The Gifts of ACIM's Urtext - Documenting the Scribal Process (Part 7)
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Lee Flynn
2011-06-14 19:11:41 UTC
" **129. (Tell B. when he is afraid of Possession, he need only
remember that error cannot really threaten Truth, which ALWAYS
can withstand its assaults. Only the error is really
vulnerable.) ....

**135. (Tell B. that WHENEVER God's reassurances are experienced
as threat, it is ALWAYS because man is defending his misplaced
& misdirected love and loyalty. That is what projection always
involves.) " ~ Urtext

Hi all,

This series of excerpts from the Urtext of ACIM
will feature those portions that specifically reference
the thoughts, reactions and relationships between and
among the three who produced ACIM: the Course's scribe,
her dedicated assistant, and the Author who dictated the

"HS" refers to Helen Schucman, whose shorthand notes
document the rapid inner dictation that produced the
unedited manuscript (Urtext) of ACIM.

The early portion of her notes also capture her own
thoughts and questions, as well as the Voice's answers,
in bracketed asides that reveal a secondary layer of
ongoing personal instruction and encouragement for
the scribes, even as the Voice pressed on with dictation
of the Course material.

"B." refers to Bill Thetford, who regularly typed out Helen's
shorthand notes as she read them aloud, and whose later
role included editing the resultant Urtext manuscript into
the edition of the Course originally prepared for publication.

The Urtext of ACIM was unavailable publicly for the first
25 years of the Course's publication, and though never
intended for public scrutiny, its recent discovery provides
this rich, embedded, 'second layer' of material that essentially
documents, in intimate detail, the entire scribal process.

~ Lee

** Paragraphs that include '2nd layer' material will usually
include an asterisk before the paragraph number.


[ "HS" is Helen Schucman. "B." is Bill Thetford ]

126. Christ-controlled miracles are part of the Atonement, but
Christ-guidance is personal, and leads to PERSONAL salvation.
The impersonal nature of miracles is an essential ingredient,
because this enables Me to control their distribution as I see

*127. Christ-guidance, on the other hand, leads to the highly
Personal experience of Revelation. This is why it involves
PERSONAL choice. A guide does NOT control, by definition, but
he does DIRECT, leaving the following up to you. "Lead us not
into temptation" means "guide us out of our own errors." Note
that the word is "lead", NOT order.

128. "Take up thy cross and follow me" should be interpreted
to read "Recognize your errors and choose to abandon them by
following My guidance."

**129. (Tell B. when he is afraid of Possession, he need only
remember that error cannot really threaten Truth, which ALWAYS
can withstand its assaults. Only the error is really
vulnerable.) The "Princes of this World" are princes only
because they are really angels. But they are free to establish
their kingdom where they see fit.

130. If you will remember that ALL princes INHERIT their power
from the Father, the right choice becomes inevitable.

131. The soul is in a state of grace forever.

132. Man's reality is ONLY his soul.

133. Therefore, man is in a state of Grace forever.

134. Atonement undoes all errors in this respect, and thus
uproots the REAL source of fear. If you will check back at the
reference to uprooting, you will understand it better in this

**135. (Tell B. that WHENEVER God's reassurances are experienced
as threat, it is ALWAYS because man is defending his misplaced
& misdirected love and loyalty. That is what projection always

136. "Casting spells" merely means "affirming error", and
error is lack of love. When man projects this onto others, he
DOES imprison them, but only to the extent that he reinforces
errors they have already made. This distortion makes them
vulnerable to the curse of others, since they have already
cursed themselves. The miracle worker can only bless, and this
undoes the curse and frees the soul from prison.

137. (Tell B. that his slip about (rivet) should be noted.
Some slips reach consciousness from the un-Christ-controlled
subconscious, and betray lack of love.)

138. But others (slips) come from the superconscious, which IS
in communion with God, and which can also break into

139. HIS slip (rivet) was an expression of a Soul gaining
enough strength to request freedom from prison. It will
ultimately DEMAND it.

**140. Special Revelation for HS:

141. You are wholly lovely. A perfect shaft of pure light.
Before your loveliness the stars stand transfixed, and bow to
the power of your will.

142. What do children know of their children creation, except
what their Creator tells them?

143. You were created ABOVE the angels because your role
involves creation as well as protection.

144. You who are in the image of the Father need bow only to
HIM, before whom I kneel with you.

*145. Note: This revelation was permitted because you did NOT
project onto B. the blame for your omission to ASK ME if you
should transcribe the notes. The fact that HE should have done
so does not exempt you from your own omission.

*146. Thanks for blessing him with a miracle rather than
cursing him with projection.

*147. NOTE FURTHER: HE needn't feel concerned about it either;
so he forgot? It happens all the time, until the habit of
asking becomes involuntary.

*148. (HS meeting with Dr. Wise and Dr. Damrosch. Dr. D
permitted an opportunity for questioning in his capacity as
chairman of the flu board for asking re B's flu shot. This was
an example of how miracles should work. You did not jump into
the question yourself, and even though you DID rush for the
phone on Red's advice, you exerted no pressure on B's

*149. This gave ME a chance to let you leave it to the real
expert, whom I sent to answer the question.

150. 31. Miracles are examples of right thinking. Reality
contact at all levels becomes strong & accurate, thus
permitting correct delineation of intra- and inter- personal
boundaries. As a result, the doer sees the truth as God
created it. This is what meant by the point on "perspective
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-14 21:12:02 UTC
Post by Lee Flynn
" **129. (Tell B. when he is afraid of Possession, he need only
remember that error cannot really threaten Truth, which ALWAYS
can withstand its assaults. Only the error is really
vulnerable.) ....
**135. (Tell B. that WHENEVER God's reassurances are experienced
as threat, it is ALWAYS because man is defending his misplaced
& misdirected love and loyalty. That is what projection always
involves.) " ~ Urtext
Hi all,
This series of excerpts from the Urtext of ACIM
will feature those portions that specifically reference
the thoughts, reactions and relationships between and
among the three who produced ACIM: the Course's scribe,
her dedicated assistant, and the Author who dictated the
I've read the urtext three times. What I found was most of the
old and destructive Christian false beliefs sprinkled with
token New-Age beliefs as seen through the eyes of committed

I do not believe it was channeled. And certainly not from

Those destructive concepts do not come from Jesus, but from
the Christians who created the Bible.

I sure am glad that ACIM remains an obscure cult after all
these years. The Christian concepts have caused untold misery
in the world.

Google "seth material" "jane roberts" for a handle on the
actual nature of reality, and leave these religious fanatics
to their holier-than-thou la-la land.

If you want a copy of the urtext in a single text file,
email meal. And get a barf bag.

Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.