Lee Flynn
2011-04-27 19:10:54 UTC
Hi Pieter...
Only our miscreative BELIEF about time & space is the
consequence of the belief in separation, imo. In the early part
of the Urtext, we learn some very important things about man,
who we're told can be healed of the belief in separation, while
yet experiencing time and space from the perspective of
"celestial order" (without miscreative error of thought).
109. Christ inspires all miracles, which are essentially
intercessions. They intercede for man's holiness, and make
him holy. They place man beyond the physical laws, and raise
him into the sphere of celestial order. In this order, man
IS perfect.
And the Separation is defined in ACIM as itself the consequence
of the mind's dissociative split, whereby man "deprived
himself" of (or forgot) his access to truth and wholeness.
299. Until the Separation, which is a better term than the
Fall, nothing was lacking. This meant that man had no needs
at all. If he had not deprived himself, he would never have
experienced them.
300. After the Separation, needs became the most powerful
source of motivation for human action....
304. Separation from God is the only lack he really needs to
correct. But his Separation would never have occurred if he
had not distorted his perception of truth, and thus
perceived himself as lacking.
The Author of this course has stated that he was "a man who
remembered the Soul," and thus overcame the twin miscreations
of fear and the belief in separation - both of which had
resulted from having 'forgotten' the wholeness of that Identity
as Soul.
712. .... I was a man who remembered the Soul and its
knowledge. .... I demonstrated both the powerlessness of the
body AND the power of the mind, by uniting MY will with that
of my Creator, which naturally remembered the Soul and its
own real purpose.
Part of the Soul's purpose is said to involve episodes across
physical creation, "as a learning experience in gaining Grace."
And procreative sex is said to provide "new homes for Souls."
(That hardly allows for considering the phenomenal world a
fundamental miscreation of the mind's belief in separation.)
230. Sex was intended as an instrument for physical creation
to enable Souls to embark on new chapters in their
experience, and thus improve their record....
231. It was an aid to the artist in his own creative
endeavors. As he made new homes for Souls and guided them
thru the period of their own developmental readiness, he
learned the role of the father himself. *The whole process
was set up as a learning experience in gaining Grace*.
236. Child of God, you were created to create the good, the
beautiful, and the holy. Do not lose sight of this.
Also, we're told that Atonement of the mind undoes (or heals)
the Separation, and provides man "the one defense against all
separation-mind errors." (para. 466)
465. For perfect effectiveness, the chalice of the Atonement
belongs at the center of the inner altar, where it *undoes
the Separation*, and restores the wholeness of the Spirit.
Before the Separation, the mind was invulnerable to fear,
because fear did not exist. Both the Separation and the fear
were MISCREATIONS of the mind, which have to be undone.
This is what the Bible means by the "Restoration of the Temple".
It DOES NOT mean the restoration of the building, but it
DOES mean the opening of the altar to receive the Atonement.
*466. This heals the Separation, and places *within man* the
one defense against all separation-mind errors which can
make him perfectly invulnerable.
If time & space were themselves the <result> of the
Separation, in what sense could humanity be other than a
miscreation? And how then would physical procreation be
required, that Souls be given homes for this "learning
experience to gain Grace"?
The 'lucid approach' to time and space clarifies that ACIM
describes a pristine version of the phenomenal world --
experienced without "separation-mind errors." The pristine
world may be thought of as a holy Creation-dream, whereby "all
living things" that God created be granted an episode in
manifest life -- which would never violate the celestial order
but for the onset of the mind's dissociative split, and
subsequent belief in separation.
IOW, there is nothing inherent in the mind's experience of the
phenomenal world that imposes the errant belief in separation.
Nor is the phenomenal world described as a <consequence of>
the Separation. Instead, the Separation is described as a
distorted <version> of the mind's encounter with the Creation-
dream that is the phenomenal world.
~ Lee
Isn't the very existence of time (and space and matter)
a consequence of the belief in separation?
I don't think so, Pieter.a consequence of the belief in separation?
Only our miscreative BELIEF about time & space is the
consequence of the belief in separation, imo. In the early part
of the Urtext, we learn some very important things about man,
who we're told can be healed of the belief in separation, while
yet experiencing time and space from the perspective of
"celestial order" (without miscreative error of thought).
109. Christ inspires all miracles, which are essentially
intercessions. They intercede for man's holiness, and make
him holy. They place man beyond the physical laws, and raise
him into the sphere of celestial order. In this order, man
IS perfect.
And the Separation is defined in ACIM as itself the consequence
of the mind's dissociative split, whereby man "deprived
himself" of (or forgot) his access to truth and wholeness.
299. Until the Separation, which is a better term than the
Fall, nothing was lacking. This meant that man had no needs
at all. If he had not deprived himself, he would never have
experienced them.
300. After the Separation, needs became the most powerful
source of motivation for human action....
304. Separation from God is the only lack he really needs to
correct. But his Separation would never have occurred if he
had not distorted his perception of truth, and thus
perceived himself as lacking.
The Author of this course has stated that he was "a man who
remembered the Soul," and thus overcame the twin miscreations
of fear and the belief in separation - both of which had
resulted from having 'forgotten' the wholeness of that Identity
as Soul.
712. .... I was a man who remembered the Soul and its
knowledge. .... I demonstrated both the powerlessness of the
body AND the power of the mind, by uniting MY will with that
of my Creator, which naturally remembered the Soul and its
own real purpose.
Part of the Soul's purpose is said to involve episodes across
physical creation, "as a learning experience in gaining Grace."
And procreative sex is said to provide "new homes for Souls."
(That hardly allows for considering the phenomenal world a
fundamental miscreation of the mind's belief in separation.)
230. Sex was intended as an instrument for physical creation
to enable Souls to embark on new chapters in their
experience, and thus improve their record....
231. It was an aid to the artist in his own creative
endeavors. As he made new homes for Souls and guided them
thru the period of their own developmental readiness, he
learned the role of the father himself. *The whole process
was set up as a learning experience in gaining Grace*.
236. Child of God, you were created to create the good, the
beautiful, and the holy. Do not lose sight of this.
Also, we're told that Atonement of the mind undoes (or heals)
the Separation, and provides man "the one defense against all
separation-mind errors." (para. 466)
465. For perfect effectiveness, the chalice of the Atonement
belongs at the center of the inner altar, where it *undoes
the Separation*, and restores the wholeness of the Spirit.
Before the Separation, the mind was invulnerable to fear,
because fear did not exist. Both the Separation and the fear
were MISCREATIONS of the mind, which have to be undone.
This is what the Bible means by the "Restoration of the Temple".
It DOES NOT mean the restoration of the building, but it
DOES mean the opening of the altar to receive the Atonement.
*466. This heals the Separation, and places *within man* the
one defense against all separation-mind errors which can
make him perfectly invulnerable.
If time & space were themselves the <result> of the
Separation, in what sense could humanity be other than a
miscreation? And how then would physical procreation be
required, that Souls be given homes for this "learning
experience to gain Grace"?
The 'lucid approach' to time and space clarifies that ACIM
describes a pristine version of the phenomenal world --
experienced without "separation-mind errors." The pristine
world may be thought of as a holy Creation-dream, whereby "all
living things" that God created be granted an episode in
manifest life -- which would never violate the celestial order
but for the onset of the mind's dissociative split, and
subsequent belief in separation.
IOW, there is nothing inherent in the mind's experience of the
phenomenal world that imposes the errant belief in separation.
Nor is the phenomenal world described as a <consequence of>
the Separation. Instead, the Separation is described as a
distorted <version> of the mind's encounter with the Creation-
dream that is the phenomenal world.
~ Lee