A Common Conversation
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2013-02-23 16:45:41 UTC
It's a conversation we all have as spiritual zoners. The decision for God and awareness goes on, day by day, more and more light shed everywhere. Life becomes a miracle.

So. It happened again just a few days ago. I was in a professional relationship with another woman. Time was tight, and goal needed to be met, but suddenly God had other plans.

The professional conversation took place, but then, the shedding light interfered, and it made us glow. What happened was two "strangers" in a vary unlikely scene became instant sisters in the midst of Love.

Our professional conversation turned to God, synchronicity, love, happenstance that isn't really happenstance, synchronicity, authors, others who confirmed our spiritual journeys. Time stood still, we had all the time in the world for our exploration, and we beamed to each other our thoughts, feelings, and experience. Spirituality and God completely embraced us, and what we thought we were doing together was mystically changed into something else altogether.

It was absolutely delightful, wonderful, miraculous, synchronistic, and happy.

And then there was the man, the husband of the woman, who stood silent, and I wrongly thought, was absent from the conversation. He smiled broadly, and then spoke of his own near death experience while residing in England. Was I ever amazed.

it is a common conversation among spiritual travelers these days. But also a common reminder of God's Work in the World, and how with a little willingness The Moment can be captured, and Love has no limits.

We parted after a while, and all 3 concluded together NOTHING matters in life but relationships and Love.

In Gratitude,

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein
2013-03-02 19:25:59 UTC
I think this is called "Holy Encounter"?
I don't check this group much, and now can only get it through Google Groups (which has changed to a different format, and says on top the browser I am using is outdated and the group won't work right with it... I click to get a newer one and says I already have the newest LOL I think Google Groups wants everyone to switch to Chrome)
Anyway, good to see someone posting here and keeping the Light shining.
I think a lot have moved on, to the groups Bodhi started, and maybe face book. I tried the Bodhi groups, but didn't like the control, censorship and deleting/banning that seems to go on. Apparently a lot of the former newsgroupies are all for that now. I have connected with a few of the "old gang" on face book, we all seem to get along better and more peacefully. Though I still believe the newsgroup (at it's peak) wasn't so bad, it was like group therapy, giving us all a chance to remember, make choices, and maybe learn from the results of this. Where else (out in the world) could we get this in such a fast, intense way? Without maybe some ending up dead or in jail LOL
2013-03-03 13:52:17 UTC
Hi, Happy Sunday morning,

I feel happy posting here, and from a personal perspective it just makes sense.

I left moderated groups ages ago, it seems. There is only one reason for moderation, as I see it, and the outcome is always the same.

Facebook is like a foreign country to me. Joined long ago in order to enhance communication with my daughter when she lived in Europe for several years, but rarely use it now.

I appreciated your comments.

Post by Carrie
I think this is called "Holy Encounter"?
I don't check this group much, and now can only get it through Google Groups (which has changed to a different format, and says on top the browser I am using is outdated and the group won't work right with it... I click to get a newer one and says I already have the newest LOL I think Google Groups wants everyone to switch to Chrome)
Anyway, good to see someone posting here and keeping the Light shining.
I think a lot have moved on, to the groups Bodhi started, and maybe face book. I tried the Bodhi groups, but didn't like the control, censorship and deleting/banning that seems to go on. Apparently a lot of the former newsgroupies are all for that now. I have connected with a few of the "old gang" on face book, we all seem to get along better and more peacefully. Though I still believe the newsgroup (at it's peak) wasn't so bad, it was like group therapy, giving us all a chance to remember, make choices, and maybe learn from the results of this. Where else (out in the world) could we get this in such a fast, intense way? Without maybe some ending up dead or in jail LOL