2010-05-21 20:44:01 UTC
John-he will understand the difference between changing cause and re-
interpreting effects.
Reinterpreting effects CHANGES the cause because the mind IS the cause
and the way it interprets IS the effects. That's why it is essential
to change the cause BY reinterpreting the effects or ANY thought out
of accord with love and ask the Holy Spirit for a different way to see
whatever or whomever. A way that IS in accord with love. That choice
to see through loves eyes is always available no matter the form or
how seemingly evil something appears as. That choice is always
available because of the cause, God which is love.
If I screw up and see what isn't actually there, hate, evil, conflict
I want to accept the Atonement. All the Atonement is, is the
reinterpretation of the evil effect I've mistakenly chosen to see. In
this way because the mind chooses to see love instead of hate in the
same event, the CAUSE has been changed. The cause being my mind.
If I'm unwilling to accept the Atonement and it's loving perceptions
of everyone and everything and cling to my insanity of how horrible
the world is, I can never be saved from its effects BECAUSE I'm
unwilling to change the CAUSE. The cause being me and the effects
being how I choose to see the world.
This is why I'm doing it to myself by my choices in how to interpret
the effects I see.
interpreting effects.
Reinterpreting effects CHANGES the cause because the mind IS the cause
and the way it interprets IS the effects. That's why it is essential
to change the cause BY reinterpreting the effects or ANY thought out
of accord with love and ask the Holy Spirit for a different way to see
whatever or whomever. A way that IS in accord with love. That choice
to see through loves eyes is always available no matter the form or
how seemingly evil something appears as. That choice is always
available because of the cause, God which is love.
If I screw up and see what isn't actually there, hate, evil, conflict
I want to accept the Atonement. All the Atonement is, is the
reinterpretation of the evil effect I've mistakenly chosen to see. In
this way because the mind chooses to see love instead of hate in the
same event, the CAUSE has been changed. The cause being my mind.
If I'm unwilling to accept the Atonement and it's loving perceptions
of everyone and everything and cling to my insanity of how horrible
the world is, I can never be saved from its effects BECAUSE I'm
unwilling to change the CAUSE. The cause being me and the effects
being how I choose to see the world.
This is why I'm doing it to myself by my choices in how to interpret
the effects I see.