Lesson 2: Above all, be afraid of God who can not only kill the body, but who can also destroy the soul in hell.
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Debra Dee McQueen Freeman
2019-12-04 05:18:39 UTC
Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body,
but who cannot kill the soul.
Above all, be afraid of God who can not only kill the body,
but who can also destroy the soul in hell.

Hell: The Lake of Fire Burning With Brimstone aka The Second Death,
which separates Soul from Spirit and so the individual no longer exists
and never exists again aka eternal death aka perishes.

The day of Jesus' return, the righteous servants will be glorified*
and then spend one thousand years straight on Earth with Jesus
and then shortly later enter into heavenly etheric New Jerusalem
to spend an eternity of harmony peace and joy with GOD and Jesus.

The day of Jesus' return, the wicked sinners will not be glorified
but be killed and cast onto the other side into outer darkness of
mental torment ("hell") and burning conscience ("fire") where they
will be weeping and gnashing their teeth or crying and complaining
in the "wonderful" company of one another during the same
one thousand years straight, and then shortly later be cast into
the lake of fire burning with brimstone aka the second death aka hell
and no longer exist and never exist again.

*Glorified: Spirit-Soul reconfigured by GOD so that it is not amenable to
destruction in the lake of fire burning with brimstone nor any destruction,
and one can then move and materialize and dematerialize at will,
and no longer experience sickness, and never again experience death.
Literally live on Earth for one thousand years straight in peace and joy
with Jesus and the other righteous servants.

Righteous Servant: In desire thought word deed, every area of life,
more so serving the will and ways of The Lord GOD.

Wicked Sinner: In desire thought word deed, every area of life,
more so serving the will and ways of The Devil Satan.

For I say to you, that unless your righteousness EXCEEDS
that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter
the kingdom of God.

1 JOHN 3
In this the children of God can be distinguished from
the children of Satan: Whoever does not PRACTICE
righteousness and does not love his brother
does not belong to God.

1 JOHN 3
My children, let no man deceive you:
He who DOES righteousness is righteous,
just as Christ is righteous (because of
the things that he said and did).

Let every man examine his deeds...
Whoever (mostly) sows to the flesh shall reap eternal death.
Whoever (mostly) sows to the Spirit shall reap eternal life.

God will render to every man according to his deeds:
To those who continue patiently in good works,
seeking glory and honor and immortality,
he will give eternal life.
Debra Dee McQueen Freeman
2019-12-11 03:12:08 UTC
Post by Debra Dee McQueen Freeman
Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body,
but who cannot kill the soul.
Above all, be afraid of God who can not only kill the body,
but who can also destroy the soul in hell.
Hell: The Lake of Fire Burning With Brimstone aka The Second Death,
which separates Soul from Spirit and so the individual no longer exists
and never exists again aka eternal death aka perishes.
The day of Jesus' return, the righteous servants will be glorified*
and then spend one thousand years straight on Earth with Jesus
and then shortly later enter into heavenly etheric New Jerusalem
to spend an eternity of harmony peace and joy with GOD and Jesus.
The day of Jesus' return, the wicked sinners will not be glorified
but be killed and cast onto the other side into outer darkness of
mental torment ("hell") and burning conscience ("fire") where they
will be weeping and gnashing their teeth or crying and complaining
in the "wonderful" company of one another during the same
one thousand years straight, and then shortly later be cast into
the lake of fire burning with brimstone aka the second death aka hell
and no longer exist and never exist again.
*Glorified: Spirit-Soul reconfigured by GOD so that it is not amenable to
destruction in the lake of fire burning with brimstone nor any destruction,
and one can then move and materialize and dematerialize at will,
and no longer experience sickness, and never again experience death.
Literally live on Earth for one thousand years straight in peace and joy
with Jesus and the other righteous servants.
Righteous Servant: In desire thought word deed, every area of life,
more so serving the will and ways of The Lord GOD.
Wicked Sinner: In desire thought word deed, every area of life,
more so serving the will and ways of The Devil Satan.
For I say to you, that unless your righteousness EXCEEDS
that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter
the kingdom of God.
1 JOHN 3
In this the children of God can be distinguished from
the children of Satan: Whoever does not PRACTICE
righteousness and does not love his brother
does not belong to God.
1 JOHN 3
He who DOES righteousness is righteous,
just as Christ is righteous (because of
the things that he said and did).
Let every man examine his deeds...
Whoever (mostly) sows to the flesh shall reap eternal death.
Whoever (mostly) sows to the Spirit shall reap eternal life.
To those who continue patiently in good works,
seeking glory and honor and immortality,
he will give eternal life.
Keeping this current.
Debra Dee McQueen Freeman
2019-12-11 07:06:26 UTC
Post by Debra Dee McQueen Freeman
Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body,
but who cannot kill the soul.
Above all, be afraid of God who can not only kill the body,
but who can also destroy the soul in hell.
Hell: The Lake of Fire Burning With Brimstone aka The Second Death,
which separates Soul from Spirit and so the individual no longer exists
and never exists again aka eternal death aka perishes.
The day of Jesus' return, the righteous servants will be glorified*
and then spend one thousand years straight on Earth with Jesus
and then shortly later enter into heavenly etheric New Jerusalem
to spend an eternity of harmony peace and joy with GOD and Jesus.
The day of Jesus' return, the wicked sinners will not be glorified
but be killed and cast onto the other side into outer darkness of
mental torment ("hell") and burning conscience ("fire") where they
will be weeping and gnashing their teeth or crying and complaining
in the "wonderful" company of one another during the same
one thousand years straight, and then shortly later be cast into
the lake of fire burning with brimstone aka the second death aka hell
and no longer exist and never exist again.
*Glorified: Spirit-Soul reconfigured by GOD so that it is not amenable to
destruction in the lake of fire burning with brimstone nor any destruction,
and one can then move and materialize and dematerialize at will,
and no longer experience sickness, and never again experience death.
Literally live on Earth for one thousand years straight in peace and joy
with Jesus and the other righteous servants.
Righteous Servant: In desire thought word deed, every area of life,
more so serving the will and ways of The Lord GOD.
Wicked Sinner: In desire thought word deed, every area of life,
more so serving the will and ways of The Devil Satan.
For I say to you, that unless your righteousness EXCEEDS
that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter
the kingdom of God.
1 JOHN 3
In this the children of God can be distinguished from
the children of Satan: Whoever does not PRACTICE
righteousness and does not love his brother
does not belong to God.
1 JOHN 3
He who DOES righteousness is righteous,
just as Christ is righteous (because of
the things that he said and did).
Let every man examine his deeds...
Whoever (mostly) sows to the flesh shall reap eternal death.
Whoever (mostly) sows to the Spirit shall reap eternal life.
To those who continue patiently in good works,
seeking glory and honor and immortality,
he will give eternal life.
Keeping this current.
Debra Dee McQueen Freeman
2019-12-16 09:14:35 UTC
Post by Debra Dee McQueen Freeman
Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body,
but who cannot kill the soul.
Above all, be afraid of God who can not only kill the body,
but who can also destroy the soul in hell.
Hell: The Lake of Fire Burning With Brimstone aka The Second Death,
which separates Soul from Spirit and so the individual no longer exists
and never exists again aka eternal death aka perishes.
The day of Jesus' return, the righteous servants will be glorified*
and then spend one thousand years straight on Earth with Jesus
and then shortly later enter into heavenly etheric New Jerusalem
to spend an eternity of harmony peace and joy with GOD and Jesus.
The day of Jesus' return, the wicked sinners will not be glorified
but be killed and cast onto the other side into outer darkness of
mental torment ("hell") and burning conscience ("fire") where they
will be weeping and gnashing their teeth or crying and complaining
in the "wonderful" company of one another during the same
one thousand years straight, and then shortly later be cast into
the lake of fire burning with brimstone aka the second death aka hell
and no longer exist and never exist again.
*Glorified: Spirit-Soul reconfigured by GOD so that it is not amenable to
destruction in the lake of fire burning with brimstone nor any destruction,
and one can then move and materialize and dematerialize at will,
and no longer experience sickness, and never again experience death.
Literally live on Earth for one thousand years straight in peace and joy
with Jesus and the other righteous servants.
Righteous Servant: In desire thought word deed, every area of life,
more so serving the will and ways of The Lord GOD.
Wicked Sinner: In desire thought word deed, every area of life,
more so serving the will and ways of The Devil Satan.
For I say to you, that unless your righteousness EXCEEDS
that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter
the kingdom of God.
1 JOHN 3
In this the children of God can be distinguished from
the children of Satan: Whoever does not PRACTICE
righteousness and does not love his brother
does not belong to God.
1 JOHN 3
He who DOES righteousness is righteous,
just as Christ is righteous (because of
the things that he said and did).
Let every man examine his deeds...
Whoever (mostly) sows to the flesh shall reap eternal death.
Whoever (mostly) sows to the Spirit shall reap eternal life.
To those who continue patiently in good works,
seeking glory and honor and immortality,
he will give eternal life.
