Post by CarriePost by Sidney LambeOn talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by CarriePost by Sidney LambeOn talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by CarriePost by Sidney LambeOn talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by CarriePost by eluqSince you posted that essay by David Loy in late Sept.
I have been having an enjoyable ride with aspects of
Buddhism I was completly unaware of.
Are you familiar with the Yogacara "branch"?
Have been reading - Living Yogacara: An Introduction
to Consciousness-Only Buddhism Tagawa Shun'ei, Charles
Wow going to have to read it multiple times I'm sure.
Imo one of the more overlooked ideas of ACIM is the "its
all thought" idea. Yogacara examines this in detail as
the central tenet of Yogacara (to put in my words that
Thanks again for posting that article. I read a book
by David Loy but like the article better. I sent the
article to a couple of friends, one who insists in the
reality of his body/personality. I knew the article
would make him mad, it did, "David Loy just wrote in a
scholarly manner to show off."
Thanks for posting about it. I will have to look it up
now, I guess I messed the post or didn't give enough
attention to it. I'm always open to learning. I make
pictures and affirmations/sayings for my desktop and came
across this awhile ago, so put it on one of my pictures.
Now isn't that lovely. Put a simple, wooden frame on it
and you could sell it without any problem. Over and over
That would be good way to spread good ideas around.
I probably could. I know someone who used to work as a
framer who might help. I woudl have to get good prints
made, not my home printer. But, printing them out on
cardstock (which I like better than glossy paper) might
give it a rustic like look.
Sounds good.
Post by CarrieCan I use sayings by Buddha? They wouldn't be copyright I
don't think.
I would think so. The entire Pali Canon.
Post by CarrieSomething to think about.
Look through the books on They are all in the
Public Domain. So is the Desiderata.
Go for the Transcendentalists for starters. Like Emerson
and Thoreau. And Whitman. All of their works are at And all of those wonderful women poets from
Early America.
I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A
tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth's sweet
flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts
her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in Summer wear A
nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like
me, But only God can make a tree.
-- Joyce Kilmer
Post by CarrieI used to print cards (like notecards) with pictures like
this on them, but never got going at it like a business.
Seems like it cost so much for supplies and how much can
one sell notecards for? I mainly end up giving things away,
because I love the feeling of sharing.
But if you need to make a living....Gotta take care of
number 0 first or you won't have anything left over to help
anyone else.
Yeah, but I don't like doing something unless it feels good
(right) to me. Doing creative things, art, camera, photoshop,
etc. is something I do for the "joy" of it. If I can get into
something that brings in money and feels like that, good.
Of course. But remember that selling is sharing in both
directions. You share your surplus pictures and they share
their surplus cash. Everyone gets to share.
I kind of like the feeling that I share what I love to
do, and some get something good from it. This opens the flow
and the Universe gives back. It doesn't have to be from the
exact person who got something from my pictures. Maybe this
comes from knowing a lot of people who don't have "surplus
cash". But, still might get something (good, uplifting) from
my pictures. As I've been told "with an attitude like that,
no wonder you don't have a lot of money". But, it's uplifting
to uplift others. You liked the picture and felt good about
it? You can set it as wallpaper on your desktop. You liking it
and apparently feeling good about it uplifted me. I will talk
to someone about framing prints, though I might have to offer
them on ebay, I don't live in a very big (populated) area. What
do you think would be good to charge for them? I don't know
anything about that. I've seen pictures (art, drawings, phots)
for sale on ebay, some seem very low priced some very high. One
looked like a kid drew it with a crayon and they wanted $1200
for it! I didn't remember to look back and see if it sold. Some
others from one of my online albums...(again, with the idea
of putting them on the desktop) Some are course related, some
Abraham-Hicks. Some misc. If I read or hear something I like, I
sometimes find a picture to put it on and put it on the desktop
for awhile. I didn't always put the source of the quote on
because they were mainly made for me (my desktop) Light and Joy
and Peace abide in me is from ACIM (lesson)
Those are all VERY nice. You have a talent.
I do not know about prices. If I were you I'd pay myself at LEAST
$20/hour for the time I put into it plus expenses/materials. That
a single piece. I would not check out "the competition". Do your
own thing.
own sayings they want you to display for them.