2010-10-26 01:55:36 UTC
Hi There,
I have 2 very different sessions on Tuesdays: One at 11:30 AM and
another at 7PM (Pacific Time) for more info, read on:
Part 1:
The 11:30 session is interactive with lots of great sharing from
participants regarding thoughts on body issues, compulsive and
addictive behavior -- all boiling down to:
Freedom from the tyranny of
This week I am inspired to speak on: I've been away for 2 weeks at the
BTL event in St. Louis, and then visiting my mom in KY. I'll be
talking about lessons learned during that time. More on Looking at
Guilt *and* Freedom! Yahoo!
The session is held on Tuesdays in the ACIMgather room from 11:30 AM
to 1:00, PT (12:30 MT, 1:30 CT, 2:30 ET).
Part 2:
I feel inspired to continue to give my Tuesday evenings sessions over
to sharing NTI. We finished with NTI Luke, and now, I'm excited to
move on to NTI Acts. These 2 books in NTI are my absolute favorites,
and I feel that Acts, authored by the same Voice as Luke, is a
continuation of the amazing teachings in Luke. Join with me as we
explore the abundant gifts in NTI Acts.
This will also be an interactive session. Looking forward to
sharing this with you!
We meet on Tuesday evenings in the ACIMgather room from 7:00 to 8:00
pm PT (8:00 MT, 9:00 CT, 10:00 ET)
You can join in this way:
1) Click on this link:
For information on how to access pal talk and the Acimgather room.
2) The option to listen via radio through your computer through
this link:
3) Another option is pal talk express. With this option you need
not download
software. Go to and click on “pal talk express”. And
then see 1) above
instructions on finding the acimgather room.
Thanks so Much. Much love to you, Sheryl
Enjoy Today!
Sheryl Valentine
I have 2 very different sessions on Tuesdays: One at 11:30 AM and
another at 7PM (Pacific Time) for more info, read on:
Part 1:
The 11:30 session is interactive with lots of great sharing from
participants regarding thoughts on body issues, compulsive and
addictive behavior -- all boiling down to:
Freedom from the tyranny of
This week I am inspired to speak on: I've been away for 2 weeks at the
BTL event in St. Louis, and then visiting my mom in KY. I'll be
talking about lessons learned during that time. More on Looking at
Guilt *and* Freedom! Yahoo!
The session is held on Tuesdays in the ACIMgather room from 11:30 AM
to 1:00, PT (12:30 MT, 1:30 CT, 2:30 ET).
Part 2:
I feel inspired to continue to give my Tuesday evenings sessions over
to sharing NTI. We finished with NTI Luke, and now, I'm excited to
move on to NTI Acts. These 2 books in NTI are my absolute favorites,
and I feel that Acts, authored by the same Voice as Luke, is a
continuation of the amazing teachings in Luke. Join with me as we
explore the abundant gifts in NTI Acts.
This will also be an interactive session. Looking forward to
sharing this with you!
We meet on Tuesday evenings in the ACIMgather room from 7:00 to 8:00
pm PT (8:00 MT, 9:00 CT, 10:00 ET)
You can join in this way:
1) Click on this link:
For information on how to access pal talk and the Acimgather room.
2) The option to listen via radio through your computer through
this link:
3) Another option is pal talk express. With this option you need
not download
software. Go to and click on “pal talk express”. And
then see 1) above
instructions on finding the acimgather room.
Thanks so Much. Much love to you, Sheryl
Enjoy Today!
Sheryl Valentine