Really Tough Days
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2013-02-28 14:57:12 UTC
Hello All,

I have a basic philosophy of life, and even though I might forget about it in the midst of my days the communication channel of God, The Holy Spirit, oft times reminds me of my decision during difficult times.

Yesterday was one of those days.

Very difficult time at work. It was one of those shifts where I felt the whole world was watching every move I made, that I was so terribly important, that my wanted goals and efficiency were off mark, and everyone knew it. The ego in full form.

I came home around midnight. Deflated. Saddened. Exhausted beyond exhausted. Totally focusing on myself, and how I might have done better, even though the circumstances did not allow better. I am one person, multitask very well, but still and all can only do one task at a time, even if I am doing a task for 10 seconds, another, another, and going back and forth as quickly as possible.

I slept very well. Wonderful dreams, which I found odd, since the events of my yesterday are the stuff of nightmares to come, as the ego unravels its fears.

Woke up realizing once again, without even thinking, that God is my Partner, and due to my decision my goals have been given to Him, and my real job is just to watch it all unfolding.

Today is the Pope's last day at work. Perhaps this will be the last time the Holy Spirit needs remind me that perfection isn't about getting every task in perfect order, but abiding in decision for God, and living in God's Grace.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein
2013-03-02 19:17:20 UTC
In your job, you have to be careful about burnout. I'm sure you know this. Take time to refill yourself with Spirit. Inspire, does that word come from that?
I remember a line Marianne Williamson once said (and maybe still is) "it must be perfect because it's happening". Also, she said no matter what our "job" might be (in the world) our real job is to love.
Not always so easy to remember.
2013-03-03 14:00:26 UTC
It is difficult to remember that living is not about money earned, but about life lived. I often remind myself about this. My calling is simply an exhaustive one, but learning about where energy is truly derived is a journey in itself, not to mention rewarding.

Thanks for your kindness.


Post by Carrie
In your job, you have to be careful about burnout. I'm sure you know this. Take time to refill yourself with Spirit. Inspire, does that word come from that?
I remember a line Marianne Williamson once said (and maybe still is) "it must be perfect because it's happening". Also, she said no matter what our "job" might be (in the world) our real job is to love.
Not always so easy to remember.