Priests and Gurus and Teachers
(too old to reply)
Sidney Lambe
2011-05-31 17:57:28 UTC
Priest and Gurus (Ministers/Preachers/Deacons/Masters...)

These are people who claim special abilities and knowledge

But the truth is that their abilities and knowledge are illusions
(or delusions). They are just parroting from one document or
another and playing the role.

Their main claim, implicit or explicit, is always that they
have a connection to the Divine that you don't have. ` THEY can
interpret their supposed holy document correctly because God
favors them and guides their interpretation.

They claim to want to help you, but what they really want to do
is make you dependent on them. Usually to the point where you
will actually give them money, though some are just in it for the
cheap thrills that ersatz authority can provide...

Enter the Teacher.

A Teacher wants to bring you up to their level. They want friends
and companions, not subordinates. They have real lives and are
not interested in dependents and actually posess real knowledge,
so they don't need to be worshipped as an advanced being in order
to feel good about themselves.

And they aren't compelled by personal neuroses to project their
own un-faced problems on various cultural groups and attempt to
heal themselves by healing those groups.

A real Teacher does not need your money or your approval.
Creating prosperity in one's life is childsplay to someone who
actually has a handle on what's going on. You cannot buy their
time with coin or worship.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
2011-05-31 21:42:46 UTC
A real Teacher does not need your money or your approval. Creating
prosperity in one's life is childsplay to someone who actually has
a handle on what's going on. You cannot buy their time with coin or
worship but you can buy a blowjob from me any ole day.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com Solitaire
Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca - Pedobear's Cousin
http://www.pedobear.org/gallery?func=viewcategory&catid=2 All will
be well. All manner of things will be well. Me gettum little
Total Pervert. *PLONK*

now deleting entire thread
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-01 21:47:59 UTC
Post by Karla
A real Teacher does not need your money or your approval. Creating
prosperity in one's life is childsplay to someone who actually has
a handle on what's going on. You cannot buy their time with coin or
worship but you can buy a blowjob from me any ole day.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com Solitaire
Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca - Pedobear's Cousin
http://www.pedobear.org/gallery?func=viewcategory&catid=2 All will
be well. All manner of things will be well. Me gettum little
Total Pervert. *PLONK*
now deleting entire thread
Useful"? You mean: useful for playing the role of a magician (by
whatever name) with your buddies.

None of the theatrical woo-woo I've seen published or practiced
by any ceremonial or 'neo-pagan' psuedo-religions is good for anything
but entertainment.

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. These 'magicians'
can't do any kind of magick at all. Their supposed 'magick' can't
even give them decent lives, much less 'special powers'.

By all means, select all the sensationalistic, useless mumbo-jumbo
from various 'religions' or 'orders' that you want to.

If you expect anyone but gullible fools to be impressed by it, you
are a fool yourself.

Pedophilia is acceptable wiccan practice, get over yourself.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
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