Miracles Are Seen In Light
2019-02-22 18:58:16 UTC
*Peace*: https://tinyurl.com/buffalo208
Peace is an infinitely enormous place in your mind. Bigger than that buffalo.
Bigger than the sky. You think peace comes from the world, but the truth is peace
is in you.
Peace allows love to enter. In the absence of attack - the love of God can enter
"Those who remember always that they know nothing, and who have become willing to
learn everything, will learn it. But whenever they trust themselves, they will
not learn. They have destroyed their motivation for learning by thinking they
already know. Think not you understand anything until you pass the test of
perfect peace, for peace and understanding go together and never can be found
alone. Each brings the other with it, for it is the law of God they be not
separate. They are cause and effect, each to the other, so where one is absent
the other cannot be."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 14, Section 11 (12pdf)
Peace leads to understanding, and understanding is meaning, and meaning is love.
Thus it might say:
"Love and understanding go together and never can be found alone. Each brings the
other with it, for it is the law of God they be not separate. They are cause and
effect, each to the other, so where one is absent the other cannot be."
From peace comes love, and from love comes Self-Esteem.
Love also is happiness.
Forgiveness is the key to happiness.
"Miracles are seen in light. The body's eyes do not perceive the light. But I am
not a body. What am I?"
A Course in Miracles- Workbook Lesson 91
In the light of love, all things are comprehensible.
"Only those who recognize they cannot know unless the effects of understanding are
with them, can really learn at all. For this it must be peace they want, and
nothing else. Whenever you think you know, peace will depart from you, because
you have abandoned the Teacher of peace. Whenever you fully realize that you know
not, peace will return, for you will have invited him to do so by abandoning the
ego on behalf of him. Call not upon the ego for anything; it is only this that
you need do. The Holy Spirit will, of himself, fill every mind that so makes room
for him.
If you want peace you must abandon the teacher of attack. The Teacher of Peace
will never abandon you. You can desert him but he will never reciprocate, for his
faith in you is his understanding. It is as firm as is his faith in his Creator,
and he knows that faith in his Creator must encompass faith in his creation. In
this consistency lies his holiness which he cannot abandon, for it is not his will
to do so. With your perfection ever in his sight, he gives the gift of peace to
everyone who perceives the need for peace, and who would have it. Make way for
peace, and it will come. For understanding is in you, and from it peace must come.
The power of God, from which they both arise, is yours as surely as it is his. You
think you know him not, only because, alone, it is impossible to know him. Yet see
the mighty works that he will do through you, and you must be convinced you did
them through him. It is impossible to deny the Source of effects so powerful they
could not be of you. Leave room for him, and you will find yourself so filled
with power that nothing will prevail against your peace. And this will be the
test by which you recognize that you have understood."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 14, Section 11 (12pdf)
"The voice of the Holy Spirit is weak in you. That is why you must share It. It
must be increased in strength before you can hear It. It is impossible to hear It
in yourself while It is so weak in your mind. It is not weak in Itself, but It is
limited by your unwillingness to hear It. If you make the mistake of looking for
the Holy Spirit in yourself alone your thoughts will frighten you because, by
adopting the ego's viewpoint, you are undertaking an ego-alien journey with the
ego as guide. This is bound to produce fear."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 5, Section 3 (4pdf)
"A holy relationship is a means of saving time. One instant spent together
restores the universe to both of you. You *are* prepared. Now you need but to
remember you need do nothing. It would be far more profitable now merely to
concentrate on this than to consider what you should do. When peace comes at last
to those who wrestle with temptation and fight against the giving in to sin; when
the light comes at last into the mind given to contemplation; or when the goal is
finally achieved by anyone, it always comes with just one happy realization; "_I
need do nothing_." Here is the ultimate release which everyone will one day find
in his own way, at his own time. You do not need this time. Time has been saved
for you because you and your brother are together. This is the special means this
course is using to save you time. You are not making use of the course if you
insist on using means which have served others well, neglecting what was made for
*you*. Save time for me by only this one preparation, and practice doing nothing
else. "I need do nothing" is a statement of allegiance, a truly undivided
loyalty. Believe it for just one instant, and you will accomplish more than is
given to a century of contemplation, or of struggle against temptation."
To do anything involves the body. And if you recognize you need do nothing, you
have withdrawn the body's value from your mind. Here is the quick and open door
through which you slip past centuries of effort, and escape from time. This is
the way in which sin loses all attraction _right now_. For here is time denied,
and past and future gone. Who needs do nothing has no need for time. To do
nothing is to rest, and make a place within you where the activity of the body
ceases to demand attention. Into this place the Holy Spirit comes, and there
abides. He will remain when you forget, and the body's activities return to
occupy your conscious mind.
Yet there will always be this place of rest to which you can return. And you will
be more aware of this quiet center of the storm than all its raging activity. This
quiet center, in which you do nothing, will remain with you, giving you rest in
the midst of every busy doing on which you are sent. For from this center will
you be directed how to use the body sinlessly. It is this center, from which the
body is absent, that will keep it so in your awareness of it."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 18, Section 7, Scribed May 31, 1967
"Having made [the choice for the atonement] you will understand why you once
believed that, when you met someone else, you thought he *was* someone else. And
every holy encounter in which you enter fully will teach you this is not so.
You can encounter only part of yourself because you are part of God"
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 8, Section 3
Seek Peace, and Seek Light. When you find true peace, the love of God will
naturally enter. The love of God will naturally enter, because the love of God is
already here. It's just like if you were attacking someone who was trying to give
you, they wouldn't be able to give you, and they would go away. If you finally
stopped attacking, they would not be around anymore to give you. If you are not
at peace because of all the responsibilities and interests and worries of this
world, then it is as if you are attacking yourself. Unlike another person, God
will never go away because God is already here. But as long as you persist in
attacking yourself you will not receive God's love. As soon as you return your
mind to peace, the love of God will naturally enter because God is here already.
To be filled with the Holy Spirit merely means to give up corruption.
This is why the Course says "I need do nothing."
This world is a dream, and an illusion, and in your mind. And there is another
world in your mind, that you can see, and this world is the world of light.
"I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts.
Herein lies salvation, and nowhere else. Without attack thoughts I could not see
a world of attack. As forgiveness allows love to return to my awareness, I will
see a world of peace and safety and joy. And it is this I choose to see, in place
of what I look on now."
- A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 55 review
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus."
- Paul the Apostle, Philippians 4:7, Holy Bible, New Testament
Peace is an infinitely enormous place in your mind. Bigger than that buffalo.
Bigger than the sky. You think peace comes from the world, but the truth is peace
is in you.
Peace allows love to enter. In the absence of attack - the love of God can enter
"Those who remember always that they know nothing, and who have become willing to
learn everything, will learn it. But whenever they trust themselves, they will
not learn. They have destroyed their motivation for learning by thinking they
already know. Think not you understand anything until you pass the test of
perfect peace, for peace and understanding go together and never can be found
alone. Each brings the other with it, for it is the law of God they be not
separate. They are cause and effect, each to the other, so where one is absent
the other cannot be."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 14, Section 11 (12pdf)
Peace leads to understanding, and understanding is meaning, and meaning is love.
Thus it might say:
"Love and understanding go together and never can be found alone. Each brings the
other with it, for it is the law of God they be not separate. They are cause and
effect, each to the other, so where one is absent the other cannot be."
From peace comes love, and from love comes Self-Esteem.
Love also is happiness.
Forgiveness is the key to happiness.
"Miracles are seen in light. The body's eyes do not perceive the light. But I am
not a body. What am I?"
A Course in Miracles- Workbook Lesson 91
In the light of love, all things are comprehensible.
"Only those who recognize they cannot know unless the effects of understanding are
with them, can really learn at all. For this it must be peace they want, and
nothing else. Whenever you think you know, peace will depart from you, because
you have abandoned the Teacher of peace. Whenever you fully realize that you know
not, peace will return, for you will have invited him to do so by abandoning the
ego on behalf of him. Call not upon the ego for anything; it is only this that
you need do. The Holy Spirit will, of himself, fill every mind that so makes room
for him.
If you want peace you must abandon the teacher of attack. The Teacher of Peace
will never abandon you. You can desert him but he will never reciprocate, for his
faith in you is his understanding. It is as firm as is his faith in his Creator,
and he knows that faith in his Creator must encompass faith in his creation. In
this consistency lies his holiness which he cannot abandon, for it is not his will
to do so. With your perfection ever in his sight, he gives the gift of peace to
everyone who perceives the need for peace, and who would have it. Make way for
peace, and it will come. For understanding is in you, and from it peace must come.
The power of God, from which they both arise, is yours as surely as it is his. You
think you know him not, only because, alone, it is impossible to know him. Yet see
the mighty works that he will do through you, and you must be convinced you did
them through him. It is impossible to deny the Source of effects so powerful they
could not be of you. Leave room for him, and you will find yourself so filled
with power that nothing will prevail against your peace. And this will be the
test by which you recognize that you have understood."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 14, Section 11 (12pdf)
"The voice of the Holy Spirit is weak in you. That is why you must share It. It
must be increased in strength before you can hear It. It is impossible to hear It
in yourself while It is so weak in your mind. It is not weak in Itself, but It is
limited by your unwillingness to hear It. If you make the mistake of looking for
the Holy Spirit in yourself alone your thoughts will frighten you because, by
adopting the ego's viewpoint, you are undertaking an ego-alien journey with the
ego as guide. This is bound to produce fear."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 5, Section 3 (4pdf)
"A holy relationship is a means of saving time. One instant spent together
restores the universe to both of you. You *are* prepared. Now you need but to
remember you need do nothing. It would be far more profitable now merely to
concentrate on this than to consider what you should do. When peace comes at last
to those who wrestle with temptation and fight against the giving in to sin; when
the light comes at last into the mind given to contemplation; or when the goal is
finally achieved by anyone, it always comes with just one happy realization; "_I
need do nothing_." Here is the ultimate release which everyone will one day find
in his own way, at his own time. You do not need this time. Time has been saved
for you because you and your brother are together. This is the special means this
course is using to save you time. You are not making use of the course if you
insist on using means which have served others well, neglecting what was made for
*you*. Save time for me by only this one preparation, and practice doing nothing
else. "I need do nothing" is a statement of allegiance, a truly undivided
loyalty. Believe it for just one instant, and you will accomplish more than is
given to a century of contemplation, or of struggle against temptation."
To do anything involves the body. And if you recognize you need do nothing, you
have withdrawn the body's value from your mind. Here is the quick and open door
through which you slip past centuries of effort, and escape from time. This is
the way in which sin loses all attraction _right now_. For here is time denied,
and past and future gone. Who needs do nothing has no need for time. To do
nothing is to rest, and make a place within you where the activity of the body
ceases to demand attention. Into this place the Holy Spirit comes, and there
abides. He will remain when you forget, and the body's activities return to
occupy your conscious mind.
Yet there will always be this place of rest to which you can return. And you will
be more aware of this quiet center of the storm than all its raging activity. This
quiet center, in which you do nothing, will remain with you, giving you rest in
the midst of every busy doing on which you are sent. For from this center will
you be directed how to use the body sinlessly. It is this center, from which the
body is absent, that will keep it so in your awareness of it."
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 18, Section 7, Scribed May 31, 1967
"Having made [the choice for the atonement] you will understand why you once
believed that, when you met someone else, you thought he *was* someone else. And
every holy encounter in which you enter fully will teach you this is not so.
You can encounter only part of yourself because you are part of God"
- A Course in Miracles, Chapter 8, Section 3
Seek Peace, and Seek Light. When you find true peace, the love of God will
naturally enter. The love of God will naturally enter, because the love of God is
already here. It's just like if you were attacking someone who was trying to give
you, they wouldn't be able to give you, and they would go away. If you finally
stopped attacking, they would not be around anymore to give you. If you are not
at peace because of all the responsibilities and interests and worries of this
world, then it is as if you are attacking yourself. Unlike another person, God
will never go away because God is already here. But as long as you persist in
attacking yourself you will not receive God's love. As soon as you return your
mind to peace, the love of God will naturally enter because God is here already.
To be filled with the Holy Spirit merely means to give up corruption.
This is why the Course says "I need do nothing."
This world is a dream, and an illusion, and in your mind. And there is another
world in your mind, that you can see, and this world is the world of light.
"I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts.
Herein lies salvation, and nowhere else. Without attack thoughts I could not see
a world of attack. As forgiveness allows love to return to my awareness, I will
see a world of peace and safety and joy. And it is this I choose to see, in place
of what I look on now."
- A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 55 review
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus."
- Paul the Apostle, Philippians 4:7, Holy Bible, New Testament