A Course In MIracles -- NOT
(too old to reply)
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-03 10:08:07 UTC

The mis-named "Course in Miraclesa" (ACIM) is the most deceptive
document I've ever encountered.

It begins by misleading the reader by implying that they will
learn to perform miracles if they read the book and follow its

But then you discover in the Introduction:To Miracles, which is
where ACIM puts you off balance with the most bizarre and absurd
definition of 'miracle' that a madman could conceive of. Here's
a small part of it:

"2. Miracles do not matter. They are quite unimportant."

It turns out that miracles are supposedly done only by God and
this is the only thing that matters. Here, it sets the foundation
for the main messages of the rest of the document, which are that
only God matters and human beings and life itself are worthless
and smelly shit, mostly in the sub-text, with the surface text
saying just the opposite. In the same way that a thief tells you
about his honesty while he is slipping your valuables into his

They claim that ACIM comes from Jesus, but that is obviously not
the case. He spends much of the Gospels telling people how to
perform miracles. This is but one example:

Mark 11:23 "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say
unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the
sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that
those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have
whatsoever he saith."

ACUM says that there is a difference between magic and miracles,
but Jesus makes no such distinction in the Bible, the Nag
Hammadi, or the Dead Sea Scrolls. And he obviously thinks that
magick/miracles are important, and that we should and can perform
them, while ACIM says otherwise.

But that doesn't matter to the clever propagandists who wrote
ACIM. It's main purpose is to convey the basic assumptions of
Fundamental Christianity by pretending to be a channeled New-Age

Now, the folks from the facist "One Mind Foundation" will jump
in here and tell you that I don't actually understand ACIM and
offer to set me straight.

But I've read it three times (I concatenated all those web pages
into a single file here, and converted it to plain text, if
anyone wants it) the fact is that I can read as well as they
can, and meditate as well as they can, and reason as well as
they can, and what the world does NOT need right now is another
confusing document like the Bible, which has created the over
30,000 officially recognized denomiations of Christianity in the
world today.

ACIM is one of them, though it claims otherwise.

The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years

ACIM is Fundamental Christianity in a New-Age disguise.

It contains some Truth, but those were borrowed from Buddhism and
Yoga in order to sucker the unwary into believing that the entire
document was Truthful. It's an old, old, trich.

You will see the word "salvation" often in ACIM. But there is
nothing to be saved from. That's Christian fearmongering. The
word or concept does not appear in "The Nature of Personal
Reality". Nor do the kind of manipulative ambiguous statements
that ACIM is infested with.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
2011-06-05 17:05:20 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years
Hmm. One thing always makes me doubtful about Jane Roberts's work,
inspiring as it is. If she created her own reality and could do miracles
and all, how come she died slowly and painfully from arthritis?
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk.
I don't check that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've
sent me an e-mail.
2011-06-05 19:59:18 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years
Hmm.  One thing always makes me doubtful about Jane Roberts's work,
inspiring as it is.  If she created her own reality and could do miracles
and all, how come she died slowly and painfully from arthritis?
A sickly, tormented child who grew into a sickly, tormented woman, she
desperately wanted to be able to escape into her own reality, so she
created a being called "Seth" to tell her that she could. What we can
create are stories. Our primary story is our self. Once we believe
in that one, we can believe in all sorts of other stories too. Jane
tried to turn reality into a story she could wholly make up, but she

Jane knew this, underneath all the dissociative crap she kept feeding
herself. She talked quite a bit about how her physical and mental
discomfort were necessary to stimulate her "creativity". In other
places she talked about her failure to disbelieve in her pain, no
matter how much "Seth" kept telling her she could.

As for Jesus, Jane made up an elaborate conspiracy theory in "The Seth
Materials" that Jesus was a psychic who faked his crucifixion, using a
willing and deluded surrogate as the actual victim. According to
Jane, enlightened beings do not sacrifice themselves, but apparently
it's OK if they sacrifice other people who don't know any better.
(Aside: Did Jane see herself as one of these little sacrifices,
perhaps?) "Christ" was really a super-physical entity who manifested
in John the Baptist, Jesus, and Saul of Tarsus and who will come again
in the 21st century, without really being identified (other than as a
"psychic", of course), to correct the mistakes he made the first
time. Jane is sufficiently vague in this prophecy so as not to be
caught out by any inconvenient facts.
2011-06-10 14:31:44 UTC
Post by Tom
As for Jesus, Jane made up an elaborate conspiracy theory in "The Seth
Materials" that Jesus was a psychic who faked his crucifixion, using a
willing and deluded surrogate as the actual victim. According to
Jane, enlightened beings do not sacrifice themselves, but apparently
it's OK if they sacrifice other people who don't know any better.
(Aside: Did Jane see herself as one of these little sacrifices,
perhaps?) "Christ" was really a super-physical entity who manifested
in John the Baptist, Jesus, and Saul of Tarsus and who will come again
in the 21st century, without really being identified (other than as a
"psychic", of course), to correct the mistakes he made the first
time. Jane is sufficiently vague in this prophecy so as not to be
caught out by any inconvenient facts.
Daniel Baumgarten
2011-06-10 14:44:48 UTC
Post by dw426
Post by Tom
As for Jesus, Jane made up an elaborate conspiracy theory in "The Seth
Materials" that Jesus was a psychic who faked his crucifixion, using a
willing and deluded surrogate as the actual victim. According to
Jane, enlightened beings do not sacrifice themselves, but apparently
it's OK if they sacrifice other people who don't know any better.
(Aside: Did Jane see herself as one of these little sacrifices,
perhaps?) "Christ" was really a super-physical entity who manifested
in John the Baptist, Jesus, and Saul of Tarsus and who will come again
in the 21st century, without really being identified (other than as a
"psychic", of course), to correct the mistakes he made the first
time. Jane is sufficiently vague in this prophecy so as not to be
caught out by any inconvenient facts.
Daniel Baumgarten - http://dbaum.sdf.org
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.org
2011-06-10 14:50:08 UTC
Post by Daniel Baumgarten
Post by dw426
Post by Tom
As for Jesus, Jane made up an elaborate conspiracy theory in "The Seth
Materials" that Jesus was a psychic who faked his crucifixion, using a
willing and deluded surrogate as the actual victim. According to
Jane, enlightened beings do not sacrifice themselves, but apparently
it's OK if they sacrifice other people who don't know any better.
(Aside: Did Jane see herself as one of these little sacrifices,
perhaps?) "Christ" was really a super-physical entity who manifested
in John the Baptist, Jesus, and Saul of Tarsus and who will come again
in the 21st century, without really being identified (other than as a
"psychic", of course), to correct the mistakes he made the first
time. Jane is sufficiently vague in this prophecy so as not to be
caught out by any inconvenient facts.
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-06-11 04:16:54 UTC
Post by Tom
As for Jesus, Jane made up an elaborate conspiracy theory in "The Seth
Materials" that Jesus was a psychic who faked his crucifixion, using a
willing and deluded surrogate as the actual victim. According to
Jane, enlightened beings do not sacrifice themselves, but apparently
it's OK if they sacrifice other people who don't know any better.
Boatnic's think that way!
Wanderers of the Horse Tribes DON'T!
Searles O'Dubhain
2011-06-10 15:37:51 UTC
 "Christ" was really a super-physical entity who manifested
in John the Baptist, Jesus, and Saul of Tarsus and who will come again
in the 21st century, without really being identified (other than as a
"psychic", of course), to correct the mistakes he made the first
time.  Jane is sufficiently vague in this prophecy so as not to be
caught out by any inconvenient facts.
I guess that even omnipotent beings need better fact detectors to
avoid making mistakes. We poor humans (still in pre-develpment and
R&D) are at the low end of the fact detecting hierarchy. Time to get
out the duct tape and WD40 for this imperfect world.

Searles O'Dubhain
David Dalton
2011-06-10 14:48:54 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by Sidney Lambe
The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years
Hmm. One thing always makes me doubtful about Jane Roberts's work,
inspiring as it is. If she created her own reality and could do miracles
and all, how come she died slowly and painfully from arthritis?
She forgot to click her clunt, it dried up and migrated to her
dependent joints.

2011-06-10 14:50:45 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by unknown
Post by Sidney Lambe
The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years
Hmm. One thing always makes me doubtful about Jane Roberts's work,
inspiring as it is. If she created her own reality and could do miracles
and all, how come she died slowly and painfully from arthritis?
She forgot to click her clunt, it dried up and migrated to her
dependent joints.
Ah, thanks for the update.
2011-06-10 17:20:56 UTC
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
She forgot to click her clunt, it dried up and migrated to her
dependent joints.
Ah, thanks for the update.
Talking to yourself? Really, there's no need to make do with borrowed
screennames. They're free. Treat yourself to one of your own and join in
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk.
I don't check that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've
sent me an e-mail.
2011-06-10 17:25:36 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
She forgot to click her clunt, it dried up and migrated to her
dependent joints.
Ah, thanks for the update.
Talking to yourself? Really, there's no need to make do with borrowed
screennames. They're free. Treat yourself to one of your own and join in
But if you don't want to discuss it, then why answer at all? It seems
a rather pitiful hobby whipping off all day and ramming your fists up
your arse.
2011-06-10 17:28:14 UTC
Post by A B
Post by unknown
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
She forgot to click her clunt, it dried up and migrated to her
dependent joints.
Ah, thanks for the update.
Talking to yourself? Really, there's no need to make do with borrowed
screennames. They're free. Treat yourself to one of your own and join in
But if you don't want to discuss it, then why answer at all? It seems
a rather pitiful hobby whipping off all day and ramming your fists up
your arse.
Thanks very much. I'll try it and let you know how I get on.

I'll try and look at the main stuff, too, and tell you what I make of
it. But people have been meditating for the best course of action and
so on for centuries, presumably with some sort of a result. And as
I've seldom done it myself I wouldn't be able to tell whether
anything had changed, so it wouldn't do as a test.

I'm unsure my fist will make it past my colon.
Good luck! A. B. My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk. I
don't check that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if
you've sent me an e-mail.
2011-06-10 17:31:04 UTC
Post by A B
Post by A B
Post by unknown
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
She forgot to click her clunt, it dried up and migrated to her
dependent joints.
Ah, thanks for the update.
Talking to yourself? Really, there's no need to make do with borrowed
screennames. They're free. Treat yourself to one of your own and join in
But if you don't want to discuss it, then why answer at all? It seems
a rather pitiful hobby whipping off all day and ramming your fists up
your arse.
Thanks very much. I'll try it and let you know how I get on.
I'll try and look at the main stuff, too, and tell you what I make of
it. But people have been meditating for the best course of action and
so on for centuries, presumably with some sort of a result. And as
I've seldom done it myself I wouldn't be able to tell whether
anything had changed, so it wouldn't do as a test.
I'm unsure my fist will make it past my colon.
Are you a robot? You write like one, albeit one devised by a small boy.
2011-06-10 17:40:49 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by A B
Post by A B
Post by unknown
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
She forgot to click her clunt, it dried up and migrated to her
dependent joints.
Ah, thanks for the update.
Talking to yourself? Really, there's no need to make do with borrowed
screennames. They're free. Treat yourself to one of your own and join in
But if you don't want to discuss it, then why answer at all? It seems
a rather pitiful hobby whipping off all day and ramming your fists up
your arse.
Thanks very much. I'll try it and let you know how I get on.
I'll try and look at the main stuff, too, and tell you what I make of
it. But people have been meditating for the best course of action and
so on for centuries, presumably with some sort of a result. And as
I've seldom done it myself I wouldn't be able to tell whether
anything had changed, so it wouldn't do as a test.
I'm unsure my fist will make it past my colon.
Are you a robot? You write like one, albeit one devised by a small boy.
Sorry, I've absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. Sounds
interesting, though.
A. B. My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk. I don't check
that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've sent
me an e-mail.
2011-06-10 19:32:10 UTC
Post by A B
Sorry, I've absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. Sounds
interesting, though.
Oh, I wouldn't go that far :-)
You seem terribly bored. Surely you can think of something better to be
doing than this? (I know the same goes for me, but I don't post anything
like as much.)
I look forward to seeing what ingenious way you find of holding this posting
against me :-)
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk.
I don't check that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've
sent me an e-mail.
2011-06-11 14:35:46 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by A B
Sorry, I've absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. Sounds
interesting, though.
Oh, I wouldn't go that far :-)
You seem terribly bored. Surely you can think of something better to be
doing than this? (I know the same goes for me, but I don't post anything
like as much.)
I look forward to seeing what ingenious way you find of holding this posting
against me :-)
Talking to yourself? Really, there's no need to make do with borrowed
screennames. They're free. Treat yourself to one of your own and
join in properly.
A. B. My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk. I don't check
that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've sent
me an e-mail.
2011-06-13 19:38:09 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by unknown
Post by A B
Sorry, I've absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. Sounds
interesting, though.
Oh, I wouldn't go that far :-)
You seem terribly bored. Surely you can think of something better to be
doing than this? (I know the same goes for me, but I don't post anything
like as much.)
I look forward to seeing what ingenious way you find of holding this posting
against me :-)
Talking to yourself? Really, there's no need to make do with borrowed
screennames. They're free. Treat yourself to one of your own and
join in properly.
Clever. I didn't think of that one. It's getting boring, though - maybe
call it a day?
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk.
I don't check that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've
sent me an e-mail.
2011-06-13 19:52:13 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by unknown
Post by unknown
Post by A B
Sorry, I've absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. Sounds
interesting, though.
Oh, I wouldn't go that far :-)
You seem terribly bored. Surely you can think of something better to be
doing than this? (I know the same goes for me, but I don't post anything
like as much.)
I look forward to seeing what ingenious way you find of holding this posting
against me :-)
Talking to yourself? Really, there's no need to make do with borrowed
screennames. They're free. Treat yourself to one of your own and
join in properly.
Clever. I didn't think of that one. It's getting boring, though - maybe
call it a day?
Folks - There's this forger going round. The forger always uses
x-privat, if that helps.
A. B. My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk. I don't check
that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've sent
me an e-mail.
David Dalton
2011-06-10 17:33:25 UTC
Post by A B
Post by A B
Post by unknown
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
She forgot to click her clunt, it dried up and migrated to her
dependent joints.
Ah, thanks for the update.
Talking to yourself? Really, there's no need to make do with borrowed
screennames. They're free. Treat yourself to one of your own and join in
But if you don't want to discuss it, then why answer at all? It seems
a rather pitiful hobby whipping off all day and ramming your fists up
your arse.
Thanks very much. I'll try it and let you know how I get on.
I'll try and look at the main stuff, too, and tell you what I make of
it. But people have been meditating for the best course of action and
so on for centuries, presumably with some sort of a result. And as
I've seldom done it myself I wouldn't be able to tell whether
anything had changed, so it wouldn't do as a test.
I'm unsure my fist will make it past my colon.
What I would do if I was in your situation and wanting to push a
subset of this post would be to print the post out, cross out what
you don't want, and push the remainder as far up your arse as you

I push the four components other than (say or think what you want to
exclude). If you dislike something you can push against it by
clicking your perineum.

Don't know what to tell you about your colon.

2011-06-10 17:37:56 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by A B
Post by A B
Post by unknown
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
She forgot to click her clunt, it dried up and migrated to her
dependent joints.
Ah, thanks for the update.
Talking to yourself? Really, there's no need to make do with borrowed
screennames. They're free. Treat yourself to one of your own and join in
But if you don't want to discuss it, then why answer at all? It seems
a rather pitiful hobby whipping off all day and ramming your fists up
your arse.
Thanks very much. I'll try it and let you know how I get on.
I'll try and look at the main stuff, too, and tell you what I make of
it. But people have been meditating for the best course of action and
so on for centuries, presumably with some sort of a result. And as
I've seldom done it myself I wouldn't be able to tell whether
anything had changed, so it wouldn't do as a test.
I'm unsure my fist will make it past my colon.
What I would do if I was in your situation and wanting to push a
subset of this post would be to print the post out, cross out what
you don't want, and push the remainder as far up your arse as you
I push the four components other than (say or think what you want to
exclude). If you dislike something you can push against it by
clicking your perineum.
Don't know what to tell you about your colon.
It's not really taken over by anything. It's just almost empty. I
think the only ones fisting it at present are me and sometimes Sidney
Lambe. If a few more people posted, as it might be you, we could have
some decent discussion still.

Until the, my fist is stuck just on the other side of my arse's colon.
A. B. My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk. I don't check
that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've sent
me an e-mail.
2011-06-10 17:43:14 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by A B
Post by A B
Post by unknown
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
She forgot to click her clunt, it dried up and migrated to her
dependent joints.
Ah, thanks for the update.
Talking to yourself? Really, there's no need to make do with borrowed
screennames. They're free. Treat yourself to one of your own and join in
But if you don't want to discuss it, then why answer at all? It seems
a rather pitiful hobby whipping off all day and ramming your fists up
your arse.
Thanks very much. I'll try it and let you know how I get on.
I'll try and look at the main stuff, too, and tell you what I make of
it. But people have been meditating for the best course of action and
so on for centuries, presumably with some sort of a result. And as
I've seldom done it myself I wouldn't be able to tell whether
anything had changed, so it wouldn't do as a test.
I'm unsure my fist will make it past my colon.
What I would do if I was in your situation and wanting to push a
subset of this post would be to print the post out, cross out what
you don't want, and push the remainder as far up your arse as you
I push the four components other than (say or think what you want to
exclude). If you dislike something you can push against it by
clicking your perineum.
Don't know what to tell you about your colon.
As far as "home remedies" go, I suppose you could experiment with
rowan twigs, ash twigs, salt, silver and so on. I've not heard sage
mentioned in fisting before. Above all, pray for all you're worth.
Pray for the ghost as well; presumably it has some reason for
whatever it's doing inside your ever fucked up head.

Good luck. God bless you. Happy fisting.
A. B. My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk. I don't check
that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've sent
me an e-mail.
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