(too old to reply)
2011-05-02 00:41:52 UTC
"The question may be asked. Do you really believe that faith can change
things? There is a changing process, like light streaming into the room when
you open the drapes., However, faith doesn't change the nature of reality
any more than opening the drapes changes the nature of the light. Faith
tunes in to reality and releases the 'imprisoned splendor.'"
Read this in "Spiritual Economics" by Eric Butterworth.
To me, it means the perfection, beauty, whatever we all might want is
already there, we have to shine the light on it, and see it. Give attention
to it.
Sidney Lambe
2011-05-02 02:31:30 UTC
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by Carrie
"The question may be asked. Do you really believe that faith
can change things?
Faith is a synonym for belief. And belief is the only thing that
changes anything.
Post by Carrie
There is a changing process, like light streaming into the room
when you open the drapes.,
However, faith doesn't change the nature of reality any more
than opening the drapes changes the nature of the light.
Post by Carrie
Faith tunes in to reality and releases the 'imprisoned
Faith or belief cause all manifestations. Good or bad. Positive
or negative. Joyful or sorrowful.
Post by Carrie
Read this in "Spiritual Economics" by Eric Butterworth. To me,
it means the perfection, beauty, whatever we all might want is
already there, we have to shine the light on it, and see it.
Give attention to it.
That's basically true.

But if you have a lot of negative stuff in your mind and you
shine a light on it, then that's what you are going to get.

And how about dealing with all those negative beliefs that
cause everyone so much trouble? The Pollyanna approach of ACIM
obviously doesn't work.

But the methods outlined in "The Nature of Personal Reality" by
Jane Roberts _do_ work, because existing negative beriefs are not
swept under the carpet. They are dealt with.

The negative things in the world, individually and collectively,
exist for a reason. Those reasons are in our conscious minds and
must be faced before the negtaive beliefs can be dispensed with.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
2011-05-02 02:43:44 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by Carrie
"The question may be asked. Do you really believe that faith
can change things?
Faith is a synonym for belief. And belief is the only thing that
changes anything.
Post by Carrie
There is a changing process, like light streaming into the room
when you open the drapes.,
However, faith doesn't change the nature of reality any more
than opening the drapes changes the nature of the light.
Post by Carrie
Faith tunes in to reality and releases the 'imprisoned
Faith or belief cause all manifestations. Good or bad. Positive
or negative. Joyful or sorrowful.
Post by Carrie
Read this in "Spiritual Economics" by Eric Butterworth. To me,
it means the perfection, beauty, whatever we all might want is
already there, we have to shine the light on it, and see it.
Give attention to it.
That's basically true.
But if you have a lot of negative stuff in your mind and you
shine a light on it, then that's what you are going to get.
And how about dealing with all those negative beliefs that
cause everyone so much trouble? The Pollyanna approach of ACIM
obviously doesn't work.
But the methods outlined in "The Nature of Personal Reality" by
Jane Roberts _do_ work, because existing negative beriefs are not
swept under the carpet. They are dealt with.
Why give attention to "negative" things, and create more of it? Let them
go and focus on what we do want, that is, if we want something better than
bad feelings and negative beliefs.
You can wallow around in misery all you want, trying to get rid of it.
If someone else believes differently and looks for something more
positive, better feeling (which is usually a choice in most situations. Well
ALL situations, but sometimes it doesn't seem like it at the time) what's it
to you? You afraid the world might become more happy, peaceful and positive?
Post by Sidney Lambe
The negative things in the world, individually and collectively,
exist for a reason. Those reasons are in our conscious minds and
must be faced before the negtaive beliefs can be dispensed with.
I disagree. The negative things are useful, though for contrast.
We never know more what we do want, when we are getting what we don't.

Aside from that, they're bascially a waste of time. And we do need
contrast, without it there would be nothing to "see:". Depends on how
seriously it's taken and for how long. Notice it, decide you want something
better and go in the direction of that.

I don't know if anyone can get that from what ACIM says (it's kind of
abstract, the book) but it's how I believe. And, how I believe is fine with
Post by Sidney Lambe
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
Sidney Lambe
2011-05-02 03:56:21 UTC
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by Carrie
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by Carrie
"The question may be asked. Do you really believe that faith
can change things?
Faith is a synonym for belief. And belief is the only thing
that changes anything.
Post by Carrie
There is a changing process, like light streaming into the
room when you open the drapes.,
However, faith doesn't change the nature of reality any more
than opening the drapes changes the nature of the light.
Post by Carrie
Faith tunes in to reality and releases the 'imprisoned
Faith or belief cause all manifestations. Good or bad.
Positive or negative. Joyful or sorrowful.
Post by Carrie
Read this in "Spiritual Economics" by Eric Butterworth. To
me, it means the perfection, beauty, whatever we all might
want is already there, we have to shine the light on it, and
see it. Give attention to it.
That's basically true.
But if you have a lot of negative stuff in your mind and you
shine a light on it, then that's what you are going to get.
And how about dealing with all those negative beliefs that
cause everyone so much trouble? The Pollyanna approach of ACIM
obviously doesn't work.
But the methods outlined in "The Nature of Personal Reality"
by Jane Roberts _do_ work, because existing negative beriefs
are not swept under the carpet. They are dealt with.
Why give attention to "negative" things, and create more
of it?
Why? People choose what seem to be negative paths when it's
the only way they think they can learn important lessons.
Post by Carrie
Let them go and focus on what we do want, that is, if we want
something better than bad feelings and negative beliefs.
If it were that simple, there would be no problems on the
Post by Carrie
You can wallow around in misery all you want, trying to
get rid of it. If someone else believes differently and
looks for something more positive, better feeling (which is
usually a choice in most situations. Well ALL situations, but
sometimes it doesn't seem like it at the time) what's it to
you? You afraid the world might become more happy, peaceful and
People seek terrible experiences all the time. Try climging
Mt. Everest even when you are in perfect shape. It's a
hellish experience. And the people who do it are usually
Post by Carrie
Post by Sidney Lambe
The negative things in the world, individually and
collectively, exist for a reason. Those reasons are in our
conscious minds and must be faced before the negtaive beliefs
can be dispensed with.
I disagree.
I already knew that. If you had anything that wise to say, I
wouldn't need to be here.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
2011-05-02 12:04:14 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by Carrie
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by Carrie
"The question may be asked. Do you really believe that faith
can change things?
Faith is a synonym for belief. And belief is the only thing
that changes anything.
Post by Carrie
There is a changing process, like light streaming into the
room when you open the drapes.,
However, faith doesn't change the nature of reality any more
than opening the drapes changes the nature of the light.
Post by Carrie
Faith tunes in to reality and releases the 'imprisoned
Faith or belief cause all manifestations. Good or bad.
Positive or negative. Joyful or sorrowful.
Post by Carrie
Read this in "Spiritual Economics" by Eric Butterworth. To
me, it means the perfection, beauty, whatever we all might
want is already there, we have to shine the light on it, and
see it. Give attention to it.
That's basically true.
But if you have a lot of negative stuff in your mind and you
shine a light on it, then that's what you are going to get.
And how about dealing with all those negative beliefs that
cause everyone so much trouble? The Pollyanna approach of ACIM
obviously doesn't work.
But the methods outlined in "The Nature of Personal Reality"
by Jane Roberts _do_ work, because existing negative beriefs
are not swept under the carpet. They are dealt with.
Why give attention to "negative" things, and create more
of it?
Why? People choose what seem to be negative paths when it's
the only way they think they can learn important lessons.
And this is their choice.
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Carrie
Let them go and focus on what we do want, that is, if we want
something better than bad feelings and negative beliefs.
If it were that simple, there would be no problems on the
Problems you see are your problems. If everyone focused on what
isn't a "problem" there wouldn't be. I got the idea you do believe people
create their own lives, and overall (mass consciiousness belief)" the
world". You think THE PROBLEMS are just there, whether anyone gives
attention to them or not?
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Carrie
You can wallow around in misery all you want, trying to
get rid of it. If someone else believes differently and
looks for something more positive, better feeling (which is
usually a choice in most situations. Well ALL situations, but
sometimes it doesn't seem like it at the time) what's it to
you? You afraid the world might become more happy, peaceful and
People seek terrible experiences all the time. Try climging
Mt. Everest even when you are in perfect shape. It's a
hellish experience. And the people who do it are usually
"People". Their choice.
Post by Sidney Lambe
Post by Carrie
Post by Sidney Lambe
The negative things in the world, individually and
collectively, exist for a reason. Those reasons are in our
conscious minds and must be faced before the negtaive beliefs
can be dispensed with.
I disagree.
I already knew that. If you had anything that wise to say, I
wouldn't need to be here.
And I don't write here, post things, to get it cleared and okayed by
you. But mainly for poassible discussion, which you have been providing. I
seem to be the only one (most of the time) who sees the potential in having
discussions with you. As I have said you seem like an intelligent person who
knows a lot about a lot. You must be an air sign (LOL)
Post by Sidney Lambe
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
2011-05-02 23:19:23 UTC
Post by Carrie
You must be an air sign (LOL)
Water sign here (who would've thought it:P) Im more identify whit Fire

"If you think I'm weird, consider this. You base your opinion of me on
the things you know about me. Think of all the things you don't know.
If you did know them, I'd seem ten times weirder."
2011-05-02 23:54:55 UTC
Post by Kaydon
Post by Carrie
You must be an air sign (LOL)
Water sign here (who would've thought it:P) Im more identify whit Fire
Fire sign (fire and air) I combust LOL
Post by Kaydon
"If you think I'm weird, consider this. You base your opinion of me on
the things you know about me. Think of all the things you don't know.
If you did know them, I'd seem ten times weirder."
2011-05-03 15:55:30 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by Kaydon
Post by Carrie
You must be an air sign (LOL)
Water sign here (who would've thought it:P) Im more identify whit
Fire <3
Fire sign (fire and air) I combust LOL
Is lucky I Water then:P

"If you think I'm weird, consider this. You base your opinion of me on
the things you know about me. Think of all the things you don't know.
If you did know them, I'd seem ten times weirder."
David Thomson
2011-05-03 12:59:54 UTC
Hi Carrie,

There is another take on the metaphor of light. I know the Course talks about lifting the veil, but I find it more like recognizing the light from within.

The idea is similar to opening the drapes, except that the light is not external.

And though the Course downplays the need for magic, I find that good diet and exercise go a long way towards turning on the light. In the end we see the magic wasn't necessary, but it is still very useful. In the end, even the physical book of the Course is a form of magic.

Faith is believing the light is already there. Why does it take faith? Because it took faith for us to believe the light wasn't there, which is how we forgot the light in the first place. We placed our faith in physical forms and it is this faith that brought darkness over our mind. Having faith in the light is using the dream to undo the dream.
