Lesson 92
(too old to reply)
2010-04-02 13:45:29 UTC

Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.

The idea for today is an extension of the previous one. You do not think of
light in terms of strength, and darkness in terms of weakness. That is
because your idea of what seeing means is tied up with the body and its eyes
and brain. Thus you believe that you can change what you see by putting
little bits of glass before your eyes. This is among the many magical
beliefs that come from the conviction you are a body, and the body's eyes
can see.

You also believe the body's brain can think. If you but understood the
nature of thought, you could but laugh at this insane idea. It is as if you
thought you held the match that lights the sun and gives it all its warmth;
or that you held the world within your hand, securely bound until you let it
go. Yet this is no more foolish than to believe the body's eyes can see;
the brain can think.

It is God's strength in you that is the light in which you see, as it is His
Mind with which you think. His strength denies your weakness. It is your
weakness that sees through the body's eyes, peering about in darkness to
behold the likeness of itself; the small, the weak, the sickly and the
dying, those in need, the helpless and afraid, the sad, the poor, the
starving and the joyless. These are seen through eyes that cannot see and
cannot bless

Strength overlooks these things by seeing past appearances. It keeps its
steady gaze upon the light that lies beyond them. It unites with light, of
which it is a part. It sees itself. It brings the light in which your Self
appears. In darkness you perceive a self that is not there. Strength is
the truth about you; weakness is an idol falsely worshipped and adored that
strength may be dispelled, and darkness rule where God appointed that there
should be light.

.Strength comes from truth, and shines with light its Source has given it;
weakness reflects the darkness of its maker. It is sick and looks on
sickness, which is like itself. Truth is a savior and can only will for
happiness and peace for everyone. It gives its strength to everyone who
asks, in limitless supply. It sees that lack in anyone would be a lack in
all. And so it gives its light that all may see and benefit as one. Its
strength is shared, that it may bring to all the miracle in which they will
unite in purpose and forgiveness and in love.

Weakness, which looks in darkness, cannot see a purpose in
forgiveness and in love. It sees all others different from itself, and
nothing in the world that it would share. It judges and condemns, but does
not love. In darkness it remains to hide itself, and dreams that it is
strong and conquering, a victor over limitations that but grow in darkness
to enormous size.

It fears and it attacks and hates itself, and darkness covers
everything it sees, leaving its dreams as fearful as itself. No miracles
are here, but only hate. It separates itself from what it sees, while light
and strength perceive themselves as one. The light of strength is not the
light you see. It does not change and flicker and go out. It does not
shift from night to day, and back to darkness till the morning comes again.

.. The light of strength is constant, sure as love, forever glad to
give itself away, because it cannot give but to itself. No one can ask in
vain to share its sight, and none who enters its abode can leave without a
miracle before his eyes, and strength and light abiding in his heart.

. The strength in you will offer you the light, and guide your
seeing so you do not dwell on idle shadows that the body's eyes provide for
self-deception. Strength and light unite in you, and where they meet, your
Self stands ready to embrace you as Its Own. Such is the meeting place we
try today to find and rest in, for the peace of God is where your Self, His
Son, is waiting now to meet Itself again, and be as One.

Let us give twenty minutes twice today to join this meeting.
Let yourself be brought unto your Self. Its strength will be the light in
which the gift of sight is given you. Leave, then, the dark a little while
today, and we will practice seeing in the light, closing the body's eyes and
asking truth to show us how to find the meeting place of self and Self,
where light and strength are one.

. Morning and evening we will practice thus. After the morning
meeting, we will use the day in preparation for the time at night when we
will meet again in trust. Let us repeat as often as we can the idea for
today, and recognize that we are being introduced to sight, and led away
from darkness to the light where only miracles can be perceived.
2010-04-05 18:10:37 UTC
On Fri Apr 02 2010 15:45:29 GMT+0200
Post by Carrie
Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.
Just curious:
The ACIM Urtext-Textbook mentions man/(mankind)
almost 200 times, the ACIM Urtext-Workbook not
once really. Now, if bodies are illusions, then
mankind must also be an illusion, right? If so,
then the birth and crucifixion of Jesus were
illusions also, right? Aren't show and movie
also good ways to label illusions?
2010-04-06 14:03:57 UTC
"expires" <***@maxi-bayern.de> wrote in message news:hpd92v$l7o$***@news.m-online.net...
On Fri Apr 02 2010 15:45:29 GMT+0200
Post by Carrie
Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.
Just curious:
The ACIM Urtext-Textbook mentions man/(mankind)
almost 200 times, the ACIM Urtext-Workbook not
once really. Now, if bodies are illusions, then
mankind must also be an illusion, right? If so,
then the birth and crucifixion of Jesus were
illusions also, right? Aren't show and movie
also good ways to label illusions?

There are contradictions all through it, in all the versions.
Maybe it's just the limitations of language. And levels, etc.
I don't think we (that word again, but meant in a general way) can really
go by the actual words all that much. Like try and define them, figure them
out, come to an agreement everyone believes, in what they mean. I have come
to believe the course itself (in form) is only a "vehicle" (for lack of a
better word) for conveying the feelings the course is trying to pass on to
use. Same with the bible. People can hold the bible (or read anything in it)
and get the feeling of peace, Oneness with God, and such. The real value of
the course isn't the words, the versions, what the words mean, trying to
figure them out, but in the joning of people who read it, and believe in it?
In Journey Beyond Words (Brent Haskell) which is a "course related book" ,
Jeshua says in one place something like..." you aren't to learn this course
so you can explain it to others and tell them what it means" etc. Like we
think of learning in a worldly way. Just read it, take what feels right,
believe what feels right, experience it, and maybe put it into one's life as
best we can. The ONE goal is clearly stated "The Peace of God".
How one gets to that, using words or not, doesn't seem all that relevant.
Just my take on it, at the moment (LOL)
2010-04-06 14:04:56 UTC
Also... whether it's all illusion or not doesn't really matter, we still
live like it is "real". Choosing to be part of it. And, who says being part
of illusion (while realizing on some level of thought it's NOT real and all
there is) is anything bad or to be avoided?

"expires" <***@maxi-bayern.de> wrote in message news:hpd92v$l7o$***@news.m-online.net...
On Fri Apr 02 2010 15:45:29 GMT+0200
Post by Carrie
Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.
Just curious:
The ACIM Urtext-Textbook mentions man/(mankind)
almost 200 times, the ACIM Urtext-Workbook not
once really. Now, if bodies are illusions, then
mankind must also be an illusion, right? If so,
then the birth and crucifixion of Jesus were
illusions also, right? Aren't show and movie
also good ways to label illusions?
2010-04-08 21:07:23 UTC
Post by expires
On Fri Apr 02 2010 15:45:29 GMT+0200
Post by Carrie
Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.
The ACIM Urtext-Textbook mentions man/(mankind)
almost 200 times, the ACIM Urtext-Workbook not
once really. Now, if bodies are illusions, then
mankind must also be an illusion, right? If so,
then the birth and crucifixion of Jesus were
illusions also, right? Aren't show and movie
also good ways to label illusions?
Yes, true: bodies are illusions.
But not the sons, or souls, or parts of the
one Son, who think they are a body. How could
otherwise be said that the whole is more than the
sum of its parts? If the parts were mere illusions,
then their sum would be an illusion as well.
The Sonship is not an illusion; its so-called
being separated from God is.
Communication here on earth takes place
via the body. When I think that I am nothing but
my body, then I cannot be reached but via
(the senses of) my body.
2010-04-08 21:49:38 UTC
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
On Fri Apr 02 2010 15:45:29 GMT+0200
Post by Carrie
Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.
The ACIM Urtext-Textbook mentions man/(mankind)
almost 200 times, the ACIM Urtext-Workbook not
once really. Now, if bodies are illusions, then
mankind must also be an illusion, right? If so,
then the birth and crucifixion of Jesus were
illusions also, right? Aren't show and movie
also good ways to label illusions?
Yes, true: bodies are illusions.
But not the sons, or souls, or parts of the
one Son, who think they are a body. How could
otherwise be said that the whole is more than the
sum of its parts? If the parts were mere illusions,
then their sum would be an illusion as well.
The Sonship is not an illusion; its so-called
being separated from God is.
Communication here on earth takes place
via the body. When I think that I am nothing but
my body, then I cannot be reached but via
(the senses of) my body.
I doubt if there is anyone who thinks they are nothing but their body,
because everyone seems to recognize that they have a mind which can
receive communication intuitively - and intuition is a faculty which
is not associated with bodily senses.

The problem is the perception that the mind is IN the body. There is
not really any reason to believe it is. But that is where the
imprisonment of the will begins - with the belief that the mind is IN
the body, and that the body does truly function as a fence.

Deborah (BC)
2010-04-11 21:37:22 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
On Fri Apr 02 2010 15:45:29 GMT+0200
Post by Carrie
Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.
The ACIM Urtext-Textbook mentions man/(mankind)
almost 200 times, the ACIM Urtext-Workbook not
once really. Now, if bodies are illusions, then
mankind must also be an illusion, right? If so,
then the birth and crucifixion of Jesus were
illusions also, right? Aren't show and movie
also good ways to label illusions?
Yes, true: bodies are illusions.
But not the sons, or souls, or parts of the
one Son, who think they are a body. How could
otherwise be said that the whole is more than the
sum of its parts? If the parts were mere illusions,
then their sum would be an illusion as well.
The Sonship is not an illusion; its so-called
being separated from God is.
Communication here on earth takes place
via the body. When I think that I am nothing but
my body, then I cannot be reached but via
(the senses of) my body.
I doubt if there is anyone who thinks they are nothing but their body,
because everyone seems to recognize that they have a mind which can
receive communication intuitively - and intuition is a faculty which
is not associated with bodily senses.
Among scientists the prevalent theory is that
consciousness is but a corollary of the brain functioning.
Post by Deborah
The problem is the perception that the mind is IN the body. There is
not really any reason to believe it is. But that is where the
imprisonment of the will begins - with the belief that the mind is IN
the body, and that the body does truly function as a fence.
The ego is the denial of mind.
So identification with it entails
its denial, despite lip-service to
its existence.
Post by Deborah
Deborah (BC)
2010-04-11 23:21:20 UTC
Post by Pieter
Post by Deborah
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
On Fri Apr 02 2010 15:45:29 GMT+0200
Post by Carrie
Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.
The ACIM Urtext-Textbook mentions man/(mankind)
almost 200 times, the ACIM Urtext-Workbook not
once really. Now, if bodies are illusions, then
mankind must also be an illusion, right? If so,
then the birth and crucifixion of Jesus were
illusions also, right? Aren't show and movie
also good ways to label illusions?
Yes, true: bodies are illusions.
But not the sons, or souls, or parts of the
one Son, who think they are a body. How could
otherwise be said that the whole is more than the
sum of its parts? If the parts were mere illusions,
then their sum would be an illusion as well.
The Sonship is not an illusion; its so-called
being separated from God is.
Communication here on earth takes place
via the body. When I think that I am nothing but
my body, then I cannot be reached but via
(the senses of) my body.
I doubt if there is anyone who thinks they are nothing but their body,
because everyone seems to recognize that they have a mind which can
receive communication intuitively - and intuition is a faculty which
is not associated with bodily senses.
Among scientists the prevalent theory is that
consciousness is but a corollary of the brain functioning.
Post by Deborah
The problem is the perception that the mind is IN the body. There is
not really any reason to believe it is. But that is where the
imprisonment of the will begins - with the belief that the mind is IN
the body, and that the body does truly function as a fence.
The ego is the denial of mind.
So identification with it entails
its denial, despite lip-service to
its existence.
I think that's pretty demeaning statement, to all of humanity. Didn't
know you had it in you. Perhaps you should try to give a little more
credit to the power of the HS.

Deborah (BC)
2010-04-12 21:12:13 UTC
Post by Deborah
Post by Pieter
Post by Deborah
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
On Fri Apr 02 2010 15:45:29 GMT+0200
Post by Carrie
Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.
The ACIM Urtext-Textbook mentions man/(mankind)
almost 200 times, the ACIM Urtext-Workbook not
once really. Now, if bodies are illusions, then
mankind must also be an illusion, right? If so,
then the birth and crucifixion of Jesus were
illusions also, right? Aren't show and movie
also good ways to label illusions?
Yes, true: bodies are illusions.
But not the sons, or souls, or parts of the
one Son, who think they are a body. How could
otherwise be said that the whole is more than the
sum of its parts? If the parts were mere illusions,
then their sum would be an illusion as well.
The Sonship is not an illusion; its so-called
being separated from God is.
Communication here on earth takes place
via the body. When I think that I am nothing but
my body, then I cannot be reached but via
(the senses of) my body.
I doubt if there is anyone who thinks they are nothing but their body,
because everyone seems to recognize that they have a mind which can
receive communication intuitively - and intuition is a faculty which
is not associated with bodily senses.
Among scientists the prevalent theory is that
consciousness is but a corollary of the brain functioning.
Post by Deborah
The problem is the perception that the mind is IN the body. There is
not really any reason to believe it is. But that is where the
imprisonment of the will begins - with the belief that the mind is IN
the body, and that the body does truly function as a fence.
The ego is the denial of mind.
So identification with it entails
its denial, despite lip-service to
its existence.
I think that's pretty demeaning statement, to all of humanity.
- I cannot speak for all of humanity;
only for myself. Any thought I have
which is not love, means identification
with the ego (thought system).
Being unaware of my identification with it
does mean that it reigns over me, and that,
at crucial moments, I cannot resist it,
because of my ignorance of the tie with it.
Then I think things happen to me
without my will.
Post by Deborah
know you had it in you. Perhaps you should try to give a little more
credit to the power of the HS.
The Holy Spirit only has power
as far as He is accepted.
When I do not want to listen to Him,
He will not force Himself upon me,
but will wait patiently.
Post by Deborah
Deborah (BC)
2010-04-12 03:35:09 UTC
On Sun Apr 11 2010 23:37:22 GMT+0200
Pieter wrote:
Post by Pieter
The ego is the denial of mind.
So identification with it entails
its denial, despite lip-service to
its existence.
Sounds like bullshit,
to me:) What is mind?
What is beyond mind?
2010-04-12 21:32:40 UTC
Post by expires
On Sun Apr 11 2010 23:37:22 GMT+0200
Post by Pieter
The ego is the denial of mind.
So identification with it entails
its denial, despite lip-service to
its existence.
Sounds like bullshit,
to me:) What is mind?
What is beyond mind?
This is how Ken Wapnick defines it,
with respect to its use in ACIM of course:

the activating agent of spirit, to which it is roughly
equivalent, supplying its creative energy.
the agent of choice; we are free to believe that our
minds can be separated or split off from the Mind of God
(wrong-mindedness), or that they can be returned to it
(right-mindedness); thus the split mind can be understood
as having three parts: the wrong mind, the right mind, and
the part of the mind (decision maker) that chooses
between them; not to be confused with the brain, which is
a physical organ and thus an aspect of our bodily self.
2010-04-12 22:21:40 UTC
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
Post by Pieter
The ego is the denial of mind.
So identification with it entails
its denial, despite lip-service to
its existence.
Sounds like bullshit,
to me:) What is mind?
What is beyond mind?
This is how Ken Wapnick defines it,
the activating agent of spirit, to which it is roughly
equivalent, supplying its creative energy.
the agent of choice; we are free to believe that our
minds can be separated or split off from the Mind of God
(wrong-mindedness), or that they can be returned to it
(right-mindedness); thus the split mind can be understood
as having three parts: the wrong mind, the right mind, and
the part of the mind (decision maker) that chooses
between them; not to be confused with the brain, which is
a physical organ and thus an aspect of our bodily self.
Well, thanks for Ken's opinions.
However, I don't believe my true
Self is mind or a thought in the
"Mind of God". Anyway, very long
before reading ACIM, I never have
believed that brains really could
think at all, just like I don't
believe that what appears on a TV
can be found in a TV :)
It really is too funny that people
can consider their body to be an
illusion, but still continue to
believe their mind is in a head!?
2010-04-13 18:13:08 UTC
Post by expires
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
Post by Pieter
The ego is the denial of mind.
So identification with it entails
its denial, despite lip-service to
its existence.
Sounds like bullshit,
to me:) What is mind?
What is beyond mind?
This is how Ken Wapnick defines it,
     the activating agent of spirit, to which it is roughly
     equivalent, supplying its creative energy.
     the agent of choice; we are free to believe that our
     minds can be separated or split off from the Mind of God
     (wrong-mindedness), or that they can be returned to it
     (right-mindedness); thus the split mind can be understood
     as having three parts: the wrong mind, the right mind, and
     the part of the mind (decision maker) that chooses
     between them; not to be confused with the brain, which is
     a physical organ and thus an aspect of our bodily self.
Well, thanks for Ken's opinions.
However, I don't believe my true
Self is mind or a thought in the
"Mind of God".
Imo that is just how one defines 'mind'.
For me, 'mind' and 'God' are words
meant to refer to the Reality of Life.
Post by expires
Anyway, very long
before reading ACIM, I never have
believed that brains really could
think at all, just like I don't
believe that what appears on a TV
can be found in a TV :)
- Good example!
Post by expires
It really is too funny that people
can consider their body to be an
illusion, but still continue to
believe their mind is in a head!?
That surely would be funny!
Post by expires
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