Ultimate secrets of self-confidence [excerpt]
(too old to reply)
2011-06-09 21:39:37 UTC
None of your time should be spent in telling others what you are going
to accomplish. To do so is another form of approval seeking. By
disclosing your goals you will dissipate valuable energy needed to
accomplish them, as well as set up opposition from those who wish to
control you.
Most people will try to talk you out of your goals. They dislike seeing
anyone having more or do better than they, and will resort to almost any
extreme to put down someone who tries to break away from mediocrity.
Don’t give them a chance! ..."

- Robert Anthony

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-09 22:45:50 UTC
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Kaydon
"THE SECRECY PRINCIPLE None of your time should be spent in
telling others what you are going to accomplish. To do so is
another form of approval seeking. By disclosing your goals
you will dissipate valuable energy needed to accomplish them,
as well as set up opposition from those who wish to control
you. Most people will try to talk you out of your goals. They
dislike seeing anyone having more or do better than they, and
will resort to almost any extreme to put down someone who tries
to break away from mediocrity. Don’t give them a chance! ..."
- Robert Anthony
Mr. Fluffy-Bunny wants us to believe that he has sevret
goals that we cannot discern.

I don't.
Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
2011-06-09 22:12:06 UTC
Post by Kaydon
None of your time should be spent in telling others what you are going
to accomplish. To do so is another form of approval seeking.
It's also a measure by which your efficacy and reliability can be
judged. Risky.
Post by Kaydon
disclosing your goals you will dissipate valuable energy needed to
accomplish them, as well as set up opposition from those who wish to
control you.
But claiming that you could have done it if only you hadn't publicly
committed yourself to doing it is a wonderful excuse.
Post by Kaydon
Most people will try to talk you out of your goals. They dislike seeing
anyone having more or do better than they, and will resort to almost any
extreme to put down someone who tries to break away from mediocrity.
Don’t give them a chance! ..."
One thing that making your goals public will do is commit you all the
more to achieving them, so that you won't look like a pretentious ass.
Post by Kaydon
        - Robert Anthony
A hilarious review of his motivational dog-and-pony show reads: "If
you neglect a few negative reviews about his books, there are
absolutely no negative mindset about them among the webmasters or

A testimonial reads: "Now, thanks to Dr Anthony, I have scientific
proof (from quantum physics!) that I am on the right path."

I can find no bio of this guy that tells me where his alleged
doctorate is from or in what subject.

Jesus fucking Christ.
2011-06-10 10:09:21 UTC
Post by Tom
I can find no bio of this guy that tells me where his alleged
doctorate is from or in what subject.
Me neither:P

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
2011-06-10 02:25:49 UTC
Post by Kaydon
None of your time should be spent in telling others what you are going
to accomplish. To do so is another form of approval seeking. By
disclosing your goals you will dissipate valuable energy needed to
accomplish them, as well as set up opposition from those who wish to
control you.
Most people will try to talk you out of your goals. They dislike seeing
anyone having more or do better than they, and will resort to almost any
extreme to put down someone who tries to break away from mediocrity.
Don't give them a chance! ..."
- Robert Anthony
This is so true...

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