Defeating KDE
(too old to reply)
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-11 17:55:59 UTC
You call that "defeating" KDE?
That's ridiculous. The way you defeat KDE is by not using
it at all. By never installing it. Why the hell would you?
It is over twice the size of Linux with a good window manager
that provides a very decent user interface without tricking
you into learning KDE/XFCE/Gnome/etc. instead of learning
Not everyone has read "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts,
Sid. Most of us live in the real world.
This would be the "real world" where people respond to technical
computer posts with crazy talk about metaphyics?
Daniel Baumgarten - http://dbaum.sdf.org
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.org
I am guessing that the poor man is off his meds again.

2011-06-11 16:58:44 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
You call that "defeating" KDE?
That's ridiculous. The way you defeat KDE is by not using
it at all. By never installing it. Why the hell would you?
It is over twice the size of Linux with a good window manager
that provides a very decent user interface without tricking
you into learning KDE/XFCE/Gnome/etc. instead of learning
Not everyone has read "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts,
Sid. Most of us live in the real world.
This would be the "real world" where people respond to technical
computer posts with crazy talk about metaphyics?
Daniel Baumgarten - http://dbaum.sdf.org
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.org
I am guessing that the poor man is off his meds again.
The first step in your cure is stop being a coward. Cowardice is the
root of your pathetic attempt to impersonate "Sidney Lambe". Until
you can face being yourself and admit to your true feelings, you will
continue to be as frustrated and ineffectual an asshole as you always
have been.
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-11 17:02:23 UTC
Post by Tom
Post by Sidney Lambe
You call that "defeating" KDE?
That's ridiculous. The way you defeat KDE is by not using
it at all. By never installing it. Why the hell would you?
It is over twice the size of Linux with a good window manager
that provides a very decent user interface without tricking
you into learning KDE/XFCE/Gnome/etc. instead of learning
Not everyone has read "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts,
Sid. Most of us live in the real world.
This would be the "real world" where people respond to technical
computer posts with crazy talk about metaphyics?
Daniel Baumgarten - http://dbaum.sdf.org
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.org
I am guessing that the poor man is off his meds again.
The first step in your cure is stop being a coward. Cowardice is the
root of your pathetic attempt to impersonate "Sidney Lambe". Until
you can face being yourself and admit to your true feelings, you will
continue to be as frustrated and ineffectual an asshole as you always
have been.

Here comes cocksucker "Tom", a pussy if there ever were pussies.

He thinks anyone who thinks like a pedophile is "a coward"?

That doesn't surprise me.

You are obviusly incapable of thinking clearly.

I'll be reading even more of your shit articles now, and telling
the world what I think of them. And about the joys of pedophilia.

And you'll live with it, because the superstitious garbage you
call 'save the children' couldn't make water wet.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-11 17:05:49 UTC
Post by Tom
Post by Sidney Lambe
You call that "defeating" KDE?
That's ridiculous. The way you defeat KDE is by not using
it at all. By never installing it. Why the hell would you?
It is over twice the size of Linux with a good window manager
that provides a very decent user interface without tricking
you into learning KDE/XFCE/Gnome/etc. instead of learning
Not everyone has read "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts,
Sid. Most of us live in the real world.
This would be the "real world" where people respond to technical
computer posts with crazy talk about metaphyics?
Daniel Baumgarten - http://dbaum.sdf.org
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.org
I am guessing that the poor man is off his meds again.
The first step in your cure is stop being a coward. Cowardice is the
root of your pathetic attempt to impersonate "Sidney Lambe". Until
you can face being yourself and admit to your true feelings, you will
continue to be as frustrated and ineffectual an asshole as you always
have been.
I will be hiring a private investigations firm to track you
down and investigate your life, "tom".

I can afford that 50x over. Easily. I will have you a stinking troll
tracked down, and slammed into jail for libel.

Enjoy, don't bend over in the shower, gayboi. Just wait.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
2011-06-14 19:25:22 UTC
Post by Tom
The first step in
That's X-Authenticated-User: $$i1x1l_eugnb9cl$bayv

It seems someone doesn't like his real x-privat User ID posted. It's
certainly gotten a reaction. Anybody who wants to know who a post is
actually from should check the original headers.
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-14 21:20:01 UTC

Here comes cocksucker "Tom", a pussy if there ever were pussies.

He thinks anyone who thinks like a pedophile is "a coward"?

That doesn't surprise me.

You are obviusly incapable of thinking clearly.

I'll be reading even more of your shit articles now, and telling
the world what I think of them. And about the joys of pedophilia.

And you'll live with it, because the superstitious garbage you
call 'save the children' couldn't make water wet.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-11 20:32:03 UTC
Daniel posted another childish attack directed at me. I didn't
read it or this reply to it from a known troll's sockpuppet.

Be nice if these morons would learn to read plain English. I am not
hostile to KDE. That's ridiculous. I think it is stupid.
What it is is training wheels for Linux.

And I am not at all surprised to see these closet Windows-weenies
defending it. After all, every interface like KDE is an attempt
emulate Windows.

Caniel Baumgarten is one of these nutcases that hangs out on
the magick groups and tries to convince everyone that he is
some kind of dangerous, evil sorcerer.

Gee, if that was the case, he wouldn't have to attack like
a stinking dickless troll.

But he's just not bright enough to figure that out.

2011-06-11 19:40:38 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Daniel posted another childish attack directed at me. I didn't
read it or this reply to it from a known troll's sockpuppet.
Be nice if these morons would learn to read plain English. I am not
hostile to KDE. That's ridiculous. I think it is stupid.
What it is is training wheels for Linux.
And I am not at all surprised to see these closet Windows-weenies
defending it. After all, every interface like KDE is an attempt
emulate Windows.
Caniel Baumgarten is one of these nutcases that hangs out on
the magick groups and tries to convince everyone that he is
some kind of dangerous, evil sorcerer.
Gee, if that was the case, he wouldn't have to attack like
a stinking dickless troll.
But he's just not bright enough to figure that out.
Poor little loon. So defeated and deflated you can't find anything
of substance to argue about, yet you're still unable to refrain
from slobbering all over your dick about how everyone is one person
"out to get" you and your dull witted pedo-friend(s).
2011-06-11 20:03:39 UTC
Post by unknown
everyone is one person
"out to get" you and your dull witted pedo-friend(s).
Did you not know?? Everyone who participates in usenet is everyone
else. IOW, we are all each other, except for the person that thinks
we're everyone else. It's lots of fun!!

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-11 21:20:30 UTC
On alt.os.linux.slackware, Kaydon <***@rocketmail.com> wrote:
Post by Kaydon
Did you not know?? Everyone who participates in usenet is everyone
else. IOW, we are all each other, except for the person that thinks
we're everyone else. It's lots of fun!!
Oh my.

Miss Fluffy-Bunny herself dropped in to lay another childish
insult on me.

Oh golly, I am just so devastated.

You'll notice that her "peace and love" rap has mysteriously

Thank you, Kaydon, for showing your true colors.

(There's a good reason why assholes like this hide behind fake

No, I am not going to killfile her. I find her idiotic, and
obviously hypocritical, sunshine-from-your-asshole articles to be
very amusing.

Genuine new-age sew-age.

Glyn Millington
2011-06-11 20:29:44 UTC
wrote: [delete]
Post by Kaydon
Did you not know?? Everyone who participates in usenet is everyone
else. IOW, we are all each other, except for the person that thinks
we're everyone else. It's lots of fun!!
Oh my.
Sid, you are priceless


RTFM http://www.tldp.org/index.html
GAFC http://slackbook.org/ The Official Source :-)
STFW http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&group=alt.os.linux.slackware
JFGI http://jfgi.us/
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-12 13:18:05 UTC
Post by Glyn Millington
wrote: [delete]
Post by Kaydon
Did you not know?? Everyone who participates in usenet is everyone
else. IOW, we are all each other, except for the person that thinks
we're everyone else. It's lots of fun!!
Oh my.
Sid, you are priceless
All of this because they don't like my devotion to pedophilia.

You retards are incredibly amusing. Why would I care whether a bunch
of feebs who can't even wipe their own asses without assistant think?
They can think I am Barak Obama if they want to.

And apparently they think that I haven't actually killfiled them.


(Can people this stupid really run computers!?)

This is the closest that any human scum like the kook group retards
gets to getting an article to me using the usenet.

My killfile has well over ten thousand entries, most of them aliases
belonging to these creeps. And they don't get through because they
don't even have the mental capacity to keep track of their aliases
and where they've used them.

These poor losers are just determined to make sure that their very
few readers finally realize that they are simple idiots.

Dear kook group members: You are not allowed to run your punk
mouths in -my- space.

Like it or not. There's nothing you can do about it. Maybe after
you learn to walk and chew gum at the same time and tie your
shoes you can start learning about how to use a computer, and
then a decade later or so you will stand a chance of being able
to beat my newsfilter.

Too bad you aren't mentally competent adults. If you were, it
would be fun to play games with you. But you are so pathetic
that you don't deserve anything but to be flushed back into
the toilet you come from.

2011-06-12 13:18:15 UTC
(There's a good reason why assholes hide behind fake
names...my real name is Sydney Lambe)
Chick Tower
2011-06-12 18:04:48 UTC
Post by Kaydon
...everyone is one person
"out to get" you and your dull witted pedo-friend(s).
Did you not know?? Everyone who participates in usenet is everyone
else. IOW, we are all each other, except for the person that thinks
we're everyone else. It's lots of fun!!
To be fair, the posts purporting to be from Sidney that mention pedophilia
appear to be from an imposter. Note the one-character difference in the
e-mail addresses and the difference in the headers. I only checked it
out because pedophilia was something new in Sidney's posts on AOLS.
Chick Tower

For e-mail: aols2 DOT sent DOT towerboy AT xoxy DOT net
2011-06-15 21:37:13 UTC
Post by Kaydon
Post by unknown
everyone is one person
"out to get" you and your dull witted pedo-friend(s).
Did you not know?? Everyone who participates in usenet is everyone
else. IOW, we are all each other, except for the person that thinks
we're everyone else. It's lots of fun!!
Hey now; lets get onething straight right now; Regardless of who anyone else
is, I AM NOT ME!
Post by Kaydon
"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."