Something I just remembered
(too old to reply)
2011-06-07 14:16:54 UTC
Reading some of Sidney's posts here... and how he/she keeps on posting even
when blocked by some and shunned by others.
"But exempt no one from your love, or you will be hiding a dark place in
your mind where the Holy Spirit is not welcome. 3 And thus you will exempt
yourself from His healing power, for by not offering total love you will not
be healed completely. 4 Healing must be as complete as fear, for love cannot
enter where there is one spot of fear to mar its welcome."

There's also the idea that sometimes the most loving/peaceful way is to
choose not to respond or get involved wth someone. And I can't say (judge)
if people who block and/or ignore someone aren't doing it from a place of

One would think that an ACIM group would be nothing but Love and
kindness,sharing, and acceptance of all. There are course groups that are
heavily moderated that LOOK like this, but a lot usually goes on under the
surface that isn't love and peace and acceptance of all.

In a way, this ng is the most honest ACIM group, and the best place for
those of us who feel we believe (and know) what ACIM says, to remember it
and practice it.

It's easy to love and return kindness to those who seem to love and give
kindness to us. Or, on moderated groups where everything that doesn't "look
good" is deleted and people banned for how they honestly think, feel and

Sidney writes how he/she honestly thinks, feels and believes. There is
no moderator to delete and ban (here) Those who feel they are Course
Students (or Teacher of God in some case) have a wonderful change to find
out (for themselves) how and if they can and are really living it. What good
is a book and beliefs if it's not put into one's life in some way?

What a wonderful gift Sidney is giving us.
2011-06-08 10:14:23 UTC
Post by Carrie
Reading some of Sidney's posts here... and how he/she keeps on
posting even when blocked by some and shunned by others. "But exempt
no one from your love, or you will be hiding a dark place in your
mind where the Holy Spirit is not welcome. 3 And thus you will exempt
yourself from His healing power, for by not offering total love you
will not be healed completely. 4 Healing must be as complete as fear,
for love cannot enter where there is one spot of fear to mar its
There's also the idea that sometimes the most loving/peaceful way is
to choose not to respond or get involved wth someone. And I can't say
(judge) if people who block and/or ignore someone aren't doing it
from a place of Love.
One would think that an ACIM group would be nothing but Love and
kindness,sharing, and acceptance of all. There are course groups that
are heavily moderated that LOOK like this, but a lot usually goes on
under the surface that isn't love and peace and acceptance of all.
In a way, this ng is the most honest ACIM group, and the best place
for those of us who feel we believe (and know) what ACIM says, to
remember it and practice it.
It's easy to love and return kindness to those who seem to love and
give kindness to us. Or, on moderated groups where everything that
doesn't "look good" is deleted and people banned for how they
honestly think, feel and believe.
Sidney writes how he/she honestly thinks, feels and believes. There
is no moderator to delete and ban (here) Those who feel they are
Course Students (or Teacher of God in some case) have a wonderful
change to find out (for themselves) how and if they can and are
really living it. What good is a book and beliefs if it's not put
into one's life in some way?
What a wonderful gift Sidney is giving us.
Nice post <3

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
2011-06-08 16:10:17 UTC
Post by Kaydon
Post by Carrie
Reading some of Sidney's posts here... and how he/she keeps on
posting even when blocked by some and shunned by others. "But exempt
no one from your love, or you will be hiding a dark place in your
mind where the Holy Spirit is not welcome. 3 And thus you will exempt
yourself from His healing power, for by not offering total love you
will not be healed completely. 4 Healing must be as complete as fear,
for love cannot enter where there is one spot of fear to mar its
There's also the idea that sometimes the most loving/peaceful way is
to choose not to respond or get involved wth someone. And I can't say
(judge) if people who block and/or ignore someone aren't doing it
from a place of Love.
One would think that an ACIM group would be nothing but Love and
kindness,sharing, and acceptance of all. There are course groups that
are heavily moderated that LOOK like this, but a lot usually goes on
under the surface that isn't love and peace and acceptance of all.
In a way, this ng is the most honest ACIM group, and the best place
for those of us who feel we believe (and know) what ACIM says, to
remember it and practice it.
It's easy to love and return kindness to those who seem to love and
give kindness to us. Or, on moderated groups where everything that
doesn't "look good" is deleted and people banned for how they
honestly think, feel and believe.
Sidney writes how he/she honestly thinks, feels and believes. There
is no moderator to delete and ban (here) Those who feel they are
Course Students (or Teacher of God in some case) have a wonderful
change to find out (for themselves) how and if they can and are
really living it. What good is a book and beliefs if it's not put
into one's life in some way?
What a wonderful gift Sidney is giving us.
Nice post <3
Thanks. I have noticed when I've tried to write things like reallyl ABOUT
A Course in Miracles, or put quotes from it on, etc. they usually get
ignored. Of course, people are more interested in what looks like feuding
and fighting and bouncing off each other, which isn't bad, it's just a way
of learning.
I once copied something from the preface of a book (years ago, maybe
around 1972) called "Love Signs" by Linda Goodman. I thought it was by Emmet
Fox, and he does have something similar, but after I got a computer I tried
to find it and couldn't. So, I think Linda was using what Emmet Fox did
write, and then going on, paraphrasing it in her own words. (She is no
longer in physical form, so I can't find her and ask her) It is really
good, though, and every now and then I remember it. I now have it as a
computer file. This is so true, though, like isn't it the ones who are being
what we think of as "mean" (attacking, unfriendly, etc) who need our love
the most? I have also decided that sometimes loving someone (especially the
seemingly unlovable) isn't usually something one actively does. Trying to
actually "love" someone caught up in fear, distrust, etc usually results in
more unlovableness in return. But, one can always love in one's own mind and

..When it is projected with sufficient intensity, there is no distance that
love cannot span, no illness- moral, mental, emotional or spiritual- that
love cannot heal, no victory that love cannot win. Love is concentrated
kinetic energy, the most awesome force in nature..and beyond her.
If only you could love deeply enough, and sustain love long enough, you
could become the source of your own miracles, as powerful as the ancient
'gods and goddess'. There is no dream you couldn't turn into reality, no law
you can't change, no situation you can't reverse.. if only you could love
Loving enough isn't easy. Loving enough doesn't mean loving only those who
love you, who are kind and considerate and generous.
Loving enough means also loving those who 'say all manner of evil' against
you, who hate you and actively demonstrate that hatred, who seemingly lack
all compassion and sensitivity.
Anyone can return the love of those who love him or her. There is little
glory or power in that kind of love.
Who among us is not, at times unlovable? And are those the very times when
we secretly yearn and need to be loved the most?
Oh- the magic of receiving kindness in return from one to whom we have been
unkind.the miracle of hearing, when we have said 'I'm sorry I said such
cruel things,' the answer 'what cruel things? I didn't hear them.'
Then, the heart bursts with joy and our cup runneth over. For this most
ancient alchemy secret of all is such a simple secret.
And so may the force.of..love be with you. May it prevent the predicted
cataclysms of nature, as well as the personal cataclysms of separation and
divorce through it's prisms of light.."

Emmet Fox. by Linda Goodman in LOVE SIGNS (preface)
2011-06-08 18:07:42 UTC
Post by Carrie
I once copied something from
the preface of a book (years ago, maybe around 1972) called "Love
Signs" by Linda Goodman.

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
2011-06-08 19:30:07 UTC
Post by Kaydon
Post by Carrie
I once copied something from
the preface of a book (years ago, maybe around 1972) called "Love
Signs" by Linda Goodman.
2011-06-08 19:40:35 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by Kaydon
Post by Carrie
I once copied something from
the preface of a book (years ago, maybe around 1972) called "Love
Signs" by Linda Goodman.

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Unless you're a photon."
Sidney Lambe
2011-06-08 19:29:58 UTC
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by Carrie
Reading some of Sidney's posts here... and how he/she keeps on
posting even when blocked by some and shunned by others.
Why would that bother me or slow me down? The Internet is full
of bigots who won't even listen to the mildest and fairest
criticisms of their pet ideas.

So they killfile people who dare to think for themselves.

This is a big yawn. As is another juvenile, bitchy, dishonest,
and backstabbing attack from Carrie.

She's been trying to drive me from her Pollyanna la-la-land for
months, but her mind has been crippled by the garbage in the
mis-named "A Course in Miracles (ACIM)" and she is incapable
of even registering the obvious fact that nothing she posts has
deterred me in the slightest.

She even thinks I am going to read the rest of this sophomoric
attack on my worth as a human being. <snicker>

Religious bigots do not like free speech.

Typically of ACIM followers, she is violating the spirit
of the charter of this newsgroup, posted here recently,
by trying to inhibit free and open discussion of ACIM.

She is, not coincidentally, and deceitful and hypocritical
as ACIM, which is just Fundamentalist Christianity in
a New-Age disguise. Nasty stuff.


"The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts is
far superior to ACIM.

Sidney Lambe / Evergreen - usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Solitaire Wiccan Priest - Spellsinger Wicca
http://tinyurl.com/63zc9bh - http://tinyurl.com/7vs9zb
All will be well. All manner of things will be well.
2011-06-08 19:32:36 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by Carrie
Reading some of Sidney's posts here... and how he/she keeps on
posting even when blocked by some and shunned by others.
Why would that bother me or slow me down? The Internet is full
of bigots who won't even listen to the mildest and fairest
criticisms of their pet ideas.
So they killfile people who dare to think for themselves.
This is a big yawn. As is another juvenile, bitchy, dishonest,
and backstabbing attack from Carrie.
She's been trying to drive me from her Pollyanna la-la-land for
months, but her mind has been crippled by the garbage in the
mis-named "A Course in Miracles (ACIM)" and she is incapable
of even registering the obvious fact that nothing she posts has
deterred me in the slightest.
She even thinks I am going to read the rest of this sophomoric
attack on my worth as a human being. <snicker>
Religious bigots do not like free speech.
Typically of ACIM followers, she is violating the spirit
of the charter of this newsgroup, posted here recently,
by trying to inhibit free and open discussion of ACIM.
She is, not coincidentally, and deceitful and hypocritical
as ACIM, which is just Fundamentalist Christianity in
a New-Age disguise. Nasty stuff.
I'm not trying to get rid of you, I have said you are interesting
(sometimes, when you get off your ACIM rants which are abasically all the
same and boring) and liven things up here.
You got the ng back going again. I'm sure one reason you continue posting
here, a lot the same old same old is because it's unmoderated and it's one
of the few places you can do this.
It's your life and time.
Continue reading on narkive: