirt. What I do is pick up the
slime and dirt dished out by others on this group, and ask why it was
ever throw out on a spiritual forum. This question is certainly
uncomfortable for people such as yourself who are uncertain about core
beliefs and think spirituality involves accepting and accommodating
any bizarre belief one can attach to A Course in Miracles. Which is
why this newsgroup is nothing but an attempt to reconcile the
So get real, Flynn! The dirt which has been dished out is 7 years of
calling course students "pig f**kers," and threatening students with
anal rape. The dirt is offering to "f**k my savior up the ass."
Strange isn't it, and certainly bizarre, that Lee Flynn who knows more
about Eots, its predatory nature, its hostility toward Course student
and Course study, now wants to accommodate Eots on this newsgroup
while denouncing an Eots critic as "dishing out the dirt."
In other words, Flynn the "dirt," you are complaining about is nothing
more than the "dirt," you are so desperately trying to hide. And if
you weren't trying to hide your own ambiguous and confused position on
this newsgroup it stands to reason you would state exactly where you
stand rather than constantly playing both sides against the middle and
trying to be all things to all people. So where do you stand Flynn?
Can't say, can you without the risk of offending someone. I mean
besides me. Which is why you reduced to discussing newsgroup civility
with Eots troll, Alan Sindler. You are too much, Flynn. I hope your
convenient alliance with Eots against Lopez, serves the Course
community well. After all, the Course always needs a needs an new
advocate for a cult which posts on a miracles newsgroup an offer to
"f**k our savior up the ass."
ROTFLMAO (Too, too funny!)
2004-08-08 07:55:00 UTC
Post by A
There you go again, Lopez, with derogatory subject
headings that Lee has asked you not to create, and
who has refrained from doing so about you. And you
have the utter fucking nerve to complain about the
lack of civility in this newsgroup? What a wanker.
ROTFLMAO. This complaint from a guy who writes little but derogatory
subject heading. You are such a cult creep, Sindler. Its a wonder how
you stand yourself. At any rate, if Lee wants to involved himself in
the Eots controvercy on this newsgroup, I figure Lee has all the help
in the world getting deragatory subject headers posted.

2004-08-08 09:28:21 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
There you go again, Lopez, with derogatory subject
headings that Lee has asked you not to create, and
who has refrained from doing so about you. And you
have the utter fucking nerve to complain about the
lack of civility in this newsgroup? What a wanker.
ROTFLMAO. This complaint from a guy who writes little but derogatory
subject heading. ...
That's subject _headings_, Elmer, and I didn't start
doing it with you until you did them to me, along w/
everyone else you have a bone to pick with, which is
just about everyone else in this newsgroup recently.
Stephen Calder
2004-08-08 10:04:35 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
There you go again, Lopez, with derogatory subject
headings that Lee has asked you not to create, and
who has refrained from doing so about you. And you
have the utter fucking nerve to complain about the
lack of civility in this newsgroup? What a wanker.
ROTFLMAO. This complaint from a guy who writes little but derogatory
subject heading. ...
That's subject _headings_, Elmer, and I didn't start
doing it with you until you did them to me, along w/
everyone else you have a bone to pick with, which is
just about everyone else in this newsgroup recently.
What's in it for you, A, to mudwrestle like this? If you just like the
little game, okay, but does it help the cause of inner peace?
Byron Bay, Australia
2004-08-08 15:11:21 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
There you go again, Lopez, with derogatory subject
headings that Lee has asked you not to create, and
who has refrained from doing so about you. And you
have the utter fucking nerve to complain about the
lack of civility in this newsgroup? What a wanker.
ROTFLMAO. This complaint from a guy who writes little but derogatory
subject heading. ...
That's subject _headings_, Elmer, and I didn't start
doing it with you until you did them to me, along w/
everyone else you have a bone to pick with, which is
just about everyone else in this newsgroup recently.
ROTFLMAO. You were using these techniques at alt.atheism and brought
them here. Who are you kidding? You continue to a rather high strung
white guy. Why not chill, Sindler?

Too, too funny!
2004-08-08 16:37:07 UTC
Post by J
You continue to a rather high strung
white guy. Why not chill, Sindler?
Too, too funny!
You continue to talk like Elmer Fudd,
Lopez. Why not learn the English language?

Too, too funny!
2004-08-09 08:53:31 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
You continue to a rather high strung
white guy. Why not chill, Sindler?
Too, too funny!
You continue to talk like Elmer Fudd,
Lopez. Why not learn the English language?
Too, too funny!
Sindler, a mistype doesn't reflect speech patterns. An undereducated man
such as yourself makes too much of spelling, most likely because you have
never been trained to think. Spelling is one of those helpful arts which is
generally practiced by a secretary. On the other hand, your lack of
cultivated thinking skills is a handicap you will never overcome.
Pieter Douwes
2004-08-09 15:29:57 UTC
Post by J
a handicap you will never overcome.
The Course teaches:
"His learning is as unlimited as he is."
Which of these two judgments do you choose?
Do you want to imprison your brother, or free him?

("In the name of my freedom I choose your release,
because I recognize that we will be released together.")
2004-08-09 16:24:16 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
You continue to a rather high strung
white guy. Why not chill, Sindler?
Too, too funny!
You continue to talk like Elmer Fudd,
Lopez. Why not learn the English language?
Too, too funny!
Sindler, a mistype doesn't reflect speech patterns. An undereducated man
such as yourself makes too much of spelling, most likely because you have
never been trained to think. Spelling is one of those helpful arts which is
generally practiced by a secretary. On the other hand, your lack of
cultivated thinking skills is a handicap you will never overcome.
It's not your spelling, Loopey, you write sentences
like Elmer Fudd speaks. LOL!
2004-08-10 06:33:56 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
You continue to a rather high strung
white guy. Why not chill, Sindler?
Too, too funny!
You continue to talk like Elmer Fudd,
Lopez. Why not learn the English language?
Too, too funny!
Sindler, a mistype doesn't reflect speech patterns. An undereducated man
such as yourself makes too much of spelling, most likely because you have
never been trained to think. Spelling is one of those helpful arts which is
generally practiced by a secretary. On the other hand, your lack of
cultivated thinking skills is a handicap you will never overcome.
It's not your spelling, Loopey, you write sentences
like Elmer Fudd speaks. LOL!
Sindler, who cares what you think? What have you ever written? A few
paragraphs at one time? Quite obviously that is the limits of your writing
skills. If you ever want to compare polished works with polished works, let
me know. Oh, I forgot .. you don't have any examples of a polished work.

2004-08-10 08:47:27 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
You continue to a rather high strung
white guy. Why not chill, Sindler?
Too, too funny!
You continue to talk like Elmer Fudd,
Lopez. Why not learn the English language?
Too, too funny!
Sindler, a mistype doesn't reflect speech patterns. An undereducated man
such as yourself makes too much of spelling, most likely because you
Post by A
Post by J
never been trained to think. Spelling is one of those helpful arts which
Post by A
Post by J
generally practiced by a secretary. On the other hand, your lack of
cultivated thinking skills is a handicap you will never overcome.
It's not your spelling, Loopey, you write sentences
like Elmer Fudd speaks. LOL!
Sindler, who cares what you think? ...
LOL! Apparently you do, Fruitloop.
2004-08-10 11:10:40 UTC
Post by A
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
You continue to a rather high strung
white guy. Why not chill, Sindler?
Too, too funny!
You continue to talk like Elmer Fudd,
Lopez. Why not learn the English language?
Too, too funny!
Sindler, a mistype doesn't reflect speech patterns. An undereducated man
such as yourself makes too much of spelling, most likely because you
Post by A
Post by J
never been trained to think. Spelling is one of those helpful arts which
Post by A
Post by J
generally practiced by a secretary. On the other hand, your lack of
cultivated thinking skills is a handicap you will never overcome.
It's not your spelling, Loopey, you write sentences
like Elmer Fudd speaks. LOL!
Sindler, who cares what you think? ...
LOL! Apparently you do, Fruitloop.
Alan "I can say I'm straight" Sindler. Too, too funny!
2004-08-09 09:19:31 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
There you go again, Lopez, with derogatory subject
headings that Lee has asked you not to create, and
who has refrained from doing so about you. And you
have the utter fucking nerve to complain about the
lack of civility in this newsgroup? What a wanker.
ROTFLMAO. This complaint from a guy who writes little but derogatory
subject heading. ...
That's subject _headings_, Elmer, and I didn't start
doing it with you until you did them to me, along w/
everyone else you have a bone to pick with, which is
just about everyone else in this newsgroup recently.
Sindler you are such a lying goof ball. You are infamous for nasty trolls
all over newsnet.
2004-08-09 16:31:32 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
There you go again, Lopez, with derogatory subject
headings that Lee has asked you not to create, and
who has refrained from doing so about you. And you
have the utter fucking nerve to complain about the
lack of civility in this newsgroup? What a wanker.
ROTFLMAO. This complaint from a guy who writes little but derogatory
subject heading. ...
That's subject _headings_, Elmer, and I didn't start
doing it with you until you did them to me, along w/
everyone else you have a bone to pick with, which is
just about everyone else in this newsgroup recently.
Sindler you are such a lying goof ball.
Projecting again, eh Loopey. What does Google reveal?

:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads
:minds. Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan,
:for this Hispanic-American.
: - John Lopez 9-13-03
:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American".
:You lie and lie all the time ...
: - John Lopez 8-7-4
2004-08-10 06:52:06 UTC
Post by A
Projecting again, eh Loopey. What does Google reveal?
ROTFLMO. What google reveals is an cult idiot who has learned the art of
taking a quote out of context and making it a lie.

"Maybe it explains why you wrote I was being bigoted for assuming "Lopez"
was a Hispanic name when in your previous post you refered to yourself as a
"Hispanic American"? Thanks for helping."

Alan Sindler

When I answered this question you lied and said I used this term in your
"previous" post. Not a Post from nearly a year ago, which by no stretch of
the imagination is the previous post. Which just goes to show any idiot like
yourself can make a lie out of nothing . If you don't understand the
nuances of the English language, cult boy its not my problem. If you were in
fact referring to a post of a year ago rather than the previous post in a
thread, you would have used the qualifier, "a previous" post, not "your
previous post." Moreover, no one accused you of assuming "Lopez," is a
Hispanic last name. Clearly it is. You are a bigot because you assume ethnic
stereotypes based solely on my last name. This makes you both a bigot and

Post by A
:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads
:minds. Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan,
:for this Hispanic-American.
: - John Lopez 9-13-03
:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American".
:You lie and lie all the time ...
: - John Lopez 8-7-4
2004-08-10 08:57:38 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Projecting again, eh Loopey. What does Google reveal?
ROTFLMO. What google reveals is an cult idiot who has learned the art of
taking a quote out of context and making it a lie.
:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03

:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04

You see the words "never refered to myself"? Never
means "not ever". How is this out of context, son?

Post by J
When I answered this question you lied and said I used this term in your
"previous" post.
I said "you used this term in your previous post".
Post by J
Not a Post from nearly a year ago, .
Isn't a post that you wrote a year ago "a previous
post" or does it mean something else on the planet
you live on. On earth, previous means "before", as
in "a year ago".
Post by J
which by no stretch of the imagination is the
previous post
Apparently English isn't your native language, nor
even your second if you're really that clueless. I
didn't say "the previous post", Fruitloops, I said
"your previous post". Still smoking crack, Loopey?
Post by J
Which just goes to show any idiot like
yourself can make a lie out of nothing . ...
No, what it shows is that even when you're caught,
lying red handed, you still can't admit it, Lopez.
2004-08-10 10:58:44 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Projecting again, eh Loopey. What does Google reveal?
ROTFLMO. What google reveals is an cult idiot who has learned the art of
taking a quote out of context and making it a lie.
:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03
:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
You see the words "never refered to myself"? Never
means "not ever". How is this out of context, son?
Post by J
When I answered this question you lied and said I used this term in your
"previous" post.
I said "you used this term in your previous post".
Post by J
Not a Post from nearly a year ago, .
Isn't a post that you wrote a year ago "a previous
post" or does it mean something else on the planet
you live on. On earth, previous means "before", as
in "a year ago".
No it doesn't. Learn to speak English. Look up the word. It means just
preceding something else in time,or order or (used especially of persons) of
the immediate past. Consequently if you wanted to use the word to refer to a
year old post, the proper phrasing would have be "a previous post." Not
"your previous post." "Your previous post" refers to the post immediately
preceding a post in time. I didn't make this remark in the previous post so
this makes you either a liar or someone who just doesn't know proper
English. Moreover, its unlikely you were even referring to this year old
post. If you were, you would have phrased the sentence differently.
2004-08-10 20:35:45 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Projecting again, eh Loopey. What does Google reveal?
ROTFLMO. What google reveals is an cult idiot who has learned the art of
taking a quote out of context and making it a lie.
:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03
:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
You see the words "never refered to myself"? Never
means "not ever". How is this out of context, son?
Post by J
When I answered this question you lied and said I used this term in your
"previous" post.
I said "you used this term in your previous post".
Post by J
Not a Post from nearly a year ago, .
Isn't a post that you wrote a year ago "a previous
post" or does it mean something else on the planet
you live on. On earth, previous means "before", as
in "a year ago".
No it doesn't. Learn to speak English. Look up the word. It means just
preceding something else in time, or order or (used especially of persons)
of the immediate past.
:Previous \Pre"vi*ous\, a. [L. praevius going before, leading
: the way; Going before in time; being or happening before
: something else;
: - Websters Unabridged Dictionary

:Previous: 1.Existing or occurring before something else in
:time or order
: - American Heritage Dictionary

Post by J
Consequently if you wanted to use the word to refer to a
year old post, the proper phrasing would have be "a previous post." Not
"your previous post." "Your previous post" refers to the post immediately
preceding a post in time. ...
ROTFLMAO! You've got to be kidding me, Fruitloop!!

"Your previous post" somehow means something other
than a post you'd written previously? It's amazing
how you've tried to wiggle out of your lie. You've
called me a liar for saying you called yourself an
"Hispanic-American", by claiming "I never referred
to myself as an Hispanic American". Now you're the
poster child for invincible ignorance, by claiming
a previous post of yours is somehow different than
a post of yours that was written previously? You'd
best take your own advice Juan, and learn English.

:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03

:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
2004-08-11 05:54:17 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Projecting again, eh Loopey. What does Google reveal?
ROTFLMO. What google reveals is an cult idiot who has learned the art of
taking a quote out of context and making it a lie.
:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03
:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
You see the words "never refered to myself"? Never
means "not ever". How is this out of context, son?
Post by J
When I answered this question you lied and said I used this term in your
"previous" post.
I said "you used this term in your previous post".
Post by J
Not a Post from nearly a year ago, .
Isn't a post that you wrote a year ago "a previous
post" or does it mean something else on the planet
you live on. On earth, previous means "before", as
in "a year ago".
No it doesn't. Learn to speak English. Look up the word. It means just
preceding something else in time, or order or (used especially of persons)
of the immediate past.
:Previous \Pre"vi*ous\, a. [L. praevius going before, leading
: the way; Going before in time; being or happening before
: something else;
: - Websters Unabridged Dictionary
:Previous: 1.Existing or occurring before something else in
:time or order
: - American Heritage Dictionary
Post by J
Consequently if you wanted to use the word to refer to a
year old post, the proper phrasing would have be "a previous post." Not
"your previous post." "Your previous post" refers to the post immediately
preceding a post in time. ...
ROTFLMAO! You've got to be kidding me, Fruitloop!!
Too much Sindler, you must be still having problems, affirming your manhood.
Alan "I can say I'm straight" Sindler. Too, too funny!
Post by A
"Your previous post" somehow means something other
than a post you'd written previously?
Previous has the connotation of just preceding in time. Any full dictionary
will tell you that. Clearly if someone remarks about "your previous
question," it is question you just asked, not a question you asked 20 years
ago. If someone wanted to remark about a long ago question, the proper
phrasing is "a previous" question or better, a "question you once asked." At
any rate, you continue to be a cult idiot, Sindler.
2004-08-11 07:06:08 UTC
Post by J
Post by J
No it doesn't. Learn to speak English. Look up the word. It
means justpreceding something else in time, or order or
(used especially ofpersons) of the immediate past.
:Previous \Pre"vi*ous\, a. [L. praevius going before, leading
: the way; Going before in time; being or happening before
: something else;
: - Websters Unabridged Dictionary
:Previous: 1.Existing or occurring before something else in
:time or order
: - American Heritage Dictionary
Post by J
Previous has the connotation of just preceding in time.
In this case it means the last time you mentioned
"Hispanic American". You claimed you'd never said
you were an Hispanic American, & I said that your
previous post (ie: on that topic) said otherwise.

Amazing how you are still trying to weasle out of
the lies you told. Let's look at the 2 posts now:

:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03

:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04

So last year you referred to yourself as one, but
this year, in an effort to avoid being labled the
racist pig you are for ranting about white folks,
you claimed that you'd never referred to yourself
as one. Then you had the unmitigated gall to call
me the liar? You've been busted again, sissy boy.

2004-08-11 06:32:01 UTC
Post by A
So last year you referred to yourself as one, but
this year, in an effort to avoid being labled the
racist pig you are for ranting about white folks,
you claimed that you'd never referred to yourself
as one.
No Sindler, I am a white folk. It is only your own bigotry and sterotyping
which makes someone with a Hispanic surname not white. Not all Hispanics
have brown skin or cut grass for a living. Thanks for showing how bigotry
works in the South-Western United States.

Then you had the unmitigated gall to call
Post by A
me the liar? You've been busted again, sissy boy.
ROTFLMAO. You are something Sindler. For a year you accused me of being a
macho man and "John Wayne." Now you want to claim I'm a sissy boy. Why not
make your mind about your insults? You seem as confused about your claims as
you are confused about your manhood. Alan "I can say I'm straight" Sindler.
Too, funny!
Post by A
2004-08-11 08:07:39 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
So last year you referred to yourself as one, but
this year, in an effort to avoid being labled the
racist pig you are for ranting about white folks,
you claimed that you'd never referred to yourself
as one. Then you had the unmitigated gall to call
me the liar? You've been busted again, sissy boy.

Amazing how you are still trying to weasle out of
the lies you told. Let's look at the 2 posts now:

:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03

:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04

Snipping your lies won't make them go away, Juan.
Post by J
No Sindler, I am a white folk.
I'd never heard "white folk" bitch and moan about
white people the way you do, Lopez. Let's look at
some of your rants about white folks, Juan Lopez:

:Never has a statement been so self-evident that Course study
:(especially on this newsgroup!) has been taken over by suburban
:white-people, who love to dabble in "forgiveness." - J.Lopez

:If there is someone around here who is not privileged white
:folk, please raise their hand. More to the point, this place
:and Course study is filled with the values of suburban (and
:urban, certainly) white folks. Look at Wapnick and other
:Course teachers and compare to Tara Singh. - J.Lopez

:If I criticize Eots as a crazy white boys club, its because
:Eots exemplifies all the outrages and excesses of the white,
:middle class as spiritual nihilism. - J.Lopez
Post by J
It is only your own bigotry and sterotyping ...
What a case of projection. You bitch about "white
people", claim you're a Hispanic American, & then
try to claim that you'd never said that you were.
2004-08-11 15:05:30 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
So last year you referred to yourself as one, but
this year, in an effort to avoid being labled the
racist pig you are for ranting about white folks,
you claimed that you'd never referred to yourself
as one. Then you had the unmitigated gall to call
me the liar? You've been busted again, sissy boy.
Amazing how you are still trying to weasle out of
Get a life, Sindler -- "Mr. Honesty" who wants to comment on my sexual
orientation while refusing to reveal his own. Alan "I can say I'm straight"
Sindler. Too, too funny!
Post by A
Post by J
No Sindler, I am a white folk.
I'd never heard "white folk" bitch and moan about
white people the way you do, Lopez. Let's look at
More proof that what you call an education must have come through the mail.
Academia is filled with white people criticizing white people. Often it is
needed self-criticism of a culture of privilege which forgets that not
everyone shares their privileges. Clearly not only are you bigoted toward
Hispanics but also under-educated. Which is generally the case for bigots.
2004-08-11 21:00:35 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by A
So last year you referred to yourself as one, but
this year, in an effort to avoid being labled the
racist pig you are for ranting about white folks,
you claimed that you'd never referred to yourself
as one. Then you had the unmitigated gall to call
me the liar? You've been busted again, sissy boy.
Amazing how you are still trying to weasle out of
Get a life, Sindler -- "Mr. Honesty" who wants to comment
on my sexual orientation while refusing to reveal his own.
Alan "I can say I'm straight" Sindler. Too, too funny!
LOL. I know you're easily confused, Fruitloop, but
we're talking about you contradicting yourself WRT
what you said about being an "Hispanic American" &
not about sexual orientation. However I did say, &
the answer to your question was that I'm straight.

What kind of brain damage must you have, that when
someone says "I can say I'm straight", you believe
they "refused to reveal their sexual orientation"?

Now back to what you snipped because you had lied:


:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03

:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
2004-08-11 22:57:06 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Amazing how you are still trying to weasle out of
Get a life, Sindler -- "Mr. Honesty" who wants to comment
on my sexual orientation while refusing to reveal his own.
Alan "I can say I'm straight" Sindler. Too, too funny!
LOL. I know you're easily confused, Fruitloop, but
we're talking about you contradicting yourself WRT
what you said about being an "Hispanic American" &
not about sexual orientation. However I did say, &
the answer to your question was that I'm straight.
Read your post you never said you were straight. You said "I can." The
implication being that you could say the words. With this type of game
playing no doubt you have some hidden meaning for the word "straight,"
which doen't include exclusive heterosexuality.
Post by A
What kind of brain damage must you have, that when
someone says "I can say I'm straight", you believe
they "refused to reveal their sexual orientation"?
Maybe because you are a weazel, who says whatever he needs to say at the
moment. Let's say I never met a "straight guy," who likes to "romp" in
Internet locker rooms when he is in "the mood" or post on alt.homosexuality.

Alan Sniper Sindler's reply:
"LOL! Sorry to disturb your warm breezes of conjecture with the icy gales of
fact, John, but it was never my intention to "drive you off the newsgroup".
As for my postings on alt.atheism: Do you speak the same way in a bar or a
locker room as you do at your mom's house? Alt.atheism is a masquerade
party, with a bar, inside a locker room. I don't print things that Gene
wrote in alt.homosexuality (I can't remember the exact name of the NG, but
it's something like that) because it's irrelevant to discussions inside this
NG. Some of the NG's out there are flame rooms, & if you're in a mood for
one, they can be fun to romp around in. It's cute that you scoured other
NG's for quotes, it really is. . . "
Let's get to what you snipped. That I demonstrated that you are nothing but
an under-educated bigot, who lies all the time.
2004-08-12 00:53:18 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Amazing how you are still trying to weasle out of
Get a life, Sindler -- "Mr. Honesty" who wants to comment
on my sexual orientation while refusing to reveal his own.
Alan "I can say I'm straight" Sindler. Too, too funny!
LOL. I know you're easily confused, Fruitloop, but
we're talking about you contradicting yourself WRT
what you said about being an "Hispanic American" &
not about sexual orientation. However I did say, &
the answer to your question was that I'm straight.
Read your post you never said you were straight. You said "I can." The
implication being that you could say the words.
LOL! You're almost too friggin stupid for words,
Loopey. This was the idiotic statement you made:

::ROTFLMAO. I'm straight and love women, Alan. How
::come you can't make the same statement? - John

To which I replied the following, which only the
willfully ignorant would construe as only saying
the words, without somehow meaning what it said:

:I can, Fruitloop. - Alan

So, were you a liar, or just willfully ignorant?

Post by J
Let's get to what you snipped. That I demonstrated
that you are nothing but an under-educated bigot,
who lies all the time.
Sorry, weasel boy, but let's stick to the topics
at hand. 1st, that you lied about your heritage,
and 2nd, that you are the wanker who is a bigot:

:John the liar:
:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03
:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
:John the bigot:
:Never has a statement been so self-evident that Course study
:(especially on this newsgroup!) has been taken over by suburban
:white-people, who love to dabble in "forgiveness." - John Lopez

:If there is someone around here who is not privileged white
:folk, please raise their hand. More to the point, this place
:and Course study is filled with the values of suburban (and
:urban, certainly) white folks. Look at Wapnick and other
:Course teachers and compare to Tara Singh. - John Lopez

:If I criticize Eots as a crazy white boys club, its because
:Eots exemplifies all the outrages and excesses of the white,
:middle class as spiritual nihilism. - John Lopez
2004-08-12 04:25:39 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Amazing how you are still trying to weasle out of
Get a life, Sindler -- "Mr. Honesty" who wants to comment
on my sexual orientation while refusing to reveal his own.
Alan "I can say I'm straight" Sindler. Too, too funny!
LOL. I know you're easily confused, Fruitloop, but
we're talking about you contradicting yourself WRT
what you said about being an "Hispanic American" &
not about sexual orientation. However I did say, &
the answer to your question was that I'm straight.
Read your post you never said you were straight. You said "I can." The
implication being that you could say the words.
LOL! You're almost too friggin stupid for words,
::ROTFLMAO. I'm straight and love women, Alan. How
::come you can't make the same statement? - John
To which I replied the following, which only the
willfully ignorant would construe as only saying
:I can, Fruitloop. - Alan
So, were you a liar, or just willfully ignorant?
"I can," can mean anything. Certainly not an enthusiastic and unequivocal
assertion of heterosexual manhood. Nor do I think you will make such an
unequivocal assertion. Why not first get your insults straight? For a year
you taunted me as John Wayne and macho man. Now you want to call me a
"Fruitloop" and imply I'm gay. Sounds like you are as confused in your
insults as your confused about your manhood.
Post by A
Post by J
Let's get to what you snipped. That I demonstrated
that you are nothing but an under-educated bigot,
who lies all the time.
Sorry, weasel boy, but let's stick to the topics
at hand. 1st, that you lied about your heritage,
Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context and make a lie. So chill,
Sindler. You are one squirrelly guy. And your South-West American predjudice
again Hispanic doesn't help matters. Get a real education and perhaps you
will learn not to think in terms of little brown guys who cut your grass.
2004-08-12 08:58:44 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Let's get to what you snipped. That I demonstrated
that you are nothing but an under-educated bigot,
who lies all the time.
Sorry, weasel boy, but let's stick to the topics
at hand. 1st, that you lied about your heritage,
Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context
and make a lie. ...
LOL! Is that why you keep snipping them, wingnut?


:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03
:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
2004-08-12 23:00:25 UTC
"A"> > Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context
Post by A
Post by J
and make a lie. ...
LOL! Is that why you keep snipping them, wingnut?
Is this why you are constantly snipping your lie for Wayne? Here's what you
snipped, Alan. Let's say its a red-handed, unambigious lie.

And certainily more compelling than any of the trash evidence you offer to
prove the dishonesty of others. Face it Sindler, you are a liar. And a
willing liar for Wayne. And I certainly didn't have take any quote out of
context to demonstrate this is the case. What's so funny, is you can't even
deny that you are lying. You are one pathetic piece of cult scum who has
trashed too many people with, your cries of dishonesty and liar.

On August 7, 2004 Alan is asked about Wayne's "satirical" post.
Post by A
Written satirically? Are you saying for a fact that Wayne doesn't have sex
with his male and female devotees
(Alan Sindler replies:)

... Yes, that's what I'm saying, stupid. []


Only a day later, on August 8,2004

Alan is asked again:

Post by A
Are you guys saying for a fact, that Wayne has never had sex with a
(Alan then replies:)

I haven't a clue, nor do I have a desire to ask him, either.


Caught red-handed Sindler. You cult boys ought to stop lying for
Wayne. At least we all know to take whatever Alan says as a "fact,"
with a big gulp of salt!

2004-08-13 03:25:38 UTC
Post by J
"A"> > Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context
Post by A
Post by J
and make a lie. ...
LOL! Is that why you keep snipping them, wingnut?
Is this why you are constantly snipping ...
You did it again, Juan.


:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads
:minds. Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan,
:for this Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03

:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... 8-8-04
2004-08-13 02:50:27 UTC
Post by J
"A"> > Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context
Post by J
and make a lie. ...
ROTFLMAO. You are certainly an excitable cult boy, Sindler. Like Jeanette
once remarked about Alan Sindler

"Nearly every thread Alan is in he finds others "dishonest." His world is
full of dishonest people. His commentary on this ng is exactly as he writes
elsewhere. This is all about him, not about those who he calls "dishonest"
"dickhead" "insane" and on. The guy has a pattern which is obvious as can be
no matter where he writes, or who is the recipient of his banter:."

Too funny you were caught red-handed, lying for Wayne.
2004-08-13 04:09:14 UTC
Post by J
and make a lie. ...
A lie is a lie is a lie, Juan.


:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads
:minds. Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan,
:for this Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03

:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
2004-08-13 04:25:22 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
and make a lie. ...
A lie is a lie is a lie, Juan.
Exactly Sindler, which is why you lied when you when said to me in "your
previous post," I referred to myself as a Hispanic-American. Clearly in my
previous post, I made no such remark. The remark was made in a post nearly a
year ago. Moreover you didn't ask for clarification. After all, its hard to
believe someone with a Hispanic surname can credibly deny he has Spanish
heritage. And why would I want to do so? Quite obviously, I'm Hispanic. I'm
also Anglo-Saxon and Irish. That's not unusal in melting pot America. So
what exactly is your point? That I must have brown skin and my first name
must be "Juan," because my last name is Hispanic? What a bigot!

Contrast your tactics with how I consistently ask you for clarification on
what you a saying so there is no mistake that you are lying. Note too, that
I post the url, so there can be no complaint any of this is out of context.
You are caught red-handed lying, Sindler. And everyone knows it. Though I
doubt anyone is suprised.

On August 7, 2004 Alan is asked about Wayne's "satirical" post.
Post by A
Written satirically? Are you saying for a fact that Wayne doesn't have sex
with his male and female devotees
(Alan Sindler replies:)

... Yes, that's what I'm saying, stupid. []


Only a day later, on August 8,2004

Alan is asked again:

Post by A
Are you guys saying for a fact, that Wayne has never had sex with a
(Alan then replies:)

I haven't a clue, nor do I have a desire to ask him, either.


Caught red-handed Sindler. You cult boys ought to stop lying for
Wayne. At least we all know to take whatever Alan says as a "fact,"
with a big gulp of salt!

2004-08-13 07:49:47 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
and make a lie. ...
A lie is a lie is a lie, Juan.
Exactly Sindler, which is why you lied when you when said to me in "your
previous post," I referred to myself as a Hispanic-American. Clearly in my
previous post, I made no such remark. The remark was made in a post nearly a
year ago.
English tip of the week: A post that
was written previously is a previous
post. If it was written by you, it's
"yours". Hence "your previous post".

:You \You\ ([=u]), pron. [Possess. Your ([=u]r)
:or Yours ([=u]rz); dat. & obj. You.] The pronoun
:of the second person, in the nominative, dative,
:and objective case, indicating the person or
:persons addressed.
:\Pre"vi*ous\, a. [L. praevius going before, leading
:the way; prae before + via the way. See Voyage.] Going
:before in time; being or happening before something
:else; antecedent; prior;
:Previous to, before; -- often used adverbially for

2004-08-13 07:25:32 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
and make a lie. ...
A lie is a lie is a lie, Juan.
Exactly Sindler, which is why you lied when you when said to me in "your
previous post," I referred to myself as a Hispanic-American. Clearly in my
previous post, I made no such remark. The remark was made in a post nearly a
year ago.
English tip of the week: A post that
was written previously is a previous
post. If it was written by you, it's
"yours". Hence "your previous post".
English tip of the day, dummy. If by chance you actually wanted to
reference a remark made a year ago, you would have said "a previous post,"
or simply "a past post," which distinguishes it from the "your previous
post," or the post just preceding the one I posted. Clearly if two people
are in conversation, "your previous remark," refers to a remark just made in
the conversation not to any remark made in a person's life. Any good
dictionary will tell you "previous" often carries the nuance of the
immediate past. But why argue nuances, slime bag to make someone a liar?
Perhaps because you are consummate slime bag who has a long history of
calling people liar and dishonest, based on manufactured and flimsy
2004-08-12 00:56:34 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Amazing how you are still trying to weasle out of
Get a life, Sindler -- "Mr. Honesty" who wants to comment
on my sexual orientation while refusing to reveal his own.
Alan "I can say I'm straight" Sindler. Too, too funny!
LOL. I know you're easily confused, Fruitloop, but
we're talking about you contradicting yourself WRT
what you said about being an "Hispanic American" &
not about sexual orientation. However I did say, &
the answer to your question was that I'm straight.
Read your post you never said you were straight. You said "I can." The
implication being that you could say the words.
LOL! You're almost too friggin stupid for words,
Loopey. This was the idiotic statement you made:

::ROTFLMAO. I'm straight and love women, Alan. How
::come you can't make the same statement? - John

To which I replied the following, which only the
willfully ignorant would construe as only saying
the words, without somehow meaning what it said:

:I can, Fruitloop. - Alan

So, were you a liar, or just willfully ignorant?

Post by J
Let's get to what you snipped. That I demonstrated that you are
nothing but an under-educated bigot, who lies all the time.

Sorry, weasel boy, but let's stick to the topics
at hand. 1st, that you lied about your heritage,
and 2nd, that you are the wanker who is a bigot:

:John the liar:
:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03
:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
:John the bigot:
:Never has a statement been so self-evident that Course study
:(especially on this newsgroup!) has been taken over by suburban
:white-people, who love to dabble in "forgiveness." - John Lopez
:If there is someone around here who is not privileged white
:folk, please raise their hand. More to the point, this place
:and Course study is filled with the values of suburban (and
:urban, certainly) white folks. Look at Wapnick and other
:Course teachers and compare to Tara Singh. - John Lopez
:If I criticize Eots as a crazy white boys club, its because
:Eots exemplifies all the outrages and excesses of the white,
:middle class as spiritual nihilism. - John Lopez
2004-08-12 04:30:35 UTC
Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context and make a lie. So chill,
Sindler. You are one squirrelly guy. And your South-West American predjudice
again Hispanics doesn't help matters. Get a real education and perhaps you
will learn not to think in terms of little brown guys who cut your grass.
2004-08-12 09:00:48 UTC
Post by J
Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context
and make a lie. ...
Sissy boy, anyone can see why you keep snipping
your own quotes, because You were caught lying:


:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03
:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
2004-08-12 23:33:10 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context
and make a lie. ...
Sissy boy, anyone can see why you keep snipping
ROTFLMAO. You pretty in pink Eots guys are certainly confused. After a year
of bashing me as the macho man, now you want make me a "sissy." Let's be
clear, Sindler I love women. I'm not a sissy boy and I'm not a Fruit loop.
I'm a normal and exclusively heterosexual man. Since you want to speculate
on my sexual orientation, how come you can't unambiguously state your own
sexual orientation? Most likely because half of newsnet would die laughing,
at Alan Sindler's dishonesty. So go ahead and post that you are an
exclusively heterosexual man. If you "can."

Too, too funny.
2004-08-13 03:27:16 UTC
J wrote:

Post by J
ROTFLMAO. You pretty in pink Eots guys are certainly
confused. After a year of bashing me as the macho man,
now you want make me a "sissy." ...
Here's a hint: It's the same insult, you just
didn't get it when I called you Macho Man. :)
2004-08-13 03:02:47 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. You pretty in pink Eots guys are certainly
confused. After a year of bashing me as the macho man,
now you want make me a "sissy." ...
Here's a hint: It's the same insult, you just
didn't get it when I called you Macho Man. :)
Yeah. I'm sure its an joke only certain people understand. Sort of like your
"lick-clean the jockstrap," insult. So it looks like you are caught in more
dishonesty, Sindler. I guess you had second thoughts about posting you were
exclusively heterosexual after trying to say you were "straight." What a
dishonest clown, you are Sindler! Little wonder all you Eots guys confuse
sodomy with spirituality.

"I mean, come on kid, nothing like fucking is there? Of course if one can't
get anyone interested in the ol in and out then many people turn into prunes
but I suspect you're a juicy little tart and can bang with the best of them.
Man, the nice thing about being a guru is you get to fuck everyone.The women
don't even get half way to kissing my feet before I got the ol pole out. And
the guys, hey, I've been in a homosexual experience in my life and don't
knock it until you've tried it. We are having a Gathering next month, about
half the membership is showing up because there's nothing like sex, drugs
and rock & roll to get people ta dancin'
2004-08-13 04:10:14 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. You pretty in pink Eots guys are certainly
confused. After a year of bashing me as the macho man,
now you want make me a "sissy." ...
Here's a hint: It's the same insult, you just
didn't get it when I called you Macho Man. :)
Yeah. I'm sure its an joke only certain people understand. ...
Yeah. I'm sure you're right. Only people who know you. :)
2004-08-13 04:36:56 UTC
Post by A
Post by A
Post by J
ROTFLMAO. You pretty in pink Eots guys are certainly
confused. After a year of bashing me as the macho man,
now you want make me a "sissy." ...
Here's a hint: It's the same insult, you just
didn't get it when I called you Macho Man. :)
Yeah. I'm sure its an joke only certain people understand. ...
Yeah. I'm sure you're right. Only people who know you. :)
Interesting what you snipped, Sindler. After calling my sexual orientation
into question, its a bit strange that you want to claim you are "straight,"
but won't clarify if you mean you are an exclusively heterosexual man.
Sounds like more Alan Sniper dishonesty. In fact, most of the newsnet knows
you are being dishonest. Isn't that right, Alan?
2004-08-13 07:55:41 UTC
J wrote:

Post by J
Interesting what you snipped, Sindler. After calling my sexual orientation
into question, its a bit strange that you want to claim you are "straight,"
but won't clarify if you mean you are an exclusively heterosexual man.
That's what "straight" means, dumbass. If one
were gay, they'd be called "gay". If one were
bisexual, they'd be called "bisexual". Moron.

2004-08-13 07:35:13 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Interesting what you snipped, Sindler. After calling my sexual orientation
into question, its a bit strange that you want to claim you are "straight,"
but won't clarify if you mean you are an exclusively heterosexual man.
That's what "straight" means, dumbass. If one
were gay, they'd be called "gay". If one were
bisexual, they'd be called "bisexual". Moron.
ROTFLMAO. Sindler, if you were an exclusively heterosexual man, you would
post it without playing word games. You can play word games but can't make
the statement because too many people know the truth. More Alan Sindler
Post by A
2004-08-12 01:04:43 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Post by A
Amazing how you are still trying to weasle out of
Get a life, Sindler -- "Mr. Honesty" who wants to comment
on my sexual orientation while refusing to reveal his own.
Alan "I can say I'm straight" Sindler. Too, too funny!
LOL. I know you're easily confused, Fruitloop, but
we're talking about you contradicting yourself WRT
what you said about being an "Hispanic American" &
not about sexual orientation. However I did say, &
the answer to your question was that I'm straight.
Read your post you never said you were straight. You said "I can."
The implication being that you could say the words.
LOL! You're almost too friggin stupid for words,
Loopey. This was the idiotic statement you made:

::ROTFLMAO. I'm straight and love women, Alan. How
::come you can't make the same statement? - John

To which I replied the following, which only the
willfully ignorant would construe as only saying
the words, without somehow meaning what it said:

:I can, Fruitloop. - Alan

So, were you a liar, or just willfully ignorant?

Post by J
Let's get to what you snipped. That I demonstrated that
you are nothing but an under-educated bigot, who lies all
the time.
Sorry, weasel boy, but let's stick to the topics
at hand. 1st, that you lied about your heritage,
and 2nd, that you are the wanker who is a bigot:

:John the liar:
:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03
:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
:John the bigot:
:Never has a statement been so self-evident that Course study
:(especially on this newsgroup!) has been taken over by suburban
:white-people, who love to dabble in "forgiveness." - John Lopez
:If there is someone around here who is not privileged white
:folk, please raise their hand. More to the point, this place
:and Course study is filled with the values of suburban (and
:urban, certainly) white folks. Look at Wapnick and other
:Course teachers and compare to Tara Singh. - John Lopez
:If I criticize Eots as a crazy white boys club, its because
:Eots exemplifies all the outrages and excesses of the white,
:middle class as spiritual nihilism. - John Lopez
2004-08-12 04:37:47 UTC
Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context and make a lie. So chill,
Sindler. You are one squirrelly guy. And your South-West American prejudice
again Hispanic doesn't help matters. Get a real education and perhaps you
will learn not to think in terms of little brown guys who cut your grass. If
you really expect people to believe that someone with the surname "Lopez,"
wants to deny he is Hispanic, you must be even nuttier than you appear.
What's being denied is your stereotypes of Hispanics certainly don't apply
to all people Hispanics or apply to all people with Spanish origin surnames.
Get an education and you might learn how to think appropriately and without
blatant bigotry.
2004-08-12 09:02:53 UTC
Post by J
Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context and make a lie. So chill,
Sindler. You are one squirrelly guy. And your South-West American prejudice
again Hispanic doesn't help matters. Get a real education and perhaps you
will learn not to think in terms of little brown guys who cut your grass.
BWAHAHAHA!!! Let's see who the liar and the
bigot is, shall we Juan? What did you snip?


:John the liar:
:Another crazy white boy from EOTS who reads minds.
:Why does EOTS sound too close to Klan, for this
:Hispanic-American. - J. Lopez 9-13-03
:I never refered to myself as a "Hispanic American.
:You lie and lie all the time ... J. Lopez 8-8-04
:John the bigot:
:Never has a statement been so self-evident that Course study
:(especially on this newsgroup!) has been taken over by suburban
:white-people, who love to dabble in "forgiveness." - John Lopez
:If there is someone around here who is not privileged white
:folk, please raise their hand. More to the point, this place
:and Course study is filled with the values of suburban (and
:urban, certainly) white folks. Look at Wapnick and other
:Course teachers and compare to Tara Singh. - John Lopez
:If I criticize Eots as a crazy white boys club, its because
:Eots exemplifies all the outrages and excesses of the white,
:middle class as spiritual nihilism. - John Lopez
2004-08-12 12:45:09 UTC
Post by J
Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context and make a lie. So chill,
Sindler. You are one squirrelly guy. And your South-West American prejudice
again Hispanic doesn't help matters. Get a real education and perhaps you
will learn not to think in terms of little brown guys who cut your grass. If
you really expect people to believe that someone with the surname "Lopez,"
wants to deny he is Hispanic, you must be even nuttier than you appear.
What's being denied is your stereotypes of Hispanics certainly don't apply
to all people Hispanics or apply to all people with Spanish origin surnames.
Get an education and you might learn how to think appropriately and without
blatant bigotry.
Thats right Allen, most Hispanics are very hard working, kind, humble.
and family oriented.
In other words you must be wrong.
Besides, Der Whirligoogler, sounds more German to me.

LOL ~ Happydreamin
2004-08-12 15:40:30 UTC
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context and make a lie. So chill,
Sindler. You are one squirrelly guy. And your South-West American prejudice
again Hispanic doesn't help matters. Get a real education and perhaps you
will learn not to think in terms of little brown guys who cut your grass. If
you really expect people to believe that someone with the surname "Lopez,"
wants to deny he is Hispanic, you must be even nuttier than you appear.
What's being denied is your stereotypes of Hispanics certainly don't apply
to all people Hispanics or apply to all people with Spanish origin surnames.
Get an education and you might learn how to think appropriately and without
blatant bigotry.
Thats right Allen, most Hispanics are very hard working, kind, humble.
and family oriented. In other words you must be wrong.
Besides, Der Whirligoogler, sounds more German to me.
Har! The idiot rants about "white folks", called himself
"an Hispanic American", later denied that he ever called
himself an Hispanic American, but believes it's everyone
else who is a bigot and liar. If projection were ever to
become a paid profession, John would be rolling in cash.
2004-08-12 23:20:51 UTC
Post by A
Post by happydreamin
Post by J
Cult boy, anyone can take quotes out of context and make a lie. So chill,
Sindler. You are one squirrelly guy. And your South-West American prejudice
again Hispanic doesn't help matters. Get a real education and perhaps you
will learn not to think in terms of little brown guys who cut your grass. If
you really expect people to believe that someone with the surname "Lopez,"
wants to deny he is Hispanic, you must be even nuttier than you appear.
What's being denied is your stereotypes of Hispanics certainly don't apply
to all people Hispanics or apply to all people with Spanish origin surnames.
Get an education and you might learn how to think appropriately and without
blatant bigotry.
Thats right Allen, most Hispanics are very hard working, kind, humble.
and family oriented. In other words you must be wrong.
Besides, Der Whirligoogler, sounds more German to me.
Har! The idiot rants about "white folks", called himself
"an Hispanic American", later denied that he ever called
himself an Hispanic American, but believes it's everyone
else who is a bigot and liar. If projection were ever to
become a paid profession, John would be rolling in cash.
Only an under-educated bigot like yourself would call needed self-critcism
of white people by a white person as a rant. Clearly, A Course study is
top-heavy with upper-middle class, suburban white people who bring to Course
study both the benifits and the excesses of a privledged life. Instead of
addressing, the concerns you want to attack me as a non-white person based
on your sterotyping a ethnic surname. This is what bigots do and Sindler you
have showed everyone that you are a bigot.
2004-08-13 03:21:50 UTC
J wrote:

Post by J
Only an under-educated bigot like yourself would call
needed self-critcism of white people by a white person
as a rant. ...
Projection isn't going to wipe your posting record
clean, Juan. Let's see what you've said about them
pesky white folks. Funny you don't call it a rant:

:Never has a statement been so self-evident that Course study
:(especially on this newsgroup!) has been taken over by suburban
:white-people, who love to dabble in "forgiveness."
:If there is someone around here who is not privileged white
:folk, please raise their hand. More to the point, this place
:and Course study is filled with the values of suburban (and
:urban, certainly) white folks. Look at Wapnick and other
:Course teachers and compare to Tara Singh.
:If I criticize Eots as a crazy white boys club, its because
:Eots exemplifies all the outrages and excesses of the white,
:middle class as spiritual nihilism. It has nothing to do with
:being Hispanic, but rather of being white, and largely Anglo-
:Saxon while being very aware of the excesses of "white people."
:You might ask some native Americans if you disagree.
: - John Lopez
2004-08-13 03:22:18 UTC
Post by A
Post by J
Only an under-educated bigot like yourself would call
needed self-critcism of white people by a white person
as a rant. ...
Projection isn't going to wipe your posting record
clean, Juan. Let's see what you've said about them
Funny how self-reflection and self-criticism isn't even considered by the
cult mind. Take a hike, Sindler and take all your South-Western American
prejudices about Hispanics with you. Whatever race you consider yourself,
Sindler, clearly you are a poster boy for surban, middle class values who
excesses translate into a vulgar, spiritual nilhism. All one has to do is
read Wayne Austin's Holy Spirit fart post, alluding to drug use and bizarre
sexual practices to see what I am talking about. Little wonder an bigot like
Sindler finds Austin so attractive.

Wayne Austin infamous Holy Spirit as a "little fart," post on trcm

Okay, Okay, hold on just one stinkin' minute......

I know I said I wouldn't be back until October or so and you can call me a

liar but what's fair is fair! Let me explain.....

There I was lying on my bed of brimstone and one of my minions slithered by,

I can't recall which one but it smelled a little like Bill but of course if

could have been Ellen because I'm not used to her odor yet. In any event

he/she hissed: "Oh Master, have you seen what they are saying about you in

the ACIM newsgroup?"

I said that I told them I wasn't going back until October or so and I wasn't

concerned anyway. My minion mewed: "But Master, they are saying the most

vile things about you". "What, for instance", I asked.

"They are saying you think you're better than the holy spirit". "Well", I

roared, "I must have underestimated their intelligence, they're finally

getting it". "But Master", gurgled my minion, "they think the holy spirit

is BETTER than you".

That was it! How could these bright, intelligent people think that the holy

spirit is better than ME? Why I can take that little fart two falls out of

three when I'm high on drugs and with Katie gumming my privates. So I

figures I'd better high tail it over and take a look. Well, you wouldn't

believe what I found! What I found is the purpose of this post.

I know I have had differences with some of the vocal minority on this

skating rink. I have given as good as I got. I actually like you little

turds but enough is enough. Even in acrimonious debate there is a certain

level of fairness but this newsgroup has sunk to an all time low, AN ALL

TIME LOW I tell you. And why do I say that you ask? well I'm gonna tell


I checked the posts today, all 150 of them. I scanned all 150 posts and you

know what I found? DO YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT I FOUND???!!!!.

I found six, yes SIX posts that did NOT mention Wayne Austin or EOTS!!

Have you people no shame? Have you lost all sense of decency? What kind of

people are you? What have I or my minions ever done to you to deserve such


I mean, come on, I maybe could understand perhaps not being mentioned in

two, three, perhaps four tops, but SIX????

So here's a warning hot shots...clean up your act or I'm pulling my minions

out of here. Ya, I know, you think I wouldn't dare do it but just try me.

If you don't start mentioning me or EOTS in every post we're outta here!

Ya, and then what the hell are you going to talk about, huh??

So if you want this stockade to remain viable you'll begin to clean up your

act pronto. I mean if an eighth grade dropout like me can figure this out

then intelligent and rational people like John Lopez, Bing NLN (no last

name), Goose (NLN), Clark Kent FN (false name), and (shudder) Gummer Katie

out to be able to figure out how to do it.

Okay, now I'm outta here until.....well.....maybe the middle of June but

I'll be back sooner if you people don't get squared away. I mean, how

would you like it if you all got relegated to those active lists like Cosmic

Fool which totals three posts a day on a good day or to one of the dozens of

failed lists that almost all of you have started? This newsgroup is the

only place left for you guys so use it wisely and don't forget to mention us

in every post. A word to the wise should be sufficient (but it probably


Love and big slobberies,

Wayne (AKA: the Holy Spirits Boss)
2004-08-13 07:41:22 UTC
Post by J
Post by A
Post by J
Only an under-educated bigot like yourself would call
needed self-critcism of white people by a white person
as a rant. ...
Projection isn't going to wipe your posting record
clean, Juan. Let's see what you've said about them
Post by J
Wayne Austin infamous Holy Spirit as a "little fart,"
post ...
Funny how when faced with your own bigotry,
you start sputtering about Wayne, while you
snip the quotes that show your real colors:


:Never has a statement been so self-evident that Course study
:(especially on this newsgroup!) has been taken over by suburban
:white-people, who love to dabble in "forgiveness."
:If there is someone around here who is not privileged white
:folk, please raise their hand. More to the point, this place
:and Course study is filled with the values of suburban (and
:urban, certainly) white folks. Look at Wapnick and other
:Course teachers and compare to Tara Singh.
:If I criticize Eots as a crazy white boys club, its because
:Eots exemplifies all the outrages and excesses of the white,
:middle class as spiritual nihilism.
2004-08-13 07:48:00 UTC
Post by A
Funny how when faced with your own bigotry,
you start sputtering about Wayne, while you
ROTFLMAO. I posted these remarks for discussion. I'm hardly hiding them and
hardly ashamed of them. Its understandable that an under-educated cretin
like yourself wants to avoid the discussion of privilege and values and
instead wants to advance a dumb argument based on bigotry. In other words,
Sindler your basic inability to think beyond insults never ceases to amaze
Post by A
:Never has a statement been so self-evident that Course study
:(especially on this newsgroup!) has been taken over by suburban
:white-people, who love to dabble in "forgiveness."
:If there is someone around here who is not privileged white
:folk, please raise their hand. More to the point, this place
:and Course study is filled with the values of suburban (and
:urban, certainly) white folks. Look at Wapnick and other
:Course teachers and compare to Tara Singh.
:If I criticize Eots as a crazy white boys club, its because
:Eots exemplifies all the outrages and excesses of the white,
:middle class as spiritual nihilism.