Ongoing discussion about talk.religion.course-miracle on news.groups
(too old to reply)
Paul W. Schleck
2019-09-15 15:05:15 UTC

I am not a regular reader of your newsgroup, but I have noticed a new
discussion thread about talk.religion.course-miracle in the
administrative newsgroup called news.groups. This discussion may result
in the submission of proposals to delete this newsgroup and create a
moderated one in its stead. At least one potential proponent and
moderator, David Thomson <***@gmail.com>, has been identified.

If you are interested in input on this subject, please monitor the
following newsgroups:


and provide feedback as appropriate during the public comments period.

Followups to this article have been directed to news.groups.

Thank you.

- --
Paul W. Schleck
Finger ***@novia.net for PGP Public Key
Debra Dee McQueen Freeman
2019-09-16 02:19:59 UTC
Hash: SHA1
I am not a regular reader of your newsgroup, but I have noticed a new
discussion thread about talk.religion.course-miracle in the
administrative newsgroup called news.groups. This discussion may result
in the submission of proposals to delete this newsgroup and create a
moderated one in its stead. At least one potential proponent and
If you are interested in input on this subject, please monitor the
and provide feedback as appropriate during the public comments period.
Followups to this article have been directed to news.groups.
Thank you.
- --
Paul W. Schleck
Ya...give them a closed group...

then they can delusionally blather in their
thinking about thinking peace bubbles
worshiping The Fake Jesus In Truth Satan,
and not have to listen to the actual truth
provided by The Real Jesus of The Holy Bible.

Gotta work to keep up a charade, ya know...

and keeps the dough rollin' in.
David Thomson
2019-09-16 18:37:27 UTC
Post by Paul W. Schleck
I am not a regular reader of your newsgroup, but I have noticed a new
discussion thread about talk.religion.course-miracle in the
administrative newsgroup called news.groups. This discussion may result
in the submission of proposals to delete this newsgroup and create a
moderated one in its stead. At least one potential proponent and
Thanks for posting this here, Paul. I was the primary proponent for starting this USENET group, along with the alt. version back in 1996. About 140 people voted to create this group and we had hoped that an unmoderated group could manage itself. Unfortunately, there are trolls who have nothing better to do than blather their hate and nonsense.

The purpose of this group was to act as a support group to discuss A Course In Miracles. People who disagree with the teachings of A Course in Miracles, and who would rather promote another view have nothing to post here, as it is off topic.

A moderated group would filter the trolls and spammers, and allow for the intended audience to have their discussions specifically about A Course in Miracles.

I am curious as to how many of those who study the Course are still following this group? If there are not that many still interested, we could at least have the group deleted, as it no longer serves its intended purpose.
2019-09-17 09:15:10 UTC
Hi David,

The most lively fora seem to be on FB.
Still, the idea of this usenet group is valid, IMHO. Anyone can use a block sender ID function for trolls.

David Thomson
2019-09-17 13:45:10 UTC
Post by OmSan1320
Hi David,
The most lively fora seem to be on FB.
Still, the idea of this usenet group is valid, IMHO. Anyone can use a block sender ID function for trolls.
Glad to hear there is a good discussion group going on somewhere. However, FB is too nosy, and is actively engaged in social manipulation. I won't go anywhere near Twitter, FB, or any of the other big tech social media. All I am interested in is plain vanilla forums where people interact without being manipulated by unseen hands.