Please will one of you wonderful people remind me where the exercise/visulation for forgiveness is?
(too old to reply)
2011-02-01 02:43:03 UTC
Can one of you wonderful people please remind me where the
exercise/visualisation for forgiveness is? The one where you
imagine a good friend and a perceived enemy as one.

I have had a bit of a look, but you guys are the best. As usual
it's been a while since I posted here. But I know you all have
long memories.

Lots of Love and Kisses to you my brothers and sisters.

PS. Yes you guessed it! Cyclone, Yasi, which is bearing down on
us is due to cross the coast at midnight Wednesday my time. (GMT
+10 hours) With Cyclone Larry a couple of years ago, we lost our
power for a fortnight, and this one is a fair bit bigger.

I just have so much to do before it gets here.
But I always have a moment to think about the course and my old
friends on trc-m.



~Fair The Well~
~Your friend and brother,
~Adrian Down Under~

Merry meet.
Merry Part.
Merry meet again.

Blessed Be!
2011-02-01 03:49:29 UTC
Cyclones? We're expecting a winter storm, with snow all day and the next
night. I guess that's better than a cyclone. Put a white light around you
and "gvie it to Holy Spirit" and align with everything is fine.

There are two places with the exercises you are asking about. I think one
of them starts out with seeing the friend first, and the other the enemy
(not sure if this is on purpose) One of them is a lesson, I will see if I
can track it down. Not sure about the other one. There are some tapes/cd by
Beverly Hutchinson and Steven Halpern (music) from Miracle Distribution
Center (you can now download them not sure about other countries) One of
them is called "The Holy Instant" and it has one of the forgiveness
exercises as a guided meditation. Don't remember if it has the other one. I
will see if I cxan find the other one, but here is one of them. (and good
reminder. As I was looking for this I kept coming across good things I had

This is one:


Forgiveness is the key to happiness.

W-121.1. Here is the answer to your search for peace. 2 Here is the
key to meaning in a world that seems to make no sense. 3 Here is the way to
safety in apparent dangers that appear to threaten you at every turn, and
bring uncertainty to all your hopes of ever finding quietness and peace. 4
Here are all questions answered; here the end of all uncertainty ensured at

W-121.2. The unforgiving mind is full of fear, and offers love no
room to be itself; no place where it can spread its wings in peace and soar
above the turmoil of the world. 2 The unforgiving mind is sad, without the
hope of respite and release from pain. 3 It suffers and abides in misery,
peering about in darkness, seeing not, yet certain of the danger lurking

W-121.3. The unforgiving mind is torn with doubt, confused about
itself and all it sees; afraid and angry, weak and blustering, afraid to go
ahead, afraid to stay, afraid to waken or to go to sleep, afraid of every
sound, yet more afraid of stillness; terrified of darkness, yet more
terrified at the approach of light. 2 What can the unforgiving mind perceive
but its damnation? 3 What can it behold except the proof that all its sins
are real?

W-121.4. The unforgiving mind sees no mistakes, but only sins. 2 It
looks upon the world with sightless eyes, and shrieks as it beholds its own
projections rising to attack its miserable parody of life. 3 It wants to
live, yet wishes it were dead. 4 It wants forgiveness, yet it sees no hope.
5 It wants escape, yet can conceive of none because it sees the sinful

W-121.5. The unforgiving mind is in despair, without the prospect of
a future which can offer anything but more despair. 2 Yet it regards its
judgment of the world as irreversible, and does not see it has condemned
itself to this despair. 3 It thinks it cannot change, for what it sees bears
witness that its judgment is correct. 4 It does not ask, because it thinks
it knows. 5 It does not question, certain it is right.

W-121.6. Forgiveness is acquired. 2 It is not inherent in the mind,
which cannot sin. 3 As sin is an idea you taught yourself, forgiveness must
be learned by you as well, but from a Teacher other than yourself, Who
represents the other Self in you. 4 Through Him you learn how to forgive the
self you think you made, and let it disappear. 5 Thus you return your mind
as one to Him Who is your Self, and Who can never sin.

W-121.7. Each unforgiving mind presents you with an opportunity to
teach your own how to forgive itself. 2 Each one awaits release from hell
through you, and turns to you imploringly for Heaven here and now. 3 It has
no hope, but you become its hope. 4 And as its hope, do you become your own.
5 The unforgiving mind must learn through your forgiveness that it has been
saved from hell. 6 And as you teach salvation, you will learn. 7 Yet all
your teaching and your learning will be not of you, but of the Teacher Who
was given you to show the way to you.

W-121.8. Today we practice learning to forgive. 2 If you are
willing, you can learn today to take the key to happiness, and use it on
your own behalf. 3 We will devote ten minutes in the morning, and at night
another ten, to learning how to give forgiveness and receive forgiveness,

W-121.9. The unforgiving mind does not believe that giving and
receiving are the same. 2 Yet we will try to learn today that they are one
through practicing forgiveness toward one whom you think of as an enemy, and
one whom you consider as a friend. 3 And as you learn to see them both as
one, we will extend the lesson to yourself, and see that their escape
included yours.

W-121.10. Begin the longer practice periods by thinking of someone you
do not like, who seems to irritate you, or to cause regret in you if you
should meet him; one you actively despise, or merely try to overlook. 2 It
does not matter what the form your anger takes. 3 You probably have chosen
him already. 4 He will do.

W-121.11. Now close your eyes and see him in your mind, and look at
him a while. 2 Try to perceive some light in him somewhere; a little gleam
which you had never noticed. 3 Try to find some little spark of brightness
shining through the ugly picture that you hold of him. 4 Look at this
picture till you see a light somewhere within it, and then try to let this
light extend until it covers him, and makes the picture beautiful and good.

W-121.12. Look at this changed perception for a while, and turn your
mind to one you call a friend. 2 Try to transfer the light you learned to
see around your former "enemy" to him. 3 Perceive him now as more than
friend to you, for in that light his holiness shows you your savior, saved
and saving, healed and whole.

W-121.13. Then let him offer you the light you see in him, and let
your "enemy" and friend unite in blessing you with what you gave. 2 Now are
you one with them, and they with you. 3 Now have you been forgiven by
yourself. 4 Do not forget, throughout the day, the role forgiveness plays in
bringing happiness to every unforgiving mind, with yours among them. 5 Every
hour tell yourself:

6 Forgiveness is the key to happiness. 7 I will awaken from the dream that I
am mortal, fallible and full of sin, and know I am the perfect Son of God.
Post by nogogo
Can one of you wonderful people please remind me where the
exercise/visualisation for forgiveness is? The one where you
imagine a good friend and a perceived enemy as one.
I have had a bit of a look, but you guys are the best. As usual
it's been a while since I posted here. But I know you all have
long memories.
Lots of Love and Kisses to you my brothers and sisters.
PS. Yes you guessed it! Cyclone, Yasi, which is bearing down on
us is due to cross the coast at midnight Wednesday my time. (GMT
+10 hours) With Cyclone Larry a couple of years ago, we lost our
power for a fortnight, and this one is a fair bit bigger.
I just have so much to do before it gets here.
But I always have a moment to think about the course and my old
friends on trc-m.
~Fair The Well~
~Your friend and brother,
~Adrian Down Under~
Merry meet.
Merry Part.
Merry meet again.
Blessed Be!
2011-02-01 04:03:55 UTC
Maybe it's this one I was thinking of.
The one I posted already is probably the one you mean.

You can find the audio of it (and them all) on Maz's site, his music and
him reading them



Let miracles replace all grievances.

W-pI.78.1. Perhaps it is not yet quite clear to you that each decision that
you make is one between a grievance and a miracle. 2 Each grievance stands
like a dark shield of hate before the miracle it would conceal. 3 And as you
raise it up before your eyes, you will not see the miracle beyond. 4 Yet all
the while it waits for you in light, but you behold your grievances instead.

W-pI.78.2. Today we go beyond the grievances, to look upon the miracle
instead. 2 We will reverse the way you see by not allowing sight to stop
before it sees. 3 We will not wait before the shield of hate, but lay it
down and gently lift our eyes in silence to behold the Son of God.

W-pI.78.3. He waits for you behind your grievances, and as you lay them down
he will appear in shining light where each one stood before. 2 For every
grievance is a block to sight, and as it lifts you see the Son of God where
he has always been. 3 He stands in light, but you were in the dark. 4 Each
grievance made the darkness deeper, and you could not see.

W-pI.78.4. Today we will attempt to see God's Son. 2 We will not let
ourselves be blind to him; we will not look upon our grievances. 3 So is the
seeing of the world reversed, as we look out toward truth, away from fear. 4
We will select one person you have used as target for your grievances, and
lay the grievances aside and look at him. 5 Someone, perhaps, you fear and
even hate; someone you think you love who angered you; someone you call a
friend, but whom you see as difficult at times or hard to please, demanding,
irritating or untrue to the ideal he should accept as his, according to the
role you set for him.

W-pI.78.5. You know the one to choose; his name has crossed your mind
already. 2 He will be the one of whom we ask God's Son be shown to you. 3
Through seeing him behind the grievances that you have held against him, you
will learn that what lay hidden while you saw him not is there in everyone,
and can be seen. 4 He who was enemy is more than friend when he is freed to
take the holy role the Holy Spirit has assigned to him. 5 Let him be savior
unto you today. 6 Such is his role in God your Father's plan.

W-pI.78.6. Our longer practice periods today will see him in this role. 2
You will attempt to hold him in your mind, first as you now consider him. 3
You will review his faults, the difficulties you have had with him, the pain
he caused you, his neglect, and all the little and the larger hurts he gave.
4 You will regard his body with its flaws and better points as well, and you
will think of his mistakes and even of his "sins."

W-pI.78.7. Then let us ask of Him Who knows this Son of God in his reality
and truth, that we may look on him a different way, and see our savior
shining in the light of true forgiveness, given unto us. 2 We ask Him in the
holy Name of God and of His Son, as holy as Himself:

3 Let me behold my savior in this one You have appointed as the one for me
to ask to lead me to the holy light in which he stands, that I may join with

4 The body's eyes are closed, and as you think of him who grieved you, let
your mind be shown the light in him beyond your grievances.

W-pI.78.8. What you have asked for can not be denied.2 Your savior has been
waiting long for this. 3 He would be free, and make his freedom yours. 4 The
Holy Spirit leans from him to you, seeing no separation in God's Son. 5 And
what you see through Him will free you both. 6 Be very quiet now, and look
upon your shining savior. 7 No dark grievances obscure the sight of him. 8
You have allowed the Holy Spirit to express through him the role God gave
Him that you might be saved.

W-pI.78.9. God thanks you for these quiet times today in which you laid your
images aside, and looked upon the miracle of love the Holy Spirit showed you
in their place. 2 The world and Heaven join in thanking you, for not one
Thought of God but must rejoice as you are saved, and all the world with

W-pI.78.10. We will remember this throughout the day, and take the role
assigned to us as part of God's salvation plan, and not our own. 2
Temptation falls away when we allow each one we meet to save us, and refuse
to hide his light behind our grievances. 3 To everyone you meet, and to the
ones you think of or remember from the past, allow the role of savior to be
given, that you may share it with him. 4 For you both, and all the sightless
ones as well, we pray:

5 Let miracles replace all grievances.
2011-02-01 03:53:55 UTC
Post by nogogo
Can one of you wonderful people please remind me where the
exercise/visualisation for forgiveness is? The one where you
imagine a good friend and a perceived enemy as one.
I have had a bit of a look, but you guys are the best.  As usual
it's been a while since I posted here.  But I know you all have
long memories.
Lots of Love and Kisses to you my brothers and sisters.
PS.  Yes you guessed it! Cyclone, Yasi, which is bearing down on
us is due to cross the coast at midnight Wednesday my time. (GMT
+10 hours)  With Cyclone Larry a couple of years ago, we lost our
power for a fortnight, and this one is a fair bit bigger.
I just have so much to do before it gets here.
But I always have a moment to think about the course and my old
friends on trc-m.
~Fair The Well~
~Your friend and brother,
~Adrian Down Under~
Merry meet.
Merry Part.
Merry meet again.
Blessed Be!
Lesson 68, Adrian.
Lee Flynn
2011-02-01 04:46:10 UTC
Post by nogogo
Can one of you wonderful people please remind me where the
exercise/visualisation for forgiveness is? The one where you imagine a
good friend and a perceived enemy as one.
I have had a bit of a look, but you guys are the best. As usual it's
been a while since I posted here. But I know you all have long
Lots of Love and Kisses to you my brothers and sisters.
PS. Yes you guessed it! Cyclone, Yasi, which is bearing down on us is
due to cross the coast at midnight Wednesday my time. (GMT +10 hours)
With Cyclone Larry a couple of years ago, we lost our power for a
fortnight, and this one is a fair bit bigger.
I just have so much to do before it gets here.
But I always have a moment to think about the course and my old friends
on trc-m.
~Fair The Well~
~Your friend and brother,
~Adrian Down Under~
Merry meet.
Merry Part.
Merry meet again.
Blessed Be!
Hola from enchanted New Mexico, dear Adrian ~ and all

The lesson you speak of is Lesson 78 "Let miracles replace all
grievances", which just happens
to be the single lesson that appeared in perfect iambic pentameter before
the i.p. suddenly
began in fully uninterrupted earnest from ~lesson 100 through the entire
remainder of the
Workbook.. including all Intros and "What Is .. ?" themes.

Wishing you and yours safe passage there, my friend. May you dodge the
Let us know how you make out, ok?

Love and miracles abound,



Lesson 78 "Let miracles replace all grievances."

Perhaps it is not yet quite clear to you
that each decision that you make is one
between a grievance and a miracle.
Each grievance stands like a dark shield of hate
before the miracle it would conceal.
And as you raise it up before your eyes,
you will not see the miracle beyond.
Yet all the while it waits for you in light,
but you behold your grievances instead.

Today we go beyond the grievances,
to look upon the miracle instead.
We will reverse the way you see by not
allowing sight to stop before it sees.
We will not wait before the shield of hate,
but lay it down and gently lift our eyes
in silence, to behold the Son of God.

He waits for you behind your grievances,
and as you lay them down he will appear
in shining light where each one stood before.
For every grievance is a block to sight,
and as it lifts, you see the Son of God
where he has always been. He stands in light,
but you were in the dark. Each grievance made
the darkness deeper, and you could not see.

Today we will attempt to see God's Son.
We will not let ourselves be blind to him;
we will not look upon our grievances.
So is the seeing of the world reversed,
as we look out toward truth, away from fear.

We will select one person you have used
as target for your grievances, and lay
the grievances aside, and look at him.
Someone, perhaps, you fear and even hate;
someone you think you love who angers you;
someone you call a friend, but whom you see
as difficult at times, or hard to please;
demanding, irritating or untrue
to the ideal he should accept as his
according to the role you set for him.

You know the one to choose; his name has crossed
your mind already. He will be the one
of whom we ask God's Son be shown to us.
Through seeing him behind the grievances
that we have held against him, you will learn
that what lay hidden while you saw him not
is there in everyone, and can be seen.
He who was enemy is more than friend
when he is freed to take the holy role
the Holy Spirit has assigned to him.
Let him be savior unto you today.
Such is his role in God your Father's plan.

Our longer practice periods today
will see him in this role. We will attempt
to hold him in our mind, first as you now
consider him. We will review his faults,
the difficulties you have had with him,
the pain he caused you, his neglect, and all
the little and the larger hurts he gave.
We will regard his body with its flaws
and better points as well, and we will think
of his mistakes and even of his "sins."

Then let us ask of Him Who knows this Son
of God in his reality and truth,
that we may look on him a different way,
and see our Savior shining in the light
of true forgiveness, given unto us.
We ask Him in the Holy Name of God
and of His Son, as holy as Himself:

"Let me behold my Savior in this one
You have appointed as the One for me
To ask to lead me to the holy light
In which he stands, that I may join with him."

The body's eyes are closed, and as you think
of him who grieved you, let your mind be shown
the light in him beyond your grievances.
What you have asked for cannot be denied.
Your Savior has been waiting long for this.
He would be free, and make his freedom yours.
The Holy Spirit leans from him to you,
seeing no separation in God's Son.
And what you see through Him will free you both.

Be very quiet now, and look upon
your shining Savior. No dark grievances
obscure the sight of him. You have allowed
the Holy Spirit to express through him
the role God gave Him, that you might be saved.
God thanks you for these quiet times today,
in which you laid your images aside,
and looked upon the miracle of love
the Holy Spirit showed you in their place.
The world and Heaven join in thanking you,
for not one Thought of God but must rejoice
as you are saved, and all the world with you.

We will remember this throughout the day,
and take the role assigned to us as part
of God's salvation plan, and not our own.
Temptation falls away when we allow
each one we meet to save us, and refuse
to hide his light behind our grievances.
To everyone you meet, and to the ones
you think of, or remember from the past,
allow the role of Savior to be given,
that you may share it with them. For you both,
and all the sightless ones as well, we pray:

"Let miracles replace all grievances."
2011-02-01 04:54:47 UTC
Post by nogogo
Can one of you wonderful people please remind me where the
exercise/visualisation for forgiveness is? The one where you
imagine a good friend and a perceived enemy as one.
I have had a bit of a look, but you guys are the best.  As usual
it's been a while since I posted here.  But I know you all have
long memories.
Lots of Love and Kisses to you my brothers and sisters.
PS.  Yes you guessed it! Cyclone, Yasi, which is bearing down on
us is due to cross the coast at midnight Wednesday my time. (GMT
+10 hours)  With Cyclone Larry a couple of years ago, we lost our
power for a fortnight, and this one is a fair bit bigger.
I just have so much to do before it gets here.
But I always have a moment to think about the course and my old
friends on trc-m.
~Fair The Well~
~Your friend and brother,
~Adrian Down Under~
Merry meet.
Merry Part.
Merry meet again.
Blessed Be!
Be safe Adrian. Much love 2u2! :)
2011-02-01 15:14:16 UTC
Post by ellie
Post by nogogo
Can one of you wonderful people please remind me where the
exercise/visualisation for forgiveness is? The one where you
imagine a good friend and a perceived enemy as one.
I have had a bit of a look, but you guys are the best. As usual
it's been a while since I posted here. But I know you all have
long memories.
Lots of Love and Kisses to you my brothers and sisters.
PS. Yes you guessed it! Cyclone, Yasi, which is bearing down on
us is due to cross the coast at midnight Wednesday my time. (GMT
+10 hours) With Cyclone Larry a couple of years ago, we lost our
power for a fortnight, and this one is a fair bit bigger.
I just have so much to do before it gets here.
But I always have a moment to think about the course and my old
friends on trc-m.
~Fair The Well~
~Your friend and brother,
~Adrian Down Under~
Merry meet.
Merry Part.
Merry meet again.
Blessed Be!
Be safe Adrian. Much love 2u2! :)
I know. We have a big snowstorm coming tonight, all tomorrow into early
Thurs. (it says) It's snowing now, but that's another storm (here, first)
Reading about cyclones puts it in a different perspective.
2011-02-02 01:54:26 UTC
Adrian, you probably still aren't on the computer, but are/were you
right in the path of the cyclone? And did you stay or leave?
I've been looking up about it and some are choosing to stay and ride
it out.
Today's lesson is "I have invented the world I see" (yesterday's was
"I am not a victim of the world I see") Though you would probably be a
day or so ahead "down under".
34 "there is another way of looking at the world"
2011-02-02 19:14:55 UTC
Hey Adrian!
Are you okay? A little wind isn't going to get you...
I sat up half the night and then this morning, watching on live web cams
(while they stayed on) and talking on a chat with people in the cyclone area
(who had chosen to stay) and from all around the world. Sounds like it's
pretty much over with now, it's inland more but the catagory has been
lowered. I know it was bad, and damage, but overall seems like it's over and
people haven't done too bad.
Though, I suppose those who weren't doing good weren't able to call in to
the talk radio (from Queensland) I was also listening to.
I have on news from Sydney now (online) and they are giving more coverage
to the snow storm that has come across the USA (and is hitting here now, but
next to a cyclone doesn't seem like much) than the USA gave to the cyclone.
Post by nogogo
Can one of you wonderful people please remind me where the
exercise/visualisation for forgiveness is? The one where you
imagine a good friend and a perceived enemy as one.
I have had a bit of a look, but you guys are the best. As usual
it's been a while since I posted here. But I know you all have
long memories.
Lots of Love and Kisses to you my brothers and sisters.
PS. Yes you guessed it! Cyclone, Yasi, which is bearing down on
us is due to cross the coast at midnight Wednesday my time. (GMT
+10 hours) With Cyclone Larry a couple of years ago, we lost our
power for a fortnight, and this one is a fair bit bigger.
I just have so much to do before it gets here.
But I always have a moment to think about the course and my old
friends on trc-m.
~Fair The Well~
~Your friend and brother,
~Adrian Down Under~
Merry meet.
Merry Part.
Merry meet again.
Blessed Be!
2011-02-12 15:25:23 UTC
Hay ppl, love and miracles to everyone reading this.
I'd like to address everyone by turn. And thank everyone
personally. So if you can, bear with me. :p

I hope I get it right. Its' taken a few days and re-writes to get
this far. I keep putting off posting because I know there is more
stuff I'd like to say. But the time has come the walrus said to
speak of many things. So here goes!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥{{{{{{{Trcm Group Hug!}}}}}}}♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Orr.. thanks gang! You guys are the best!

We've had the power back on for a few days now, and we are
starting to get back in order.

As you would have heard, we all made it. Cyclones are a fact of
life up here in the tropics. But two biggies in five years that
actually cross the coast used to be fairly rare. And night time
ones are really boring. You don't get to watch it all happen!

Poor Christine (my partner) is really freaked out by them, she
went through cyclone Tracy in '74. It almost completely removed
Darwin from the map. She was very lucky indeed to survive. Sort
of 4ucks me why she still lives in the tropics actually. Maybe
it's a childhood memory of just how damn cold it gets in north
England. (:

Anyway, this is the first cyclone our house has been through since
we built it (last time it was a just a pile of building materials
on the ground). It passed the test no worries. Well it should
really, all steel frame bolted to all steel foundations with 25
posts cemented 900mm (3') into the ground. It ain't going nowhere.

It's really only if a large piece of flying debris hits and
damages part of the roof structure or wall cladding that it may
lose some or all of it's roof cladding. Then you get wet! But by
next one we hope to have a really comfortable cyclone shelter built.

A few blue gums lost their tops (one just brushing the house as it
fell), which is good really. Because I had been thinking about
docking them at about that hight anyway. An old iron bark lost
it's battle with gravity, and is now a nice natural lawn sculpture
in one corner of our block. The main trunk forms quite a pleasing ark.

I only really like iron barks after they have fallen over anyway.
They have very shallow roots and are rather massive. If one fell
on your house it would be game over. So we have rather reluctantly
(I hate cutting down any tree) had the big ones near to the house
felled. It's just not worth the risk.

The trees in the URL below are down south in Victoria, so the
country is a lot colder and dryer down than here, but the iron
barks still look the same.


For every tree we have removed (including saplings), Chris
has planted at least twenty different trees and shrubs. All our
neighbours are slowly but surely disappearing behind an evergreen
sight and sound barrier. Four of our larger wattles got pushed
over, but it wasn't too hard to give them a good pruning and stake
them up again with star pickets and jute. I have no doubt that a
well established garden adds as much value to a block as a house does.

And if I have my way, there will be a huge running black bamboo
forest on the front quarter of the block. Going to have to be a
bit sneaky with that one. (: But hay! I'm a rat! Stealth is
something that comes naturally to us.

So anyway, what I'm trying to say is thanks everyone for your
thoughts and prayers. They are very greatly appreciated. I felt
so safe and surrounded by love, that even as the wind hit us full
force from the other direction as the eye passed, all I needed to
think was, "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.
Therein lies the peace of God.", and I was at peace again.

I always feel like it's very important to show strength in those
sorts of situations. Vibes are contagious.


I would also like to thank everyone who personally posted an
actual reply. /runs around hugging the wonderful trcm crew.

In order of reply:


Thanks for all that you have posted. I was particularly taken with
this passage:


Forgiveness is acquired. 2 It is not inherent in the mind,
which cannot sin. 3 As sin is an idea you taught yourself,
forgiveness must be learned by you as well, but from a Teacher
other than yourself, Who represents the other Self in you. 4
Through Him you learn how to forgive the self you think you made,
and let it disappear. 5 Thus you return your mind
as one to Him Who is your Self, and Who can never sin.
Through Him you learn how to forgive the self you think you made, and let it disappear.
There's almost too much in just that one sentence to take in at a
single read! That's another thing I love about the course. It
challenges my blond Australian brain to do the hard yards. /grins

On another note, I'd be so much more scared of a huge snow storm
than a cyclone. At least with a cyclone you only have to either
get out of it's way or go inland enough so that it has blown it's
self out by the time it gets to you. Or just find a house on high
ground with a brick skirt and get under it. At least your not
going to get buried under this wet, freezing cold stuff that caves
in roofs and crushes and or freezes everything inside. I feel
you're a much braver soul than I will ever be. I'd Never live
anywhere it snows. (: /hugs and kisses Carrie, but continues to
shiver just thinking about snow storms!


Mike (Down Under): thanks m8.

Lesson 68.

"Love holds no grievances"

It's such a beautiful lesson.

"It will quickly become apparent that there is no-one against whom
you do not cherish grievances of some sort."

"Love holds no grievances.
I would wake to my Self by laying
all my grievances aside and wakening in Him."

Are just the parts that jump out at me from the page.

The day I can fully nail this one, I'll be well on the way.

So how is Tassie treating you these days? You're up north near
lonnie was it? That's another bloody cold place! I don't think I
will ever understand why people want to live is such terrible

I know, I can't talk, we have cyclones. But up here on the
tablelands they really don't pose the threat they do on the coast.
But with all the humidity and heat on the coast, I wouldn't live
there either.


Lee: Thanks. If I wasn't such a "tropical Woos" as Deborah BC
called me yesterday, I'd love to see New Mexico. Unfortunately,
on a more serious note, having been busted for possession means I
can never visit your fair and beautiful lands.

Not in a body anyway. ;)

I my honest opinion, the iambic pentameter is truly one of the
inherent miracles of the course. As I read, a trance like quality
slowly overtakes all the dross which tends to float around in my
head. Only music can do that normally.


Ellie: Thanks dear sister. I'll catch you on fb again one day
soon. I've been avoiding joining farmsvill for a long time,
because if I start playing I know I won't stop for months! (: And
I really should be doing real 3D farmsvill stuff here at home.



~~~~~~Fair The Well~~~~~~
~Your friend and brother~
~~~~Adrian Down Under~~~~
2011-02-12 16:38:01 UTC
Post by nogogo
Hay ppl, love and miracles to everyone reading this.
I'd like to address everyone by turn. And thank everyone
personally. So if you can, bear with me. :p
I hope I get it right. Its' taken a few days and re-writes to get
this far. I keep putting off posting because I know there is more
stuff I'd like to say. But the time has come the walrus said to
speak of many things. So here goes!
???????????????{{{{{{{Trcm Group Hug!}}}}}}}??????????????????
Orr.. thanks gang! You guys are the best!
We've had the power back on for a few days now, and we are
starting to get back in order.
As you would have heard, we all made it. Cyclones are a fact of
life up here in the tropics. But two biggies in five years that
actually cross the coast used to be fairly rare. And night time
ones are really boring. You don't get to watch it all happen!
Poor Christine (my partner) is really freaked out by them, she
went through cyclone Tracy in '74. It almost completely removed
Darwin from the map. She was very lucky indeed to survive. Sort
of 4ucks me why she still lives in the tropics actually. Maybe
it's a childhood memory of just how damn cold it gets in north
Anyway, this is the first cyclone our house has been through since
we built it (last time it was a just a pile of building materials
on the ground). It passed the test no worries. Well it should
really, all steel frame bolted to all steel foundations with 25
posts cemented 900mm (3') into the ground. It ain't going nowhere.
It's really only if a large piece of flying debris hits and
damages part of the roof structure or wall cladding that it may
lose some or all of it's roof cladding. Then you get wet! But by
next one we hope to have a really comfortable cyclone shelter built.
A few blue gums lost their tops (one just brushing the house as it
fell), which is good really. Because I had been thinking about
docking them at about that hight anyway. An old iron bark lost
it's battle with gravity, and is now a nice natural lawn sculpture
in one corner of our block. The main trunk forms quite a pleasing ark.
I only really like iron barks after they have fallen over anyway.
They have very shallow roots and are rather massive. If one fell
on your house it would be game over. So we have rather reluctantly
(I hate cutting down any tree) had the big ones near to the house
felled. It's just not worth the risk.
The trees in the URL below are down south in Victoria, so the
country is a lot colder and dryer down than here, but the iron
barks still look the same.
For every tree we have removed (including saplings), Chris
has planted at least twenty different trees and shrubs. All our
neighbours are slowly but surely disappearing behind an evergreen
sight and sound barrier. Four of our larger wattles got pushed
over, but it wasn't too hard to give them a good pruning and stake
them up again with star pickets and jute. I have no doubt that a
well established garden adds as much value to a block as a house does.
And if I have my way, there will be a huge running black bamboo
forest on the front quarter of the block. Going to have to be a
bit sneaky with that one. (: But hay! I'm a rat! Stealth is
something that comes naturally to us.
So anyway, what I'm trying to say is thanks everyone for your
thoughts and prayers. They are very greatly appreciated. I felt
so safe and surrounded by love, that even as the wind hit us full
force from the other direction as the eye passed, all I needed to
think was, "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.
Therein lies the peace of God.", and I was at peace again.
I always feel like it's very important to show strength in those
sorts of situations. Vibes are contagious.
I would also like to thank everyone who personally posted an
actual reply. /runs around hugging the wonderful trcm crew.
Thanks for all that you have posted. I was particularly taken with
Forgiveness is acquired. 2 It is not inherent in the mind,
which cannot sin. 3 As sin is an idea you taught yourself,
forgiveness must be learned by you as well, but from a Teacher
other than yourself, Who represents the other Self in you. 4
Through Him you learn how to forgive the self you think you made,
and let it disappear. 5 Thus you return your mind
as one to Him Who is your Self, and Who can never sin.
Through Him you learn how to forgive the self you think you made, and let it disappear.
There's almost too much in just that one sentence to take in at a
single read! That's another thing I love about the course. It
challenges my blond Australian brain to do the hard yards. /grins
On another note, I'd be so much more scared of a huge snow storm
than a cyclone. At least with a cyclone you only have to either
get out of it's way or go inland enough so that it has blown it's
self out by the time it gets to you. Or just find a house on high
ground with a brick skirt and get under it. At least your not
going to get buried under this wet, freezing cold stuff that caves
in roofs and crushes and or freezes everything inside. I feel
you're a much braver soul than I will ever be. I'd Never live
anywhere it snows. (: /hugs and kisses Carrie, but continues to
shiver just thinking about snow storms!
Mike (Down Under): thanks m8.
Lesson 68.
"Love holds no grievances"
It's such a beautiful lesson.
"It will quickly become apparent that there is no-one against whom
you do not cherish grievances of some sort."
"Love holds no grievances.
I would wake to my Self by laying
all my grievances aside and wakening in Him."
Are just the parts that jump out at me from the page.
The day I can fully nail this one, I'll be well on the way.
So how is Tassie treating you these days? You're up north near
lonnie was it? That's another bloody cold place! I don't think I
will ever understand why people want to live is such terrible
I know, I can't talk, we have cyclones. But up here on the
tablelands they really don't pose the threat they do on the coast.
But with all the humidity and heat on the coast, I wouldn't live
there either.
Lee: Thanks. If I wasn't such a "tropical Woos" as Deborah BC
called me yesterday, I'd love to see New Mexico. Unfortunately,
on a more serious note, having been busted for possession means I
can never visit your fair and beautiful lands.
Not in a body anyway. ;)
I my honest opinion, the iambic pentameter is truly one of the
inherent miracles of the course. As I read, a trance like quality
slowly overtakes all the dross which tends to float around in my
head. Only music can do that normally.
Ellie: Thanks dear sister. I'll catch you on fb again one day
soon. I've been avoiding joining farmsvill for a long time,
because if I start playing I know I won't stop for months! (: And
I really should be doing real 3D farmsvill stuff here at home.
~~~~~~Fair The Well~~~~~~
~Your friend and brother~
~~~~Adrian Down Under~~~~
Good to hear from you!
Where are you writing to Mike Down Under? I thought he disappeared years
I spent the night before the Cyclone and part of the next day (which was
night down there) on chats and live webcams with people who were sticking it
out (along the coast) or knew people there, or just concerned. I probably
told you this already. Our TV h ad little or nothing about it. Yet online
and Aussie news was saying it was to be the worst cyclone in recorded
history. I felt so close and joined with people there, via the internet and
talking and web cam. The next day (when their power was out) some had left
messages with battery devices (iphones, etc) saying they were okay just now

Speaking of snowstorms, last weekend we had a big one, and for around an
hour at night had thunder and lightening! Which is rare in the winter. At
one point it poured rain, then went back to snow. All the water in the snow
was too much for the roof of my old barn, and Monday afternoon it fell in! I
thought we were having an earthquake the noise and ground shook. It was over
100 years old and probably not surprising. I'd see on the news homes and
stores where the roof had collapsed due to the weight of the snow (and this
m ust have been wet). The walls of the barn are there, but the roof (and
tin pieces on it) and beams and such from inside are all inside now, along
with all the tons of snow that came down with it.
No one was in it, no harm. Just some misc tools, and the chainsaw (which
someone crawled in and dug out) and a cord of split firewood that is now
buried under it all. But getting dug out.
It was quite an experience.
As to the weather, snow, hurricanes (I've been on the east coast,
Massachusetts, in the past) and snow storms (it's not so much the snow, but
if it's windy and icey rain that is bad, trees come down and usually the
power is out for awhile) I think the media plays it up big time. Okay, it
might be bad and they have to warm people, but they make it sound like the
end of the world or something.
I've said that about the cyclone and people have gotten mad, like they
don't want to hear it wasn't THAT big a deal. Of course it was, I'm not
brushing it off, but it was part of nature. And people knew, got ready (or
left) and those who stayed (against advice) seemed to have made it okay.
Last I heard only one death had been reported and that was from after,
from cabon monoxide from a generator.
I had read quite a few groups online had gotten into joining in prayer,
good energy thoughts, and even picturiong "angels" over the land there,
buffering it from the storm. I believe this can and does work.
