Sidney Lambe
2011-06-03 10:08:07 UTC
The mis-named "Course in Miraclesa" (ACIM) is the most deceptive
document I've ever encountered.
It begins by misleading the reader by implying that they will
learn to perform miracles if they read the book and follow its
But then you discover in the Introduction:To Miracles, which is
where ACIM puts you off balance with the most bizarre and absurd
definition of 'miracle' that a madman could conceive of. Here's
a small part of it:
"2. Miracles do not matter. They are quite unimportant."
It turns out that miracles are supposedly done only by God and
this is the only thing that matters. Here, it sets the foundation
for the main messages of the rest of the document, which are that
only God matters and human beings and life itself are worthless
and smelly shit, mostly in the sub-text, with the surface text
saying just the opposite. In the same way that a thief tells you
about his honesty while he is slipping your valuables into his
They claim that ACIM comes from Jesus, but that is obviously not
the case. He spends much of the Gospels telling people how to
perform miracles. This is but one example:
Mark 11:23 "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say
unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the
sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that
those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have
whatsoever he saith."
ACUM says that there is a difference between magic and miracles,
but Jesus makes no such distinction in the Bible, the Nag
Hammadi, or the Dead Sea Scrolls. And he obviously thinks that
magick/miracles are important, and that we should and can perform
them, while ACIM says otherwise.
But that doesn't matter to the clever propagandists who wrote
ACIM. It's main purpose is to convey the basic assumptions of
Fundamental Christianity by pretending to be a channeled New-Age
Now, the folks from the facist "One Mind Foundation" will jump
in here and tell you that I don't actually understand ACIM and
offer to set me straight.
But I've read it three times (I concatenated all those web pages
into a single file here, and converted it to plain text, if
anyone wants it) the fact is that I can read as well as they
can, and meditate as well as they can, and reason as well as
they can, and what the world does NOT need right now is another
confusing document like the Bible, which has created the over
30,000 officially recognized denomiations of Christianity in the
world today.
ACIM is one of them, though it claims otherwise.
The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years
ACIM is Fundamental Christianity in a New-Age disguise.
It contains some Truth, but those were borrowed from Buddhism and
Yoga in order to sucker the unwary into believing that the entire
document was Truthful. It's an old, old, trich.
You will see the word "salvation" often in ACIM. But there is
nothing to be saved from. That's Christian fearmongering. The
word or concept does not appear in "The Nature of Personal
Reality". Nor do the kind of manipulative ambiguous statements
that ACIM is infested with.
The mis-named "Course in Miraclesa" (ACIM) is the most deceptive
document I've ever encountered.
It begins by misleading the reader by implying that they will
learn to perform miracles if they read the book and follow its
But then you discover in the Introduction:To Miracles, which is
where ACIM puts you off balance with the most bizarre and absurd
definition of 'miracle' that a madman could conceive of. Here's
a small part of it:
"2. Miracles do not matter. They are quite unimportant."
It turns out that miracles are supposedly done only by God and
this is the only thing that matters. Here, it sets the foundation
for the main messages of the rest of the document, which are that
only God matters and human beings and life itself are worthless
and smelly shit, mostly in the sub-text, with the surface text
saying just the opposite. In the same way that a thief tells you
about his honesty while he is slipping your valuables into his
They claim that ACIM comes from Jesus, but that is obviously not
the case. He spends much of the Gospels telling people how to
perform miracles. This is but one example:
Mark 11:23 "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say
unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the
sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that
those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have
whatsoever he saith."
ACUM says that there is a difference between magic and miracles,
but Jesus makes no such distinction in the Bible, the Nag
Hammadi, or the Dead Sea Scrolls. And he obviously thinks that
magick/miracles are important, and that we should and can perform
them, while ACIM says otherwise.
But that doesn't matter to the clever propagandists who wrote
ACIM. It's main purpose is to convey the basic assumptions of
Fundamental Christianity by pretending to be a channeled New-Age
Now, the folks from the facist "One Mind Foundation" will jump
in here and tell you that I don't actually understand ACIM and
offer to set me straight.
But I've read it three times (I concatenated all those web pages
into a single file here, and converted it to plain text, if
anyone wants it) the fact is that I can read as well as they
can, and meditate as well as they can, and reason as well as
they can, and what the world does NOT need right now is another
confusing document like the Bible, which has created the over
30,000 officially recognized denomiations of Christianity in the
world today.
ACIM is one of them, though it claims otherwise.
The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years
ACIM is Fundamental Christianity in a New-Age disguise.
It contains some Truth, but those were borrowed from Buddhism and
Yoga in order to sucker the unwary into believing that the entire
document was Truthful. It's an old, old, trich.
You will see the word "salvation" often in ACIM. But there is
nothing to be saved from. That's Christian fearmongering. The
word or concept does not appear in "The Nature of Personal
Reality". Nor do the kind of manipulative ambiguous statements
that ACIM is infested with.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca -
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca -
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.