every man
2011-09-05 15:52:11 UTC
posting by some on the Talk Religion Course-Miracle group. I had to
reinstall Windows and set up newsgroups again. I went looking for the ones
I had (like this one) and also found the version of this that's moderated.
I tried writing on it (a response) and it never showed up. I just asked
about this, and see if that shows up. Maybe posts have to be approved and
this takes awhile?
I prefer unmoderated, and that's why I like the newsgroups, there's not
much left online now that's open and free. And if some are what seems like
mean and not into "discussion" we always have the choice to ignore them.
Or argue with them, it doesn't really matter and who knows how someone
else is learning.
And, overall, it doesn't really matter what "someone else" is doing, I
can only be aware of myself- as in response to it.
I wrote something asking about it, and it didn't show up.reinstall Windows and set up newsgroups again. I went looking for the ones
I had (like this one) and also found the version of this that's moderated.
I tried writing on it (a response) and it never showed up. I just asked
about this, and see if that shows up. Maybe posts have to be approved and
this takes awhile?
I prefer unmoderated, and that's why I like the newsgroups, there's not
much left online now that's open and free. And if some are what seems like
mean and not into "discussion" we always have the choice to ignore them.
Or argue with them, it doesn't really matter and who knows how someone
else is learning.
And, overall, it doesn't really matter what "someone else" is doing, I
can only be aware of myself- as in response to it.
It seems like the group is mainly one person posting (and a few others)
Maybe it has to be joined or something?
Just seems like it should say on it or someone tell me. I'm not big on
groups not open to all. At least give everyone a chance to be part of them.
If they then spam and write mean stuff, etc don't let them on, but wait and
see. I didn't write anything bad on it. Though, overall, not having what I
write show up on it isn't all that bad if I don't want to be part of a group
that's not open to all (or most) "Exclusive" that is the word I'm thinking
of. Some are worthy and some aren't based on someone's personal opinion
(without even knowing them)
(sometimes it's a software moderator) and has to be approved before it
on the group.
I wouldn't bother with that group. The NPP (Neo-Pagan-Pact) is the law
moderated forums where magick (under any name) is discussed: You have
to pretend to believe all the claims of 'magickal' abilities you see
on them
and others will also pretend to believe yours.
This is especially true of the moderators, whether usenet or mailing
or web forum. You are supposed to believe that they have special
just because they can put up a website, which only costs about $80/
and could be pulled off by any 10-year old.
The rule is: thou shalt kiss the moderator's ass. (I have personally
down a couple and beaten the fuck out of them. One was a woman.)
NOTE: These groups are infested with Internet vermin and useless
bookmages with mouths even bigger than their egos. If you
aren't on my list, I won't see your posts. (I only post through
googlegroups, I read from a real newsserver.) Send me a blank
email and I'll send you my real email address eman30890(at)gmail
(dot)com...Put only the alias you use on alt.religion.wicca,
or alt.magick on the subject line. If you don't post on those
groups, put only "Magick" on the Subject line. I will not
be reading your first email. If you make it past this little
filter, I'll put you on my list.
Evergreen (Sid)