2011-01-03 16:05:52 UTC
The miracle enables you to see your brother WITHOUT his past, and so
perceive HIM as born again. His errors ARE all past, and by perceiving him
without them you are RELEASING him. And since his past is YOURS, you SHARE
in this release. Let no dark cloud out of YOUR past obscure him from you,
for truth lies ONLY in the present, and you will find it if you seek it
there. You have looked for it where it is NOT, and therefore have not found
it. Learn, then, to seek it where it IS, and it will dawn on eyes that see.
Your past was made in anger, and if you use it to attack the present you
will not SEE the freedom that the present holds. Judgment and condemnation
are BEHIND you, and unless you bring them WITH you, you will see that you
ARE free of them.
Look lovingly upon the present, for it holds the ONLY things that are
forever true. All healing lies within it because ITS continuity is real. It
extends to all aspects of consciousness AT THE SAME TIME, and thus enables
tham to reach EACH OTHER. The present is before time was, and will be when
time is no more. In it is everything that is eternal, and they are one.
Their continuity is timeless and their communication is unbroken, for they
are not separated by the past. Only the past CAN separate, and IT is
perceive HIM as born again. His errors ARE all past, and by perceiving him
without them you are RELEASING him. And since his past is YOURS, you SHARE
in this release. Let no dark cloud out of YOUR past obscure him from you,
for truth lies ONLY in the present, and you will find it if you seek it
there. You have looked for it where it is NOT, and therefore have not found
it. Learn, then, to seek it where it IS, and it will dawn on eyes that see.
Your past was made in anger, and if you use it to attack the present you
will not SEE the freedom that the present holds. Judgment and condemnation
are BEHIND you, and unless you bring them WITH you, you will see that you
ARE free of them.
Look lovingly upon the present, for it holds the ONLY things that are
forever true. All healing lies within it because ITS continuity is real. It
extends to all aspects of consciousness AT THE SAME TIME, and thus enables
tham to reach EACH OTHER. The present is before time was, and will be when
time is no more. In it is everything that is eternal, and they are one.
Their continuity is timeless and their communication is unbroken, for they
are not separated by the past. Only the past CAN separate, and IT is