What's solipsism? Celestial!
(too old to reply)
2007-12-20 19:39:36 UTC
Hi jon, all

This is my shot at explaining solipsism
back in '99, at the alt.solipsism n.g. ;)

~ Lee


Newsgroups: alt.solipsism
From: "Lee Flynn" <***@innocent.com>
Date: 1999/08/29
Subject: Re: what's solipism

Hey there,

This is my first crack at answering this question, and so
please just add "I suppose" or "I would guess that..." to
every sentence that appears to speak for other than my
own experience. That being said..

Solipsism is a much maligned world-view that features the
understanding that my _own_ world (that which orbits the Sun
of my point of awareness) is truly the only world of which I have
any real knowledge, and that profound shifts in understanding
(or identity-in-the-world) come with successive moves away from
the predominant view of a 'shared' world, objectively common to
us all.

In that sense, I would say anyone who breaks free of the
'objective', impoverished world-view common to most (each
of us being hapless cogs in an unknowable machine), toward
the radically different perception of one's self as somehow
creatively, *actively*, _central_ to the Whole Show has entered
... the solipsist's zone.

In its exalted form, solipsism's roots extend to at least as
far back as the Vedic scriptures of India (though its
contemporary expressions more often than not seem to
dramatize its afflicted forms). I can know and embrace
that all of creation in some unfathomable sense expresses
*my own* deepest nature and most intimate wish.

The 'maligned' tag concerns two main issues: The
misunderstanding by some that solipsism represents an
obscene level of 'selfishness' and anti 'social' thinking, on the
one hand, and the tendency of many solipsists to linger in the
'adolescent' phase of the journey, where one is uncertain yet
of just where this scenario leads, but damned certain it's
slicker than that of the uninitiated. (Thus the clique-ishness ;)

Unwillingness or inability to assume the challenging and
unwieldy inner work of higher solipsism can effectively lock
one into an afflicted version of the perspective that is
predominantly alienating and decidedly short of life-
affirmative. (Understandably, this probably represents the
point at which most inititiates abandon or 'outgrow' their
solipsistic phase;).

Breaking the spell of the predominant sense of (small)
identity-in-the-world can grant an exhilirating feeling of
deliverance into a vast new world of discovery, previously
hidden by that of the old. In truth, there are endless stores
of gifts and awakening that adorn the realm of "Self as Center
of (your) Universe". Nothing less, in fact, than the joyous
're-enchantment' of one's world. However, one must logically
first resolve one's dis-enchantment, and this phase can be
difficult and unpleasant - for oneself and for others. Here
too, the aphorism holds: "The only way out is through."

Different solipsists will describe the journey's end and
purpose differently, to be sure. But for those who by choice or
by grace become genuinely willing to abandon the relative
comfort of consensus reality, and move through the necessary
changes required, sufficiently to even once glimpse solipsism's
paradoxical Prize of total responsibility / total deliverance
(or Accountablity/Absolution or Understanding/Ignorance),
every definition of solipsism short of this new mark represents
merely one or another eddy-pool enroute to the ocean. Another
waystation on the mountain trail. (Any other metaphors --
anyone ?;)

The road to mastery is paved -by nature- with muddlery, it
seems. But solipsists know, at least, that this is not that
same tired road they tread, before.

Shalom, y'all


Lucid Living Institute of Santa Fe
"Exploring High Lucid Awareness"
PO Box 1416
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
Ph/Fax 505.473.1302
what's solipism?
2007-12-20 22:00:57 UTC
Post by Lee
Hi jon, all
This is my shot at explaining solipsism
back in '99, at the alt.solipsism n.g. ;)
~ Lee
Newsgroups: alt.solipsism
Date: 1999/08/29
Subject: Re: what's solipism
Hey there,
This is my first crack at answering this question, and so
please just add "I suppose" or "I would guess that..." to
every sentence that appears to speak for other than my
own experience. That being said..
Solipsism is a much maligned world-view that features the
understanding that my _own_ world (that which orbits the Sun
of my point of awareness) is truly the only world of which I have
any real knowledge, and that profound shifts in understanding
(or identity-in-the-world) come with successive moves away from
the predominant view of a 'shared' world, objectively common to
us all.
In that sense, I would say anyone who breaks free of the
'objective', impoverished world-view common to most (each
of us being hapless cogs in an unknowable machine), toward
the radically different perception of one's self as somehow
creatively, *actively*, _central_ to the Whole Show has entered
... the solipsist's zone.
In its exalted form, solipsism's roots extend to at least as
far back as the Vedic scriptures of India (though its
contemporary expressions more often than not seem to
dramatize its afflicted forms). I can know and embrace
that all of creation in some unfathomable sense expresses
*my own* deepest nature and most intimate wish.
The 'maligned' tag concerns two main issues: The
misunderstanding by some that solipsism represents an
obscene level of 'selfishness' and anti 'social' thinking, on the
one hand, and the tendency of many solipsists to linger in the
'adolescent' phase of the journey, where one is uncertain yet
of just where this scenario leads, but damned certain it's
slicker than that of the uninitiated. (Thus the clique-ishness ;)
Unwillingness or inability to assume the challenging and
unwieldy inner work of higher solipsism can effectively lock
one into an afflicted version of the perspective that is
predominantly alienating and decidedly short of life-
affirmative. (Understandably, this probably represents the
point at which most inititiates abandon or 'outgrow' their
solipsistic phase;).
Breaking the spell of the predominant sense of (small)
identity-in-the-world can grant an exhilirating feeling of
deliverance into a vast new world of discovery, previously
hidden by that of the old. In truth, there are endless stores
of gifts and awakening that adorn the realm of "Self as Center
of (your) Universe". Nothing less, in fact, than the joyous
're-enchantment' of one's world. However, one must logically
first resolve one's dis-enchantment, and this phase can be
difficult and unpleasant - for oneself and for others. Here
too, the aphorism holds: "The only way out is through."
Different solipsists will describe the journey's end and
purpose differently, to be sure. But for those who by choice or
by grace become genuinely willing to abandon the relative
comfort of consensus reality, and move through the necessary
changes required, sufficiently to even once glimpse solipsism's
paradoxical Prize of total responsibility / total deliverance
(or Accountablity/Absolution or Understanding/Ignorance),
every definition of solipsism short of this new mark represents
merely one or another eddy-pool enroute to the ocean. Another
waystation on the mountain trail. (Any other metaphors --
anyone ?;)
The road to mastery is paved -by nature- with muddlery, it
seems. But solipsists know, at least, that this is not that
same tired road they tread, before.
Shalom, y'all
Lucid Living Institute of Santa Fe
"Exploring High Lucid Awareness"
PO Box 1416
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
Ph/Fax 505.473.1302
what's solipism?
More "metaphors":
- waiting for the next train in overcrowded train stations while
travelling on the circuitous city bus lines
- tigers seen prowling in the jungle watched below while flying
overhead at 30.000 feet
- crawling up a steep hill-side with two travelling companions: one is
young and strong, and falls but get up quickly and tries again; one is
old and slow and is a lot later but gets there - and one has never
left the top of the mountain and only the illusion of having a body
made him seem to walk along the road with us
- hearing "A Voice from the Heights" calling with increasing frequency
and intensity into the gray darkness that cannot be understood (Christ
in You - Theosophical Society)
- stuck in a traffic jam dreaming of gridlocks being evil inventions
in my own imagination - this is not real, but where's my dinner!
- reaching the bus station at the edge of a city in ruins, the person
already waiting there is not there for me but for someone else
Post by Lee
The road to mastery is paved -by nature- with muddlery,
how g(th)reat thy words: muddlery does seem? to suit perfectly?

2013-03-31 12:40:19 UTC
This is what a true real solipsist is, since I learned solipsism properly: he has a weird moral behaviour by which he has consideration of others all for himself, and is all good and no pain all for himself. That's it. Other than his morality, nothing exists but himself. And no one's conscious but himself. And when he communicates, his language is invented all by himself. I should know because a solipsist is selfish.
2013-03-31 13:00:27 UTC
I'd like to further explain what solipsism is, this is not normally regarded as selfish, but a solipsist keeps his thoughts to himself, and his experience only belongs to himself. Furthermore everything is created by himself, he can't prove the truth because it's known only to himself. He therefore pleads ignorance and openly admits he doesn't have proof of reality and fantasy, so he's the God of his own universe, so the universe is all for himself. Nothing is eternal except for himself. Everything objectively real is himself. But he never talks about himself, he always talks about other people, so he claims to not be selfish. He lives for his own sake and only acts on egocentricity. Furthermore when he has a wife and kids, he controls all of them to please himself, and only has sex with another person for himself. In fact it gets simply as extreme as this: he's extremely unique, because everyone who's got something in common is only himself.