On Tue Apr 20 2010 16:37:07 GMT+0200
Post by georgePost by eluqHowdy George,
Clarify what I see as inconsistency in your logic below. If it is all good
there can't be "insane imaginings" can there?
The insane imaginings are when I forget that everything works for good
and choose to see what isn't really there, hate, evil, conflict. The
Atonement is my path back to remembering what has always been true,
that only love exists and I can perceive it now in the same events,
instead of my insane imaginings.
The separation idea spawned
Post by eluqthe following idea -
"The world you perceive is a world of separation. Perhaps you are willing
to accept even death to deny your Father. Yet He would not have it so, and
so it is not so. You still cannot will against Him, and that is why you
have no control over the world you made. It is not a world of will because
it is governed by the desire to be unlike God, and this desire is not will.
The world you made is therefore totally chaotic, governed by arbitrary and
senseless "laws," and without meaning of any kind. For it is made out of
what you do not want, projected from your mind because you are afraid of it.
Yet this world is only in the mind of its maker, along with his real
salvation. Do not believe it is outside of yourself, for only by
recognizing where it is will you gain control over it. For you do have
control over your mind, since the mind is the mechanism of decision.
How I intrepret what you are saying is that - upon control of the mind you
perceive a perfect world -- is that fair to say??
Yes that is the idea and the road I'm on. Once the ego's voice has
been completely let go, everything here IS perfect.
It seems control of the
Post by eluqmind or the miracle process establishes "you dream a dream" and there is
only perfection but the dream is a desire to be unlike God so there is no
perfection in it, there is only perfection in the process of giving up
belief or probably more accurately giving up the desire to remember the
thought of separation.
Explain this more to me please as I'm not following. If EVERYTHING IS
good then why would the dream be different? It's not IMO and the
Atonement is my way to understand it's not and my way to understand my
true self as God created it.
Post by eluqWhen the mind is healed it will no longer remember the projection of the
impossible idea of a will other than God's. We might be saying the same
thing, kind of hard to discuss because of levels that are absolutely
exclusive of each other and irreconcilable.
The "everything working for good" is the perfection. There would be no need
to work for good if it was already perfect.
The only ,"work" involved is choosing to see what is already there and
letting go of my insane imaginings that it's not here. It's not work
to my Spirit as it already knows, it IS work and requires effort from
me BECAUSE I still hear the lies of the ego I made, so the work or the
effort is to ignore what the ego says so I can KNOW what the Spirit
knows. The ego is the part of my mind screaming that everything is not
as it is supposed to be and that everything is not good but I don't
have to listen BECAUSE it's my mind. Accepting the Atonement and a
different perception solves this as I'm willing to let it be solved.
The process of giving up the
Post by eluqbelief in imperfection is perfect. The idea of imperfection isn't perfect.
It's the IDEA of imperfection that anything can be out of God's will
that the Atonement heals.
Post by eluqThe happening for a reason and the reasons are always good comes about by
the HS reinterpretation of perception it isn't inherent in the false belief.
Fun subject regardless
Great talking with you as always!
Well, YOU, who thinks YOU are "George" (or "expires"
for example), your fundamental mistake IMVHO is that
you overlook that the "whole George person" is just
as much a part of the illusion/dream as the insane
world the "whole George person" appears to have been
"born" in. Point is IMVHO, as long as YOU believe "I
am *in* George", George appears to be OUTSIDE of YOU.
To seek YOUR true self/home in the "ego's" fairytale
of the "George person" is nothing other than imprison-
ing yourself in the "fairytale of the George person"
(or "expires" person for example). If George's (or
expires') birth in an insane world is an illusion
/dream, then "George's or expires'" pending death
must be illusion/dream too. But illusions/dreams are
not life, and illusions/dreams do not die, they simply
end, are let go of. To love yourself/truth IMVHO does
not mean love the person you have fooled yourself into
appearing to be yourself. Therefore, IMVHO, to say or
believe "I am George/expires/..." is a mistake, and
only the "I am" is close enough to absolute truth to
be the useful "gateway"/fact to focus on, as much as
possible. It would however IMVHO be a mistake to hate
what one is not: George, "expires", the world or any-
thing at all. True love IMVHO *never* punisches,
attacks or rejects any call for love. However, calls
for love IMVHO do not come from persons, situations
or any form. Calls for love come from the dreamer(s).
" Dhammapada
" 12. Yourself
" Love yourself and watch -
" Today, tomorrow, always.
" First establish yourself in the way,
" Then teach,
" And so defeat sorrow.
" To straighten the crooked
" You must first do a harder thing -
" Straighten yourself.
" You are your only master.
" Who else?
" [...]
" Dhammapada
" 13. The World
" Do not live in the world,
" In distraction and false dreams.
" Outside the dharma.
" Arise and watch.
" Follow the way joyfully
" Through this world and beyond.
" Follow the way of virtue.
" Follow the way joyfully
" Through this world and on beyond!
" For consider the world -
" A bubble, a mirage.
" See the world as it is,
" And death shall overlook you.
" Come, consider the world,
" A painted chariot for kings,
" A trap for fools.
" But he who sees goes free.
" [...]