The Disappearance of the Universe:
Gary Renard’s Neo Gnosticism: Renardianism
This is proof positive that there are yet more voices out there other than the Holy Spirit and they are yelling just as loud for your attention. Islam, Jehovah (Yaveh misspelled) Witnesses, and the Mormons all claim to have been visited by the angel Gabriel in order to correct the “errors” of the Jews and Christians and that Jesus was a great guy and not divine (thanks Arius 220 AD) - these are actually what Renard would call “dual” a re-invented catchy phrase meaning one is either a believer of a transcendent God from above or imminent God from below. The non duals would be the ones that fancy themselves as “ascended masters” or somewhat more enlightened humans that see themselves as divine or eventually will become so. This myopic view discounts Jesus who bridged that gap being all divine and human (except for a capacity of the privation known as evil/sin). This Arian thought cannot account for the Holy Spirit residing in all of us, but not yet completely. Gnostics of the early 2nd century had esoteric knowledge that if passed from one “master” to the other could be acquired.
Gnosticism (1st and 2nd Centuries) a definition from Catholic.com:
"Matter is evil!" was the cry of the Gnostics. This idea was borrowed from certain Greek philosophers. It stood against Catholic teaching, not only because it contradicts Genesis 1:31 ("And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good") and other scriptures, but because it denies the Incarnation. If matter is evil, then Jesus Christ could not be true God and true man, for Christ is in no way evil. Thus many Gnostics denied the Incarnation, claiming that Christ only appeared to be a man, but that his humanity was an illusion. Some Gnostics, recognizing that the Old Testament taught that God created matter, claimed that the God of the Jews was an evil deity who was distinct from the New Testament God of Jesus Christ. They also proposed belief in many divine beings, known as "aeons," who mediated between man and the ultimate, unreachable God. The lowest of these aeons, the one who had contact with men, was supposed to be Jesus Christ. “
People love Christmas and Easter, but they hate the cross and sacrifice in the journey associated with these two holidays. So in absence of any kind of theology of suffering- sickness, famine, and disease make no sense because God has not micromanaged and cured it all. In addition, many of people wish to make God in their image. God also allows for the use of free will- good or bad.
Now fast forward to Nostradamus. He predicted the probable future of wars, invasions, large structures, and destructive forces- man made or in nature as an end of the universe. He also foresaw general social and political turmoil. He made the 12th century French ambiguous enough so any mistranslation or interpretation could fit the genre (Hitler et aliis with their own quatrains.) In the 1970’s Jane Roberts claimed
visitation by an entity “Seth”, and she wrote a number of books. Within the last 100 or so years numerous people have emerged who claim visitations and a message to save humanity. Ron Hubbard of Dianetics and his church of scientology that also created a “new way” of looking at the mind, soul and body relationships being alien influenced or invaded. This reached such a fever pitch that he spent his last days in a sweat suit yelling at the “Thetans” that only he could see. These flashes in the pan fade when their “prophets’ or come back in another form or simply die. Often authors resurrect Gnostic gospels which nominally they paraphrase to rewrite New and Old Testament scripture. Jenkins and La Haye wrote the Left Behind series whereby the “just” are taken and we poor others are “Left Behind” to give birth to another series of books that made incredible cash for its “profits” (note spelling of prophets).
Dan Brown’s wrote the Da Vinci Code (debunked by a book by Bock called Breaking the Da Vinci Code) which blurred fact from fiction. This book blamed the Catholic Church for “suppressing the Gospel of Thomas” which no serious scripture scholar would believe. After all, does anybody really think or believe that according to the “gospel of Thomas” that “in order to go to heaven women must become men…”? But Dan brown does not quote this because money would be lost. So, he picks out the convenient parts (as does Renard) which support his book and make the Catholic Church his boogie man and does not differentiate between fact and fiction- sound familiar? Interesting to note is that none of these authors is courageous enough to simply state “I think” that is own their views and feelings. They need to justify this by owing the view to another being and casting doubt- “did God really tell you not to eat from this tree?”
The frustrated or nominal Christian who is unwilling or unable to take responsibility for himself -loves blaming his mess ups on “past lives”. So, reincarnation is attractive to people who see the body as a mere vessel to hold this amorphic mass called the soul. Behold the Hindu caste system in India where if one is a good rat, they can come back in a higher form. “Get it right human, or you will be forever recycled.” This has become very attractive to western cultures that enable desecration and mutilation of one’s bodies as a quest for exploration or clarifying confused sexuality. It is also helpful in forming laws to legally rip their kids apart before they are born and claim it as a “right” which should not be judged as bad for anybody as “all choices are valid” and the body is nothing in Renardianism or Schucman’s ACIM. “Past lives mentality” forms an excuse of what we are because of who we were before: - a great tool to diminish free will and the acceptance of responsibility for our actions. Yes, in such a society whereby the body is treated like garbage; or a mistake for which we are not responsible; or in need of drastic modification- the ground is fertile for a new voice no matter where it comes from or what it says.
Enter the cherubic Gary Renard who is spending much time defending the messengers Artem and Pursah (sounds a bit like the Greek Perseus and Artimus because if he was visited by Arty and Percy, people would really laugh). From his initial videos he also makes erroneous explanations of the Holy Spirit and Christianity in general because his two “ascended masters” told him the “truth.” These videos are rather boring, and in other videos where the two “masters” “speak”, they sound like him…..more like “descended beings” or piggish “satanic imps.” If I saw what I saw, and was sure of it, I would not care what anybody thinks. But, alas, money has to be made in this “illusory” world; (Renard says this world is an illusion) especially now after his costly divorce. “All this has happened before and all this will happen again” (quote taken from Battle star Galactica the most recent series). But, we all need to earn a living and quoting the plaintive cry of Agent Molder in the X Files series “I want to believe” appears to be somewhat appealing.
The circle of atonement and forgiveness is rather attractive because in essence only that which you perceive as offenses and occasions forgiveness, needs to be addressed. The person that repeatedly smacks you in the face (literally or figuratively) is to be forgiven because this action of forgiveness is to become automatic. Notwithstanding that to err is human, but to persevere is diabolical- that would be judgmental; forgiveness is to become a force of habit (p. 245). So there is no need for a private forum such as Confession to a priest or counseling where this may be challenged. Embrace the erroneous opinion that “Buddhism is a step in the right direction because it doesn’t run away from the mind as Christianity does.” (p.103) Mark 12:30 notwithstanding: “You shall love the Lord with all your heart; with all your soul; with your entire mind; and with all your strength” and later in the passage “with all your understanding.” This is negated because Renard nullifies this in a world where the goal is to separate from the body, and the Bible got it mostly wrong according to him because of many re-writes and “rings”. Both he and Schucman dismiss and reinvent what came before and see it not only as a necessity to correct, but a need to teach others and form a new quasi-theology.
After all, navel gazing in this way is of great attraction to societies that want “cheap grace”. This is grace as doctrine and a right, rather than any kind of “sweat equity”. What is required is that grace comes at a great personal cost in actions and deeds (Dietrich Bonheoffer). This is a new age turn-off. Because that would have us accountable to others in this world, and see them as reality; and furthermore believe that personal choices have communal effects. Therein guilt may actually cause a needed metanoia (that is change in one's way of life resulting from penitence or spiritual conversion). This would in turn place responsibility on us and our actions; rather than vague new age blame on past lives for who we are, what we decide, and what we are as unique individuals (body and soul) This is because Renard says you only have two choices: true home with God or the thought of separation or individuality. In this vain, body and soul together cannot become one with God, only the soul- to say otherwise would make you a complete person- body and soul united, which is anti Renardian.
Renardian /Schucman Gnostic Doctrine; a phased-in approach:
Preparation Reinvent opposites If you think that courage is the opposite of fear; that is counter Renardian as he says Love and fear are opposite. And since evil does not exist, according to Renard and Satan hate is not the opposite of Love so there is no sin.
1) Discount anything you have learned to date; think all is an illusion; discount any debate of this view because if you want be a Renardian, you cannot confront (because “forgiveness and arguing are mutually exclusive”- no dialogue to forgiveness; toss out the Bible and any belief that God made the universe- because Renard said so (or rather the “ascended masters” he was visited by.) This applies in specific to
2) a) Genesis where God created the Universe; b) the Gospel of John where Jesus says he and God are one and transcendence is explained c) The Book of Revelations that shows we are judged (Renard forbid) and there is a happy ending. d) the “evil Catholic Church” suppressed the Gospel of Thomas and many other texts
3) Be fresh from a traumatic experience (PTSD, sickness, disease, of a loved one or self, or a death or break up.)
4) Have beliefs or a frustrated understanding of God: a) because your image of God/religion does not work the way you wanted b) does not answer all of your questions or c) help you or those you love, it cannot be right d) has churches made up of sinners like us e) see fear and love in opposition rather than forming caution until trust is gained f) and does not end the badness in the world
5) Have a broken relationship that you have to work and rationalize in an ethereal rather than real way- helpful but not statutory; (Let alone Renard divorcing after 25 years; or was this an illusion as he maintains this world is?)
6) Low self esteem is helpful, but not mandated because it may cut short your journey by suicide if too extreme.
7) Embrace the American concepts/perceptions of Buddhism and Hinduism; the first a philosophy- the second a religion; and treat them as religions that can be inserted as needed.
8) The new creed is “there is no life outside of Heaven. Where God created life, there life must be” (p.119) this is the basis for believing life created on earth and elsewhere is illusion.
9) Reinvent forgiveness because no judgment of right or wrong is needed nor admission of any wrongdoing (p.157) just say “I forgive you” and pour on the syrup.
10) Have a lousy definition of God and no fear of divine retribution as this would be “ego driven”: “Never forget that the ego is a killer, so it wants you to think God is a killer and fear him”(p.199)
11) Buy into the Holy Spirit being inactive in this world: “….the Holy Spirit doesn’t do anything in this world…….” (p.224) even if it does seem to contradict the “Holy Spirit
12) appearing as different individuals” as he said in his videos. He as Profit/Scribe Renard can contradict himself (spelling of prophet as profit intentional).
13) Buy into Freud’s ego, alter ego, and super ego of the mind……even though mainstream psychology did not and that being and essence (the science of metaphysics) is dependent on forgiveness (p.234) Kind of like saying car = fruit.
Beginners: (Younglings Padowans, and Apprentices in Jedi Speak):
1) Lump people into “dual or non dual” so as to initiate the dismissal of any religious thought that came before with Renard’s’ flourish of the pen and flap of the lips; and deny that God created the universe without any reason other than Renard’s “beings” saying so (and keep repeating this as it is a good method of subliminal seduction creating “new memories.”) And convince yourself that Arty and Percy’s rewrites of the Bible are correct, and all others are corrupted- rather easy if you rarely ever read the Bible.
2) Discount those that do not pigeonhole themselves into either dual or non dual as illusion or mad or simply unenlightened so as not to judge too harshly.
3) Dismiss religions that use the Bible as “rings that “obscure: its meaning” and the Nicene Creed as deception or error. Appropriate other items as you see fit- re incarnation, dualism inasmuch as the body is garbage or a mere shell (Klingon/Hindu philosophy) and the soul must free itself from it. But in keeping with Renardianism.
4) Discount Jesus as a being who transcended “dual/ non dual” and promised this in the end for all mankind; get used to him being called J; “because he’s just another ascended master”, so you can deride him with this one letter initial.
5) Appropriate John Lennon’s “Imagine” as a mantra (a suggestion not mandated).
6) Believe the “Ascended Masters” Arty and Percy as the new gospel as told by Renard. Learn that other opinions, ideas, and facts can be merely countered with dismissal as baseless; but do not say this out loud lest the “uninitiated” be offended and give rise to conflict and actually force you to judgment which because Renard said so- is unreality (p.61). Piously nod in the knowledge that you are attaining the lifelong goal of enlightenment while “they” are not because they are being deceived by this grand illusion we live in.
7) Develop esoteric vocabulary to include the following: “dual/non”, “Course”, “ascendance”, (etc) and equate metaphysics to a supernatural mindset of magic (magique or majick) in an alternative reality, rather than a philosophy of being and essence in this one.
8) Be a “forgive-o-not”; namely learn to parrot Renardian slogans/responses to deflect, subtly negate, deny, and dismiss all other ideas as you see fit; no need for facts as they are illusion; respond with notional “forgiveness” versus understanding or looking for factual truth; this avoids actual confrontation;
9) Buy into a reinvention of Christianity according to Renard and Schucman- God did not create the Universe and the Holy Spirit appears as saints, the virgin Mary, angels and others; rather than seeing these are all different individuals as seen in scripture. Only embrace their re invention according to Renard’s alter egos- Percy and Arty (I have permission to call them that) who were given permission to call Jesus “J” who is merely another “ascended being” (thank you Arius).
10) . Embrace the so-called revelation/opinion that “Buddhism is a step in the right direction because it doesn’t run away from the mind as Christianity does.” (p.103) Rejection of the
Old Christian order is a must; toss out any opinion of a theology of suffering because like crucifixion you do not need to learn in this way (p.114) and suffering need not be part of your life.
11) Coax out elusive “memories” and “past lives” to learn from rather than have any innovative thought or creative idea (p.145). This is especially helpful in limiting free will (which is an illusion according to Renard). So there is no need to accept responsibility for whom and what you are, and what you can become because of the choices/ circumstances you find yourself. This suppresses inner creation.
12) Remember, Christians are an easy target because they have no unified front so bad mouthing them and all their beliefs is a given; they have no collective voice.
13) See forgiveness as not based in fact or process whereby people recognize wrong, are genuinely sorry, and want to make amends if possible. Namely: (p.260) “Forgiveness recognizes what you though your brother did to you has not occurred. It does not pardon sins and make them real. It sees there was no sin, and in that view are all your sins forgiven.” (Do not mind the poor grammar; this is a direct quote), just see grace as Renardian doctrine with no sweat equity or need of conversion or repentance.
14) Caution: do not bad mouth Jews as you would be labeled anti-Semitic and this is career death; nor say anything against Muslims because they could kill you. Follow this advice, and you can play it safe as Renard has.
Intermediate: Renardian Teachers and Scholars (Jedi Masters in Star Wars Speak):
1) Create quasi sacraments: a) Confession renamed “forgiveness and circle of atonement”- all self service and introspective; only accountable to yourself b) marriage- a mere transient irrelevance that can be gotten out of for any reason and then rehashed (like Renard did). c) Anointing of the sick: not necessary; learn to tap the “collective consciousness” and forgive sickness and disease because it’s “all about you.” d) Holy Orders/ ordination - not necessary b/c everybody is their own priest and can consecrate “bread = “not real presence” and become teachers or “ascended masters” if you play it right(Mormonism) so it goes with e) baptism and d) confirmation because initiation is only needed “in Spirit” – Pentecostal religion.
2) Fend off attacks with the slogans of the Millennial Party: a) “it’s all good “(no reason to explain evil). b) “That’s your opinion “(so it does not warrant debate or establishment of facts to contradict because c) “It’s all the same” (so differences do not exist because opinion= fact; speech and silence are the same) d) “whatever”– this resignation helps because you cannot engage in dialog because it is contrary to Renardianism if it leads to disagreement e) and facts are not relevant because this world is an illusion (this argues by self refutation, but you must embrace it). f) “It’s all good” because bad and evil are only illusions; all is one…..
3) Tap into the “collective unconsciousness” that Dune authors called the “Ever mind” which was nicknamed the Never mind (a Gnostic approach because there is a certain esoteric knowledge that only the “adepts” can access beyond this “illusion” world because they were visited by aeons (called ascended beings to give us something to shoot for.
4) Ignore the fact that human beings and their institutions are flawed and capable of mistakes because this is also illusion; they can become God and create their own miracles.
5) Dismiss the past 2000 years of anything that came before because “even though the world is just as insane as it was 2000 years ago, it’s now in a position to learn more” (p.150); this is not a dismissive and condescending judgment because it comes from Renard……
6) People like Stalin, Hitler, Mao should not be judged as bad or condemned (half a billion people that they sent to their deaths): (p.231) because “Whenever you condemn people, your salvation is off to a flying stop” Remember “It’s all good!”
7) Discount the Bible book of Revelations because Renard said that (p.266) “the experience of Revelation is beyond this world and cannot be captured with words.” And, discount that even the fact of mentioning such a quote argues by self refutation.
8) Repeat mantra of “this world is an illusion”.
9) See disease/ sickness as made by your mind (p.301). (but do not see this as your fault as you have no free will) and the cure is “forgiveness” and not homeopathic medicine ….
10) Accept the division of time as man made because all is one (no differences) (p. 317)
11) Salvation is a decision you make right now (p.323) (now is not a division of time) your decision (not God because that would be judgmental)- we can all hold hands and go to heaven singing kumbaya because we will it.
12) Evolution appears to happen (p.328). Notwithstanding the lack of any intermediate species both animal and human does tend to confirm this as a dream; that is why it’s called a theory. And the monkeys (not the rock group) will become small humans…
13) Deny your corporeal self (p.349): “you are not a body” and “what you desire is valueless” Link celibacy to pedophilia even though there is no known correlation- this is a popular concept and wins followers. It is also safe because Catholics have no anti
defamation league like the Jews or a radical front like most of Islam which would take action (p.360) and ignore that marriage is not for everybody, neither is being single.
Scholars or Teachers (Advanced or Experts)
Wapnick, Renard, and Jesus (those that have or will “ascend” or “crossover” in - Jedi Speak and have been blessed off as such by New Agers in books or online) Embrace that you are “a shadow briefly laid upon a dying world” (as sad and negative as this indictment is) (p.365) and not an individual (p.390) and you are now ready for the final 12 step approach to maintained by a reworked concept of miracles (p.102) as “the only device at your disposal for controlling time, and a substitute for learning which would have taken a thousand years”
1) Continue insertion of Hinduism, Buddhism, and spiritism as Renard does; the average western monotheist will not know fact from fiction which does not matter in this illusory world.
2) Continual dismissal of those that passionately disagree as uninitiated/un enlightened or pre conditioned to violence and therefore no matter what they say, it is wrong when it conflicts with Renardism or ACIM’s Schucman. All conflict is wrong even being confronted by facts as they are an illusion, so let people have their own beliefs because you need defend nothing: (p.369).
3) Memorize/parrot Renardian quotes of “all is illusion”, deception by other religions (save a buffet smattering of Hinduism and Buddhism) this is a great defense and cave to retreat into whenever confronted with reason or facts outside of this gnosis.
4) Ignore Rene Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy where the “all is an illusion” myth was already solved with “Cogito ergo sum”- “I think therefore I am” and that differences do exist. After all you are your own person; society and such reasoning is part of the illusion ) speaking, non speaking and differences are all one,
5) Remove all vestiges of common sense or reason or other facts outside of Renardianism because all this is illusory; “do as thou wilt lest ye harm none” (but do not judge what this means).
6) Stop celebrating Christmas, Easter, and other “religious” celebrations and your birthday as they are not consistent with your new found concept of reality; and they cost.
7) Never confront people that oppose Renardianism; even if faced with facts.
8) If heinous crimes are committed against your or your loved ones, do not pursue these acts through the legal system (p.250) as this would lead to judgment and impede the path of forgiveness and entrance into the “circle of atonement.” Forgive no matter what because this world is a nightmare: (p.375). Appropriate the Bible passage that you should forgive your brother many times (Matthew 18:21-22) and accept the Renardian re write: “extend the same forgiveness to your brothers and sisters that God extends to you. That’s how
9) you make it yours.” The last phrase is important because even if you re-write other people’s statements, you can make them yours and they appear as new or attractive.
10) Discount the following Principle of non-contradiction as another illusion:
a) If a statement is true, it's true.
b) A statement is either true or false.
c) A statement cannot be true and false at the same time in the same sense.
10) Listening to the esoteric word and becoming “them” is the goal (vague Nirvana “all is illusion” and appropriation of Hinduism and Buddhism as you see fit and “enlightenment” is tapping into and beyond the veil (Hinduism and Mormonism) followed by a total loss of the person as an individual. Adherence to a Course in Miracles* as a daily meditation is a must The person joins the God Generic and hence becomes one with God; and in deed and fact- God himself.
11) Do all this, and only then, true Ascension will you achieve…….. Become an Ascended Master you will!!!!
Addendum :
*Enter a source called A Course in Miracles: Book for “Teachers and Scholars” vaguely referred to by the Profit Renard (but not really followed) and written by disgruntled Columbia University Professors and medical psychologists Schucman (Ex Jew turned atheist turned generic post Christian Theist) and Thetford (ex Christian Scientist turned generic post Christian Theist) This is nicknamed ACIM and indexed like a Bible for further referencing and legitimacy of the work. Done so, I believe, because the Torah and Bible we given cursory and superficial readings by these professors so despite their differences in theological upbringing, they felt an overwhelming need to come up with a new “scripture” from Jesus which until both had passed on, they did not tie their names to. I first saw this book among seminarians at Theological College and until I revisited it this time around, recognized it as a body of works called “revisionist/post Christian” writings; “revisionist” is used in this light because of seeing the mind and body in opposition to one another and an arbitrary re-write of Bible writings similar to Renard; less condescending but without the most of the vehemence. Post Christian is used because it all comes after conventional Christianity and merely mentions Jesus’ name but then become a complete refutation of the Christ.
ACIM Process:
1) Scholars: Judeo Christian rewrite and equating self with God: (p.222) “No miracle denied to those who are one with God.”
2) Teachers you continue study of this and if good enough teach and maybe have a pupil or three. A helpful stepping stone that when used rightly can help a person
where nothing (or very little) was present in terms of a belief and feed your ego as a person of Gnostic importance. Plus you have something to shoot for.
3) 365 Humanistic//theistic daily meditations for reading consisting of a smattering of the “historical Jesus”, mentioning’s of the Holy Spirit, and the ever present mantra of seeing mind and body as opposed to one another and not united (body is bad, mind is not) all this is introspective and protective of doing anything outside of oneself because all conflict is seen as getting in the way.
4) This being said, the most redeeming more enlightening part of this book is its last chapter on psychotherapy; Christianity and the purpose and methodology of linking them together, is put forth in a very usable and pastoral way. Herein is a term used in this age: “Christian counseling” as opposed to merely “secular” counseling, would be more a more appropriate term. Only people who worked, taught, and practiced in the field of psychology could have developed and hashed this out so succinctly and methodically. They actually succeeded in a goal oriented approach that could implement Reinhold Niebuhr’s Serenity prayer**, but stop short for some “yin and yang” purpose and see the body as an enemy. Perhaps this is done so as to not to parallel Christianity or Judaism to much lest ACIM be considered a rehash of those two religious bents.
Alone and expanded this section would have been very helpful in the field of Psychology as an alternative to the “chemical restraint/ behavioral modifying meds” that are being used to deal with people’s sufferings and problems. But then the chapter falls into the reinvention of scripture in saying that belief in God is not necessary. It does beg the question of “can Atheists go to heaven? Answer: why would they want to be part of a thing they do not believe exists????
Aside from this chapter, now a word of caution: If this book is used in the wrong way where the mind and reason run unimpeded by what the book proposes, backsliding to Judaism or Christianity may result; whereby the mind, soul, spirit, and body are united as individuals, and free will is restored to make sense out of an often senseless, unfair, sometimes sick, and warring world. This happens only if the premise of ascent into nothingness (nihilism) is ignored and self love and that of others is seen as on ongoing process of mutual love and the taking into account all the imperfections of a rather real universe and of one another. Altruism may then result!!! And Renard and Schucman (a CIA mind control expert) Thetford forbid- you may go back to the Bible as the true authority on scripture and the Holy Spirit rather than the “other” not so holy voices!!!!