2004-08-07 22:42:50 UTC
others quit baiting him, and let him troll himself into
unanswered silence, until he manages to fashion a
cogent and civil article -- be it about eots (which he's
entitled to do) or about ACIM, or whatever else.
Interesting Lee. What's not clear is exactly what you are promotingHi Alan,
Like I told Nancy, I believe nothing is so easy to
assign mistaken motive to, than another's silence.
It appears especially easy, in the absence of spoken/
written cues, to indulge simple fantasy and project
all manner of mental states and motives, with
imagined precision. ;))
I'm on record as to how I view John's tactics, and
his disregard for Course principles in his engagements,
here. And I've gone my 12 rounds with him, as you
know, with no sense of having achieved a thing.
(And btw, if I enjoyed his attacks on you and eots,
why do you suppose I would claim otherwise ??)
I will answer to my own statements about eots. All
the rest that you mention, if you'll pardon my saying
so, is your own fantasy as to the reason for silence,
wrt to John. I understand how you (and others)
might imagine that I delight in his attacks, but you
cannot be more mistaken.
John has demonstrated that he thrives on defending
against any perceived criticism, becoming <more>
entrenched and armored, rather than less so. And I
will not stoke that beast, because I do not believe he
escapes the penalty of what he invariably dishes, in
p.s. And <that> is why I would rather that you andLike I told Nancy, I believe nothing is so easy to
assign mistaken motive to, than another's silence.
It appears especially easy, in the absence of spoken/
written cues, to indulge simple fantasy and project
all manner of mental states and motives, with
imagined precision. ;))
I'm on record as to how I view John's tactics, and
his disregard for Course principles in his engagements,
here. And I've gone my 12 rounds with him, as you
know, with no sense of having achieved a thing.
(And btw, if I enjoyed his attacks on you and eots,
why do you suppose I would claim otherwise ??)
I will answer to my own statements about eots. All
the rest that you mention, if you'll pardon my saying
so, is your own fantasy as to the reason for silence,
wrt to John. I understand how you (and others)
might imagine that I delight in his attacks, but you
cannot be more mistaken.
John has demonstrated that he thrives on defending
against any perceived criticism, becoming <more>
entrenched and armored, rather than less so. And I
will not stoke that beast, because I do not believe he
escapes the penalty of what he invariably dishes, in
others quit baiting him, and let him troll himself into
unanswered silence, until he manages to fashion a
cogent and civil article -- be it about eots (which he's
entitled to do) or about ACIM, or whatever else.
around here? "Calm and "clarity" ?? I imagine somehow you want to
re-habilitate this group to "relative calm and clarity," but this
certainly means accepting and accomodating Eots on this newsgroup as
an equal partner and valid alternative to Course study. For this you
need a scapegoat, and a consensus that no one criticizes Eots.
Unfortunately, I not accepting the role of scapegoat for a newsgroup
filled with mean-spirted idiots who delight in trashing A Course in
Miracles and who think membership in a cult or clique somehow gives
them the moral authority to dish out the insults and discipline and
then have unabashed sycophants like yourself, come in with the
The truth is Lee I don't dish out the dirt. What I do is pick up the
slime and dirt dished out by others on this group, and ask why it was
ever throw out on a spiritual forum. This question is certainly
uncomfortable for people such as yourself who are uncertain about core
beliefs and think spirituality involves accepting and accommodating
any bizarre belief one can attach to A Course in Miracles. Which is
why this newsgroup is nothing but an attempt to reconcile the
So get real, Flynn! The dirt which has been dished out is 7 years of
calling course students "pig f**kers," and threatening students with
anal rape. The dirt is offering to "f**k my savior up the ass."
Strange isn't it, and certainly bizarre, that Lee Flynn who knows more
about Eots, its predatory nature, its hostility toward Course student
and Course study, now wants to accommodate Eots on this newsgroup
while denouncing an Eots critic as "dishing out the dirt."
In other words, Flynn the "dirt," you are complaining about is nothing
more than the "dirt," you are so desperately trying to hide. And if
you weren't trying to hide your own ambiguous and confused position on
this newsgroup it stands to reason you would state exactly where you
stand rather than constantly playing both sides against the middle and
trying to be all things to all people. So where do you stand Flynn?
Can't say, can you without the risk of offending someone. I mean
besides me. Which is why you reduced to discussing newsgroup civility
with Eots troll, Alan Sindler. You are too much, Flynn. I hope your
convenient alliance with Eots against Lopez, serves the Course
community well. After all, the Course always needs a needs an new
advocate for a cult which posts on a miracles newsgroup an offer to
"f**k our savior up the ass."
ROTFLMAO (Too, too funny!)