Hay ppl, love and miracles to everyone reading this.
I'd like to address everyone by turn. And thank everyone
personally. So if you can, bear with me. :p
I hope I get it right. Its' taken a few days and re-writes to get
this far. I keep putting off posting because I know there is more
stuff I'd like to say. But the time has come the walrus said to
speak of many things. So here goes!
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥{{{{{{{Trcm Group Hug!}}}}}}}♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Orr.. thanks gang! You guys are the best!
We've had the power back on for a few days now, and we are
starting to get back in order.
As you would have heard, we all made it. Cyclones are a fact of
life up here in the tropics. But two biggies in five years that
actually cross the coast used to be fairly rare. And night time
ones are really boring. You don't get to watch it all happen!
Poor Christine (my partner) is really freaked out by them, she
went through cyclone Tracy in '74. It almost completely removed
Darwin from the map. She was very lucky indeed to survive. Sort
of 4ucks me why she still lives in the tropics actually. Maybe
it's a childhood memory of just how damn cold it gets in north
England. (:
Anyway, this is the first cyclone our house has been through since
we built it (last time it was a just a pile of building materials
on the ground). It passed the test no worries. Well it should
really, all steel frame bolted to all steel foundations with 25
posts cemented 900mm (3') into the ground. It ain't going nowhere.
It's really only if a large piece of flying debris hits and
damages part of the roof structure or wall cladding that it may
lose some or all of it's roof cladding. Then you get wet! But by
next one we hope to have a really comfortable cyclone shelter built.
A few blue gums lost their tops (one just brushing the house as it
fell), which is good really. Because I had been thinking about
docking them at about that hight anyway. An old iron bark lost
it's battle with gravity, and is now a nice natural lawn sculpture
in one corner of our block. The main trunk forms quite a pleasing ark.
I only really like iron barks after they have fallen over anyway.
They have very shallow roots and are rather massive. If one fell
on your house it would be game over. So we have rather reluctantly
(I hate cutting down any tree) had the big ones near to the house
felled. It's just not worth the risk.
The trees in the URL below are down south in Victoria, so the
country is a lot colder and dryer down than here, but the iron
barks still look the same.
For every tree we have removed (including saplings), Chris
has planted at least twenty different trees and shrubs. All our
neighbours are slowly but surely disappearing behind an evergreen
sight and sound barrier. Four of our larger wattles got pushed
over, but it wasn't too hard to give them a good pruning and stake
them up again with star pickets and jute. I have no doubt that a
well established garden adds as much value to a block as a house does.
And if I have my way, there will be a huge running black bamboo
forest on the front quarter of the block. Going to have to be a
bit sneaky with that one. (: But hay! I'm a rat! Stealth is
something that comes naturally to us.
So anyway, what I'm trying to say is thanks everyone for your
thoughts and prayers. They are very greatly appreciated. I felt
so safe and surrounded by love, that even as the wind hit us full
force from the other direction as the eye passed, all I needed to
think was, "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.
Therein lies the peace of God.", and I was at peace again.
I always feel like it's very important to show strength in those
sorts of situations. Vibes are contagious.
I would also like to thank everyone who personally posted an
actual reply. /runs around hugging the wonderful trcm crew.
In order of reply:
Thanks for all that you have posted. I was particularly taken with
this passage:
Forgiveness is acquired. 2 It is not inherent in the mind,
which cannot sin. 3 As sin is an idea you taught yourself,
forgiveness must be learned by you as well, but from a Teacher
other than yourself, Who represents the other Self in you. 4
Through Him you learn how to forgive the self you think you made,
and let it disappear. 5 Thus you return your mind
as one to Him Who is your Self, and Who can never sin.
Through Him you learn how to forgive the self you think you made, and let it disappear.
There's almost too much in just that one sentence to take in at a
single read! That's another thing I love about the course. It
challenges my blond Australian brain to do the hard yards. /grins
On another note, I'd be so much more scared of a huge snow storm
than a cyclone. At least with a cyclone you only have to either
get out of it's way or go inland enough so that it has blown it's
self out by the time it gets to you. Or just find a house on high
ground with a brick skirt and get under it. At least your not
going to get buried under this wet, freezing cold stuff that caves
in roofs and crushes and or freezes everything inside. I feel
you're a much braver soul than I will ever be. I'd Never live
anywhere it snows. (: /hugs and kisses Carrie, but continues to
shiver just thinking about snow storms!
Mike (Down Under): thanks m8.
Lesson 68.
"Love holds no grievances"
It's such a beautiful lesson.
"It will quickly become apparent that there is no-one against whom
you do not cherish grievances of some sort."
"Love holds no grievances.
I would wake to my Self by laying
all my grievances aside and wakening in Him."
Are just the parts that jump out at me from the page.
The day I can fully nail this one, I'll be well on the way.
So how is Tassie treating you these days? You're up north near
lonnie was it? That's another bloody cold place! I don't think I
will ever understand why people want to live is such terrible
I know, I can't talk, we have cyclones. But up here on the
tablelands they really don't pose the threat they do on the coast.
But with all the humidity and heat on the coast, I wouldn't live
there either.
Lee: Thanks. If I wasn't such a "tropical Woos" as Deborah BC
called me yesterday, I'd love to see New Mexico. Unfortunately,
on a more serious note, having been busted for possession means I
can never visit your fair and beautiful lands.
Not in a body anyway. ;)
I my honest opinion, the iambic pentameter is truly one of the
inherent miracles of the course. As I read, a trance like quality
slowly overtakes all the dross which tends to float around in my
head. Only music can do that normally.
Ellie: Thanks dear sister. I'll catch you on fb again one day
soon. I've been avoiding joining farmsvill for a long time,
because if I start playing I know I won't stop for months! (: And
I really should be doing real 3D farmsvill stuff here at home.
~~~~~~Fair The Well~~~~~~
~Your friend and brother~
~~~~Adrian Down Under~~~~