On Dec 30, 12:07 pm, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney LambeOn talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by CarriePost by Sidney LambeOn talk.religion.course-miracle, John Radgosky
On Dec 29, 11:34=A0am, Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney LambeOn talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
If something isn't working properly, then you should let
it bother you into fixing it.
If it didn't bother you, how the hell would you know
something was wrong?
I'm reminded of a documentary, only part of which I
caught, which covered a "serial" pedophile, an Irish
Catholic priest, wha had been shipped from parish
to parish, city to city, as his transgressions were
discovered. Church heirarchy chose this "ship 'em off"
option rather than have his "problem" confronted and dealt
with in a "healthy" manner.
He was being interviewed in Ireland to where had had
been sent, apparantly to avoid facing civil action, or
liability claims against the church .... or so I believe
that to be the case.
That priest seemed to be completely "disconnected" from
any idea that what he had been doing with young people was
inappropriate, a break in trust, a serious series of acts
with potential for much harm and wrong doing (in a legal
and emotionally acceptable sense), let alone,... "wrong".
As far as I was able to observe, it didn't "seem" as if
the idea of "consciounce" or "remorse" was any part of
the man's makeup at all. I suppose it's why he was in
Ireland where there was no legal basis on which to force
any attempt to resolve the complaints of the families or
the young persons themselves who had looked for "justice".
The point is, in a case like that where some state of
"mental illness" or "compulsion" is present, I believe
it to be that some individuals just cannot tell the
difference between a right and a wrong, in the legal
sense. And the legal system is stumped. So for that
person, I suppose it is a slim chance that "recovery"
will come his way. Unless some miracle happens. Which you
summarised well.
For that person I would imagine intense counselling or
perhaps even institutionalization with care and treatment
might be appropriate.
Which brings us back to ... a book. And my reactions, if
any, to the documentary and what it attempted to report.
The great challenge I find with the course is, the
mechanics of actually attempting to "see things
differently". And asking myself "what do I want?" out of
the experience. Ultimately I know it's peace. Which I
sometimes have to "force" down my own throat. And other
times it is present, reasurring, and very peaceful and
welcome. For me there is little consistency when it comes
to those things.
I have to say that this is the sort of vague, rambling,
psuedo-logic that I have come to expect from ACIM.
You expect it and you find it, and you are surprised by
So what do you do? When the news says that there was a brutal
murder a few blocks from you place, do you just think "Oh,
that can't be happenning. An enlightened person lives in a
world where bad things don't occur."
Where all books that claim to hold The Truth actually
do...Where one of them can't have some flaws in it, due to
distortions in the reception of the material.
See, Carrie, we are focussed at present in a
"collective/objective" reality.
If everyone but you wants war, they are going to have it You.
don't make other people's realities .
But if the Peace in your Heart is pure, you will not have to
kill and you will not be killed. And you can protect _some_
others, depending on your strength.
-- I am a Magickal Being My Second Spell is
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I'd like to comment on that if you wouldn't mind.
As recently as today I had what was for me, an odd experience
akin to the war you mention, but in a certain manner, and
not with the high drama of actual "war". But let's just
say a small "war" was brewing. It wasn't actually a condo
association meeting, but let's use that as the basis of
comparison and assume it was. The real event involves a
business group of which I am a part and who meet twice a
month, and have a membership of approx 60 people or so..
We had a new chair take over who suggested some modifactions
to how we run things. There was immediate reaction, some
accepting and pleasant, other expressing alternative ways
to proceed, and a little but NOTICEABLE "argument" some of
it which was "heated" from a few and it seemed to raise the
"temperature" of emails back and forth for most of this
Normally I would jump in there with two left feet, start
spouting my p.o.v., and opinions and I would "feel" my
involvement and take it on board and "feel something" as a
But I just didn't do that. Not today. I reacted VERY .
differently.. for, as I say, me .
I simply observed all of it unfolding, and I didn't involve
myself either way, and realized it didn't matter to me WHAT
the outcome might be. Whatever it would be would be just fine
by me. And as all of this was going on I had no feelings
either way about any of it although I WAS ... interested. And
yet, being friendly and "connected" to each member of the
group as I am, I appreciate, respect and enjoy each person's
company and the collective, the group, just as equally. So I
was "detached" WITHOUT being "disinterested". And I was as
calm and peaceful about it as I could possibly be, free from
ANY reaction or emotion over any of it.
Now I know we're not talking about actual "war", but what is
worthy of note, for me, is how unbelievably relaxed I was
about the entire situation. And I AM NOT normally like that.
For many people that might be a typical way they might react.
But you have to trust me when I say that has NOT been me
up to this point. And I cannot help but realize I am being
influenced by what I am being exposed to through participation
with the course material, and a weekly local gathering
I attend where the discussion and format is convenient,
enjoyable, interersting and from which I learn a lot.
What I'm saying is, if what occurred today is ANYTHING to do
with "seeing things differently" as I am learning , and not
having ANY judgement, or ANY upset or ANY emotion, then I am
content with that. And, it IS different for me. And in some
way I feel today brought one of those little "glimpses" that
bring that certain something, whatever it is, that arrives
with the gradual and greater learning and experiencing of the
course thought system. Peace, perhaps. But not just a word. A
I cannot recall ever having such a "mature" reaction to
ANYTHING before, as I had today. Small example, but ....
who knows ? If I could react like that to all those things
that might otherwise "push my buttons", I can't say what the
potential could be.
So, extapolating that out to mankind ???? Who knows whether
all war for all time just COULD be eliminated. Once we each
saw each other for who we really are.
That potential is worth going for if you were to ask me. Which
you're not, but ... what if ?
I have been noticing this about myself, too. In various
situations. And my first reaction is usually to "combust" and
react from this. I'm still sometimes tempted to, but if I can
just wait a bit and let it go, it just goes. I'm glad you
is shifting enough to be noticable by more. And, when *I*
the overall dynamics in some way. Even if it might not be
all. In the long run it changes things in a good way.