2011-06-07 14:16:54 UTC
Reading some of Sidney's posts here... and how he/she keeps on posting even
when blocked by some and shunned by others.
"But exempt no one from your love, or you will be hiding a dark place in
your mind where the Holy Spirit is not welcome. 3 And thus you will exempt
yourself from His healing power, for by not offering total love you will not
be healed completely. 4 Healing must be as complete as fear, for love cannot
enter where there is one spot of fear to mar its welcome."
There's also the idea that sometimes the most loving/peaceful way is to
choose not to respond or get involved wth someone. And I can't say (judge)
if people who block and/or ignore someone aren't doing it from a place of
One would think that an ACIM group would be nothing but Love and
kindness,sharing, and acceptance of all. There are course groups that are
heavily moderated that LOOK like this, but a lot usually goes on under the
surface that isn't love and peace and acceptance of all.
In a way, this ng is the most honest ACIM group, and the best place for
those of us who feel we believe (and know) what ACIM says, to remember it
and practice it.
It's easy to love and return kindness to those who seem to love and give
kindness to us. Or, on moderated groups where everything that doesn't "look
good" is deleted and people banned for how they honestly think, feel and
Sidney writes how he/she honestly thinks, feels and believes. There is
no moderator to delete and ban (here) Those who feel they are Course
Students (or Teacher of God in some case) have a wonderful change to find
out (for themselves) how and if they can and are really living it. What good
is a book and beliefs if it's not put into one's life in some way?
What a wonderful gift Sidney is giving us.
when blocked by some and shunned by others.
"But exempt no one from your love, or you will be hiding a dark place in
your mind where the Holy Spirit is not welcome. 3 And thus you will exempt
yourself from His healing power, for by not offering total love you will not
be healed completely. 4 Healing must be as complete as fear, for love cannot
enter where there is one spot of fear to mar its welcome."
There's also the idea that sometimes the most loving/peaceful way is to
choose not to respond or get involved wth someone. And I can't say (judge)
if people who block and/or ignore someone aren't doing it from a place of
One would think that an ACIM group would be nothing but Love and
kindness,sharing, and acceptance of all. There are course groups that are
heavily moderated that LOOK like this, but a lot usually goes on under the
surface that isn't love and peace and acceptance of all.
In a way, this ng is the most honest ACIM group, and the best place for
those of us who feel we believe (and know) what ACIM says, to remember it
and practice it.
It's easy to love and return kindness to those who seem to love and give
kindness to us. Or, on moderated groups where everything that doesn't "look
good" is deleted and people banned for how they honestly think, feel and
Sidney writes how he/she honestly thinks, feels and believes. There is
no moderator to delete and ban (here) Those who feel they are Course
Students (or Teacher of God in some case) have a wonderful change to find
out (for themselves) how and if they can and are really living it. What good
is a book and beliefs if it's not put into one's life in some way?
What a wonderful gift Sidney is giving us.