Lee Flynn
2011-04-20 13:50:15 UTC
ACIM Workbook Lesson 110 ~ April 20
" Lesson 110
"I am as God created me."
We will repeat today's idea from time
to time. For this one thought would be enough
to save you and the world, if you believed
that it is true. Its truth would mean that you
have made no changes in yourself which [had]
reality, nor changed the universe
so that what God created was replaced
by fear and evil, misery and death.
#If you remain as God created you,
fear has no meaning, evil is not real,
and misery and death do not exist.- |
Today's idea is therefore all you need
to let <complete> correction heal your mind
and give you perfect vision, [which] will heal
all the mistakes that any mind has made
at any time or place. It is enough
to heal the past and make the future free.
#It is enough to let the present be
accepted as it is. It is enough
to let time be the means for all the world
to learn escape from time and every change
which time appears to bring in passing by. |
#If you remain as God created you
appearances cannot replace the truth,
health cannot turn to sickness, nor can death
be substitute for life, or fear for love.
All this has not occurred, if you remain
as God created you. You need no thought
but just this one, to let redemption come
to light the world and free it from the past. |
#In this one thought is all the past undone;
the present saved to quietly extend
into a timeless future. If you are
as God created you, then there has been
no separation of your mind from His,
no [rift] between your mind and other minds,
and only unity within your own. |
The healing power of today's idea
is limitless. It is the birthplace of
all miracles, the great restorer of
the truth to the awareness of the world.
Practice today's idea with gratitude.
This is the truth that comes to set you free.
This is the truth that God has promised you.
This is the Word in which all sorrow ends. |
For your five minute practice periods,
begin with this quotation from the text:
"I am as God created me. His Son
can suffer <nothing>. And I am His Son." |
Then, with this statement firmly in your mind,
try to discover in your mind this Self
Who is the holy Son of God Himself. |
Seek Him within you Who is Christ in you,
the Son of God and Brother to the world;
the Saviour Who has been forever saved,
with powr to save whoever touches Him
however lightly, asking for the Word
[that] tells him he is brother unto Him. |
You are as God created you. Today
honor your Self. Let graven images
you made to be the Son of God instead
of what he is be worshipped not today.
Deep in your mind the holy Christ in you
is waiting your acknowledgment as you.
And you are lost and do not know yourself
while He is unacknowledged and unknown.
Seek Him today, and find Him. He will be
your Saviour from all idols you have made.
For when you find Him you will understand
how worthless are your idols, and how false
the images which you believed were you.
Today we make a great advance to truth
by letting idols go, and opening
our hands and hearts and minds to God today.
We will remember Him throughout the day
with thankful hearts and loving thoughts for all
<who meet> with us today, for it is thus
that we remember Him. And we will say,
that we may be reminded of His Son,
our holy Self, the Christ in each of us,
"I am as God created me." Let us
declare this truth as often as we can.
This is the Word of God that sets you free.
This is the key that opens up the gate
of Heaven, and which lets you enter in
the peace of God and His eternity. "
~ Original Handscript of ACIM
[ Hear Today's Lesson in I.P. ~ Voice & Music by Maz ]
or via http://www.acimradio.net/urwork/
" Lesson 110
"I am as God created me."
We will repeat today's idea from time
to time. For this one thought would be enough
to save you and the world, if you believed
that it is true. Its truth would mean that you
have made no changes in yourself which [had]
reality, nor changed the universe
so that what God created was replaced
by fear and evil, misery and death.
#If you remain as God created you,
fear has no meaning, evil is not real,
and misery and death do not exist.- |
Today's idea is therefore all you need
to let <complete> correction heal your mind
and give you perfect vision, [which] will heal
all the mistakes that any mind has made
at any time or place. It is enough
to heal the past and make the future free.
#It is enough to let the present be
accepted as it is. It is enough
to let time be the means for all the world
to learn escape from time and every change
which time appears to bring in passing by. |
#If you remain as God created you
appearances cannot replace the truth,
health cannot turn to sickness, nor can death
be substitute for life, or fear for love.
All this has not occurred, if you remain
as God created you. You need no thought
but just this one, to let redemption come
to light the world and free it from the past. |
#In this one thought is all the past undone;
the present saved to quietly extend
into a timeless future. If you are
as God created you, then there has been
no separation of your mind from His,
no [rift] between your mind and other minds,
and only unity within your own. |
The healing power of today's idea
is limitless. It is the birthplace of
all miracles, the great restorer of
the truth to the awareness of the world.
Practice today's idea with gratitude.
This is the truth that comes to set you free.
This is the truth that God has promised you.
This is the Word in which all sorrow ends. |
For your five minute practice periods,
begin with this quotation from the text:
"I am as God created me. His Son
can suffer <nothing>. And I am His Son." |
Then, with this statement firmly in your mind,
try to discover in your mind this Self
Who is the holy Son of God Himself. |
Seek Him within you Who is Christ in you,
the Son of God and Brother to the world;
the Saviour Who has been forever saved,
with powr to save whoever touches Him
however lightly, asking for the Word
[that] tells him he is brother unto Him. |
You are as God created you. Today
honor your Self. Let graven images
you made to be the Son of God instead
of what he is be worshipped not today.
Deep in your mind the holy Christ in you
is waiting your acknowledgment as you.
And you are lost and do not know yourself
while He is unacknowledged and unknown.
Seek Him today, and find Him. He will be
your Saviour from all idols you have made.
For when you find Him you will understand
how worthless are your idols, and how false
the images which you believed were you.
Today we make a great advance to truth
by letting idols go, and opening
our hands and hearts and minds to God today.
We will remember Him throughout the day
with thankful hearts and loving thoughts for all
<who meet> with us today, for it is thus
that we remember Him. And we will say,
that we may be reminded of His Son,
our holy Self, the Christ in each of us,
"I am as God created me." Let us
declare this truth as often as we can.
This is the Word of God that sets you free.
This is the key that opens up the gate
of Heaven, and which lets you enter in
the peace of God and His eternity. "
~ Original Handscript of ACIM
[ Hear Today's Lesson in I.P. ~ Voice & Music by Maz ]
or via http://www.acimradio.net/urwork/