Post by John RadgoskyPost by CarrieWhat is the point, why does one have to "prove" God?
When it's cast in stone that within an instant of the time a person is
born, it is inevitable that person will die, once the person discovers
an ability to use the rational mind , it's reasonable for such a
person so doomed to the act of dying to begin to ask ... "what's it
all about , Alfie?".
And looking for proof to some of the speculated answers is just one
method of testing those answers to that time old question.
Don't drive yourself nuts wondering what the point is. The syndrome
itself is it's own point. It's part of the grand illusion in play.
A nano second before you die, you will have to contend with the bigger
question. What has been the point of your existence? Better to start
to grasp with that one now, rather than later. Just in case there IS
a point and it might be useful to discover it.
Dwell on that one, It's closer to home and much more personal,
despite the redundancy in that statement.
I once knew someone, well, through letters, I connected with through a
Course Penpal list, who soon after we started corresponding learned she has
"incurable" cancer. We continued to write, as she shared her experiences
with this, and all the wonderful things that happened. The people who
helped, she and her husband renewing their marriage vows, the insights she
was getting. At one point someone else had to write for her, and then I
didn't hear anymore again.
One thing she wanted to make sure I knew, and passed on to anyone
interested in hearing it, as she got closer to leaving her body, was (she
felt) the course concept that is correct and says it all, "only the Love is
I guess that is the only point I need to remember. Even when I often get
distracted from it and off track, especially on these groups. The ego issues
and going in circles about things and who is "right or wrong" and how we
think we know another by the words we read on our computer monitor don't
mean anything at all. In the long run, and probably the short, too.
Though they have value if they point us in the direction of "only the
Love is Real".