Where is everyone?
(too old to reply)
2012-08-12 20:15:48 UTC
Is usenet dying?
2012-08-21 19:30:06 UTC
Post by TS742
Is usenet dying?
I check here now and then, and have tried to write something, but it
basically gets ignored. It seems to have turned into a place to spam with
ACIM ads. For whatever ACIM seems to have turned into. I think there are
some fairly active groups, Robin (Bodhi) has one I think. They kept changing
the name. I tried writing on it for awhile but it seems to be heavily
moderated, and some of what I wrote got taken off. Groups like that, where
what someone writes gets taken off because the moderator doesn't like or
agree with it, are kind of boring. People who set up groups like that should
make blogs and just write to themselves, then they can keep it just the way
they want it, without any differences of opinions (and chances to learn).
Must be what people like though, because this unmoderated one does seem
to be pretty much died out.
Maybe what ACIM brought into the world, at the time it started, has
changed so much now, we can move on to whatever is next. Something gets in
the world and it changes (splits off into groups, with gurus, and is made
into a lot of different things, like what seems to have happened with the
bible) and this can't be helped. Something coming into form in the ego world
of illusion, will be made into whatever ego minds start seeing it as?
2012-08-24 22:28:40 UTC
Hi Carrie,
Post by Carrie
I check here now and then, and have tried to write something, but it
basically gets ignored. It seems to have turned into a place to spam with
ACIM ads.
Well, the world is full of spam and so usenet follows suit.

I have been of recent doing a little ACIM research on the net, it seems even the once popular groups are fading away.

Perhaps ACIM went 'underground' into hearts and minds for functional practice, and left the public venue. A reincarnation, if you will.

I left the book, and found in my daily life, those miraculous messages just kept coming back to mind! Effortlessly! It seems perhaps Jesus and the Angels had a plan for me I did not see coming. I just had to be willing to listen.

Now in reflection I find ACIM an earnest, deep, and steadfast decision with Jesus that one simply cannot leave. It gave me a more significant understanding of Christianity, to the point, I joined a Presbyterian Church.

How have you been?

Raleigh, NC
2012-08-26 03:50:19 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Hi Carrie,
Post by Carrie
I check here now and then, and have tried to write something, but it
basically gets ignored. It seems to have turned into a place to spam with
ACIM ads.
Well, the world is full of spam and so usenet follows suit.
I have been of recent doing a little ACIM research on the net, it seems
even the once popular groups are fading away.
Perhaps ACIM went 'underground' into hearts and minds for functional
practice, and left the public venue. A reincarnation, if you will.
I left the book, and found in my daily life, those miraculous messages
just kept coming back to mind! Effortlessly! It seems perhaps Jesus and
the Angels had a plan for me I did not see coming. I just had to be
willing to listen.
Now in reflection I find ACIM an earnest, deep, and steadfast decision
with Jesus that one simply cannot leave. It gave me a more significant
understanding of Christianity, to the point, I joined a Presbyterian
How have you been?
Raleigh, NC
Jeanette! I was just thinking of you. I sometimes check in on the TGP board
to see who's still there (a few hanging in) and some were asking about you
(and about Amena -of course I know what happened with Amena, but apparently
they don't and I'm not about to tell them even if I was welcome in their
group(LOL) She corresponded with me a few years ago, when Ryan had that
discussion board where we were free to write the truth without getting
banned.) Oh, someone on TGP said they thought you had started your own
group. In a way, I still feel somewhat connected to some of them there, I
remember back when it was an open to all, uncensored board, it did get
lively at times, but we were free to learn our own lessons in our own way.
Same with marianne.com. My introduction to "discussion groups". I no
longer try and get along on discussion groups, I usually "say something"
someone doesn't agree with or like. I do have a facebook and like posting
pictures and sharing there (and seeing pictures of my grandkids that aren't
I know, the past is over. I think you are totally correct, well I agree
with you, about ACIM. We intergrate what it says (if that's a good word)
into our beings and live from there, as best we can, learning lessons as we
go, but the actual book(s) are now "in the world" and it's inevitable they
get changed by this. Groups branching off, books and gurus, etc. In the ego
world of illusion. The only place ACIM still can be kept "pure" (as scribed)
is in the hearts of those who know what it started out saying. So simple and
basic. Other things coming along. I think the Harry Potter books were the
next wave, and for the younger generations, who are being born more
enlightened and aware. The duel work, the wizards and muggles, that live
side by side, and are somewhat aware of each other? the Muggles try NOT to
be aware of the Wizards (the Spiritual side, they are afraid of) and some of
the children are half and half. Lots of metaphors there. I came across a
show on the Catholic Channel one night, talking about these books, like
Twilight (and Harry Potter) that are channeled and come from Satan and
corrupting the minds of young people. Like Twilight, where Bella is willing
to give up her soul for the man she loves. There's also the aspect of it,
she sees the good in him and isn't afraid, which is ACIM teachings
(defenslessness and "which I choose to see I will look upon). I've gotten
into Abraham (Esther Hicks) a lot because it makes sense and is positive and
uplifting, but I probably still automatically run things by "how does this
fit with ACIM" first.
I don't think it matters what church one joins or belongs to, or even
none at all, it's the basic overall feeling of it that counts. The joining.
And even if, in some cases we don't see it, if it means something to those
who do get something from it, that's all that matters. I think we all know,
deep down, what Jesus (and other teachers) taught, and it's right.
"All things are lessons..." I still forget a lot, but then sometimes
remember and get back on key. And, I have continual teachers coming into my
2012-08-26 12:57:04 UTC
Hi Carrie,
Post by Carrie
I check here now and then, and have tried to write something, but it
Good to hear from you!

In reference to your post I did start many groups on line, some not concerning ACIM at all. Many had months of flurry of activity and then faded away. The most recent group I was thinking about starting was "Post ACIM," a telling of what happens AFTER Acim.

As for Amena, I do not hold any specific facts as to her life, I do know she was married, and her husband was becoming disgruntled as to her "online spiritual" participation.

I had actually forgotten about TGP and just used Google to find the site. It seems to have activity, but not as prior years.

Churches and religion: I feel more a student of ACIM now than ever before, and I no longer read the material, although it has come to mind to return to the contents once again. I simply find, factually, that I am somewhere, with someone, doing something, suddenly a phrase, paragraph, or other content of ACIM comes to my mind to bring light to the situation.

The Presbyterian Church has always felt like home to me, and so I returned.
It is a beautiful Church here in Raleigh. We enjoy doing good works, and so, through the Church have a venue. And a metaphysical approach seems to be heard through the sermons more and more, and I like that.

Must admit I am glad I left snow and ice country: Rhode Island. It is beautiful there a few months a year, and may return to Newport one day for vacation. North Carolina is now my permanent home, and I love it here.

I now have realized, beyond the kind of understanding I used to speak, that life is a journey, mine has been a good one, karma has been worked out, and remains so, I have had the honor to know many people, and the only constant in my life is Jesus and God. Experience is key, realization of content on a higher plane than understanding, and forgiveness of erroneous thinking the only life worth living.

Raleigh, NC
2012-08-26 14:14:11 UTC
<***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:2f1a9159-76a6-45f0-bc05-***@googlegroups.com...
Hi Carrie,
Post by Carrie
I check here now and then, and have tried to write something, but it
Good to hear from you!

In reference to your post I did start many groups on line, some not
concerning ACIM at all. Many had months of flurry of activity and then faded
away. The most recent group I was thinking about starting was "Post ACIM," a
telling of what happens AFTER Acim.

As for Amena, I do not hold any specific facts as to her life, I do know she
was married, and her husband was becoming disgruntled as to her "online
spiritual" participation.

I had actually forgotten about TGP and just used Google to find the site. It
seems to have activity, but not as prior years.

Churches and religion: I feel more a student of ACIM now than ever before,
and I no longer read the material, although it has come to mind to return to
the contents once again. I simply find, factually, that I am somewhere, with
someone, doing something, suddenly a phrase, paragraph, or other content of
ACIM comes to my mind to bring light to the situation.

The Presbyterian Church has always felt like home to me, and so I returned.
It is a beautiful Church here in Raleigh. We enjoy doing good works, and so,
through the Church have a venue. And a metaphysical approach seems to be
heard through the sermons more and more, and I like that.

Must admit I am glad I left snow and ice country: Rhode Island. It is
beautiful there a few months a year, and may return to Newport one day for
vacation. North Carolina is now my permanent home, and I love it here.

I now have realized, beyond the kind of understanding I used to speak, that
life is a journey, mine has been a good one, karma has been worked out, and
remains so, I have had the honor to know many people, and the only constant
in my life is Jesus and God. Experience is key, realization of content on a
higher plane than understanding, and forgiveness of erroneous thinking the
only life worth living.

Raleigh, NC

Sounds good, you seem so peaceful and settled. I like the idea of "post
ACIM" but that also kind of sounds like it might have been a cult (LOL)
Maybe "Living ACIM" (like where does life stop and what we learned from ACIM
start, and vice versa?) Seems like it is, or should be just a part of life,
intergrated into it, as we learn, practice, develop more. I like how ACIM
says "the Peace of God is my one goal". There can be other goals, or course,
not just sitting around contemplating one's belly button. But, "Peace of
Mind" or whatever should be there, too. For our own good and (overall) the
good of the world.
Do you have a facebook? Probably not, but it's good for sharing, I post
a lot of pictures, I'm still into taking pictures, and on-going learning
Photoshop, and doesn't seem like there's enough time in the day for this a
lot of the time. Of course, if I didn't spend so much time on facebook, that
would help LOL I get into the sharing and "joining" of it. In a way,
facebook and the internet are a form of "church".
I remember first "meeting" you (online) on the old TGP board, you were
asking questions and pointing things out and nothing wrong with that, but
you were seen as a "disturbing elephant" stirring things up. As Wayne Dyer
tells it, the story about when he was small he overheard the teacher saying
he was a Scurvy Elephants and asked his mother what that meant, she called
the teacher and found out she had said "disturbing element". Wayne, of
course, thinks we need to be more Scurvy Elephants in life. But there's
probably a time and place for all that.
Overall, it seems like the whole point of what ACIM, or anything like
that, teaches is to put it into life and live it. And the main purpose of
church, regardless of beliefs, is the joinin with others. We are the world,
in a very real way. If we want it different, for whatever reason, we have to
change ourselves, and "the rest of the world" will take care of itself.
I kind of like snow, in a way, it's pretty, and seems so clean and
peaceful (a snow day kind of slows everyone down) but it is an on-going
problem, survival in the cold climates. We had hardly any winter last year,
but can't expect that to continue every year. Unless maybe global warming is
2012-08-27 12:49:13 UTC
Good Monday Carrie,

I have reached a point of peace in my life, but not sure about the "settled," part. The reason is because I have resigned my life to God, and I never know where God will take me. I liked your notes as to Peace of God. No doubt a quiet mind receives His messages more than one scattered and wandering in thought. As for "Living ACIM," I think for me this was part of my path, but then I simply let it go, and found ACIM finding me in ways I had not before. Its contents simply arriving my way in circumstances where it was needed.

As for Facebook my facebook account is frozen for the most part, as I could not keep up with all of whatever facebook is about. I was happy, initially, to find friends from Junior and Senior High School, through facebook, however. Although I learned stepping into the past just does not work.

"Disturbing Elephants." Rather a poignant definition. It all seems distant to me now. As for TGP I stated I did not find Raj to be Jesus, and from then on communication there was pointless.

I totally agree with you concerning changing ourselves. Or allowing God to direct my life, if you will.

I will miss the snow, and those beautiful peaceful moments. I will not miss driving in near blizzard conditions over the Newport Bridge at midnight as I drove home from work.

Raleigh, NC
2013-02-05 23:07:46 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Hi Carrie,
Post by Carrie
I check here now and then, and have tried to write something, but it
Good to hear from you!
In reference to your post I did start many groups on line, some not concerning ACIM at all. Many had months of flurry of activity and then faded away. The most recent group I was thinking about starting was "Post ACIM," a telling of what happens AFTER Acim.
As for Amena, I do not hold any specific facts as to her life, I do know she was married, and her husband was becoming disgruntled as to her "online spiritual" participation.
I had actually forgotten about TGP and just used Google to find the site. It seems to have activity, but not as prior years.
Churches and religion: I feel more a student of ACIM now than ever before, and I no longer read the material, although it has come to mind to return to the contents once again. I simply find, factually, that I am somewhere, with someone, doing something, suddenly a phrase, paragraph, or other content of ACIM comes to my mind to bring light to the situation.
The Presbyterian Church has always felt like home to me, and so I returned.
It is a beautiful Church here in Raleigh. We enjoy doing good works, and so, through the Church have a venue. And a metaphysical approach seems to be heard through the sermons more and more, and I like that.
Must admit I am glad I left snow and ice country: Rhode Island. It is beautiful there a few months a year, and may return to Newport one day for vacation. North Carolina is now my permanent home, and I love it here.
I now have realized, beyond the kind of understanding I used to speak, that life is a journey, mine has been a good one, karma has been worked out, and remains so, I have had the honor to know many people, and the only constant in my life is Jesus and God. Experience is key, realization of content on a higher plane than understanding, and forgiveness of erroneous thinking the only life worth living.
Raleigh, NC
Hey Jeanette! bless sis... long time no chat...
I get the feeling usenet is on the way out too... well there are
so many more interesting way to communicate and share stuff these
days... But I still like the way usenet works... it doesn't glue
you to it, like IM's do... and you can post, then come back a week
later and see if you got any replies... but you ask most ppl if
they have even heard of usenet and all you get is a blank look in
return... oh well...

The other thing with TRCM it's self is now that the copyright
stuff is all water under the bridge... there really isn't much to
argue about... and if Katie is gone... trcm doesn't have a good
troll any more! lol! funny... you could always get a rise out of
her :)) She really had balls that woman! met a few griefers in my
time, but none of them come close to her style...

I sort of feel like I managed to cram most of acim into my head...
now, it comes back as I need it, just as you are both sort of
saying, and at the same time still feel very much the student, not
the teacher.

k. well I got to split.. lots of <3 Jeanette...
If you feel to, look me up on BF... the details are in my reply to
Carrie, in the thread I started...

"2013 - Lets hope it's a good one, with out any tears..."

Bless sista'

Just cause I love this song and Ben Harper...

2013-02-08 14:27:02 UTC

Good to hear from Down Under Land.

Far as bridges go, I got this quirky email that states Ken Wapnick is suing Endeavor AGAIN. What Karma to be spun. I thought everyone involved had left their bodies, moved back to where they were before it all started, or were having lunch at Panera.

For me, I consider myself a Course Graduate. No longer study. Simply have this ongoing partnership with God in my life that remains no matter what the circumstance, with Jesus as communicative voice, and Holy Spirit to keep the communication going. Even if I attempt to go elsewhere, I am always drawn back to the Trinity. Makes me laugh hysterically at times, and oft times brings me messages that confirm to me again and again Life is a Miracle. Do read contemporary spiritual accounts. For me ACIM was making a decision for the relationship with God, and it all bloomed from there. Hence, Graduate.

Usenet has its odds and ends, for sure, but probably the most honest of all communication houses.

Looked at Facebook, have an account to delete soon, and re-start. The place seems so foreign to me anymore, although I re-met my very best Junior High school friend, and had wonderful conversations with her. Also spoke with friends from High School Boarding school. I may just begin a FaceBook journal, don't know, the ideas are flowing through my mind at time, but the social stuff is mostly like a desert to me.

Career fronts bring me to graduate school, I'm a real sponge for learning, now that I don't have to, I love it!, and the greatest job I have ever had. Yoga, and family also a generous portion of my time. Miracles working Miracles, no way I could find myself at this place in my life absent God.


Post by nogogo
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Hi Carrie,
Post by Carrie
I check here now and then, and have tried to write something, but it
Good to hear from you!
In reference to your post I did start many groups on line, some not concerning ACIM at all. Many had months of flurry of activity and then faded away. The most recent group I was thinking about starting was "Post ACIM," a telling of what happens AFTER Acim.
As for Amena, I do not hold any specific facts as to her life, I do know she was married, and her husband was becoming disgruntled as to her "online spiritual" participation.
I had actually forgotten about TGP and just used Google to find the site. It seems to have activity, but not as prior years.
Churches and religion: I feel more a student of ACIM now than ever before, and I no longer read the material, although it has come to mind to return to the contents once again. I simply find, factually, that I am somewhere, with someone, doing something, suddenly a phrase, paragraph, or other content of ACIM comes to my mind to bring light to the situation.
The Presbyterian Church has always felt like home to me, and so I returned.
It is a beautiful Church here in Raleigh. We enjoy doing good works, and so, through the Church have a venue. And a metaphysical approach seems to be heard through the sermons more and more, and I like that.
Must admit I am glad I left snow and ice country: Rhode Island. It is beautiful there a few months a year, and may return to Newport one day for vacation. North Carolina is now my permanent home, and I love it here.
I now have realized, beyond the kind of understanding I used to speak, that life is a journey, mine has been a good one, karma has been worked out, and remains so, I have had the honor to know many people, and the only constant in my life is Jesus and God. Experience is key, realization of content on a higher plane than understanding, and forgiveness of erroneous thinking the only life worth living.
Raleigh, NC
Hey Jeanette! bless sis... long time no chat...
I get the feeling usenet is on the way out too... well there are
so many more interesting way to communicate and share stuff these
days... But I still like the way usenet works... it doesn't glue
you to it, like IM's do... and you can post, then come back a week
later and see if you got any replies... but you ask most ppl if
they have even heard of usenet and all you get is a blank look in
return... oh well...
The other thing with TRCM it's self is now that the copyright
stuff is all water under the bridge... there really isn't much to
argue about... and if Katie is gone... trcm doesn't have a good
troll any more! lol! funny... you could always get a rise out of
her :)) She really had balls that woman! met a few griefers in my
time, but none of them come close to her style...
I sort of feel like I managed to cram most of acim into my head...
now, it comes back as I need it, just as you are both sort of
saying, and at the same time still feel very much the student, not
the teacher.
k. well I got to split.. lots of <3 Jeanette...
If you feel to, look me up on BF... the details are in my reply to
Carrie, in the thread I started...
"2013 - Lets hope it's a good one, with out any tears..."
Bless sista'
Just cause I love this song and Ben Harper...
2012-08-26 13:05:18 UTC

Re: Harry Potter

I agree as to your comments. The message of Jesus Christ is oft times given in a language the audience understands. I find Harry Potter most intriguing.

When I was in London a couple of years ago I made sure to visit King's Cross railway station and track 9 3/4s. There is a plaque there in recognition to Harry Potter. This is a huge London Train Station, and many people might not know it does exist.

Raleigh, NC
2012-08-26 14:15:45 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Re: Harry Potter
I agree as to your comments. The message of Jesus Christ is oft times
given in a language the audience understands. I find Harry Potter most
When I was in London a couple of years ago I made sure to visit King's
Cross railway station and track 9 3/4s. There is a plaque there in
recognition to Harry Potter. This is a huge London Train Station, and many
people might not know it does exist.
Raleigh, NC
Good point about the message given in a language people understands. I
forget this (along with other things) Interesting to know about the London
Train Station, though I probably realize there was one (somewhere) didn't
know it was an exact spot, in the books. Now, you have to go find Hogwart
2012-08-28 14:11:43 UTC

"Now, you have to go find Hogwart "

I will tell you I find London a wonderful place, and if I could afford to live there, I would. I long to return.

Raleigh, NC
2012-08-26 13:22:42 UTC

Re: Moderated Groups

I must admit the lesson I learned was NO WAY. Even moderation for spam is absurd. You pay attention or you don't.

On reflection every moderated group for which I was a part was simply a means for the "moderator" to hold his thoughts and feelings highest, making a means for an audience to pay him/her homage.

No more for me.

2012-08-26 14:23:24 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Re: Moderated Groups
I must admit the lesson I learned was NO WAY. Even moderation for spam is
absurd. You pay attention or you don't.
Yes, well said! it's up to each of us to decide what we see, want to,
and attract into our reality. Moderated groups usually end up caught up in
fear and control and "playing God". Though I once had a group so taken over
by people who wanted to test me not having moderation, they ruined it for
anyone to actually write on. This happened several times and by different
people. I must have been aligning with this and not realizing it. Law of
Attraction and we get what we think about, even what we think we DON'T want
is still attention to it.
Post by p***@yahoo.com
On reflection every moderated group for which I was a part was simply a
means for the "moderator" to hold his thoughts and feelings highest,
making a means for an audience to pay him/her homage.
Yea, the "God complex" I start to think the person who moderate like
this, by deleting, banning, changing posts, sending warnings, personally,
etc should have a blog or discussion board with just THEM on it, they don't
need or want anyone else LOL Though a lot seem to like it this way and feel
it's safe (moderated groups). Only safe if you agree with the moderator(s)
and don't ask quesions or make waves. Anyone can be warning, deleted,
banned, even if they are a best frined 5 mins before. Interesting in a way,
study of human nature. And how it really says more about the moderator,
Post by p***@yahoo.com
No more for me.
2012-08-27 12:57:25 UTC

I read your comments in regards to moderated groups. It is all about control. Those who moderate control, and those who wish the moderation gone, attempt to control. And I include myself in these comments.

I found in the ACIM community the moderated yahoo groups were made to promote teachers, money, books, websites, channeling, counseling, and popularity, and my statements in these regards were considered treason. But, as you can see the attempt to hold onto this control and promotion is now known as fruitless. Members lost interest, because it became obvious what the moderated groups were all about. Those who declare themselves the Voice of Jesus
(Spirit, Inner Voice) are numerous, but the audience begins to question motivation until one by one they go their own way, continuing on their journey to find something authentic about Life.

Raleigh, NC
2012-08-28 00:58:38 UTC
<***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:810f2fbd-d895-4b7f-8e7d-***@googlegroups.com...

I read your comments in regards to moderated groups. It is all about
control. Those who moderate control, and those who wish the moderation gone,
attempt to control. And I include myself in these comments.

I found in the ACIM community the moderated yahoo groups were made to
promote teachers, money, books, websites, channeling, counseling, and
popularity, and my statements in these regards were considered treason. But,
as you can see the attempt to hold onto this control and promotion is now
known as fruitless. Members lost interest, because it became obvious what
the moderated groups were all about. Those who declare themselves the Voice
of Jesus
(Spirit, Inner Voice) are numerous, but the audience begins to question
motivation until one by one they go their own way, continuing on their
journey to find something authentic about Life.

Raleigh, NC

Yes... and it always comes down to "me". In the sense that is all I can
look at and learn and be. Like the course says "it's never anyone else". At
least I think that' what the course says, but it makes sense. Like with me,
I find myself sometimes judging people I see as "judgemental" which doesn't
make sense when you think about it LOL
I remember Marianne Williamson saying, long ago "it must be perfect
because it's happening". I guess if we don't see it that way, doesn't mean
it isn't.
I was thinking of that with President Obama and all the negativeness and
craziness going on with this campaign (nothing new with politics) I try not
to give attention to it, but was thinking if Romney manages to win (by some
fluke, and GWB did that time with the recounts and hanging chads, etc)
maybe that will be perfect, even though a lot of us don't think so, now.
Maybe Barack can and will do more on his own, outside of being president.
People are still going to believe in him and look to him as a leader, no
matter what his "job" is. And when you think of it, the president, on his
(or her) own really can't do all that much, without Congress and all backing
it up. I remember Enocia (who was such a talented writer!) once wrote about
this, to remember the president (and leaders and people who seem to be
celebrities and well known, in the news, etc) are just the out-picturing or
ego minds. We create them, and how they seem to be Mass consciousness, or
whatever. The president is really just someone to look to as a Saviour for
all our problems and blame when we don't feel our lives are going good.
I do think the Obamas make a wonderful "First Family" though, and that's
an important aspect, how it looks, to the rest of the world.
But, whatever happen, happens... as Edgar Cayce once said "just be the
best person you can be, and live your life the best way you can and 'the
rest of the world' will take care of itself". (we ARE the world)
2012-08-28 13:56:19 UTC
Hi Carrie,.

Your first statement rings true to me. The way I state my view is it is always about my reality, my perception, my past experience.

Politics! This came to my mind in regards to politics: No political leader is my savior. The only Answer, Savior, and Translator of Life for me is Jesus Christ. Leaders are simply living and working out their own personal evolution, their own karma, their own pre-life choices, if you will. Leadership can be a catalyst for soul searching, or a choice to continue in blindness and greed.

This is no different than any person's need to evolve, change, and be in a career position, whether it be nurse, street sweeper, governor, waitress, or lawyer, in order to follow a decided path with God. Even those asleep still have a path, absent a choice to walk with God, they simply choose suffering.

It is all experience as Jesus says. Experience to do Good, to be a Christian Soldier, if you will, or dwell in misery and suffering. So personal choice of career has no real meaning other than its affect upon the one who has made the choice. Other people can be affected by my choice, one way or another, but the real meaning rests within my heart and mind.

Do I really care who is President? It seems no matter who has been in the Office of President in contemporary times my taxes increase, my services decrease, war continues, and the country financially continues to be in questionable status. Society seems to be on an edge, and that edge is uncertainty.

I will vote. And my vote will be made not on the popularity contest, the bashing, or the political commentaries. My vote will be made on a feeling I have as to a potential choice by a leader to make a dramatic change of heart.

These thoughts have brought me a lot of peace. No matter where God takes me, no matter with whom I find myself due to God's decision, I can let go, accept, and follow His Plan, resulting in a deep inner smile.

Edgar Cayce's intuition to be the best we can be is well taken advice. It not only hastens my individual evolution, but as Jesus says in ACIM, my good decision, my thinking aligned with God's, generalizes to everyone and everything around me. As Jesus explains my decision today can be "truly helpful" in assisting ALL to evolve.

Raleigh, NC
2012-08-28 01:00:31 UTC
<***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:810f2fbd-d895-4b7f-8e7d-***@googlegroups.com...

I read your comments in regards to moderated groups. It is all about
control. Those who moderate control, and those who wish the moderation gone,
attempt to control. And I include myself in these comments.

I found in the ACIM community the moderated yahoo groups were made to
promote teachers, money, books, websites, channeling, counseling, and
popularity, and my statements in these regards were considered treason. But,
as you can see the attempt to hold onto this control and promotion is now
known as fruitless. Members lost interest, because it became obvious what
the moderated groups were all about. Those who declare themselves the Voice
of Jesus
(Spirit, Inner Voice) are numerous, but the audience begins to question
motivation until one by one they go their own way, continuing on their
journey to find something authentic about Life.

Raleigh, NC

And, of course. those who set themselves up as "teachers" are probably the
ones who really aren't. Though everyone, in a way, can be a teacher for
those open to learning. Thinking of a verse from the Tao, "he who knows
doesn't speak of it, and he who speaks of it doesn't know". I speak a lot
about a lot of stuff, but I am aware I don't know LOL
2012-08-28 14:07:08 UTC

" And, of course. those who set themselves up as "teachers" are probably the
ones who really aren't. Though everyone, in a way, can be a teacher for
those open to learning. Thinking of a verse from the Tao, "he who knows
doesn't speak of it, and he who speaks of it doesn't know". I speak a lot
about a lot of stuff, but I am aware I don't know LOL"

I find what troubled me so much about ACIM Teachers was they heralded themselves as "above," and had "something special," no one else did. Then they made gated communities, censored, moderated groups, and begged followers to offer proof their supposition as to their "closer to Jesus than anyone else."

What I have now learned to realize is what Jesus says, and that is, we teach what we need to learn. Now I see these ACIM Teachers as individuals choosing to learn what they need to learn. Although they purport to be teachers for others, this is contrary to what Jesus says.

I remember David Fishman on PalTalk removing members, or using electronic devices to keep others' viewpoints from reaching the "mic." This really made me angry. Now I realize it was/is a means for David to simply listen to his own chosen philosophy, evolve and learn. This was never about anyone else, but David. And so I now can respect what he needs to do to learn. And so with the other "heralded" Course teachers. What they do lack, I find, is a sense of humility. When the need to learn is so great you must market yourself, beg for audience, and moderate to keep any other viewpoint silenced, it obstructs the possibility of learning, by refusing to look upon the Face of Innocence in the world and accepting any "Wind of Spirit" that might pass by.

Raleigh, NC