Post by Sidney LambePost by Angelique BouchardPost by Sidney LambeOn talk.religion.course-miracle, Kaydon
Post by KaydonHere's another piece for you all to discuss. It's another take
on magic and manifestation <3
"I am the way, the truth and the life. Noone comes to the
Father except through me."
"I am" is a form of the verb "To Be". Be the I AM. Be what you
want to become. Act it out. Be the vibrational match for what
you want. I think therefore I am. I am therefore I have.
"The way". Being I am is the way. If you are being I am in a
negative context, you will attract negative results. Being I am
in a positive sense, attracts positive results.
"The truth". The truth of this whole statement. That being I am
is the way.
"The life". Being I am is the way to the life you desire.
"Noone comes to the Father except through me." By being I am,
you attain union with the creative force in the universe (The
Father). You are the creative force (comes to the Father).
Have fun :o)
You are certainly on the right track here. The Christians (which
includes ACIM) horribly distorted the teachings of Jesus to suit
Not all do and it really depends on which Jesus you see or believe is
truth. The Jesus you talk about is the one that suits your own self,
as well.
Post by Sidney LambeWhat Jesus was saying there, was that he brought people the
Truth about the nature of reality, and that there was no way to
happiness unless you heeded this Truth.<
Or there is no way to the Father, except through him.
That doesn't seem likely. Because he says in Mattew that
the Kingdom of God is within us.
See? The Bible is a confusing document!<
Depends on which language you speak and comprehend. It is confusing
and even hypocritical in some areas when you try to translate it and
define words by the English language. The word "Love" to us is far
different then the Greek original translation from "Agape". Translated
to English and through time where the word 'love' to us because soft,
romanticized and defines a number of emotions, it became easier to
insult and deny God/Jesus because he also has a harsh side to him.
Post by Sidney LambePost by Angelique BouchardGuess time will tell, but as Zayton pointed out in another
post, there are finding more and more in archaeological digs,
events and proof that matches with the Bible. It is very hard
at this point, to deny much of it's truths.
The Bible does contain many Truths. It also contains many
I think my opinion is explained above, but also, people here or who
are Pagan, love to talk about visions/dreams and how they play a key
role in their belief but then deny the Bible of having merit because
some passages were dreams and visions. Odd. There is as much magic(k),
healing and miracles in the Bible but they were done by chosen people.
Selective fews, worthy of it. Though if you study the Gifts of the
Holy Spirit, you will find they account for those of us who do not
need tools. Those who have gifts without having to think about it,
without having to "divine" them, make poppets or use the moon and
Post by Sidney LambeThe basic precepts of mainstream Christianity are destructively
erroneouss. They are fiction. <
No more so then the beliefs of people who choose pagan gods,
demonology or energy that surrounds the earth to practice by. The only
difference is that, the Bible gives rules, ethics and moral. It states
there is the one God and the Messiah. It (He) gives you a choice.
Believe in the Holy Trinity or you don't get to Heaven. So, big deal.
What is the problem? Why are you and others so threatened by it? I see
more insults towards Christians from Pagans then I do the other way
around. Christians are simply following their rules. To deny people
who do not worship the God they believe in. The fear it translates to
for pagans, witches, wiccans, Alchemists etc can only be scene as that
there is enough evidence that it worries you enough to fight it back.
It should, I knew it my shiniest days as a pagan when all by me felt
at peace there was a threat of it being real. I never denied there was
a God or Jesus,
The fact as pagans remains the same. Pagan Gods and Goddess's really
do not give a crap what you do with your lives or what becomes of you
after. If they don't like you out of the blue, they turn their back on
you. They are not bound to Humans. They use humans. The trade off is
you are not bound to the Gods either. No set of rules to follow and
gosh, humans are so darn compassionate and non violent when left to
themselves..Not a hint of self centeredness..Bah.. Arrogance and
You believe if you say it enough, fight it enough it won't be true. If
enough people think the same as pagans, even truer. You are afraid of
Hell, afraid of the "proof" , so, you shoot it down in huge numbers.
Fine. Your choice.
Post by Sidney Lambe--
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
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