one world or extraterrestrials
(too old to reply)
2010-05-12 20:30:38 UTC
I believe in ETs and ET-worlds. This belief offers me a great sense of
oneness, as if I had denied the belief in our spiritual brothers and now I

Do you think that there is no way to combine this with ACIM (one world)? Or
could one world be a collective world (all planets). Does ACIM contradict
this belief or not?

I also take the reincarnation stance as I believe spirits evolve life by
life. Yes, I know it says that ultimatly reincarnation doesn't exist.
2010-05-12 22:25:05 UTC
Post by Tim923
I believe in ETs and ET-worlds. This belief offers me a great sense
of oneness, as if I had denied the belief in our spiritual brothers
and now I don't.
Do you think that there is no way to combine this with ACIM (one
world)? Or could one world be a collective world (all planets).
Does ACIM contradict this belief or not?
I also take the reincarnation stance as I believe spirits evolve life
by life. Yes, I know it says that ultimatly reincarnation doesn't
How about one Universe? One EVERYTHING?
I figure, if anything is possible, everything is.
I just read this early today
This is possible, though going by the world, it woudln't be.
2010-05-20 12:59:43 UTC
Post by Tim923
I believe in ETs and ET-worlds. This belief offers me a great sense of
oneness, as if I had denied the belief in our spiritual brothers and now I
Do you think that there is no way to combine this with ACIM (one world)?
Or could one world be a collective world (all planets). Does ACIM
contradict this belief or not?
I also take the reincarnation stance as I believe spirits evolve life by
life. Yes, I know it says that ultimately reincarnation doesn't exist.
I too believe in ET worlds. There are millions of
galaxies, each having millions of stars. So of course
there will be many stars that have planets on which
life is possible, just as on our planet earth.

- Why would this be in conflict with ACIM?
Imo it surely is not. ACIM speaks of
the world - *of separation*. The aim of ACIM
is to lead us, people on planet earth, back Home.
It is not a scientific work on the physical universe.

I share your belief in reincarnation.
Imo when losing one's physical body, then,
"after death", one still experiences oneself in
a body, though not of a physical nature.
As long as one perseveres in the belief to
be one's body (even if only a little bit), then
not having a physical body will be experienced
as a lack, and "reincarnation" will be necessary.
Once completely convinced of *not* being a
body and time being an illusion, and thus
completely having outgrown them, reincarnation
no longer makes sense, and is left behind as well.
2010-05-22 19:56:26 UTC
Post by Pieter
I too believe in ET worlds. There are millions of
galaxies, each having millions of stars. So of course
there will be many stars that have planets on which
life is possible, just as on our planet earth.
Thanks for the neat post. I've heard that there are billions of galaxies
each containing billions of stars. Who knows for sure. Could some be
trillions? Planets elsewhere in the universe have already been discovered,
called exoplanets.
2010-05-24 13:14:20 UTC
Actually, there's not really anything. Only our minds believing this? As we
believe in more (galaxies) or E.T.s, etc this becomes reality. We are
creating it "in front of us" with our minds and beliefs.
No way to really prove this, but it's the only thing that, to me MAKES
Otherwise there would be millions, billions, trillions of galaxies (for
example) but then what?
The mind can't conceive of the idea of "infinity" and something just never
ending. There would have to be an end, if one could COUNT the galaxies? But,
what is after that? And what is after THAT?
The only thing that makes any sense and explains it, is it's not "real"
(in the sense we think real is)
There is really "nothing" just what we believe and create (and mass
consciousness creates, when enough minds join in believing it)
Post by Tim923
Post by Pieter
I too believe in ET worlds. There are millions of
galaxies, each having millions of stars. So of course
there will be many stars that have planets on which
life is possible, just as on our planet earth.
Thanks for the neat post. I've heard that there are billions of
galaxies each containing billions of stars. Who knows for sure.
Could some be trillions? Planets elsewhere in the universe have
already been discovered, called exoplanets.
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