A Course In Mumbo-jumbo
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Sidney Lambe
2011-01-10 15:51:09 UTC
Watch these people, folks. They are mean and conceited and
immature in the extreme.

This is obviously what A Course In Mumbo-jumbo does to people.
It's pathetic.

Like the Bible, its higest and best use is for toilet paper.

At least for those of us with eyes to see.

I am a Magickal Being
My Second Spell is Innocence
usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
John Radgosky
2011-01-11 16:58:50 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Watch these people, folks. They are mean and conceited and
immature in the extreme.
Assume for one moment that what you say is an accurate description of
how it is. How are you affected by it ? What do you care about it ?
And, why ? What differrence does it make in your life ?

Then consider the possibility that what you say is NOT accurate. What
could change for you if you knew that ?
Post by Sidney Lambe
This is obviously what A Course In Mumbo-jumbo does to people.
It's pathetic.
If it's not obvious to me, then it's not obvious. It's nothing more
than a presumption by you , but obvious ? No. It is not obvious.
But wait, you're talking about A Course in Mumbo-jumbo. I don't know
what that is. So I withdraw what I just wrote because it was not
about ACIMJ and I can't adequately talk about something I know nothing
about. My apologies.
Post by Sidney Lambe
Like the Bible, its higest and best use is for toilet paper.
Even in a survival situation, stranded like the cast of Lost, there's
plenty of leaves around to do that work. No one is forcing you to
appreciate the Bible. So your disdain of it is a personal thought
based on a personal choice.

And the good news about thought is, it can be changed. But only by
you. I can't imagine you to be smiling and being serene when you
write such words. The really bad news is, the lack of serenity and
the discomfort of your own thoughts taking form into words will show
on your expressions. Which suggests looking less than good. But take
heart, the good news is, a change of thought to serenity and peace
brings the visible sign of it. It's an automatic reaction of the
body. It sends those kind of signals to others. And it's
attractive. One look attracts more ugliness, one look attracts more
peace and serenity. The bad news is, you attract what you show, but
the good news is, you attract what you show. So everything depends on
what you choose to think, do, and show.
Post by Sidney Lambe
At least for those of us with eyes to see.
Ah, but WHAT do you see ? Sounds like you see a lot of ugliness. But
maybe you have to have that to help you know what could be beautiful.
But how about this .... what if ALL of it already IS beautiful ?
Bible and all ? ACIM behaviour and all ? How would THAT impact your
life ?
