Post by CarriePost by nogogoPost by CarriePost by nogogoPost by CarriePost by nogogoPost by Sidney Lambe"The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane
Roberts is the real 'course in miracles'.
Whoha, She really nails it in the nature of personal reality.
So that's not far from the truth. I read The Oversoul 7 series
just recently. A bit slow in parts, but what a great story. It
brought a lot of her other work back to me as I read.
And what's the name of the dude she channels again? The gentle
brother was it, no, Seth! that's it!.
Sure Seth is amazing! But I still like acim as well. But for
different reasons. You won't be able to establish real rapport
with a Christine if you can't hold hand to heart and say 'Jesus
is the chosen one, the Christ.'
The problem I have with the bible is how it's so contradictory
between the old and new testaments.
The god of the OT is a jealous god who destroys cities and
drowns planets. But the god of the NT is all peace love and
brown rice.
At least acim is constant in as much as it teaches us to try at
least to see the face of Christ in everyone. It's not possible
to do it all the time, but from time to time I get a flash of
what that must be like.
I just about fucking melt!
"I'm almost dead with uncontrollable light, but sometimes when
I've written a song... It's alright!.
~Ian Hunter
Remain In uncontrollable light.
Check on YouTube for Abraham-Hicks and listen to a few of
those. They make so much sense, and (to me) aren't contradictory
to ACIM. You should hear what Abraham says about the bible
(LOL) Like, you can't even get 12 people together NOW and have
them agree on something that happened, and even if you could and
the bible is totally true, it's still so old it doesn't apply to
anything now. Maybe the overall message from Jesus, he
tried to teach
people (and was an example of) (that is me saying this, not
Abraham) I think people get good and comfort, wisdom, etc
from the
bible not by what is written in it, but just the book itself (or
thought of it) and joining3 with all the others who also feel the
same way. The book itself is only a "vehicle" for the thoughts,
feelings, joining of minds. I have read some in the Seth
books. Someone once sent me one of the Oversoul books and either
I didn't understand it or wasn't in the right place for it, but I
didn't think it was so great. Didn't really like it or "get" it.
If I rememer right, it seemed like a lot of words and what was
the point? But then I didn't like/get "The Celestine
Prophecy" (couldn't get past
the terrible writing for one thing) and what was the one by the
Johnathan Livingston Seagull author? Think his name is Bachman.
Just different teachers.
Sometimes I start reading or hearing a teacher and right
off it clashes with my "is this aligned with what ACIM says?"
When someone startts talking about physical ailments and making
them real and then "healing" them in some way. For one thing. Not
saying Seth does this.
I definitly will have a look for Abraham-Hicks, thanks for the tip
I quit enjoyed "The Celestine Prophecy", the writing was terrible
though, you're quite right. But I really did love "Illusions: The
adventures of a reluctant Messiah" by Richard Bach. Couldn't
count how many times over the years I've actually read it.
And also since reading that book, felt that ACIM is the Hessiah's
love it.
What I finally did with The Celestine Prophecy was take notes
from it, like the prophecies, and such. Not trying to follow it asa
story. There's a movie of it, too, I once read thinking it might be
better but it wasn't. Same with Gary Renard's "Disappearance
of the Universe". My mind tries
to make sense of the story itself or something. At that start of
that book I had questions (about the overall setting, and Gary's
reaction and him not telling his wife, etc. In the book) Since he
was writing on their ng and his own group at the time I aske him,
and he reacted from defense, like I was attacking him. Even though
Gary had sent me the book, himself and said to read it and if I had
any questions to ask. I think that got in the way of how I might
have felt, otherwise about the book. I need to have something be
somewhat believeable, too, I guess. Like if I had visitors in form
for 8 years that appeared and disppeared in front of me and said I
could (and would be able to) photograph them, I think I would have,
at least once. Same with him casualy saying at the end he destroyed
all the tapes he said he had made of them (audio). Whether he
did or not or really made them (as he swore he did) it just didn't
make sense to me. The real story with that wasn't two people
traveling around in time, appearing in form and telling him about
FORM! LOL And he made little or nothing of this.
Of course, there are books/teachers for everyone.
I remember being on a waiting list at the library for
Johnathan Lingingston Seagull. And all it was (is) is the
retelling of the story of Jesus, as a bird.
Yet the beauty of JLS is in the fact that bird is so accessible to
the average person. Making it easy to feel that such a miracle
could happen in real life, and to YOU.
Same as 'Illusions'. Just beautiful, and a life long inspiration.
I never read Disappearance', but I do remember everyone here who
did reading it and talking about it.
His wife coming onto trcm pretending to be someone else,
defending him. Then getting busted! lmao! It really was all
a bit of a laugh. Just because we take the words of a channelled
book seriously, they think we are as gullible and stupid as the
4ucking sciencetologists! Nice one GR!
My impression was that he had slowly became more and more liberal
with the truth. There are many devices an author can use in such
situations but out right lying is a bit beyond the pale. I get
the feeling that he wrote it as fiction, then at some point
decided that since it was about acim, he had licence to tell
everyone it was real and he actually had beings come and
talk to him in rl. What a twat! (: And anyway, a little
controversy never hurt book sales one little bit.
I mean really, even if acim was entirely made up by Helen & Bill,
it's still an amazing literary work. Thousands of pages, a lot of
which is in iambic pentameter! Beautifully written in a style
that befits a god. Filled with more gems of wisdom than you could
poke ten sticks at. I could go on for pages about all the
incredible things about acim. Hell, we all could! Even the trcm
trolls if they were honest could. Even if it's only the
Just look at the vitality and longevity of this news group. It's
quit incredible really. All these years and it's still going
strong. I remember someone here used to post the number of posts
to trcm each month. One month we topped 10k posts! lol! Usenet
is a cyber grave yard, littered with dead newsgroups, dedicated to
this book of that, or some other silly smeg no one can remember.
At lest in 'CwG' the reader is only asked to believe in a voice in
his head. A much more realistically believable, and less
contrives device in any respect.
Years later, Gary's wife left him, and I think he now has
another one (LOL) I once wrote this and was accused of spreading
gossip, but the person who told me had heard it from Gary (that his
wife left him) during a workshop. And he is (or would like to be)
sort of a public figure. Celebrity of sorts.
I didn't get along with him because he seemed so defensive and felt
questions (for real ones) were attack in need of defense. When he
had a book out about ACIM (and learning it) and setting himself up
as an expert at this.
One question I had, which kept me from getting into the book,
was how did his wife feel, ater 8 years, finding out he'd had this
secret life going on behind her back (when she was at work and he
was sitting around at home) he had hidden from her? He must have
hidden the tape recorder (that came on, voice activated, when the
visitors appeared to him. He must have turned this off other times,
when his wife was home?) I would have felt lied to and betrayed if
I found this out (as a wife). And Gary got very angry at any
suggestion it DIDN'T happen as he said. And, as I said, the real
story wasn't the rerun version of ACIM the visitors claimed to teach
him, with all the quotes to ACIM and Ken Wapnick being deemd "the
only real course teacher" or whatever it was the visitors said. The
real story was 2 bodies, materializing in form and then fading away.
Who told Gary he could take pictures of them (they would show in
them) but don't bother, because people would just say he had actors
dress up and took pictures of them... It was brushed off like
nothing. Gary had such a flip attitude in it, too. What I have
noticed (and I'm sure there is a real reason I am missing) a lot of
the books that are written as fiction maybe shouldn't be. Like The
Celestine Prophecy would have been good, just writing about the
insights and not try to make a story out of it. (I remember the
book, which all publishers turned down and had to be self
published, though ended up doing good for Redfield) didn't have
anything about the main charactor. Like what did he look like,
background about him, I never felt like I "knew" him. The story
broke all the rules of how to write a good book/story. CWG was
written as fiction, and maybe should have been otherwise. Like
something REAL that happened to him. I'm not sure what Gary's book
is, I think it is non fiction. He swore it really happened. I
read JLS in 1973 or so, and remember it was good. Not saying it
wasn't. Just that it was the same story as Jesus, told about a bird.
I know, I don't have any books published, so who am I to say.
Maybe the point is to make money and get known.
In Gary's first book he said he would rather eat ground glass
than get up and speak in front of people. But, his real goal seemed
to be just that. To become a course speaker and accepted by the
course community, even though a lot didn't believe he was coming
from the course (as they believed it) There was that whole thing
with Beverly Hutchinson from Miracle Distribution Center, who
wouldn't list his book because she didn't believe it was a "legit"
course book, and stuck to this. Gary and his group decided that
people were influencing her in a negative way (her ACIM book store
is the biggest and most profitible for books to be listed in) and
started a campaing for people to email her and pressure her to
change her mind. I don't know what happened with this, but she also
refused to come on the group and talk about it. She had made up her
another book and said in it (I didn't read it but heard about it)
Beverly hated him because he had killed her in another lifetime. The
book was about reincarnation, even though ACIM says it's not
really fact, and illusion like everything else. I guess to each his
own and there is a teacher for all, and some (like Gary- and those
others who seem to use ACIM in a material way (not to mention any
names because some- and their loyal supporters get mad if the truth
is pointed out (LOL) are in ou experience (those who are) to
help US (who observe them this way) learn. No one comes into our
lives by accident, and we're all teachers/students
to and for each other. Therapists, too LOL
story. I feel that if it had been published as fiction, it would
have been more widely accepted by the acim community.
Because as I said before, a voice in someone's head in one thing.
Entities materialising our of thin air is quit another.
insult to be asked to believe it's real.
GR fancies himself another Ron L. bloody Hubbard. Hay, just look
sciencetologists. Keep them in the dark, and cover them in
bullshit (the mushroom treatment). Nar, screw him and his lies.
It's an insult to intelligence.