Lee Flynn
2011-04-12 14:23:45 UTC
ACIM Workbook Lesson 102 ~ April 12
" Lesson 102
"I share God's Will for happiness for me."
You do not want to suffer. You may think
it buys you something, and may still believe
a little that it buys you what you want.
Yet this belief is surely shaken now,
at least enough to let you question it,
and to suspect it really makes no sense.
It has not gone as yet, but lacks the roots
that once secured it tightly to the dark
and hidden secret places of your mind.|
Today we try to loose its weakened hold
still further, and to realize that pain
is purposeless, without a cause, and with
no power to accomplish anything.
It cannot purchase anything at all.
It offers nothing, and does not exist.
And everything you think it offers you
is lacking in existence, <like> itself.
You have been slave to nothing. Be you free
today to join the happy Will of God.|
For several days we will continue to
devote our [longer practice periods]
to exercises planned to help you reach
the happiness God's Will has placed in you.
Here is your home, and here your safety is.
Here is your peace, and here there is no fear.
Here is salvation. Here is rest at last.|
Begin your practice periods today
with this acceptance of God's Will for you:
"I share God's Will for happiness for me,
And I accept it as my function now."
Then seek this function deep within your mind,
for it is there, awaiting but your choice.
You cannot fail to find it when you learn
it is your choice, and that you share God's Will.|
Be happy, for your only function here
is happiness. You have no need to be
less loving to God's Son than He Whose Love
created him as loving as Himself.
<Besides these hourly five minute rests,>
pause frequently today to tell yourself
that you have now accepted happiness
as your one function. And be sure that you
are joining with God's Will in doing this. "
~ Original Handscript of ACIM
[ Hear Today's Lesson in I.P ~ Voice & Music by Maz ]
or via http://www.acimradio.net/urwork/
" Lesson 102
"I share God's Will for happiness for me."
You do not want to suffer. You may think
it buys you something, and may still believe
a little that it buys you what you want.
Yet this belief is surely shaken now,
at least enough to let you question it,
and to suspect it really makes no sense.
It has not gone as yet, but lacks the roots
that once secured it tightly to the dark
and hidden secret places of your mind.|
Today we try to loose its weakened hold
still further, and to realize that pain
is purposeless, without a cause, and with
no power to accomplish anything.
It cannot purchase anything at all.
It offers nothing, and does not exist.
And everything you think it offers you
is lacking in existence, <like> itself.
You have been slave to nothing. Be you free
today to join the happy Will of God.|
For several days we will continue to
devote our [longer practice periods]
to exercises planned to help you reach
the happiness God's Will has placed in you.
Here is your home, and here your safety is.
Here is your peace, and here there is no fear.
Here is salvation. Here is rest at last.|
Begin your practice periods today
with this acceptance of God's Will for you:
"I share God's Will for happiness for me,
And I accept it as my function now."
Then seek this function deep within your mind,
for it is there, awaiting but your choice.
You cannot fail to find it when you learn
it is your choice, and that you share God's Will.|
Be happy, for your only function here
is happiness. You have no need to be
less loving to God's Son than He Whose Love
created him as loving as Himself.
<Besides these hourly five minute rests,>
pause frequently today to tell yourself
that you have now accepted happiness
as your one function. And be sure that you
are joining with God's Will in doing this. "
~ Original Handscript of ACIM
[ Hear Today's Lesson in I.P ~ Voice & Music by Maz ]
or via http://www.acimradio.net/urwork/