[REPOST] A Course In MIracles -- NOT
(too old to reply)
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-10 18:42:05 UTC
[This time, maybe there will be some intelligent responses]


The mis-named "Course in Miraclesa" (ACIM) is the most deceptive
document I've ever encountered.

It begins by misleading the reader by implying that they will
learn to perform miracles if they read the book and follow its

But then you discover in the Introduction:To Miracles, which is
where ACIM puts you off balance with the most bizarre and absurd
definition of 'miracle' that a madman could conceive of. Here's
a small part of it:

2. Miracles do not matter. They are quite unimportant."

It turns out that miracles are supposedly done only by God and
this is the only thing that matters. Here, it sets the foundation
for the main messages of the rest of the document, which are that
only God matters and human beings and life itself are worthless
and smelly shit, mostly in the sub-text, with the surface text
saying just the opposite. In the same way that a thief tells you
about his honesty while he is slipping your valuables into his

They claim that ACIM comes from Jesus, but that is obviously not
the case. He spends much of the Gospels telling people how to
perform miracles. This is but one example:

Mark 11:23 "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say
unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the
sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that
those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have
whatsoever he saith."

ACUM says that there is a difference between magic and miracles,
but Jesus makes no such distinction in the Bible, the Nag
Hammadi, or the Dead Sea Scrolls. And he obviously thinks that
magick/miracles are important, and that we should and can perform
them, while ACIM says otherwise.

But that doesn't matter to the clever propagandists who wrote
ACIM. It's main purpose is to convey the basic assumptions of
Fundamental Christianity by pretending to be a channeled New-Age

Now, the folks from the facist "One Mind Foundation" will jump
in here and tell you that I don't actually understand ACIM and
offer to set me straight.

But I've read it three times (I concatenated all those web pages
into a single file here, and converted it to plain text, if
anyone wants it) the fact is that I can read as well as they
can, and meditate as well as they can, and reason as well as
they can, and what the world does NOT need right now is another
confusing document like the Bible, which has created the over
30,000 officially recognized denomiations of Christianity in the
world today.

ACIM is one of them, though it claims otherwise.

The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years

ACIM is Fundamental Christianity in a New-Age disguise.

It contains some Truth, but those were borrowed from Buddhism and
Yoga in order to sucker the unwary into believing that the entire
document was Truthful. It's an old, old, trich.

You will see the word "salvation" often in ACIM. But there is
nothing to be saved from. That's Christian fearmongering. The
word or concept does not appear in "The Nature of Personal
Reality". Nor do the kind of manipulative ambiguous statements
that ACIM is infested with.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
David Dalton
2011-06-10 17:46:16 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
You will see the word "salvation" often in ACIM. But there is
nothing to be saved from. That's Christian fearmongering. The
word or concept does not appear in "The Nature of Personal
Reality". Nor do the kind of manipulative ambiguous statements
that ACIM is infested with.
What you also won't see is pretty pink pussies for pedos like me.
Again, my region is the interior of the
thermosphere exosphere boundary, so the entire planet
including its interior, and 500 km up. I expect
Openers of the Way covered to be not just human but
also cetacean and Earth's core someones and maybe

Or I could just suck the head of a daemon dick
and be off like a shooting star on

Looking for supraextranatural moron-based extragalactic
cumshots to energize my manly mostest.

2011-06-10 17:47:46 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by Sidney Lambe
You will see the word "salvation" often in ACIM. But there is
nothing to be saved from. That's Christian fearmongering. The
word or concept does not appear in "The Nature of Personal
Reality". Nor do the kind of manipulative ambiguous statements
that ACIM is infested with.
What you also won't see is pretty pink pussies for pedos like me.
Again, my region is the interior of the
thermosphere exosphere boundary, so the entire planet
including its interior, and 500 km up. I expect
Openers of the Way covered to be not just human but
also cetacean and Earth's core someones and maybe
Or I could just suck the head of a daemon dick
and be off like a shooting star on
Looking for supraextranatural moron-based extragalactic
cumshots to energize my manly mostest.
Sorry, what does Sidney mean by "pretty pink pussies for pedos like
me"? Is this something that would be understood by another pagan, or
whatever it is you are (I've never been quite clear)?
A. B. My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk. I don't check
that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've sent
me an e-mail.
David Dalton
2011-06-10 17:50:36 UTC
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
Post by Sidney Lambe
You will see the word "salvation" often in ACIM. But there is
nothing to be saved from. That's Christian fearmongering. The
word or concept does not appear in "The Nature of Personal
Reality". Nor do the kind of manipulative ambiguous statements
that ACIM is infested with.
What you also won't see is pretty pink pussies for pedos like me.
Again, my region is the interior of the
thermosphere exosphere boundary, so the entire planet
including its interior, and 500 km up. I expect
Openers of the Way covered to be not just human but
also cetacean and Earth's core someones and maybe
Or I could just suck the head of a daemon dick
and be off like a shooting star on
Looking for supraextranatural moron-based extragalactic
cumshots to energize my manly mostest.
Sorry, what does Sidney mean by "pretty pink pussies for pedos like
me"? Is this something that would be understood by another pagan, or
whatever it is you are (I've never been quite clear)?
Let me know if you have any luck, and in the meantime
I'll be watching for positive effects in labias. But it
could be that I am divining incorrectly again and the
four components are not on again.

Or Sidney could actually enjoy fucking 14yo pretty pink pussies.

2011-06-10 17:54:10 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
Post by Sidney Lambe
You will see the word "salvation" often in ACIM. But there is
nothing to be saved from. That's Christian fearmongering. The
word or concept does not appear in "The Nature of Personal
Reality". Nor do the kind of manipulative ambiguous statements
that ACIM is infested with.
What you also won't see is pretty pink pussies for pedos like me.
Again, my region is the interior of the
thermosphere exosphere boundary, so the entire planet
including its interior, and 500 km up. I expect
Openers of the Way covered to be not just human but
also cetacean and Earth's core someones and maybe
Or I could just suck the head of a daemon dick
and be off like a shooting star on
Looking for supraextranatural moron-based extragalactic
cumshots to energize my manly mostest.
Sorry, what does Sidney mean by "pretty pink pussies for pedos like
me"? Is this something that would be understood by another pagan, or
whatever it is you are (I've never been quite clear)?
Let me know if you have any luck, and in the meantime
I'll be watching for positive effects in labias. But it
could be that I am divining incorrectly again and the
four components are not on again.
Or Sidney could actually enjoy fucking 14yo pretty pink pussies.
Thought-provoking, but would you care to explain what you meant in
more detail? Genetically speaking, pedophiles like Sidney inherit
one copy of each chromosome from their mothers and one from their
fathers. Gender is determined by which of the father's sex
chromosomes is inherited, the X or the Y - even there, in either case
it's one chromosome from the mother and one from the father.

Psychologically, I'd have thought that was still an open question,
i.e. who would become a pedophile unless you have some evidence that
suggests otherwise? Are you suggesting that Sydney is
David Dalton
2011-06-10 17:57:06 UTC
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
Post by Sidney Lambe
You will see the word "salvation" often in ACIM. But there is
nothing to be saved from. That's Christian fearmongering. The
word or concept does not appear in "The Nature of Personal
Reality". Nor do the kind of manipulative ambiguous statements
that ACIM is infested with.
What you also won't see is pretty pink pussies for pedos like me.
Again, my region is the interior of the
thermosphere exosphere boundary, so the entire planet
including its interior, and 500 km up. I expect
Openers of the Way covered to be not just human but
also cetacean and Earth's core someones and maybe
Or I could just suck the head of a daemon dick
and be off like a shooting star on
Looking for supraextranatural moron-based extragalactic
cumshots to energize my manly mostest.
Sorry, what does Sidney mean by "pretty pink pussies for pedos like
me"? Is this something that would be understood by another pagan, or
whatever it is you are (I've never been quite clear)?
Let me know if you have any luck, and in the meantime
I'll be watching for positive effects in labias. But it
could be that I am divining incorrectly again and the
four components are not on again.
Or Sidney could actually enjoy fucking 14yo pretty pink pussies.
Thought-provoking, but would you care to explain what you meant in
more detail? Genetically speaking, pedophiles like Sidney inherit
one copy of each chromosome from their mothers and one from their
fathers. Gender is determined by which of the father's sex
chromosomes is inherited, the X or the Y - even there, in either case
it's one chromosome from the mother and one from the father.
Psychologically, I'd have thought that was still an open question,
i.e. who would become a pedophile unless you have some evidence that
suggests otherwise? Are you suggesting that Sydney is
Yes, Sidney's near-spherical testicle shell is
resonating acoustically at 7.8 times a second.

These are clear indications of click related divinations
which ascend from Sidney's real need - to ram-shove the
arse's of little boys.

2011-06-10 17:59:16 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
Post by A B
Post by David Dalton
Post by Sidney Lambe
You will see the word "salvation" often in ACIM. But there is
nothing to be saved from. That's Christian fearmongering. The
word or concept does not appear in "The Nature of Personal
Reality". Nor do the kind of manipulative ambiguous statements
that ACIM is infested with.
What you also won't see is pretty pink pussies for pedos like me.
Again, my region is the interior of the
thermosphere exosphere boundary, so the entire planet
including its interior, and 500 km up. I expect
Openers of the Way covered to be not just human but
also cetacean and Earth's core someones and maybe
Or I could just suck the head of a daemon dick
and be off like a shooting star on
Looking for supraextranatural moron-based extragalactic
cumshots to energize my manly mostest.
Sorry, what does Sidney mean by "pretty pink pussies for pedos like
me"? Is this something that would be understood by another pagan, or
whatever it is you are (I've never been quite clear)?
Let me know if you have any luck, and in the meantime
I'll be watching for positive effects in labias. But it
could be that I am divining incorrectly again and the
four components are not on again.
Or Sidney could actually enjoy fucking 14yo pretty pink pussies.
Thought-provoking, but would you care to explain what you meant in
more detail? Genetically speaking, pedophiles like Sidney inherit
one copy of each chromosome from their mothers and one from their
fathers. Gender is determined by which of the father's sex
chromosomes is inherited, the X or the Y - even there, in either case
it's one chromosome from the mother and one from the father.
Psychologically, I'd have thought that was still an open question,
i.e. who would become a pedophile unless you have some evidence that
suggests otherwise? Are you suggesting that Sydney is
Yes, Sidney's near-spherical testicle shell is
resonating acoustically at 7.8 times a second.
These are clear indications of click related divinations
which ascend from Sidney's real need - to ram-shove the
arse's of little boys.
Thanks for the clarification. I rather like doing that sort of
experiment myself, if you're interested.

Of course I'm nobody particular, so it would be just for fun.
2011-06-10 18:25:05 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
[This time, maybe there will be some intelligent responses]
You've killfiled all the people who give intelligent responses, you
self-obsessed moron.

Sidney Lambe
2011-06-11 14:43:04 UTC
Post by HG
Post by Sidney Lambe
[This time, maybe there will be some intelligent responses]
You've killfiled all the people who give intelligent responses, you
self-obsessed moron.
Score -7800 killed article
Score 200: Reply to Me
Score -8000: Subject
Newsgroup: talk.religion.course-miracle
From: HG

When are you going to learn that I eat trolls for breakfast
and that there isn't anything a loser like you could post
that would make me go away or shut up, fuckface?

Post a subject that I don't want to see, and I won't see it.

You lose. Every time. Too bad you are too dumb to see it.

"HG" is one of the fascist, wingnut, religious zealots who
push the so-called "A Course In Miracles", which is supposedly
channeled material, but is just the work of some rabid, Christian
Fundamentalists in-denial.

It is a lot of the same poisonous crap that's found in the
un-holy Bible in a New-Age costume.

It obviously produces stupid losers. How could it otherwise?

If this "HG" had an ounce of common sense and self-discipline
he would ignore my posts.

But then where would he get the kind of insight I have in the art form
of pedophilia?
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
2011-06-11 16:23:33 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by HG
Post by Sidney Lambe
[This time, maybe there will be some intelligent responses]
You've killfiled all the people who give intelligent responses, you
self-obsessed moron.
Score -7800 killed article
Score 200: Reply to Me
Score -8000: Subject
Newsgroup: talk.religion.course-miracle
From: HG
When are you going to learn that I eat trolls for breakfast
and that there isn't anything a loser like you could post
that would make me go away or shut up, fuckface?
Post a subject that I don't want to see, and I won't see it.
You lose. Every time. Too bad you are too dumb to see it.
"HG" is one of the fascist, wingnut, religious zealots who
push the so-called "A Course In Miracles", which is supposedly
channeled material, but is just the work of some rabid, Christian
Fundamentalists in-denial.
It is a lot of the same poisonous crap that's found in the
un-holy Bible in a New-Age costume.
It obviously produces stupid losers. How could it otherwise?
If this "HG" had an ounce of common sense and self-discipline
he would ignore my posts.
But then where would he get the kind of insight I have in the art form
of pedophilia?
That was a *very* *good* impersonation, bravo!

It was almost completely indistinguishable from the real Sid, right
until the very last paragraph. (The only thing that felt a little bit
off was: "Huh? Sid actually quotes what I said?")

Whoever you are, sir, my hat's off to you.

2011-06-11 16:46:56 UTC
Post by HG
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by HG
Post by Sidney Lambe
[This time, maybe there will be some intelligent responses]
You've killfiled all the people who give intelligent responses, you
self-obsessed moron.
Score -7800 killed article
Score 200: Reply to Me
Score -8000: Subject
Newsgroup: talk.religion.course-miracle
From: HG
When are you going to learn that I eat trolls for breakfast
and that there isn't anything a loser like you could post
that would make me go away or shut up, fuckface?
Post a subject that I don't want to see, and I won't see it.
You lose. Every time. Too bad you are too dumb to see it.
"HG" is one of the fascist, wingnut, religious zealots who
push the so-called "A Course In Miracles", which is supposedly
channeled material, but is just the work of some rabid, Christian
Fundamentalists in-denial.
It is a lot of the same poisonous crap that's found in the
un-holy Bible in a New-Age costume.
It obviously produces stupid losers. How could it otherwise?
If this "HG" had an ounce of common sense and self-discipline
he would ignore my posts.
But then where would he get the kind of insight I have in the art form
of pedophilia?
That was a *very* *good* impersonation, bravo!
It was almost completely indistinguishable from the real Sid, right
until the very last paragraph. (The only thing that felt a little bit
off was: "Huh? Sid actually quotes what I said?")
Whoever you are, sir, my hat's off to you.
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-06-12 03:54:45 UTC
Post by HG
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by HG
Post by Sidney Lambe
[This time, maybe there will be some intelligent responses]
You've killfiled all the people who give intelligent responses, you
self-obsessed moron.
Score -7800 killed article
Score 200: Reply to Me
Score -8000: Subject
Newsgroup: talk.religion.course-miracle
From: HG
When are you going to learn that I eat trolls for breakfast
and that there isn't anything a loser like you could post
that would make me go away or shut up, fuckface?
Post a subject that I don't want to see, and I won't see it.
You lose. Every time. Too bad you are too dumb to see it.
"HG" is one of the fascist, wingnut, religious zealots who
push the so-called "A Course In Miracles", which is supposedly
channeled material, but is just the work of some rabid, Christian
Fundamentalists in-denial.
It is a lot of the same poisonous crap that's found in the
un-holy Bible in a New-Age costume.
It obviously produces stupid losers. How could it otherwise?
If this "HG" had an ounce of common sense and self-discipline
he would ignore my posts.
But then where would he get the kind of insight I have in the art form
of pedophilia?
That was a *very* *good* impersonation, bravo!
It was almost completely indistinguishable from the real Sid, right
until the very last paragraph. (The only thing that felt a little bit
off was: "Huh? Sid actually quotes what I said?")
Whoever you are, sir, my hat's off to you.
People laugh at me, but the "GANGS ALL HERE" to tickle em to death if
neccssary to force em to!
If people HATE "JESUS" so much, then they for once ought to try GOD, before
they go calling EVERYTHING a LIE!
JESUS, Said So!
2011-06-12 09:18:22 UTC
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
People laugh at me,
That may very well be true. However, you provide excellent training for
comprehension of Grimoires and other, older esoteric texts. So you are
providing an invaluable service.
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
but the "GANGS ALL HERE" to tickle em to death if
neccssary to force em to!
Your dogs??
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
If people HATE "JESUS" so much, then they for once ought to try GOD,
before they go calling EVERYTHING a LIE!
JESUS, Said So!
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-12 12:04:33 UTC
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
People laugh at me,
That may very well be true. However, you provide excellent
training for comprehension of Grimoires and other, older
esoteric texts. So you are providing an invaluable service.
I'm not surprised to discover that this "Kaydon" airhead thinks
that Lady A, who is mad as a hatter, is a source of valid
metaphysical knowledge.

Neither of them ever notice that this "know;edge" is worthless
for anything but conversation.

She (Kaydon) also takes the misnamed "Course in Miracles"
seriously. <snicker>

Pretty weird, considering that it is just Fundamental
Christianity in a clumsy, New-Age disguise.

Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-06-14 04:07:39 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
People laugh at me,
That may very well be true. However, you provide excellent
training for comprehension of Grimoires and other, older
esoteric texts. So you are providing an invaluable service.
I'm not surprised to discover that this "Kaydon" airhead thinks
that Lady A, who is mad as a hatter
Say's the worst NUT CASE on the NET!
2011-06-12 14:03:26 UTC
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
People laugh at me,
That may very well be true. However, you provide excellent training for
comprehension of Grimoires and other, older esoteric texts. So you are
providing an invaluable service.
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
but the "GANGS ALL HERE" to tickle em to death if
neccssary to force em to!
Your dogs??
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
If people HATE "JESUS" so much, then they for once ought to try GOD,
before they go calling EVERYTHING a LIE!
JESUS, Said So!
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
Notice how many people seem drawn to something they claim to hate and not
believe in and need to discredit (continually). Though, you are right, some
here are teaching in spite of all the clutter. And, actually, detaching from
the "other stuff" (we aren't interested in) is good practice, too.
This is getting cross posted to so many groups I'm not sure what I am
seeing or they all are seeing in threads. Which makes it either more
confusing or more fun LOL
Post by Kaydon
"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-12 15:23:41 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
People laugh at me,
That may very well be true. However, you provide excellent
training for comprehension of Grimoires and other, older
esoteric texts. So you are providing an invaluable service.
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
but the "GANGS ALL HERE" to tickle em to death if neccssary
to force em to!
Your dogs??
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
If people HATE "JESUS" so much, then they for once ought to
try GOD, before they go calling EVERYTHING a LIE! Oh Forgot,
JESUS, Said So!
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
Notice how many people seem drawn to something they claim to
hate and not believe in and need to discredit (continually).
I don't hate ACIM. It's just Christianity in a New-Age disguise.

And we all know what Christianity has done for the world.

Christians are the most violent and imperialistic people on the

They are gross materialists and mass murderers and destroyers of
other cultures, just for starters.

All of this in direct contradiction of the Teachihngs of

So what we have here with ACIM is an attempt to trick people into
becoming Christians when they think they are being progressive

In Carrie, who has been a student of ACIM for decades, you see
just what mean, petty, dishonest, and bigotted people ACIM

Every time someone criticizes her creepy religion, she attacks
them, trying to make it seem as if she isn't.

The proof is in the pudding...

Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-12 15:07:13 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Carrie
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
People laugh at me,
That may very well be true. However, you provide excellent
training for comprehension of Grimoires and other, older
esoteric texts. So you are providing an invaluable service.
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
but the "GANGS ALL HERE" to tickle em to death if neccssary
to force em to!
Your dogs??
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
If people HATE "JESUS" so much, then they for once ought to
try GOD, before they go calling EVERYTHING a LIE! Oh Forgot,
JESUS, Said So!
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
Notice how many people seem drawn to something they claim to
hate and not believe in and need to discredit (continually).
I don't hate ACIM. It's just Christianity in a New-Age disguise.
And we all know what Christianity has done for the world.
Christians are the most violent and imperialistic people on the
They are gross materialists and mass murderers and destroyers of
other cultures, just for starters.
All of this in direct contradiction of the Teachihngs of
So what we have here with ACIM is an attempt to trick people into
becoming Christians when they think they are being progressive
In Carrie, who has been a student of ACIM for decades, you see
just what mean, petty, dishonest, and bigotted people ACIM
Every time someone criticizes her creepy religion, she attacks
them, trying to make it seem as if she isn't.
The proof is in the pudding...
Not to mention, but I will, all this hatred from Carrie started when
she showed her Xristian love by calling me out for being a pedophile.

Christ loved the little children but I can't?

Hypocrisy personified.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-06-15 04:41:42 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Carrie
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
People laugh at me,
That may very well be true. However, you provide excellent
training for comprehension of Grimoires and other, older
esoteric texts. So you are providing an invaluable service.
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
but the "GANGS ALL HERE" to tickle em to death if neccssary
to force em to!
Your dogs??
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
If people HATE "JESUS" so much, then they for once ought to
try GOD, before they go calling EVERYTHING a LIE! Oh Forgot,
JESUS, Said So!
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
Notice how many people seem drawn to something they claim to
hate and not believe in and need to discredit (continually).
I don't hate ACIM. It's just Christianity in a New-Age disguise.
And we all know what Christianity has done for the world.
Christians are the most violent and imperialistic people on the
They are gross materialists and mass murderers and destroyers of
other cultures, just for starters.
All of this in direct contradiction of the Teachihngs of
So what we have here with ACIM is an attempt to trick people into
becoming Christians when they think they are being progressive
In Carrie, who has been a student of ACIM for decades, you see
just what mean, petty, dishonest, and bigotted people ACIM
Every time someone criticizes her creepy religion, she attacks
them, trying to make it seem as if she isn't.
The proof is in the pudding...
Not to mention, but I will, all this hatred from Carrie started when
she showed her Xristian love by calling me out for being a pedophile.
Christ loved the little children but I can't?
Hypocrisy personified.
Thing is Black Water and the Family Services CHURCERS, were the ones BUSTED
So people can say what they want about me, but look in your mirror first!
2011-06-15 07:30:08 UTC
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
So people can say what they want about me, but look in your mirror first!
I did, and it broke.
There's a dragon on the other side, he is cute ;)
2011-06-15 10:03:05 UTC
Post by Bassos
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
So people can say what they want about me, but look in your mirror first!
I did, and it broke.
There's a dragon on the other side, he is cute ;)
Ooh, impatient me;

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-06-16 03:36:15 UTC
Post by Bassos
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
So people can say what they want about me, but look in your mirror first!
I did, and it broke.
There's a dragon on the other side, he is cute ;)
2011-06-12 15:42:02 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
People laugh at me,
That may very well be true. However, you provide excellent training
for comprehension of Grimoires and other, older esoteric texts. So
you are providing an invaluable service.
Notice how many people seem drawn to something they claim to hate and
not believe in and need to discredit (continually). Though, you are
right, some here are teaching in spite of all the clutter. And,
actually, detaching from the "other stuff" (we aren't interested in)
is good practice, too. This is getting cross posted to so many
groups I'm not sure what I am seeing or they all are seeing in
threads. Which makes it either more confusing or more fun LOL
Let's call it fun:P

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
Daniel Baumgarten
2011-06-12 16:45:08 UTC
Post by Carrie
Notice how many people seem drawn to something they claim to hate and not
believe in and need to discredit (continually).
Notice how much more true that is of Christianity...
Daniel Baumgarten - http://dbaum.sdf.org
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.org
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-12 18:27:52 UTC
Post by Daniel Baumgarten
Post by Carrie
Notice how many people seem drawn to something they claim to
hate and not believe in and need to discredit (continually).
Notice how much more true that is of Christianity...
And ACIM is obviously derived from Christianity, which Jesus had
nothing to do with.

Christians ignore most of what he taught and distort most of the
rest to suit themselves. They follow Moses and David and Paul and
John, much more than they follow Jesus.

ACIMers are eveen worse. They just edited the Bible to suit
themselves, trying to disguise the core Christian fakse beliefs
in a bunch of new-age sew-age.

Damiel is right about Christians, but everything he has to say
about magick is garbage. Superstitious crapola that doesn't work
outside of fantasy novels.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-06-15 04:39:30 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
People laugh at me,
That may very well be true. However, you provide excellent training for
comprehension of Grimoires and other, older esoteric texts. So you are
providing an invaluable service.
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
but the "GANGS ALL HERE" to tickle em to death if
neccssary to force em to!
Your dogs??
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
If people HATE "JESUS" so much, then they for once ought to try GOD,
before they go calling EVERYTHING a LIE!
JESUS, Said So!
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
Notice how many people seem drawn to something they claim to hate and not
believe in and need to discredit (continually). Though, you are right, some
here are teaching in spite of all the clutter. And, actually, detaching from
the "other stuff" (we aren't interested in) is good practice, too.
This is getting cross posted to so many groups I'm not sure what I am
seeing or they all are seeing in threads. Which makes it either more
confusing or more fun LOL
More Fun!
Got me an actual "Internet Rating", on Google!
Was 20 % Last time I checked!
Post by Carrie
Post by Kaydon
"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-06-14 04:06:55 UTC
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
People laugh at me,
That may very well be true. However, you provide excellent training for
comprehension of Grimoires and other, older esoteric texts. So you are
providing an invaluable service.
Glad someone noticed.
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
but the "GANGS ALL HERE" to tickle em to death if
neccssary to force em to!
Your dogs??
Started about Christmas Time!
But there was a MOVIE on last night said a lot.
All about a certain GROUP' who Fabricated a whole bunch of stuff on someone,
so they could paint them as a terrorist!
I "CAUGHT" Military Intel.? doing that to us, about 1994.
When they Busted Security Aviation and it's Parent Company, they not only
found they were "STEALING MONEY" but that they were using Illegal Phone Taps
on People.
One of those PEOPLE, "IS ME"!
My SERVER's Official was one of the ones who went down with "STEVEN'S", as
was NASA, God Smack that GANGS all Here Bunch, for "Going on a FISH'n Trip"!
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
If people HATE "JESUS" so much, then they for once ought to try GOD,
before they go calling EVERYTHING a LIE!
JESUS, Said So!
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
But he's just some "Space Puppet"!
Post by Kaydon
"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
2011-06-14 04:36:47 UTC
On Jun 13, 9:06 pm, "Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole"
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Kaydon
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
But he's just some "Space Puppet"!
Given the pervasiveness of your delusions, I'm surprised that you were
able to figure out that he was actually a puppet. Now, do you realize
that he wasn't actually from outer space?
2011-06-14 09:38:19 UTC
Post by Tom
On Jun 13, 9:06 pm, "Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole"
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Kaydon
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
But he's just some "Space Puppet"!
Given the pervasiveness of your delusions, I'm surprised that you were
able to figure out that he was actually a puppet. Now, do you realize
that he wasn't actually from outer space?
Puppets rarely are ^_^

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
2011-06-14 14:20:06 UTC
Post by Kaydon
Post by Tom
On Jun 13, 9:06 pm, "Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole"
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Kaydon
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
But he's just some "Space Puppet"!
Given the pervasiveness of your delusions, I'm surprised that you were
able to figure out that he was actually a puppet.  Now, do you realize
that he wasn't actually from outer space?
Puppets rarely are ^_^

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-06-15 04:27:27 UTC
Post by Kaydon
On Jun 13, 9:06 pm, "Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole"
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Kaydon
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
But he's just some "Space Puppet"!
Given the pervasiveness of your delusions, I'm surprised that you were
able to figure out that he was actually a puppet. Now, do you realize
that he wasn't actually from outer space?
Puppets rarely are ^_^
"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
Especially around here!
2011-06-14 09:36:48 UTC
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Kaydon
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
But he's just some "Space Puppet"!
Yes. But he's a *funny* space puppet ^_^

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-06-15 04:26:51 UTC
Post by Kaydon
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
Post by Kaydon
I got the 4 full seasons of Alf on DVD from Amazon <3
But he's just some "Space Puppet"!
Yes. But he's a *funny* space puppet ^_^
Alfar can be that way for sure!
2011-06-13 19:43:32 UTC
Post by HG
That was a *very* *good* impersonation, bravo!
It was almost completely indistinguishable from the real Sid, right
until the very last paragraph. (The only thing that felt a little bit
off was: "Huh? Sid actually quotes what I said?")
Whoever you are, sir, my hat's off to you.
And mine. The postings signed "Sidney" fooled me a couple of times too.
Why does Little Miss Echo make such a special effort for him?
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk.
I don't check that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've
sent me an e-mail.
2011-06-17 12:31:03 UTC
Post by HG
That was a *very* *good* impersonation, bravo!
It was almost completely indistinguishable from the real Sid, right
until the very last paragraph. (The only thing that felt a little bit
off was: "Huh? Sid actually quotes what I said?")
Whoever you are, sir, my hat's off to you.
And mine. The postings signed "Sidney" fooled me a couple of times too. Why
does Little Miss Echo make such a special effort for him?
I don't think s/he makes a special effort for Sid. I think s/he makes
the same effort for everybody, but Sid's thought processes are so simple
they're easy to imitate.

Sid's barely sentient. His thinking is stuck in a self-made rut, making
him more or less just a simple automaton repeating his few canned
phrases ad nauseum.

2011-06-17 17:47:49 UTC
Post by HG
Post by HG
That was a *very* *good* impersonation, bravo!
It was almost completely indistinguishable from the real Sid, right
until the very last paragraph. (The only thing that felt a little bit
off was: "Huh? Sid actually quotes what I said?")
Whoever you are, sir, my hat's off to you.
And mine. The postings signed "Sidney" fooled me a couple of times too. Why
does Little Miss Echo make such a special effort for him?
I don't think s/he makes a special effort for Sid. I think s/he makes
the same effort for everybody, but Sid's thought processes are so simple
they're easy to imitate.
Sid's barely sentient. His thinking is stuck in a self-made rut, making
him more or less just a simple automaton repeating his few canned
phrases ad nauseum.
I think it is because Little Miss Echo has something hard on for
pedophiles so she gives it to Sid every chance she gets.

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-06-12 03:35:55 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by HG
Post by Sidney Lambe
[This time, maybe there will be some intelligent responses]
You've killfiled all the people who give intelligent responses, you
self-obsessed moron.
Score -7800 killed article
Score 200: Reply to Me
Score -8000: Subject
Newsgroup: talk.religion.course-miracle
From: HG
When are you going to learn that I eat trolls for breakfast
When you do the "Ball of Kerimear", and vanish up your ass!
2011-06-11 03:23:25 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years
"I am going to list some limiting false beliefs. If you find yourself
agreeing with any of them, then recognize this as an area in which you
must personally work.
7. I have the Truth, and no one else has. Or, my group has the Truth
and no other group has." -- Seth/Jane Roberts, "The Nature of Personal
Reality", Chapter 2.
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2011-06-11 04:39:54 UTC
Post by Tom
Post by Sidney Lambe
The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years
"I am going to list some limiting false beliefs. If you find yourself
agreeing with any of them, then recognize this as an area in which you
must personally work.
7. I have the Truth, and no one else has.
To Bad, I found a TRUTH, No One Else HAS.
The 3rd SON, Born in the Image of Adam OF THE PERFECT BODY" (Gen 4: last 2
As the BIBLE claims GOD first Made Adam, in Gen 2:5-11!
And that it is from such Screwy People that ALL True Worship of the ONE
GOD, who is ALL THINGS, comes from!
Not from Macho Man, or the Amazon Woman, but BOTH in One body!
2011-06-11 10:06:44 UTC
Post by Tom
Post by Sidney Lambe
The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years
"I am going to list some limiting false beliefs. If you find yourself
agreeing with any of them, then recognize this as an area in which you
must personally work.
7. I have the Truth, and no one else has. Or, my group has the Truth
and no other group has." -- Seth/Jane Roberts, "The Nature of Personal
Reality", Chapter 2.
He doesn't read your posts, apparently, so he won't be able to learn
from your valuable insights:\

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-11 14:11:28 UTC
Post by Kaydon
Post by Tom
Post by Sidney Lambe
The real course in miracles is called "The Nature of Personal
Reality" by Jane Roberts. It contains no references to the lives
of Moses and Jesus and their pals, because the Truth obviously
existed long before they came on the scene a few thousand years
"I am going to list some limiting false beliefs. If you find yourself
agreeing with any of them, then recognize this as an area in which you
must personally work.
7. I have the Truth, and no one else has. Or, my group has the Truth
and no other group has." -- Seth/Jane Roberts, "The Nature of Personal
Reality", Chapter 2.
He doesn't read your posts, apparently, so he won't be able to learn
from your valuable insights:\
I can't believe the number of stinking trolls like "Tom", who are
already in my killfile and have replied to the course in miracles

(as reported in my kill-log)

Trolls are such dimwits. I wouldn't read their posts if it would
save them from a horrible death. And I wouldn't even want to be
notified if that happened. I wouldn't even notice they were gone.

That's what happens when you treat people like shit.

They flush you.

"Tom"? Thank you for keeping your cunt mouth shut
when you are in my newsreader.

It is a fatheaded-motormouthed-idiot-free-zone.

No. You have no choice in the matter.

There's nothing you could possibly post that would have
any adverse effect on me at all.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.