(too old to reply)
2011-01-01 17:26:54 UTC
Oprah is launching her OWN network today. Its conscious programing
should change television.

er... even though its all illusion
2011-01-01 18:06:08 UTC
Post by HappyD
Oprah is launching her OWN network today. Its conscious programing
should change television.
er... even though its all illusion
It's only for people who have digital cable. Going to be good/uplifting
programing, for those who can afford it. I'm wondering if people who can
afford the extra cost of digital cable, and all the rest of the stuff it
offers, will care all that much about Oprah? When she was on just plain
network TV, more people could get it. She has had some good shows on at the
end of her last ordinary-network season, though. I taped and have been
watching (in between distractions) the interview she did on yesterday's show
with K.J. Rowling, athor of Harry Potter. I think books like that (Harry
Potter) are the coninuation of the teaching that has always been going on,
and ACIM was a part of. These books are being created by mass
consciousness. The same as things like "the president" and what seems to be
going on in the country and world are. Projection.
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-01 18:21:08 UTC
Post by HappyD
Oprah is launching her OWN network today. Its conscious programing
should change television.
er... even though its all illusion
But illusions are real. And they exist for a good reason.

And the word "illusion" is a loaded one.

In a very real sense, everything but the experience of God is
an illusion.

Reality takes many guises, and all are valid.

You will never awaken from the Dream by denying the validity of life.

The Spirit becomes Flesh for very good reasons. It is not some
accident or mistake, as ACIM would have us believe.

I am a Magickal Being
My Second Spell is Innocence
usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
2011-01-01 23:11:52 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Reality takes many guises, and all are valid.
Hum.. so the guise that you are a hopeless loser who will never get
Deborah to sleep with him and must turn to his hand for sexual
gratification is a valid reality?
